/// <summary>
        /// Probe the given black box, and record the responses in <paramref name="responseArr"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="box">The black box to probe.</param>
        /// <param name="responseArr">Response array.</param>
        public void Probe(IBlackBox <double> box, double[] responseArr)
            Debug.Assert(responseArr.Length == _paramSamplingInfo.SampleResolution);

            double[] xArr = _paramSamplingInfo.XArrNetwork;
            for (int i = 0; i < xArr.Length; i++)
                // Reset black box internal state.

                // Set bias input, and function input value.
                box.InputVector[0] = 1.0;
                box.InputVector[1] = xArr[i];

                // Activate the black box.

                // Get the black box's output value.
                // TODO: Review this scheme. This replicates the behaviour in SharpNEAT 2.x but not sure if it's ideal,
                // for one it depends on the output range of the neural net activation function in use.
                double output = box.OutputVector[0];
                Clip(ref output);
                responseArr[i] = ((output - 0.5) * _scale) + _offset;
        private static void TwoInputs_WeightHalf_Inner(
            IBlackBox <double> net,
            IActivationFunction <double> actFn)
            double x;

            // Activate and test.
            net.InputVector[0] = 0.0;
            net.InputVector[1] = 0.0;
            Assert.Equal(0.5, net.OutputVector[0]);

            // Activate and test.
            net.InputVector[0] = 1.0;
            net.InputVector[1] = 2.0;
            x = 1.5; actFn.Fn(ref x);
            Assert.Equal(x, net.OutputVector[0]);

            // Activate and test.
            net.InputVector[0] = 10.0;
            net.InputVector[1] = 20.0;
            x = 15.0; actFn.Fn(ref x);
            Assert.Equal(x, net.OutputVector[0]);
Exemple #3
    /// <summary>
    /// Probe the given black box, and record the responses in <paramref name="responseArr"/>.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="box">The black box to probe.</param>
    /// <param name="responseArr">Response array.</param>
    public void Probe(IBlackBox <double> box, double[] responseArr)
        Debug.Assert(responseArr.Length == _sampleCount);

        // Reset black box internal state.

        // Get the blackbox input and output spans.
        var inputs  = box.Inputs.Span;
        var outputs = box.Outputs.Span;

        // Take the required number of samples.
        for (int i = 0; i < _sampleCount; i++)
            // Set bias input.
            inputs[0] = 1.0;

            // Activate the black box.

            // Get the black box's output value.
            // TODO: Review this scheme. This replicates the behaviour in SharpNEAT 2.x but not sure if it's ideal,
            // for one it depends on the output range of the neural net activation function in use.
            double output = outputs[0];
            Clip(ref output);
            responseArr[i] = ((output - 0.5) * _scale) + _offset;
        private double[] activate(IBlackBox box, IEnumerable <double> inputs, double[] outputs)

            // Give inputs to the network
            var nodeId = 0;

            foreach (var input in inputs)
                box.InputSignalArray[nodeId++] = input;

            // Activate the network and get outputs back
            box.OutputSignalArray.CopyTo(outputs, 0);

            // Normalize outputs when using NEAT
            if (phenotype == Phenotype.Neat)
                for (var i = 0; i < outputs.Count(); i++)
                    outputs[i] = (outputs[i] + 1.0) / 2.0;
Exemple #5
        private void RemoveExistingExperiment()
            if (_ea != null)

            if (_experiment != null)

            _experiment = null;
            _ea         = null;

            _experimentArgs = null;
            _hyperneatArgs  = null;

            _harness     = null;
            _harnessArgs = null;
            _evalArgs    = null;

            _winningBrain = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluate the provided black box against the function regression task,
        /// and return its fitness score.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="box">The black box to evaluate.</param>
        /// <returns>A new instance of <see cref="FitnessInfo"/>.</returns>
        public FitnessInfo Evaluate(IBlackBox <double> box)
            // Probe the black box over the full range of the input parameter.
            _blackBoxProbe.Probe(box, _yArr);

            // Calc gradients.
            FuncRegressionUtils.CalcGradients(_paramSamplingInfo, _yArr, _gradientArr);

            // Calc y position mean squared error (MSE), and apply weighting.
            double yMse = MathSpanUtils.MeanSquaredDelta(_yArr, _yArrTarget);

            yMse *= _yMseWeight;

            // Calc gradient mean squared error.
            double gradientMse = MathSpanUtils.MeanSquaredDelta(_gradientArr, _gradientArrTarget);

            gradientMse *= _gradientMseWeight;

            // Calc fitness as the inverse of MSE (higher value is fitter).
            // Add a constant to avoid divide by zero, and to constrain the fitness range between bad and good solutions;
            // this allows the selection strategy to select solutions that are mediocre and therefore helps preserve diversity.
            double fitness = 20.0 / (yMse + gradientMse + 0.02);

            return(new FitnessInfo(fitness));
Exemple #7
        private ForagingAgent getAgent(int i, IBlackBox phenome)
            switch (AgentType)
            case AgentTypes.Neural:
                return(new NeuralAgent(i, _genomeList[i].SpecieIdx, phenome, _agentsNavigate, _agentsHide));

            case AgentTypes.Social:
                var a = new SocialAgent(i, _genomeList[i].SpecieIdx, phenome, _agentsNavigate, _agentsHide,
                                        sar => sar.Last.Value.Reward > 0)
                    MemorySize = CurrentMemorySize
                var network = (FastCyclicNetwork)phenome;
                network.Momentum             = ((SocialAgent)a).Momentum;
                network.BackpropLearningRate = ((SocialAgent)a).LearningRate;

            case AgentTypes.QLearning:
                return(new QLearningAgent(i, _genomeList[i].SpecieIdx, phenome, _agentsNavigate, _agentsHide,
                                          8, 4, _world));

            case AgentTypes.Spinning:
                return(new SpinningAgent(i));

Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluate the provided black box against the cart and double pole balancing task,
        /// and return its fitness score.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="box">The black box to evaluate.</param>
        /// <returns>A new instance of <see cref="FitnessInfo"/>.</returns>
        public FitnessInfo Evaluate(IBlackBox <double> box)
            // The evaluation consists of four separate trials, each with their own fitness score.
            // The final overall fitness is given by the root mean squared (RMS) fitness. Using an RMS
            // score ensures that improvements in the worst scoring trial are prioritised (by evolution) over
            // a similar level of improvement in a better scoring trial. RMS also has the nice quality of giving
            // a maximum overall fitness that is equal to the max fitness for a single trial.

            // Keep a running sum of the squared fitness scores.
            float fitnessSqrSum = 0f;

            // Trial 1.
            float fitness = RunTrial(box, 0.0f, DegreesToRadians(1f), 0f);

            fitnessSqrSum += fitness * fitness;

            // Trial 2.
            fitness        = RunTrial(box, 0.0f, DegreesToRadians(4f), 0f);
            fitnessSqrSum += fitness * fitness;

            // Trial 3.
            fitness        = RunTrial(box, 0.0f, DegreesToRadians(-2f), 0f);
            fitnessSqrSum += fitness * fitness;

            // Trial 4.
            fitness        = RunTrial(box, 0.0f, DegreesToRadians(-3f), 0f);
            fitnessSqrSum += fitness * fitness;

            // Calculate the final overall fitness score.
            // Take the mean of the sum of squared fitnesses, and then take the square root.
            fitness = MathF.Sqrt(fitnessSqrSum / 4f);
            return(new FitnessInfo(fitness));
Exemple #9
    public double[] GetChampOutput(int nodeDepth, int nodeSiblingNum, int maxDepth, int maxBranching)
        IGenomeDecoder <NeatGenome, IBlackBox> decoder = experiment.CreateGenomeDecoder();
        IBlackBox box = decoder.Decode(contentEA.CurrentChampGenome);

        // Normalize nodeDepth and nodeSiblingNum to range of 0-1. This may affect outputs?
        double normDepth = (double)nodeDepth / (double)maxDepth;
        double normSib;

        if (nodeDepth == 0)
            normSib = 0;             // Only one node at depth 0, prevent a divide by 0 error
            normSib = (double)nodeSiblingNum / (double)(Mathf.Pow(maxBranching, nodeDepth) - 1);

        box.InputSignalArray[0] = normDepth;
        box.InputSignalArray[1] = normSib;


        //Debug.Log("(" + normDepth + "," + normSib + ") -> (" + box.OutputSignalArray[0] + "," + box.OutputSignalArray[1] + "," + box.OutputSignalArray[2] + ","
        //+ box.OutputSignalArray[3] + "," + box.OutputSignalArray[4] + "," + box.OutputSignalArray[5] + ")");
        double[] outputs = new double[box.OutputCount];
        for (int i = 0; i < box.OutputCount; i++)
            outputs[i] = box.OutputSignalArray[i];

Exemple #10
 public BrainToMalmoController(IBlackBox givenBrain, ProgramMalmo givenMalmo)
     programMalmo = givenMalmo;
     brain = givenBrain;
     programMalmo.ObservationsEvent += new EventHandler <ObservationEventArgs>(WhenObservationsEvent);
Exemple #11
    public void Evaluate(IBlackBox box)
        // Random starting point in radius 20
        Vector3 dir = new Vector3(UnityEngine.Random.Range(-1f, 1f), 0, UnityEngine.Random.Range(-1f, 1f));
        Vector3 pos = dir.normalized * 20;

        pos.y = 1;
        GameObject         obj  = Instantiate(Robot, pos, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
        TrainingController robo = obj.GetComponent <TrainingController>();

        Target.transform.position   = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
        Target.transform.localScale = new Vector3(Settings.Brain.TargetSize, 2, Settings.Brain.TargetSize);
        dict.Add(box, robo);

        if (Settings.Brain.MultipleTargets)
            GameObject t = Instantiate(Target, new Vector3(0, 1, 0), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
            t.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
            TargetController tc = t.AddComponent <TargetController>();
            targetDict.Add(robo, tc);
            robo.Activate(box, t);
            robo.Activate(box, Target);
        evaluationStartTime = 0;
 public void SetBrains(IBlackBox _brain1, IBlackBox _brain2, IBlackBox _brain3, IBlackBox _brain4)
     this.brain1 = _brain1;
     this.brain2 = _brain2;
     this.brain3 = _brain3;
     this.brain4 = _brain4;
Exemple #13
        private void RedrawGraph(NeatGenome genome)
            IBlackBox box = _experiment.GetBlackBox(genome);

            Color trueColor  = panPlot.TrueColor;
            Color falseColor = panPlot.FalseColor;

            var samples = Enumerable.Range(0, 1000).
                          Select(o =>
                Vector3D pos = Math3D.GetRandomVector(new Vector3D(0, 0, 0), new Vector3D(1, 1, 1));


                box.InputSignalArray[0] = pos.X;
                box.InputSignalArray[1] = pos.Y;
                box.InputSignalArray[2] = pos.Z;


                double percent = box.OutputSignalArray[0];

                Color color = UtilityWPF.AlphaBlend(trueColor, falseColor, percent);

                return(Tuple.Create(pos.ToPoint(), color));

            panPlot.AddDots(samples, .01, false);
Exemple #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Refresh/update the view with the provided genome.
        /// </summary>
        public override void RefreshView(object genome)
            NeatGenome neatGenome = genome as NeatGenome;

            if (null == neatGenome)

            // Decode genome.
            IBlackBox box = _genomeDecoder.Decode(neatGenome);

            // Probe the black box.
            _blackBoxProbe.Probe(box, _yArrTarget);

            // Update plot points.
            double[] xArr = _paramSamplingInfo._xArr;
            for (int i = 0; i < xArr.Length; i++)
                if (!_generativeMode)
                    box.InputSignalArray[0] = xArr[i];
                _plotPointListResponse[i].Y = _yArrTarget[i];

            // Trigger graph to redraw.
        private EvaluationInfo Test(IBlackBox phenome, int iterations)
            Controller.NoveltySearch  = NoveltySearchInfo;
            Environment.NoveltySearch = NoveltySearchInfo;

            Controller.Phenome = phenome;

            // Deactivate novelty search for testing
            bool novelty = NoveltySearchInfo.ScoreNovelty;

            NoveltySearchInfo.ScoreNovelty = false;

            EvaluationInfo evaluation = new EvaluationInfo();

            evaluation.Iterations         = iterations;
            evaluation.ObjectiveFitnessIt = new double[iterations];

            EvaluateRecord(Controller, iterations, ref evaluation);

            CalculateTestStats(ref evaluation);


            NoveltySearchInfo.ScoreNovelty = novelty;

            Controller.Phenome = null;

        private static void SingleInput_WeightOne_Inner(
            IBlackBox <double> net,
            IActivationFunction <double> actFn)
            // Activate and test.
            net.InputVector[0] = 0.0;
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                Assert.Equal(0.5, net.OutputVector[0]);

            // Activate and test.
            net.InputVector[0] = 1.0;
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                Assert.Equal(actFn.Fn(1), net.OutputVector[0]);

            // Activate and test.
            net.InputVector[0] = 10.0;
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                Assert.Equal(actFn.Fn(10), net.OutputVector[0]);
Exemple #17
        /// <summary>
        /// IBlackBox can't be directly deserialized, so it takes a village of properties to construct it
        /// </summary>
        private static (IBlackBox phenome, NeatGenome genome)? DeserializeBrain(BrainNEATDNA dna)
            if (dna == null)
            else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dna.Genome) || dna.Activation == null)

            List <NeatGenome> genomeList = null;

                // Deserialize the genome (sharpneat library has a custom serialize/deserialize)
                if (dna.Hyper == null)
                    genomeList = ExperimentNEATBase.LoadPopulation(dna.Genome, dna.Activation, dna.NEATPositions_Input.Length, dna.NEATPositions_Output.Length);
                    genomeList = ExperimentNEATBase.LoadPopulation(dna.Genome, dna.Activation, dna.Hyper);

                if (genomeList == null || genomeList.Count == 0)

                // Construct the phenome (the actual instance of a neural net)
                IBlackBox phenome = ExperimentNEATBase.GetBlackBox(genomeList[0], dna.Activation, dna.Hyper);

                return(phenome, genomeList[0]);
Exemple #18
 public NeuralAI(int inps, int outps, Random rand, IBlackBox net)
     random     = rand;
     inputsNum  = inps;
     outputsNum = outps;
     network    = net;
Exemple #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Refresh/update the view with the provided genome.
        /// </summary>
        public override void RefreshView(object genome)
            NeatGenome neatGenome = genome as NeatGenome;

            if (null == neatGenome)

            // Decode genome.
            IBlackBox box = _genomeDecoder.Decode(neatGenome);

            // Update plot points.
            double x = _xMin;

            for (int i = 0; i < _sampleCount; i++, x += _xIncr)
                box.InputSignalArray[0] = x;
                _plotPointListResponse[i].Y = box.OutputSignalArray[0];

            // Trigger graph to redraw.
Exemple #20
        public FitnessInfo Test(IBlackBox box)
            double fitness, altFitness;

            //these are our inputs and outputs
            ISignalArray inputArr  = box.InputSignalArray;
            ISignalArray outputArr = box.OutputSignalArray;

            List <Sample> sampleList  = LEEAParams.DOMAIN.getTestSamples();
            int           sampleCount = sampleList.Count;

            fitness = sampleList.Count;

            foreach (Sample sample in sampleList)
                inputArr.CopyFrom(sample.Inputs, 0);

                fitness -= Math.Abs(outputArr[0] - sample.Outputs[0]) * Math.Abs(outputArr[0] - sample.Outputs[0]);

            fitness = Math.Max(fitness, LEEAParams.MINFITNESS) + LEEAParams.FITNESSBASE;
            return(new FitnessInfo(fitness, 0));
        /// <summary>
        /// Invoke any required control logic in the Box2D world.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void InvokeController()
            // Provide state info to the black box inputs.
            InvertedDoublePendulumWorld simWorld = (InvertedDoublePendulumWorld)_simWorld;
            // _box is updated by other threads so copy the reference so that we know we are workign with the same IBlackBox within this method.
            IBlackBox box = _box;

            box.InputSignalArray[0] = simWorld.CartPosX / __TrackLengthHalf;     // CartPosX range is +-trackLengthHalf. Here we normalize it to [-1,1].
            box.InputSignalArray[1] = simWorld.CartVelocityX;                    // Cart track velocity x is typically +-0.75.

            box.InputSignalArray[2] = simWorld.CartJointAngle / __TwelveDegrees; // Rescale angle to match range of values during balancing.
            box.InputSignalArray[3] = simWorld.CartJointAngularVelocity;         // Pole angular velocity is typically +-1.0 radians. No scaling required.

            box.InputSignalArray[4] = simWorld.ElbowJointAngle / __TwelveDegrees;
            box.InputSignalArray[5] = simWorld.ElbowJointAngularVelocity;

            // Activate the network.

            // Read the network's force signal output.
            // FIXME: Force mag should be configurable somewhere.
            float force = (float)(box.OutputSignalArray[0] - 0.5f) * __MaxForceNewtonsX2;

    private static void TwoInputs_WeightHalf_Inner(
        IBlackBox <double> net,
        IActivationFunction <double> actFn)
        double x;
        var    inputs  = net.Inputs.Span;
        var    outputs = net.Outputs.Span;

        // Activate and test.
        inputs[0] = 0.0;
        inputs[1] = 0.0;
        Assert.Equal(0.5, outputs[0]);

        // Activate and test.
        inputs[0] = 1.0;
        inputs[1] = 2.0;
        x = 1.5; actFn.Fn(ref x);
        Assert.Equal(x, outputs[0]);

        // Activate and test.
        inputs[0] = 10.0;
        inputs[1] = 20.0;
        x = 15.0; actFn.Fn(ref x);
        Assert.Equal(x, outputs[0]);
Exemple #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Run a single cart-pole simulation/trial on the given black box, and with the given initial model state.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="box">The black box (neural net) to evaluate.</param>
        /// <param name="cartPos">Cart position on the track.</param>
        /// <param name="poleAngle1">Pole 1 angle in radians.</param>
        /// <param name="poleAngle2">Pole 2 angle in radians.</param>
        /// <returns>Fitness score.</returns>
        public float RunTrial(
            IBlackBox <double> box,
            float cartPos,
            float poleAngle1,
            float poleAngle2)
            // Reset black box state.

            // Reset model state.
            _physics.ResetState(cartPos, poleAngle1, poleAngle2);

            // Get a local variable ref to the internal model state array.
            float[] state = _physics.State;

            // Run the cart-pole simulation.
            int timestep = 0;

            for (; timestep < _maxTimesteps; timestep++)
                // Provide model state to the black box inputs (normalised to +-1.0).
                box.InputVector[0] = 1.0;                                     // Bias input.
                box.InputVector[1] = state[0] * __TrackLengthHalf_Reciprocal; // Cart X position range is +-__TrackLengthHalf; here we normalize to [-1,1].
                box.InputVector[2] = state[1];                                // Cart velocity. Typical range is approx. +-10.
                box.InputVector[3] = state[2] * __MaxPoleAngle_Reciprocal;    // Pole 1 angle. Range is +-__MaxPoleAngle radians; here we normalize to [-1,1].
                box.InputVector[4] = state[3] * 0.2;                          // Pole 1 angular velocity. Typical range is approx. +-5.
                box.InputVector[5] = state[4] * __MaxPoleAngle_Reciprocal;    // Pole 2 angle.
                box.InputVector[6] = state[5] * 0.2;                          // Pole 2 angular velocity.

                // Activate the network.

                // Read the output to determine the force to be applied to the cart by the controller.
                float force = (float)(box.OutputVector[0] - 0.5) * 2f;
                ClipForce(ref force);
                force *= __MaxForce;

                // Update model state, i.e. move the model forward by one timestep.

                // Check for failure state. I.e. has the cart run off the ends of the track, or has either of the pole
                // angles exceeded the defined threshold.
                if (MathF.Abs(state[0]) > __TrackLengthHalf || MathF.Abs(state[2]) > __MaxPoleAngle || MathF.Abs(state[4]) > __MaxPoleAngle)

            // Fitness is given by the combination of two fitness components:
            // 1) Amount of simulation time that elapsed before the pole angle and/or cart position threshold was exceeded. Max score is 99 if the
            //    end of the trial is reached without exceeding any thresholds.
            // 2) Cart position component. Max fitness of 1.0 for a cart position of zero (i.e. the cart is in the middle of the track range);
            // Therefore the maximum possible fitness is 100.0.
            float fitness =
                (timestep * _maxTimesteps_Reciprocal * 99f)
                + (1f - (MathF.Min(MathF.Abs(state[0]), __TrackLengthHalf) * __TrackLengthHalf_Reciprocal));

        private double[] activate(IBlackBox box, IList <double> inputs, double[] outputs)

            // Give inputs to the network
            var nodeId = 0;

            foreach (var input in inputs)
                box.InputSignalArray[nodeId++] = input;

            // Activate the network and get outputs back
            box.OutputSignalArray.CopyTo(outputs, 0);

            // Normalize outputs when using NEAT
            if (phenotype == Phenotype.Neat)
                Debug.Assert(outputs.All(x => x >= 0.0 && x <= 1.0));

Exemple #25
 /// <summary>
 ///     Evaluation unit constructor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mazeStructure">The maze structure on which the agent is evaluated.</param>
 /// <param name="agentPhenome">The agent ANN phenome.</param>
 /// <param name="mazeId">The unique maze identifier.</param>
 /// <param name="agentId">The unique agent identifier.</param>
 public MazeNavigatorEvaluationUnit(MazeStructure mazeStructure, IBlackBox agentPhenome, int mazeId, int agentId)
     MazePhenome  = mazeStructure;
     AgentPhenome = agentPhenome;
     MazeId       = mazeId;
     AgentId      = agentId;
Exemple #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine the agent's position in the world relative to the prey and walls, and set its sensor inputs accordingly.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="agent"></param>
        public void SetAgentInputsAndActivate(IBlackBox agent)
            // Calc prey's position relative to the agent (in polar coordinate system).
            PolarPoint relPos = CartesianToPolar(_preyPos - _agentPos);

            // Determine agent sensor input values.
            // Reset all inputs.

            // Test if prey is in sensor range.
            if (relPos.RadialSquared <= _sensorRangeSquared)
                // Determine which sensor segment the prey is within - [0,7]. There are eight segments and they are tilted 22.5 degrees (half a segment)
                // such that due North, East South and West are each in the centre of a sensor segment (rather than on a segment boundary).
                double thetaAdjusted = relPos.Theta - PiDiv8;
                if (thetaAdjusted < 0.0)
                    thetaAdjusted += 2.0 * Math.PI;
                int segmentIdx = (int)Math.Floor(thetaAdjusted / PiDiv4);

                // Set sensor segment's input.
                agent.InputSignalArray[segmentIdx] = 1.0;

            // Prey closeness detector.
            agent.InputSignalArray[8] = relPos.RadialSquared <= 4.0 ? 1.0 : 0.0;

            // Wall detectors - N,E,S,W.
            // North.
            int d = (_gridSize - 1) - _agentPos._y;

            if (d <= 4)
                agent.InputSignalArray[9] = (4 - d) / 4.0;

            // East.
            d = (_gridSize - 1) - _agentPos._x;
            if (d <= 4)
                agent.InputSignalArray[10] = (4 - d) / 4.0;

            // South.
            if (_agentPos._y <= 4)
                agent.InputSignalArray[11] = (4 - _agentPos._y) / 4.0;

            // West.
            if (_agentPos._x <= 4)
                agent.InputSignalArray[12] = (4 - _agentPos._x) / 4.0;

            // Activate agent.
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluate the provided IBlackBox.
        /// </summary>
        public FitnessInfo Evaluate(IBlackBox box)
            int nbSamples        = dataset.InputSamples.Count();
            var outputs          = new double[nbSamples][];
            var selectedClusters = new int[nbSamples];
            var centers          = new double[nbClusters][];

            for (var i = 0; i < nbClusters; i++)
                centers[i] = new double[dataset.InputCount];

            // Evaluate each samples of the dataset
            for (var i = 0; i < nbSamples; i++)
                var inputs = dataset.InputSamples[i];
                outputs[i] = new double[nbClusters];

                activate(box, inputs, outputs[i]);
                selectedClusters[i] = outputs[i].MaxIndex();

                for (var j = 0; j < dataset.InputCount; j++)
                    centers[selectedClusters[i]][j] += inputs[j];

            // Compute center of each cluster
            for (var i = 0; i < nbClusters; i++)
                for (var j = 0; j < dataset.InputCount; j++)
                    centers[i][j] /= nbSamples;

            // Compute inter and intra cluster distances
            var distancesIntra = new double[nbClusters];
            var distancesInter = 0.0;

            for (var i = 0; i < nbSamples; i++)
                var cluster = selectedClusters[i];
                distancesIntra[cluster] += distance(dataset.InputSamples[i], centers[cluster]);
            for (var i = 0; i < nbClusters - 1; i++)
                for (var j = i; j < nbClusters; j++)
                    distancesInter += distance(centers[i], centers[j]);
            double intra = distancesIntra.Mean();
            double inter = distancesInter / nbClusters;


            return(new FitnessInfo(inter / intra, intra));
Exemple #28
 public float GetFitness(IBlackBox box)
     if (ControllerMap.ContainsKey(box))
Exemple #29
 public NeuralAgent(int id, int speciesId, IBlackBox brain, 
                    bool navigationEnabled, bool hidingEnabled) : base(id)
     Brain = brain;
     SpeciesId = speciesId;
     NavigationEnabled = navigationEnabled;
     HidingEnabled = hidingEnabled;
Exemple #30
 public float GetFitness(IBlackBox box)
     if (ControllerMap.ContainsKey(box))
         return ControllerMap[box].GetFitness();
     return 0;
 public override void SetEvolvedBrain(IBlackBox blackBox, NeatGenome genome)
     this.genome = genome;
     if (evolvedPlayer != null)
Exemple #32
 public void Update(ICardAdapter pocket, ICardAdapter communityCards, IGetTurnContext context, IBlackBox box)
     this.pocket = pocket;
     this.normalization.Update(pocket, communityCards, context);
     this.GetTurnContext = context;
     this.BlackBox       = box;
     this.isUpdated      = true;
        public RecurrentNeuralAcceptability(IBlackBox brain, double acceptThreshold = 0.8, double rewardNormalizer = 100)
            Brain = brain;
            AcceptThreshold = acceptThreshold;
            RewardNormalizer = rewardNormalizer;

            Debug.Assert(brain.OutputCount == 1);
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="BlackBoxController"/> class.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="blackBox">The black box.</param>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">blackBox</exception>
		public BlackBoxController(IBlackBox blackBox)
			if (blackBox == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("blackBox");

			_blackBox = blackBox;
Exemple #35
    public void Evaluate(IBlackBox box)
        GameObject obj = Instantiate(Unit, Unit.transform.position, Unit.transform.rotation) as GameObject;
        UnitController controller = obj.GetComponent<UnitController>();

        ControllerMap.Add(box, controller);

		/// <summary>
		/// Sets the black box.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="blackBox">The black box.</param>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">blackBox</exception>
		public void SetBlackBox(IBlackBox blackBox)
			if (blackBox == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("blackBox");

			_blackBox = blackBox;
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluate the provided IBlackBox.
        /// </summary>
        public FitnessInfo Evaluate(IBlackBox box)
            int nbSamples = dataset.InputSamples.Count();
            var outputs = new double[nbSamples][];
            var selectedClusters = new int[nbSamples];
            var centers = new double[nbClusters][];
            for (var i = 0; i < nbClusters; i++)
                centers[i] = new double[dataset.InputCount];

            // Evaluate each samples of the dataset
            for (var i = 0; i < nbSamples; i++)
                var inputs = dataset.InputSamples[i];
                outputs[i] = new double[nbClusters];

                activate(box, inputs, outputs[i]);
                selectedClusters[i] = outputs[i].MaxIndex();

                for (var j = 0; j < dataset.InputCount; j++)
                    centers[selectedClusters[i]][j] += inputs[j];

            // Compute center of each cluster
            for (var i = 0; i < nbClusters; i++)
                for (var j = 0; j < dataset.InputCount; j++)
                    centers[i][j] /= nbSamples;

            // Compute inter and intra cluster distances
            var distancesIntra = new double[nbClusters];
            var distancesInter = 0.0;
            for (var i = 0; i < nbSamples; i++)
                var cluster = selectedClusters[i];
                distancesIntra[cluster] += distance(dataset.InputSamples[i], centers[cluster]);
            for (var i = 0; i < nbClusters - 1; i++)
                for (var j = i; j < nbClusters; j++)
                    distancesInter += distance(centers[i], centers[j]);
            double intra = distancesIntra.Mean();
            double inter = distancesInter / nbClusters;


            return new FitnessInfo(inter / intra, intra);
Exemple #38
 public MctsNeatAgent(int id,
     CheckGameOver check, 
     GetValidNextMoves valid,
     IBlackBox brain,
     ApplyMove applyMove,
     GridGameParameters parameters) : base(id, check, valid, applyMove, parameters)
     Brain = brain;
Exemple #39
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a social learning teacher controlled by the brain and using the give acceptability function.
 /// </summary>
 public SocialAgent(int id, int speciesId, IBlackBox brain, bool agentsNavigate, bool agentsHide,
                    IAcceptabilityFunction accept) : base(id, speciesId, brain, agentsNavigate, agentsHide)
     MemorySize = DEFAULT_MEMORY_SIZE;
     Memory = new LinkedList<StateActionReward>();
     LearningRate = DEFAULT_LEARNING_RATE;
     AcceptabilityFn = accept;
Exemple #40
 public BlondieAgent(int id,
     MinimaxAgent.CheckGameOver check,
     MinimaxAgent.GetValidNextMoves valid,
     IBlackBox brain,
     MinimaxAgent.ApplyMove apply,
     GridGameParameters parameters)
     : base(id)
     Brain = brain;
     _params = parameters;
     _minimax = new MinimaxAgent(id, check, valid, Evaluate, apply, parameters);
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluate the provided IBlackBox.
        /// </summary>
        public override FitnessInfo Evaluate(IBlackBox box)

		    // [0] - Cart Position (meters).
		    // [1] - Cart velocity (m/s).
		    // [2] - Pole 1 angle (radians)
		    // [3] - Pole 1 angular velocity (radians/sec).
		    // [4] - Pole 2 angle (radians)
		    // [5] - Pole 2 angular velocity (radians/sec).
            double[] state = new double[6];
            state[2] = FourDegrees;
			// Run the pole-balancing simulation.
            int timestep = 0;
			for(; timestep < _maxTimesteps; timestep++)
				// Provide state info to the network (normalised to +-1.0).
				// Markovian (With velocity info)
                box.InputSignalArray[0] = state[0] / _trackLengthHalf;  // Cart Position is +-trackLengthHalfed
                box.InputSignalArray[1] = state[2] / ThirtySixDegrees;  // Pole Angle is +-thirtysix_degrees. Values outside of this range stop the simulation.
                box.InputSignalArray[2] = state[4] / ThirtySixDegrees;  // Pole Angle is +-thirtysix_degrees. Values outside of this range stop the simulation.

				// Activate the black box.

                // Get black box response and calc next timestep state.
				performAction(state, box.OutputSignalArray[0]);
				// Check for failure state. Has the cart run off the ends of the track or has the pole
				// angle gone beyond the threshold.
				if(     (state[0]< -_trackLengthHalf) || (state[0]> _trackLengthHalf)
					||  (state[2] > _poleAngleThreshold) || (state[2] < -_poleAngleThreshold)
					||  (state[4] > _poleAngleThreshold) || (state[4] < -_poleAngleThreshold))

            if(timestep == _maxTimesteps) {
                _stopConditionSatisfied = true;

            // The controller's fitness is defined as the number of timesteps that elapse before failure.
            double fitness = timestep;
            return new FitnessInfo(fitness, fitness);
        public override void RefreshView(object genome)
            currentBox = decoder.Decode(genome as NeatGenome);

            for (var cluster = 0; cluster < nbClusters; cluster++)
                var serie = plotChart.Series.Add("Cluster #" + cluster);
                serie.ChartType = System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.SeriesChartType.Point;

            var outputs = new double[nbClusters];

            double xmin = double.PositiveInfinity;
            double xmax = 0;
            double ymin = double.PositiveInfinity;
            double ymax = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < dataset.InputSamples.Count(); i++)
                for (var j = 0; j < dataset.InputCount; j++)
                    currentBox.InputSignalArray[j] = dataset.InputSamples[i][j];
                currentBox.OutputSignalArray.CopyTo(outputs, 0);

                var x = dataset.InputSamples[i][0];
                var y = dataset.InputSamples[i][1];
                var cluster = outputs.MaxIndex();

                if (x < xmin) xmin = x;
                if (x > xmax) xmax = x;
                if (y < ymin) ymin = y;
                if (y > ymax) ymax = y;

                plotChart.Series[cluster].Points.AddXY(x, y);

            plotChart.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Minimum = xmin;
            plotChart.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Maximum = xmax;
            plotChart.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Minimum = ymin;
            plotChart.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Maximum = xmax;

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new Q-Learning teacher.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">The unique ID of this teacher.</param>
        /// <param name="brain">The neural network value function for this teacher. It should have (2 + # of sensors) input nodes and 1 output node.</param>
        /// <param name="numOrientationActions">The number of buckets to discretize the orientation action spacer into.</param>
        /// <param name="numVelocityActions">The number of buckets to discretize the velocity action spacer into.</param>
        /// <param name="world">The world this teacher will be evaluated in.</param>
        public QLearningAgent(int id, int speciesId, IBlackBox brain, bool agentsNavigate, bool agentsHide,
                              int numOrientationActions, int numVelocityActions, World world)
            : base(id, speciesId, brain, agentsNavigate, agentsHide)
            Debug.Assert(brain.OutputCount == 1, "Incorrect number of outputs in neural network!");

            _numVelocityActions = numVelocityActions;
            _numOrientationActions = numOrientationActions;
            _random = new Random();
            _prevState = new double[brain.InputCount];
            _observedValue = new double[1];
            world.PlantEaten += new World.PlantEatenHandler(world_PlantEaten);
            MaxReward = 200;
            LearningRate = DEFAULT_LEARNING_RATE;
            DiscountFactor = DEFAULT_DISCOUNT_FACTOR;
            Epsilon = DEFAULT_EPSILON;

            // The backprop learning rate is equivalent to the Q-Learning learning rate.
            ((FastCyclicNetwork)Brain).BackpropLearningRate = LearningRate;
        private double[] activate(IBlackBox box, IList<double> inputs, double[] outputs)

            // Give inputs to the network
            var nodeId = 0;
            foreach (var input in inputs)
                box.InputSignalArray[nodeId++] = input;

            // Activate the network and get outputs back
            box.OutputSignalArray.CopyTo(outputs, 0);

            // Normalize outputs when using NEAT
            if (phenotype == Phenotype.Neat)
                Debug.Assert(outputs.All(x => x >= 0.0 && x <= 1.0));

            return outputs;
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluate the provided IBlackBox.
        /// </summary>
        public FitnessInfo Evaluate(IBlackBox box)
            int nbSamples = dataset.InputSamples.Count();
            var results = new ResultType[nbSamples][];
            var squaredErrors = new double[nbSamples][];

            // Evaluate each samples of the dataset
            for (var i = 0; i < nbSamples; i++)
                var inputs = dataset.InputSamples[i];
                var expected = dataset.OutputSamples[i];
                var outputs = new double[dataset.OutputCount];

                activate(box, dataset.InputSamples[i], outputs);
                results[i] = outputs.Zip(expected, (o, e) => getResultType(o, e)).ToArray();
                squaredErrors[i] = outputs.Zip(expected, (o, e) => Math.Pow(e - o, 2.0)).ToArray();

            // Compute per-column sums
            var TPs = new int[dataset.OutputCount];
            var TNs = new int[dataset.OutputCount];
            var FPs = new int[dataset.OutputCount];
            var FNs = new int[dataset.OutputCount];
            var sumSquaredErrors = new double[dataset.OutputCount];
            for (var i = 0; i < dataset.OutputCount; i++)
                for (var j = 0; j < nbSamples; j++)
                    TPs[i] += (results[j][i] == ResultType.TP) ? 1 : 0;
                    TNs[i] += (results[j][i] == ResultType.TN) ? 1 : 0;
                    FPs[i] += (results[j][i] == ResultType.FP) ? 1 : 0;
                    FNs[i] += (results[j][i] == ResultType.FN) ? 1 : 0;
                    sumSquaredErrors[i] += squaredErrors[j][i];

            // Compute fitness measures
            var TP = TPs.Mean();
            var TN = TNs.Mean();
            var FP = FPs.Mean();
            var FN = FNs.Mean();
            var RMSE = sumSquaredErrors.Select(x => Math.Pow(2.0, -Math.Sqrt(x))).Mean();

            // Compute final fitness value
            var fitness = new double[4];
            var weights = _weights.ToList();
            Debug.Assert(weights.Count == 4, "weights must correspond to { accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, rmse }");

            // accuracy
            fitness[0] = (TP + TN) / (TP + TN + FP + FN);
            // sensitivity 
            fitness[1] = (TP > 0) ? TP / (TP + FN) : 0;
            // specificity 
            fitness[2] = (TN > 0) ? TN / (TN + FP) : 0;
            // rmse 
            fitness[3] = RMSE;

            var score = fitness.Zip(weights, (f, w) => f * w).Sum() / weights.Sum();


            return new FitnessInfo(score, fitness[0]);
        private void SetResolution(int visualFieldResolution)
            _visualFieldResolution = visualFieldResolution;
            _visualPixelSize = BoxesVisualDiscriminationEvaluator.VisualFieldEdgeLength / _visualFieldResolution;
            _visualOriginPixelXY = -1 + (_visualPixelSize/2.0);
            _genomeDecoder = _experiment.CreateGenomeDecoder(visualFieldResolution, _experiment.LengthCppnInput);
            _box = null;

            // If we have a cached genome then re-decode it using the new decoder (with the updated resolution).
            if(null != _neatGenome) {
                _box = _genomeDecoder.Decode(_neatGenome);
        private void PaintView(IBlackBox box)
            if(_initializing) {

            Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(_image);
            g.FillRectangle(_brushBackground, 0, 0, _image.Width, _image.Height);
            g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;

            // Get control width and height.
            int width = Width;
            int height = Height;

            // Determine smallest dimension. Use that as the edge length of the square grid.
            width = height = Math.Min(width, height);

            // Pixel size is calculated using integer division to produce cleaner lines when drawing.
            // The inherent rounding down may produce a grid 1 pixel smaller then the determined edge length.
            // Also make room for a combo box above the grid. This will be used allow the user to change the grid resolution.
            int visualFieldPixelSize = (height-GridTop) / _visualFieldResolution;
            width = height = visualFieldPixelSize * _visualFieldResolution;

            // Paint pixel outline grid.
            // Vertical lines.
            int x = GridLeft;
            for(int i=0; i<=_visualFieldResolution; i++, x+=visualFieldPixelSize) {
                g.DrawLine(__penGrey, x, GridTop, x, GridTop+height);

            // Horizontal lines.
            int y = GridTop;
            for(int i=0; i<=_visualFieldResolution; i++, y+=visualFieldPixelSize) {
                g.DrawLine(__penGrey, GridLeft, y, GridLeft+width, y);

            // Apply test case to black box's visual field sensor inputs.
            BoxesVisualDiscriminationEvaluator.ApplyVisualFieldToBlackBox(_testCaseField, box, _visualFieldResolution, _visualOriginPixelXY, _visualPixelSize);

            // Activate the black box.

            // Read output responses and paint them to the pixel grid.
            // Also, we determine the range of values so that we can normalize the range of pixel shades used.
            double low, high;
            low = high = box.OutputSignalArray[0];
            for(int i=1; i<box.OutputSignalArray.Length; i++)
                double val = box.OutputSignalArray[i];
                if(val > high) {
                    high = val;
                } else if(val <low) {
                    low = val;

            double colorScaleFactor;
            if(0.0 == (high-low)) {
                colorScaleFactor = 1.0;
            } else {
                colorScaleFactor = 1.0 / (high-low);

            IntPoint maxActivationPoint = new IntPoint(0,0);
            double  maxActivation = -1.0;
            int outputIdx = 0;
            y = GridTop;
            for(int i=0; i<_visualFieldResolution; i++, y+=visualFieldPixelSize)
                x = GridLeft;
                for(int j=0; j<_visualFieldResolution; j++, x+=visualFieldPixelSize, outputIdx++)
                    double output = box.OutputSignalArray[outputIdx];
                    if(output > maxActivation)
                        maxActivation = output;
                        maxActivationPoint._x = j;
                        maxActivationPoint._y = i;

                    Color color = GetResponseColor((output-low)*colorScaleFactor);
                    Brush brush = new SolidBrush(color);
                    g.FillRectangle(brush, x+1, y+1, visualFieldPixelSize-2, visualFieldPixelSize-2);

            // Paint lines around the small and large test case boxes to highlight them.
            // Small box.
            int testFieldPixelSize = (_visualFieldResolution / TestCaseField.TestFieldResolution) * visualFieldPixelSize;
                            GridLeft + (_testCaseField.SmallBoxTopLeft._x * testFieldPixelSize),
                            GridTop + (_testCaseField.SmallBoxTopLeft._y * testFieldPixelSize),
                            testFieldPixelSize, testFieldPixelSize);

            // Large box.
                            GridLeft + (_testCaseField.LargeBoxTopLeft._x * testFieldPixelSize),
                            GridTop + (_testCaseField.LargeBoxTopLeft._y * testFieldPixelSize),
                            testFieldPixelSize*3, testFieldPixelSize*3);
            // Draw red line around pixel with highest activation.
                            GridLeft + (maxActivationPoint._x * visualFieldPixelSize),
                            GridTop + (maxActivationPoint._y * visualFieldPixelSize),
                            visualFieldPixelSize, visualFieldPixelSize);

        /// <summary>
        /// Allow the agent to move one square based on its decision. Note that the agent can choose to not move.
        /// </summary>
        public void MoveAgent(IBlackBox agent)
            // Selected output is highest signal at or above 0.5. Tied signals result in no result.
            double maxSig = agent.OutputSignalArray[0];
            int maxSigIdx = 0;

            for(int i=1; i<4; i++) 
                if(agent.OutputSignalArray[i] > maxSig) 
                    maxSig = agent.OutputSignalArray[i];
                    maxSigIdx = i;
                else if(agent.OutputSignalArray[i] == maxSig)
                {   // Tie. Two equally high outputs.
                    maxSigIdx = -1;

            if(-1 == maxSigIdx || maxSig < 0.5) 
            {   // No action.

                case 0: // Move north.
                    _agentPos._y = Math.Min(_agentPos._y + 1, _gridSize - 1);
                case 1: // Move east.
                    _agentPos._x = Math.Min(_agentPos._x + 1, _gridSize - 1);
                case 2: // Move south.
                    _agentPos._y = Math.Max(_agentPos._y - 1, 0);
                case 3: // Move west (is the best?)
                    _agentPos._x = Math.Max(_agentPos._x - 1, 0);
        /// <summary>
        /// Refresh/update the view with the provided genome.
        /// </summary>
        public override void RefreshView(object genome)
            _box = null;
            _neatGenome = genome as NeatGenome;
            if(null == _neatGenome) {

            // Decode genome.
            _box = _genomeDecoder.Decode(_neatGenome);

            // Generate new test case.
            _testCaseField.InitTestCase(_largeBoxTestCase++ % 3);

            // Paint test case and network response.
Exemple #50
 /// <summary>
 /// Adding new bb
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="param">BlackBox</param>
 public void SaveData(IBlackBox param)
Exemple #51
 public NeatAiPlayerController(IBlackBox brain, GameStateSerializer gameStateSerializer)
     _brain = brain;
     _gameStateSerializer = gameStateSerializer;
Exemple #52
 public NeuralAgent(int id, IBlackBox brain)
     : base(id)
     Brain = brain;
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine the agent's position in the world relative to the prey and walls, and set its sensor inputs accordingly.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="agent"></param>
        public void SetAgentInputsAndActivate(IBlackBox agent)
            // Calc prey's position relative to the agent (in polar coordinate system).
            PolarPoint relPos = PolarPoint.FromCartesian(_preyPos - _agentPos);

            // Determine agent sensor input values.
            // Reset all inputs.

            // Test if prey is in sensor range.
            if(relPos.Radial <= _sensorRange)
                // Determine which sensor segment the prey is within - [0,7]. There are eight segments and they are tilted 22.5 degrees (half a segment)
                // such that due North, East South and West are each in the center of a sensor segment (rather than on a segment boundary).
                int segmentIdx = (int)Math.Floor((relPos.Theta / PiDiv4) + PiDiv8);
                if(8==segmentIdx) {
                    segmentIdx = 0;
                // Set sensor segment's input.
                agent.InputSignalArray[segmentIdx] = 1.0;

            // Prey closeness detector.
            agent.InputSignalArray[8] = relPos.Radial > 2.0 ? 0.0 : 1.0;

            // Wall detectors - N,E,S,W.
            // North.
            int d = (_gridSize-1) - _agentPos._y;
            if(d < 4) { agent.InputSignalArray[9] = (4-d) / 4.0; }

            // East.
            d = (_gridSize-1) - _agentPos._x;
            if(d < 4) { agent.InputSignalArray[10] = (4-d) / 4.0; }

            // South.
            if(_agentPos._y < 4) { agent.InputSignalArray[11] = (4 - _agentPos._y) / 4.0; }

            // West.
            if(_agentPos._x < 4) { agent.InputSignalArray[12] = (4 - _agentPos._x) / 4.0; }

            // Activate agent.
        public override void RefreshView(object genome)
            // Zero indicates that the simulation is not currently running.
            if (0 == Interlocked.Exchange(ref _simRunningFlag, 1))
                // We got the lock. Decode the genome and store resuly in an instance field.
                var neatGenome = genome as NeatGenome;
                _agent = _genomeDecoder.Decode(neatGenome);

                // Signal simulation thread to start running a simulation.
Exemple #55
 public void Init(IBlackBox blackBox)
     this.blackBox = blackBox;
 public void LoadMazeNavigator(string navigatorGenomeFile)
     _navigatorAnnController =
 public EventstoreBoardprovider(IBlackBox blackBox)
     this.blackBox = blackBox;
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs one trial of the provided agent in the world. Returns true if the agent captures the prey within
        /// the maximum number of timesteps allowed.
        /// </summary>
        public bool RunTrial(IBlackBox agent)
            // Init world state.

            // Clear any prior agent state.

            // Prey gets a head start (simulate world as normal but agent is frozen).
            int t = 0;
            for(; t<_preyInitMoves; t++)

            // Let the chase begin!
            for(; t<_maxTimesteps; t++)
                if(IsPreyCaptured()) {
                    return true;

                {   // The prey walked directly into the agent.
                    return true;

            // Agent failed to capture prey in the alloted time.
            return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluate the provided IBlackBox.
        /// </summary>
        public override FitnessInfo Evaluate(IBlackBox box)

		    // [0] - Cart Position (meters).
		    // [1] - Cart velocity (m/s).
		    // [2] - Pole 1 angle (radians)
		    // [3] - Pole 1 angular velocity (radians/sec).
		    // [4] - Pole 2 angle (radians)
		    // [5] - Pole 2 angular velocity (radians/sec).
            double[] state = new double[6];
            state[2] = FourDegrees;

		    JiggleBuffer jiggleBuffer1 = new JiggleBuffer(100);
		    JiggleBuffer jiggleBuffer2 = new JiggleBuffer(100);
			// Run the pole-balancing simulation.
            int timestep = 0;
			for(; timestep < _maxTimesteps; timestep++)
				// Provide state info to the network (normalised to +-1.0).
				// Markovian (With velocity info)
                box.InputSignalArray[0] = state[0] / _trackLengthHalf;  // Cart Position is +-trackLengthHalfed
                box.InputSignalArray[1] = state[2] / ThirtySixDegrees;  // Pole Angle is +-thirtysix_degrees. Values outside of this range stop the simulation.
                box.InputSignalArray[2] = state[4] / ThirtySixDegrees;  // Pole Angle is +-thirtysix_degrees. Values outside of this range stop the simulation.

				// Activate the black box.

                // Get black box response and calc next timestep state.
				performAction(state, box.OutputSignalArray[0]);
                // Jiggle buffer updates..
				if(100 == jiggleBuffer1.Length)
				{	// Feed an old value from buffer 1 into buffer2.

				// Place the latest jiggle value into buffer1.
				jiggleBuffer1.Enqueue(	Math.Abs(state[0]) + Math.Abs(state[1]) + 
										Math.Abs(state[2]) + Math.Abs(state[3]));

				// Check for failure state. Has the cart run off the ends of the track or has the pole
				// angle gone beyond the threshold.
				if(     (state[0]< -_trackLengthHalf) || (state[0]> _trackLengthHalf)
					||  (state[2] > _poleAngleThreshold) || (state[2] < -_poleAngleThreshold)
					||  (state[4] > _poleAngleThreshold) || (state[4] < -_poleAngleThreshold))

				// Give the simulation at least 500 timesteps(5secs) to stabilise before penalising instability.
				if(timestep > 499 && jiggleBuffer2.Total > 30.0)
				{	// Too much wiggling. Stop simulation early (30 was an experimentally determined value).

            double fitness;
			if(timestep > 499 && timestep < 600)
			{	// For the 100(1 sec) steps after the 500(5 secs) mark we punish wiggling based
				// on the values from the 1 sec just gone. This is on the basis that the values
				// in jiggleBuffer2 (from 2 to 1 sec ago) will refelct the large amount of
				// wiggling that occurs at the start of the simulation when the system is still stabilising.
				fitness = timestep + (10.0 / Math.Max(1.0, jiggleBuffer1.Total));
			else if(timestep > 599)
			{	// After 600 steps we use jiggleBuffer2 to punsih wiggling, this contains data from between
				// 2 and 1 secs ago. This is on the basis that when the system becomes unstable and causes
				// the simulation to terminate prematurely, the immediately prior 1 secs data will reflect that
				// instability, which may not be indicative of the overall stability of the system up to that time.
				fitness = timestep + (10.0 / Math.Max(1.0, jiggleBuffer2.Total));
			{	// Return just the currentTimestep without any extra fitness component.
				fitness = timestep;

            // Max fitness is # of timesteps + max antiwiggle factor of 10 (which is actually impossible - some wiggle is necessary to balance the poles).
            if(timestep == _maxTimesteps + 10.0) {
                _stopConditionSatisfied = true;
            return new FitnessInfo(fitness, fitness);
 public NeatAiPlayerControllerFactory(IBlackBox brain, int numberOfNeuromon)
     _brain = brain;
     _gameStateSerializer = new GameStateSerializer(numberOfNeuromon);