         * All of the 'cx' and 'cz' parameters have been flipped when passing them.
         * Prior to flipping, the terrain was being XZ-chunk-flipped. - WhichOnesPink
        ChunkLandscape landscape(IBiomeProviderRTG cmr, int cx, int cz)
            ChunkPos       chunkPos    = new ChunkPos(cx, cz);
            ChunkLandscape preExisting = this.storage[chunkPos];

            if (preExisting != null)
            ChunkLandscape result = new ChunkLandscape();

            getNewerNoise(cmr, cx, cz, result);
            int[] biomeIndices = cmr.getBiomesGens(cx, cz, 16, 16);
            analyzer.newRepair(biomeIndices, result.biome, this.biomeData, this.sampleSize, result.noise, result.river);
            //-cmr.getRiverStrength(cx * 16 + 7, cy * 16 + 7));
            storage[chunkPos] = result;