public async Task <IActionResult> AddToBasket(int productId, string username)
            if (!_signInManager.IsSignedIn(User))
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account"));

            //Get user's basket by username
            Basket basket = await _basketManager.FindBasketByUserLazy(username);

            // If basket for user doesn't exist yet, create one
            if (basket == null)
                basket = new Basket()
                    ID          = 0,
                    UserName    = username,
                    Subtotal    = 0,
                    BasketItems = new List <BasketItem>()

                await _basketManager.CreateBasket(basket);

                // Gets the new basket with assigned ID from DB
                basket = await _basketManager.FindBasketByUserLazy(username);

            // Check basketitems basket ID and product ID
            BasketItem basketItem = await _basketItemManager.FindBasketItem(basket.ID, productId);

            // If item doesn't already exist, create it; otherwise update it
            if (basketItem == null)
                basketItem = new BasketItem()
                    ID        = 0,
                    BasketID  = basket.ID,
                    ProductID = productId,
                    Quantity  = 1

                await _basketItemManager.CreateBasketItem(basketItem);
                await _basketItemManager.UpdateBasketItem(basketItem);
            // Redirect to Shop action on Shop page
            return(RedirectToAction("Shop", "Shop"));