Exemple #1
        /** <inheritdoc /> */
        public void Update(IBinaryStream stream, Marshaller marshaller)
            Debug.Assert(stream != null);
            Debug.Assert(marshaller != null);

            if (_stopped)

            var mode   = _keepBinary ? BinaryMode.ForceBinary : BinaryMode.Deserialize;
            var reader = marshaller.StartUnmarshal(stream, mode);

            var key    = reader.ReadObject <TK>();
            var hasVal = stream.ReadBool();

            if (hasVal)
                var val  = reader.ReadObject <TV>();
                var part = stream.ReadInt();
                var ver  = new AffinityTopologyVersion(stream.ReadLong(), stream.ReadInt());

                _map[key] = new PlatformCacheEntry <TV>(val, GetBoxedAffinityTopologyVersion(ver), part);
                PlatformCacheEntry <TV> unused;
                _map.TryRemove(key, out unused);
        private object ReadDistributionMapResponse(IBinaryStream s)
            var affinityTopologyVersion = new AffinityTopologyVersion(s.ReadLong(), s.ReadInt());
            var size    = s.ReadInt();
            var mapping = new Dictionary <int, ClientCachePartitionMap>();

            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                var grp = new ClientCachePartitionAwarenessGroup(s);

                if (grp.PartitionMap == null)
                    // Partition awareness is not applicable for these caches.
                    foreach (var cache in grp.Caches)
                        mapping[cache.Key] = null;


                // Count partitions to avoid reallocating array.
                int maxPartNum = 0;

                if (grp.PartitionMap == null)

                foreach (var partMap in grp.PartitionMap)
                    foreach (var part in partMap.Value)
                        if (part > maxPartNum)
                            maxPartNum = part;

                // Populate partition array.
                var partNodeIds = new Guid[maxPartNum + 1];
                foreach (var partMap in grp.PartitionMap)
                    foreach (var part in partMap.Value)
                        partNodeIds[part] = partMap.Key;

                foreach (var cache in grp.Caches)
                    mapping[cache.Key] = new ClientCachePartitionMap(partNodeIds, cache.Value);

            _distributionMap = new ClientCacheTopologyPartitionMap(mapping, affinityTopologyVersion);

Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the fields cursor.
        /// </summary>
        private ClientFieldsQueryCursor GetFieldsCursor(IBinaryStream s)
            var cursorId    = s.ReadLong();
            var columnNames = ClientFieldsQueryCursor.ReadColumns(_marsh.StartUnmarshal(s));

            return(new ClientFieldsQueryCursor(_ignite, cursorId, _keepBinary, s,
                                               ClientOp.QuerySqlFieldsCursorGetPage, columnNames));
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the fields cursor.
        /// </summary>
        private ClientQueryCursorBase <T> GetFieldsCursorNoColumnNames <T>(IBinaryStream s,
                                                                           Func <IBinaryRawReader, int, T> readerFunc)
            var cursorId    = s.ReadLong();
            var columnCount = s.ReadInt();

            return(new ClientQueryCursorBase <T>(_ignite, cursorId, _keepBinary, s,
                                                 ClientOp.QuerySqlFieldsCursorGetPage, r => readerFunc(r, columnCount)));
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads cache entry processor and related data from stream, executes it and returns the result.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inOutStream">Stream.</param>
        /// <param name="grid">Grid.</param>
        /// <returns>CacheEntryProcessor result.</returns>
        private CacheEntryProcessorResultHolder ReadAndRunCacheEntryProcessor(IBinaryStream inOutStream,
                                                                              Ignite grid)
            var marsh = grid.Marshaller;

            var key     = marsh.Unmarshal <object>(inOutStream);
            var val     = marsh.Unmarshal <object>(inOutStream);
            var isLocal = inOutStream.ReadBool();

            var holder = isLocal
                ? _handleRegistry.Get <CacheEntryProcessorHolder>(inOutStream.ReadLong(), true)
                : marsh.Unmarshal <CacheEntryProcessorHolder>(inOutStream);

            return(holder.Process(key, val, val != null, grid));
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests the stream.
        /// </summary>
        private static unsafe void TestStream(IBinaryStream stream, bool sameArr, Action flush)
            Action seek = () => Assert.AreEqual(0, stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin));

            Action<Action, Func<object>, object> check = (write, read, expectedResult) =>
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult, read());

            // Arrays.
            Assert.AreEqual(sameArr, stream.IsSameArray(stream.GetArray()));
            Assert.IsFalse(stream.IsSameArray(new byte[1]));

            // byte*
            byte* bytes = stackalloc byte[10];
            *bytes = 1;
            *(bytes + 1) = 2;

            stream.Write(bytes, 2);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, stream.Position);

            Assert.AreEqual(sameArr ? 256 : 2, stream.Remaining);
            byte* bytes2 = stackalloc byte[2];
            stream.Read(bytes2, 2);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, *bytes2);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, *(bytes2 + 1));

            // char*
            char* chars = stackalloc char[10];
            *chars = 'a';
            *(chars + 1) = 'b';

            Assert.AreEqual(2, stream.WriteString(chars, 2, 2, Encoding.ASCII));

            stream.Read(bytes2, 2);
            Assert.AreEqual('a', *bytes2);
            Assert.AreEqual('b', *(bytes2 + 1));

            // Others.
            check(() => stream.Write(new byte[] {3, 4, 5}, 1, 2), () => stream.ReadByteArray(2), new byte[] {4, 5});

            check(() => stream.WriteBool(true), () => stream.ReadBool(), true);
            check(() => stream.WriteBoolArray(new[] {true, false}), () => stream.ReadBoolArray(2), 
                new[] {true, false});

            check(() => stream.WriteByte(4), () => stream.ReadByte(), 4);
            check(() => stream.WriteByteArray(new byte[] {4, 5, 6}), () => stream.ReadByteArray(3), 
                new byte[] {4, 5, 6});

            check(() => stream.WriteChar('x'), () => stream.ReadChar(), 'x');
            check(() => stream.WriteCharArray(new[] {'a', 'b'}), () => stream.ReadCharArray(2), new[] {'a', 'b'});

            check(() => stream.WriteDouble(4), () => stream.ReadDouble(), 4d);
            check(() => stream.WriteDoubleArray(new[] {4d}), () => stream.ReadDoubleArray(1), new[] {4d});

            check(() => stream.WriteFloat(4), () => stream.ReadFloat(), 4f);
            check(() => stream.WriteFloatArray(new[] {4f}), () => stream.ReadFloatArray(1), new[] {4f});

            check(() => stream.WriteInt(4), () => stream.ReadInt(), 4);
            check(() => stream.WriteInt(0, 4), () => stream.ReadInt(), 4);
            check(() => stream.WriteIntArray(new[] {4}), () => stream.ReadIntArray(1), new[] {4});

            check(() => stream.WriteLong(4), () => stream.ReadLong(), 4L);
            check(() => stream.WriteLongArray(new[] {4L}), () => stream.ReadLongArray(1), new[] {4L});

            check(() => stream.WriteShort(4), () => stream.ReadShort(), (short)4);
            check(() => stream.WriteShortArray(new short[] {4}), () => stream.ReadShortArray(1), new short[] {4});
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests the stream.
        /// </summary>
        private static unsafe void TestStream(IBinaryStream stream, bool sameArr, Action flush)
            Action seek = () => Assert.AreEqual(0, stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin));

            Action <Action, Func <object>, object> check = (write, read, expectedResult) =>
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult, read());

            // Arrays.
            if (stream.CanGetArray)
                Assert.AreEqual(sameArr, stream.IsSameArray(stream.GetArray()));
            Assert.IsFalse(stream.IsSameArray(new byte[1]));

            // byte*
            byte *bytes = stackalloc byte[10];

            *bytes = 1;
            *(bytes + 1) = 2;

            stream.Write(bytes, 2);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, stream.Position);

            var proc = new SumStreamProcessor();

            Assert.AreEqual(0, stream.Apply(proc, 0));
            Assert.AreEqual(1, stream.Apply(proc, 1));
            Assert.AreEqual(3, stream.Apply(proc, 2));


            Assert.AreEqual(sameArr ? 256 : 2, stream.Remaining);
            byte *bytes2 = stackalloc byte[2];

            stream.Read(bytes2, 2);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, *bytes2);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, *(bytes2 + 1));

            // char*
            char *chars = stackalloc char[10];

            *chars = 'a';
            *(chars + 1) = 'b';

            Assert.AreEqual(2, stream.WriteString(chars, 2, 2, Encoding.ASCII));

            stream.Read(bytes2, 2);
            Assert.AreEqual('a', *bytes2);
            Assert.AreEqual('b', *(bytes2 + 1));

            // Others.
            check(() => stream.Write(new byte[] { 3, 4, 5 }, 1, 2), () => stream.ReadByteArray(2), new byte[] { 4, 5 });

            check(() => stream.WriteBool(true), () => stream.ReadBool(), true);
            check(() => stream.WriteBoolArray(new[] { true, false }), () => stream.ReadBoolArray(2),
                  new[] { true, false });

            check(() => stream.WriteByte(4), () => stream.ReadByte(), 4);
            check(() => stream.WriteByteArray(new byte[] { 4, 5, 6 }), () => stream.ReadByteArray(3),
                  new byte[] { 4, 5, 6 });

            check(() => stream.WriteChar('x'), () => stream.ReadChar(), 'x');
            check(() => stream.WriteCharArray(new[] { 'a', 'b' }), () => stream.ReadCharArray(2), new[] { 'a', 'b' });

            check(() => stream.WriteDouble(4), () => stream.ReadDouble(), 4d);
            check(() => stream.WriteDoubleArray(new[] { 4d }), () => stream.ReadDoubleArray(1), new[] { 4d });

            check(() => stream.WriteFloat(4), () => stream.ReadFloat(), 4f);
            check(() => stream.WriteFloatArray(new[] { 4f }), () => stream.ReadFloatArray(1), new[] { 4f });

            check(() => stream.WriteInt(4), () => stream.ReadInt(), 4);
            check(() => stream.WriteInt(0, 4), () => stream.ReadInt(), 4);
            check(() => stream.WriteIntArray(new[] { 4 }), () => stream.ReadIntArray(1), new[] { 4 });

            check(() => stream.WriteLong(4), () => stream.ReadLong(), 4L);
            check(() => stream.WriteLongArray(new[] { 4L }), () => stream.ReadLongArray(1), new[] { 4L });

            check(() => stream.WriteShort(4), () => stream.ReadShort(), (short)4);
            check(() => stream.WriteShortArray(new short[] { 4 }), () => stream.ReadShortArray(1), new short[] { 4 });