Exemple #1
        private void WriteBlockToService(IBSManager bsManager)

            Console.WriteLine("BSGateway::WriteBlock: Writing for device, {0}, at offset {1} for length {2}", DeviceID, (int)OffsetToRW, PayloadData.Length);

            Task <bool> fBlockWritten = bsManager.WriteBlock(DeviceID, (int)OffsetToRW, (int)LengthRW, PayloadData);

            if (fBlockWritten.Result)
                // For diagnostics, if you wish to send back the data we just persisted, comment the fields below.
                LengthRW    = 0;
                PayloadData = null;

                // Set mode to indicate success
                Mode = BlockMode.OperationCompleted;

                Console.WriteLine("BSGateway::WriteBlock: Success");
                Console.WriteLine("BSGateway::WriteBlock: Failed");
                Mode = BlockMode.OperationFailed;
Exemple #2
        private void ReadBlockFromService(IBSManager bsManager)

            Console.WriteLine("BSGateway::ReadBlock: Reading for device, {0}, at offset {1} for length {2}", DeviceID, (int)OffsetToRW, (int)LengthRW);

            Task <byte[]> arrBlockData = bsManager.ReadBlock(DeviceID, (int)OffsetToRW, (int)LengthRW);

            PayloadData = arrBlockData.Result;

            LengthRW = 0;
            if (PayloadData != null)
                LengthRW = (uint)PayloadData.Length;

                Console.WriteLine("BSGateway::ReadBlock: Read {0} bytes", LengthRW);
                Console.WriteLine("BSGateway::ReadBock: No data read.");

            // Set mode to indicate success
            Mode = BlockMode.OperationCompleted;
Exemple #3
        public void ProcessPayloadBlock(IBSManager bsManager)
            // Do we even have a valid Payload?
            if (EndOfPayloadMarker != GatewayPayloadConst.EndOfPayloadMarker)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid Payload Received");

            // Depending upon the mode, process the payload
            if (Mode == BlockMode.Read)
                // Read a block from the service
            else if (Mode == BlockMode.Write)
            else if ((Mode == BlockMode.GetVolumeMountStatus) ||
                     (Mode == BlockMode.MarkVolumeUnmounted) ||
                     (Mode == BlockMode.MarkVolumeMounted))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid BlockMode status");
Exemple #4
        public void ProcessPayload(IBSManager bsManager, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // Do we even have a valid Payload?
            if (EndOfPayloadMarker != GatewayPayloadConst.EndOfPayloadMarker)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid Payload Received");

            // Depending upon the mode, process the payload
            if ((Mode == BlockMode.RegisterLU) || (Mode == BlockMode.UnregisterLU) || (Mode == BlockMode.UnmountLU) || (Mode == BlockMode.MountLU))
            else if (Mode == BlockMode.FetchRegisteredLUList)
                // No additional fields to process - simply proceed to fetch the list
                FetchRegisteredLUList(bsManager, cancellationToken);
            else if (Mode == BlockMode.Read)
                // Read a block from the service
            else if (Mode == BlockMode.Write)
                // Write the blocks to service.
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid BlockMode status");
Exemple #5
        private async Task WriteBlockUnderTransaction(IBSManager bsManager, ulong OffsetToWriteFrom, ulong bytesToWrite, uint iCopyFromIndex, byte[] arrPayload)
            SFBlockstoreService service = (SFBlockstoreService)bsManager;

            using (var tx = service.StateManager.CreateTransaction())
                await bsManager.WriteBlock(tx, DeviceID, OffsetToRW, OffsetToWriteFrom, (uint)bytesToWrite, arrPayload, iCopyFromIndex);

                // If an exception is thrown before calling CommitAsync, the transaction aborts, all changes are
                // discarded, and nothing is saved to the secondary replicas.
                await tx.CommitAsync();
Exemple #6
        private void ProcessVolumeStatus(IBSManager bsManager)
            if ((Mode == BlockMode.MarkVolumeMounted) || (Mode == BlockMode.MarkVolumeUnmounted))
                bool        fUpdated = false;
                Task <bool> status;

                // Mark the volume as mounted
                if (Mode == BlockMode.MarkVolumeMounted)
                    status   = bsManager.MarkVolumeWithStatus((int)BlockMode.MarkVolumeMounted);
                    fUpdated = status.Result;
                    status   = bsManager.MarkVolumeWithStatus((int)BlockMode.MarkVolumeUnmounted);
                    fUpdated = status.Result;

                if (fUpdated)
                    // Acknowledge the update
                    Mode = BlockMode.VolumeStatusSuccessfullyUpdated;
                    Mode = BlockMode.VolumeStatusUpdateFailed;
            else if (Mode == BlockMode.GetVolumeMountStatus)
                // Get the volume status and set it in Mode property.
                Task <int> status       = bsManager.GetVolumeMountStatus();
                int        volumeStatus = status.Result;
                if (volumeStatus == 0)
                    // We did not have volume mount status, implying we never saw it before.
                    // Thus, treat it as unmounted.
                    Mode = BlockMode.MarkVolumeUnmounted;
                    Mode = (BlockMode)status.Result;
        public Task <string> OpenAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)

            // Connect to the BSManager Service and target just a single partition for now.
            bsManager = ServiceProxy.Create <IBSManager>(new Uri("fabric:/BSGateway/BSManagerService"), new ServicePartitionKey(1));

            // Get the Port number from the service endpoint
            EndpointResourceDescription endpoint = context.CodePackageActivationContext.GetEndpoint("ServiceEndpoint");

            listeningPort = endpoint.Port;

            string uriPrefix    = $"{endpoint.Protocol}://+:{endpoint.Port}";
            string nodeIPOrName = FabricRuntime.GetNodeContext().IPAddressOrFQDN;

            // Create the list of hostnames to bind to
            List <string> listHostnamesToBindTo = new List <string>();


            // We will add the hostname to the list of names the service will listen on.
            // 1) When deployed to the cluster, the kernel driver will connect to the hostname
            //    to interact with the BSGateway (stateless) service. Aside from colocated connection,
            //    we need to do this since attempt to connect to the FQDN of the cluster results in a bugcheck
            //    way down in NT's Event-trace infrastructure.
            //    REVIEW: We should determine a better way (than binding hostname's IP addresses to service port)
            //            to determine the address service uses on each node.
            // 2) When developing the driver, it will connect to FQDN of the dev machine on which the service is running
            //    since the driver is usually developed in a VM (different from where service is deployed).

            // Create the list to hold the tcpListener we create for IPV4 address bindings
            tcpListeners = new List <TcpListener>();

            foreach (string hostname in listHostnamesToBindTo)
                // Create a new Tcp listner listening on the specified port
                IPHostEntry hostEntry = Dns.GetHostEntry(hostname);

                Console.WriteLine("BSGatewayService: Processing hostname {0} (resolved to {1})", hostname, hostEntry.HostName);

                foreach (IPAddress address in hostEntry.AddressList)
                    // REVIEW: Support IPV6 as well. Bind to every IPV4 address
                    // corresponding to the hostname.
                    if (address.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
                            TcpListener tcpListener = new TcpListener(address, listeningPort);


                            Console.WriteLine("BSGateway: Service is listening at {0}", address.ToString());

                            // Queue off a workitem in Threadpool that will process incoming requests
                            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((state) =>
                                this.ProcessTcpRequests(cancellationToken, tcpListener);
                        catch (Exception)
                            // REVIEW: Ignore any exceptions while starting a listening session.

            // REVIEW: Should we publish the URI of all the addresses we are listening on?
            // Return the Uri to be published by SF's naming service
            string publishUri = uriPrefix.Replace("+", FabricRuntime.GetNodeContext().IPAddressOrFQDN);

Exemple #8
        private void ManageLURegistration(IBSManager bsManager)

            uint LengthBuffer = SizePayloadBuffer;

            // Fetch the LU registration data from the payload sent to us.

            if (Mode == BlockMode.RegisterLU)
                Console.WriteLine("SFBlockstoreService::ManageLURegistration: Registering LU, {0}, of size {1} {2}", LUID, DiskSize, DiskSizeUnit);
            else if (Mode == BlockMode.UnregisterLU)
                Console.WriteLine("SFBlockstoreService::ManageLURegistration: Unregistering LU, {0}", LUID);
            else if ((Mode == BlockMode.UnmountLU) || (Mode == BlockMode.MountLU))
                Console.WriteLine("SFBlockstoreService::ManageLURegistration: Setting mount status of LU, {0}, to {1}", LUID, Mounted);

            bool fResult = false;

            if (Mode == BlockMode.RegisterLU)
                Task <bool> fRegistered = bsManager.RegisterLU(DeviceID, LUID, DiskSize, DiskSizeUnit, Mounted);
                fResult = fRegistered.Result;
            else if (Mode == BlockMode.UnregisterLU)
                Task <bool> fUnregistered = bsManager.UnregisterLU(DeviceID, LUID);
                fResult = fUnregistered.Result;
            else if (Mode == BlockMode.UnmountLU)
                Task <bool> fUnmounted = bsManager.UnmountLU(DeviceID, LUID);
                fResult = fUnmounted.Result;
            else if (Mode == BlockMode.MountLU)
                Task <bool> fMounted = bsManager.MountLU(DeviceID, LUID);
                fResult = fMounted.Result;

            // Reset the payload details before sending a response.
            // We send an empty buffer as the client side expects a response
            // comprising of Header+(empty)Payload.
            // We do similar work in FetchRegisteredLUList.
            SizePayloadBuffer = LengthBuffer;
            PayloadData       = new byte[SizePayloadBuffer];

            if (fResult)
                // Set mode to indicate success
                Mode = BlockMode.OperationCompleted;

                Console.WriteLine("SFBlockstoreService::ManageLURegistration: Success");
                Console.WriteLine("SFBlockstoreService::ManageLURegistration: Failed");
                Mode = BlockMode.OperationFailed;
Exemple #9
        private void FetchRegisteredLUList(IBSManager bsManager, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

            // This request comes with a blockSizeManagementRequest sized empty payload buffer. Fetch that from the stream
            // to get it out of the way so that we have completed reading the header+(empty)payload.
            uint LengthBuffer = SizePayloadBuffer;

            byte[] arrPayload         = new byte[LengthBuffer];
            int    bytesToRead        = (int)LengthBuffer;
            int    iTotalBytesFetched = SFBlockStoreCommunicationListener.FetchDataFromTransport(ClientStream, PipeServer, arrPayload, bytesToRead);

            // Did we get a buffer of expected size?
            if (iTotalBytesFetched != bytesToRead)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("SFBlockstoreService::FetchRegisteredLUList: Malformed request of size {0} encountered; expected size is {1}", iTotalBytesFetched, bytesToRead));

            Console.WriteLine("SFBlockstoreService::FetchRegisteredLUList: Fetching registered LUs");

            // Prepare to write the outgoing data
            MemoryStream msPayload = new MemoryStream((int)GatewayPayloadConst.blockSizeManagementRequest);
            BinaryWriter writer    = new BinaryWriter(msPayload);

            // Registrated LU List format is as follows:
            // <Number of Entries>
            // LengthLUID            <-- Entry starts here
            // DiskSize
            // DiskSizeUnit
            // Mounted
            // LUID                  <-- Entry ends here
            // ...repeat

            Task <ArrayList> listLU           = bsManager.FetchLURegistrations(DeviceID, cancellationToken);
            ArrayList        listRegisteredLU = listLU.Result;
            int iLURegistrations = (listRegisteredLU != null)?listRegisteredLU.Count:0;

            if (iLURegistrations > 0)
                // Write the number of registration entries
                if (iLURegistrations > GatewayPayloadConst.maxLURegistrations)
                    Console.WriteLine("SFBlockstoreService::FetchRegisteredLUList: Trimming LU registration list from {0} to {1}", iLURegistrations, GatewayPayloadConst.maxLURegistrations);
                    iLURegistrations = GatewayPayloadConst.maxLURegistrations;


                // Loop through each registration to compose the payload
                int iIndex = 0;
                foreach (string entry in listRegisteredLU)
                    if (iIndex < iLURegistrations)
                        // Split the entry into LUID and Registration info
                        string[] arrData = entry.Split(new string[] { "::" }, StringSplitOptions.None);

                        // Add the NULL to the string when sending across the wire.
                        string szLUID = arrData[0] + "\0";

                        // Convert the LUID to byte array
                        byte[] arrLUID = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(szLUID);

                        // Write the length of LUID in bytes (and not characters)

                        // Get the Disksize and Size unit
                        string[] arrDiskSizeData = arrData[1].Split(new char[] { '_' });

                        // Write the DiskSize

                        // Write the DiskSize Unit

                        // Write the Mounted status

                        // Finally, write the LUID


                Console.WriteLine("SFBlockstoreService::FetchRegisteredLUList: Fetched {0} LU registrations", iLURegistrations);
                iLURegistrations = 0;
                Console.WriteLine("SFBlockstoreService::FetchRegisteredLUList: No LU registrations found.");

            // Set the payload and its actual length so that
            // the right amount of data is copied from the payload
            // we send (including nothing when the payload is empty).
            PayloadData       = msPayload.GetBuffer();
            SizePayloadBuffer = (uint)msPayload.ToArray().Length;

            Console.WriteLine("SFBlockstoreService::FetchRegisteredLUList: Returned payload size is {0}.", SizePayloadBuffer);


            // Set mode to indicate success
            Mode = BlockMode.OperationCompleted;
Exemple #10
        private void WriteBlocksToService(IBSManager bsManager)

            ulong OffsetToWriteFrom = OffsetToRW;
            uint  LengthBuffer      = SizePayloadBuffer;
            ulong endOffset         = OffsetToWriteFrom + LengthBuffer;
            bool  fWriteSuccessful  = true;
            ulong bytesToWrite      = 0;
            ulong bytesWritten      = 0;
            uint  iCopyFromIndex    = 0;

            bool fUseDMA = UseDMA;

            Console.WriteLine("SFBlockstoreService::WriteBlocksToService: Writing blocks device, {0}, at offset {1} for length {2}{3}", DeviceID, OffsetToRW, LengthBuffer, UseDMA ? " [DMA]" : String.Empty);

            byte[] arrPayload = new byte[LengthBuffer];

            if (!fUseDMA)
                // Fetch the data from the network in a single go and loop in block aligned size to write to the service.
                int iTotalBytesFetched = SFBlockStoreCommunicationListener.FetchDataFromTransport(ClientStream, PipeServer, arrPayload, arrPayload.Length);
                if (iTotalBytesFetched != arrPayload.Length)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("SFBlockstoreService::WriteBlocksToService: Malformed write-payload of size {0} encountered; expected size is {1}", iTotalBytesFetched, arrPayload.Length));
                // Get the data from the kernel driver to write to the store.
                uint errorDMA = 0;

                // If we are going to use DMA, then get the reference to the SRB's DataBuffer
                    fixed(byte *pBuffer = arrPayload)
                        fWriteSuccessful = GetPayloadFromSRB(SRBAddress, pBuffer, LengthBuffer, &errorDMA);

                if (!fWriteSuccessful)
                    Console.WriteLine("SFBlockstoreService::WriteBlocksToService: Failed to read blocks from memory for SRB {3:X} for device, {0}, at offset {1} for length {2} due to error {4}", DeviceID, OffsetToRW, LengthBuffer, SRBAddress.ToUInt64(), errorDMA);

            if (fWriteSuccessful)
                    List <Task> listTasks = new List <Task>();
                    while (OffsetToWriteFrom < endOffset)
                        // How many bytes do we need to process from the current offset to end of the corresponding block?
                        bytesToWrite = GatewayPayloadConst.blockSizeDisk - (OffsetToWriteFrom % GatewayPayloadConst.blockSizeDisk);
                        if ((bytesToWrite + OffsetToWriteFrom) >= endOffset)
                            // We cannot go past the intended length, so adjust the length accordingly.
                            bytesToWrite = endOffset - OffsetToWriteFrom;

                        Task taskWriteBlock = WriteBlockUnderTransaction(bsManager, OffsetToWriteFrom, bytesToWrite, iCopyFromIndex, arrPayload);

                        // Update the counters
                        OffsetToWriteFrom += bytesToWrite;
                        bytesWritten      += bytesToWrite;
                        iCopyFromIndex    += (uint)bytesToWrite;

                    // Wait for all tasks to complete
                catch (Exception ex)
                    fWriteSuccessful = false;
                    Console.WriteLine("SFBlockstoreService::WriteBlocksToService: Failed to write blocks to device, {0}, at offset {1} for length {2} due to exception: {3} - {4}", DeviceID, OffsetToRW, LengthBuffer, ex.GetType(), ex.Message);

                // Ensure we processed the expected length of data
                if (bytesWritten != LengthBuffer)
                    Console.WriteLine("SFBlockstoreService::WriteBlocksToService: Incomplete block write for device, {0}, at offset {1} for length {2}. Expected: {3}, Read: {4}", DeviceID, OffsetToRW, LengthBuffer, LengthBuffer, bytesWritten);
                    fWriteSuccessful = false;

            // Reset the payload details before sending a response.
            SizePayloadBuffer = 0;
            PayloadData       = null;

            if (fWriteSuccessful)
                Console.WriteLine("SFBlockstoreService::WriteBlocksToService: Blocks successfully written to device, {0}, at offset {1} for length {2}", DeviceID, OffsetToRW, LengthBuffer);
                Mode = BlockMode.OperationCompleted;
                Console.WriteLine("SFBlockstoreService::WriteBlocksToService: Failed to write blocks to device, {0}, at offset {1} for length {2}", DeviceID, OffsetToRW, LengthBuffer);
                Mode = BlockMode.OperationFailed;
Exemple #11
        private void ReadBlocksFromService(IBSManager bsManager)

            uint LengthBuffer    = SizePayloadBuffer;
            bool fReadSuccessful = true;
            bool fUseDMA         = UseDMA;

            Console.WriteLine("SFBlockstoreService::ReadBlocksFromService: Reading blocks from device, {0}, at offset {1} for length {2}{3}", DeviceID, OffsetToRW, LengthBuffer, UseDMA?" [DMA]":String.Empty);

            // Allocate an array that will be able to contain the block data we have to read
            byte[] arrPayload = new byte[LengthBuffer];

            uint  iCopyToIndex     = 0;
            ulong OffsetToReadFrom = OffsetToRW;
            ulong endOffset        = OffsetToReadFrom + LengthBuffer;
            ulong bytesToRead      = 0;

                List <Task> listTasks = new List <Task>();
                while (OffsetToReadFrom < endOffset)
                    // How many bytes do we need to process from the current offset to end of the corresponding block?
                    bytesToRead = GatewayPayloadConst.blockSizeDisk - (OffsetToReadFrom % GatewayPayloadConst.blockSizeDisk);
                    if ((bytesToRead + OffsetToReadFrom) >= endOffset)
                        // We cannot go past the intended length, so adjust the length accordingly.
                        bytesToRead = endOffset - OffsetToReadFrom;

                    Task readBlock = ReadBlockUnderTransaction(bsManager, arrPayload, iCopyToIndex, OffsetToReadFrom, bytesToRead);

                    // Move to the next offset
                    OffsetToReadFrom += bytesToRead;
                    iCopyToIndex     += (uint)bytesToRead;

                // Wait for all tasks to complete

                // Ensure we processed the expected length of data
                if (iCopyToIndex != LengthBuffer)
                    Console.WriteLine("SFBlockstoreService::ReadBlocksFromService: Incomplete blocks read for device, {0}, at offset {1} for length {2}. Expected: {3}, Read: {4}", DeviceID, OffsetToRW, LengthBuffer, LengthBuffer, iCopyToIndex);
                    fReadSuccessful = false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                fReadSuccessful = false;
                Console.WriteLine("SFBlockstoreService::ReadBlocksFromService: Failed to read blocks for device, {0}, at offset {1} for length {2} due to exception: {3} - {4}", DeviceID, OffsetToRW, LengthBuffer, ex.GetType(), ex.Message);

            // Set the return payload buffer for the client to complete its receive request.
            if (!fUseDMA)
                // When not using DMA, setup the array payload to be returned
                PayloadData = arrPayload;
                if (fReadSuccessful)
                    // Pass the data we got from the store to the kernel driver.
                    uint errorDMA = 0;

                        // If we are going to use DMA, then get the reference to the SRB's DataBuffer
                        fixed(byte *pBuffer = arrPayload)
                            fReadSuccessful = CopyPayloadToSRB(SRBAddress, pBuffer, LengthBuffer, &errorDMA);

                    if (!fReadSuccessful)
                        Console.WriteLine("SFBlockstoreService::ReadBlocksFromService: Failed to read blocks into memory for SRB {3:X} for device, {0}, at offset {1} for length {2} due to error {4}", DeviceID, OffsetToRW, LengthBuffer, SRBAddress.ToUInt64(), errorDMA);

                // We are not sending any payload over the wire, so reset the reference for response.
                SizePayloadBuffer = 0;
                PayloadData       = null;

            if (fReadSuccessful)
                Console.WriteLine("SFBlockstoreService::ReadBlocksFromService: Blocks successfully read for device, {0}, at offset {1} for length {2}", DeviceID, OffsetToRW, LengthBuffer);
                Mode = BlockMode.OperationCompleted;
                Console.WriteLine("SFBlockstoreService::ReadBlocksFromService: Failed to read blocks for device, {0}, at offset {1} for length {2}", DeviceID, OffsetToRW, LengthBuffer);
                Mode = BlockMode.OperationFailed;