public static extern int CreateAssemblyEnum(
			out IAssemblyEnum ppEnum,
			IApplicationContext pAppCtx,
			IAssemblyName pName,
			uint dwFlags,
			int pvReserved
Exemple #2
 private static string GetName(IAssemblyName name)
     uint bufferSize = 255;
     var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder((int)bufferSize);
     name.GetName(ref bufferSize, stringBuilder);
     return stringBuilder.ToString().Trim();
        public InstallReferenceEnumerator(IAssemblyName assemblyName)
            var hr = FusionImports.CreateInstallReferenceEnum(out refEnum, assemblyName, 0, IntPtr.Zero);

            if (hr < 0)
        private String GetFullName(IAssemblyName fusionAsmName)
            StringBuilder sDisplayName = new StringBuilder(1024);
            int iLen = 1024;

            int hr = fusionAsmName.GetDisplayName(sDisplayName, ref iLen, (int)AssemblyNameDisplayFlags.ALL);
            if (hr < 0) {

            return sDisplayName.ToString();
 public ExecuteScriptCommand(string script,
     string[] scriptArgs,
     IFileSystem fileSystem,
     IScriptExecutor scriptExecutor,
     IScriptPackResolver scriptPackResolver,
     ILog logger,
     IAssemblyName assemblyName)
     _script = script;
     ScriptArgs = scriptArgs;
     _fileSystem = fileSystem;
     _scriptExecutor = scriptExecutor;
     _scriptPackResolver = scriptPackResolver;
     _logger = logger;
     _assemblyName = assemblyName;
        private static string GetDisplayName(IAssemblyName native)
            int bufferSize = 1024;
            StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(bufferSize);

            AssemblyDisplayFlags dwDisplayFlags = AssemblyDisplayFlags.ProcessorArchitecture |
                                                  AssemblyDisplayFlags.PublicKeyToken |
                                                  AssemblyDisplayFlags.LanguageId |
                                                  AssemblyDisplayFlags.Culture |

            if (NativeMethods.SUCCESS == native.GetDisplayName(buffer, ref bufferSize, dwDisplayFlags))
                return buffer.ToString();

            return null;
 public ExecuteReplCommand(
     IFileSystem fileSystem,
     IScriptPackResolver scriptPackResolver,
     IScriptEngine scriptEngine,
     IFilePreProcessor filePreProcessor,
     ILog logger,
     IConsole console,
     IAssemblyName assemblyName
     _fileSystem = fileSystem;
     _scriptPackResolver = scriptPackResolver;
     _scriptEngine = scriptEngine;
     _filePreProcessor = filePreProcessor;
     _logger = logger;
     _console = console;
     _assemblyName = assemblyName;
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AssemblyDescription"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assemblyName">Name of the assembly.</param>
        public AssemblyDescription(IAssemblyName assemblyName)
            //  Get the qualified name.
            var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(10000);
            var iLen = 10000;
            var hr = assemblyName.GetDisplayName(stringBuilder, ref iLen, ASM_DISPLAY_FLAGS.ASM_DISPLAYF_VERSION
            if (hr < 0)
            var displayName = stringBuilder.ToString();

            //  Load properties from the display name.

            //  We have the assembly name, so we can use the optimised version to load the fusion properties.
            lazyFusionProperties = new Lazy<AssemblyFusionProperties>(DoLoadFusionProperties);
            lazyReflectionProperties = new Lazy<AssemblyReflectionProperties>(DoLoadReflectionProperties);
        public static AssemblyName ToAssemblyName(IAssemblyName native)
            string displayName = GetDisplayName(native);

            using (AssemblyCache cache = new AssemblyCache())
                // according to MSKB, this is a SUPPORTED method, therefore we can use the obtained path
                // in the ASSEMBLY_INFO struct to generate a fully-populated AssemblyName object.
                // see:

                string path = cache.QueryAssemblyPath(displayName);

                if (path != null)
                    return AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(path);

            return new AssemblyName(displayName);
Exemple #10
 public ScriptServiceRoot(
     IFileSystem fileSystem,
     IPackageAssemblyResolver packageAssemblyResolver, 
     IScriptExecutor executor,
     IScriptEngine engine,
     IFilePreProcessor filePreProcessor,
     IScriptPackResolver scriptPackResolver, 
     IPackageInstaller packageInstaller,
     ILog logger,
     IAssemblyName assemblyName,
     IConsole console = null)
     FileSystem = fileSystem;
     PackageAssemblyResolver = packageAssemblyResolver;
     Executor = executor;
     Engine = engine;
     FilePreProcessor = filePreProcessor;
     ScriptPackResolver = scriptPackResolver;
     PackageInstaller = packageInstaller;
     Logger = logger;
     Console = console;
     AssemblyName = assemblyName;
Exemple #11
 /// <summary>
 ///     Gets the public key.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">The name.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static byte[] GetPublicKey(IAssemblyName name)
     uint bufferSize = 512;
     IntPtr buffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int) bufferSize);
     name.GetProperty(ASM_NAME.ASM_NAME_PUBLIC_KEY, buffer, ref bufferSize);
     var result = new byte[bufferSize];
     for (int i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++)
         result[i] = Marshal.ReadByte(buffer, i);
     return result;
Exemple #12
 /// <summary>
 ///     Gets the display name.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">The name.</param>
 /// <param name="which">The which.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static String GetDisplayName(IAssemblyName name, ASM_DISPLAY_FLAGS which)
     uint bufferSize = 255;
     var buffer = new StringBuilder((int) bufferSize);
     name.GetDisplayName(buffer, ref bufferSize, which);
     return buffer.ToString();
Exemple #13
 /// <summary>
 ///     Gets the version.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">The name.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static Version GetVersion(IAssemblyName name)
     uint major;
     uint minor;
     name.GetVersion(out major, out minor);
     return new Version((int) major >> 16, (int) major & 0xFFFF, (int) minor >> 16, (int) minor & 0xFFFF);
Exemple #14
 static extern void CreateAssemblyEnum(out IAssemblyEnum pEnum, IntPtr pUnkReserved, IAssemblyName pName,
                                       AssemblyCacheFlags dwFlags, IntPtr pvReserved);
 public static extern int CreateAssemblyEnum(
     out IAssemblyEnum ppEnum,                 // Pointer to a memory location that contains the IAssemblyEnum pointer
     IApplicationContext pAppCtx,              // Must be null. ???
     IAssemblyName pName,                      // An assembly name that is used to filter the enumeration. Can be null to enumerate all assemblies in the GAC.
     ASM_CACHE_FLAGS dwFlags,                  // Exactly one bit from the ASM_CACHE_FLAGS enumeration.
     int pvReserved);                          // Must be NULL
        private static void AssertName(IAssemblyName assemblyName, string expected)
            var actual = assemblyName.Name;

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
 internal static extern int CreateAssemblyCacheItem(out IAssemblyCacheItem ppasm,
                                                    IAssemblyName pName,
                                                    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] String pszCodebase,
                                                    ref FILETIME pftLastMod,
                                                    uint dwInstaller,
                                                    uint dwReserved);
Exemple #18
 internal static extern int CreateAssemblyNameObject(
     out IAssemblyName ppAssemblyNameObj,
     String szAssemblyName,
     CreateAssemblyNameObjectFlags flags,
     IntPtr pvReserved);
        private static void AssertVersion(IAssemblyName assemblyName, string expectedVersion)
            var actual = assemblyName.Version;

            Assert.AreEqual(new AssemblyVersion(expectedVersion), actual);
Exemple #20
 /// <inheritdoc />
 public IAssembly Load(IAssemblyName assemblyRef)
 	var un = ((IWrap<AssemblyName>)assemblyRef).UnderlyingObject;
 	return new AssemblyWrap(_underlyingObject.Load(un));
Exemple #21
 internal static extern int CreateAssemblyEnum(
     out IAssemblyEnum ppEnum,
     IntPtr pUnkReserved,
     IAssemblyName pName,
     AssemblyCacheFlags flags,
     IntPtr pvReserved);
Exemple #22
 /// <inheritdoc />
 public int ExecuteAssemblyByName(IAssemblyName assemblyName, Evidence assemblySecurity, params string[] args)
     IWrap<AssemblyName> real = (IWrap<AssemblyName>)assemblyName;
     return _underlyingObject.ExecuteAssemblyByName(real.UnderlyingObject, assemblySecurity, args);
 public static extern int CreateAssemblyNameObject(
     [Out] out IAssemblyName ppAssemblyNameObj,
     [In] string szAssemblyName,
     [In] uint dwFlags,
     [In] IntPtr pvReserved);
 public static extern int CreateAssemblyEnum(
     [Out] out IAssemblyEnum pEnum,
     [In] IntPtr pUnkReserved,
     [In] IAssemblyName pName,
     [In] uint dwFlags,
     [In] IntPtr pvReserved);
Exemple #25
 /// <summary>
 ///     Get the next assembly name in the current enumerator or fail
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="enumerator"></param>
 /// <param name="name"></param>
 /// <returns>0 if the enumeration is not at its end</returns>
 public static int GetNextAssembly(IAssemblyEnum enumerator, out IAssemblyName name)
     return enumerator.GetNextAssembly((IntPtr) 0, out name, 0);
Exemple #26
 internal static extern int CreateAssemblyNameObject(out IAssemblyName ppName,
                                                     string szAssemblyName,
                                                     uint dwFlags,
                                                     int pvReserved);
Exemple #27
 internal static extern int CreateAssemblyEnum(
         out IAssemblyEnum ppEnum,
         IntPtr pUnkReserved,
         IAssemblyName pName,
         AssemblyCacheFlags flags,
         IntPtr pvReserved);
 private static extern int RealCreateAssemblyNameObject(out IAssemblyName ppEnum, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string szAssemblyName, uint dwFlags, IntPtr pvReserved);
Exemple #29
 private static extern int CreateAssemblyNameObject(out IAssemblyName ppName, string szAssemblyName, uint dwFlags, int pvReserved);
        }// ReadFusionCache

        private static void ReadCache(ArrayList alAssems, uint nFlag)
            IAssemblyEnum       aEnum  = null;
            IApplicationContext AppCtx = null;
            IAssemblyName       aName  = null;

            int hr = CreateAssemblyEnum(out aEnum, null, null, nFlag, 0);

            while (hr == HRESULT.S_OK)
                hr = aEnum.GetNextAssembly(out AppCtx, out aName, 0);
                if (hr == HRESULT.S_OK)
                    uint   iLen         = 0;
                    IntPtr pDisplayName = (IntPtr)0;
                    // Get the length of the string we need
                    aName.GetDisplayName((IntPtr)0, ref iLen, 0);
                    if (iLen > 0)
                        // Do some yucky memory allocating here
                        // We need to assume that a wide character is 2 bytes.
                        pDisplayName = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(((int)iLen + 1) * 2);
                        aName.GetDisplayName(pDisplayName, ref iLen, 0);
                        String sDisplayName = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(pDisplayName);

                        AssemInfo newguy = new AssemInfo();
                        newguy.sFusionName = sDisplayName;

                        // Our info is in a comma seperated list. Let's pull it out
                        String[] sFields = sDisplayName.Split(new char[] { ',' });

                        newguy.Name = sFields[0];
                        // The version string is represented as Version=######
                        // Let's take out the 'Version='
                        newguy.Version = sFields[1].Substring(sFields[1].IndexOf('=') + 1);
                        // Same goes for the locale
                        newguy.Locale = sFields[2].Substring(sFields[2].IndexOf('=') + 1);
                        // And the internal key token
                        sFields[3] = sFields[3].Substring(sFields[3].IndexOf('=') + 1);
                        if (sFields[3].Equals("null"))
                            sFields[3] = CResourceStore.GetString("None");

                        newguy.PublicKeyToken = sFields[3];

                        // Now get some more stuff we can't get from a 'GetDisplayName' call
                        newguy.PublicKey = GetFusionString(aName, ASM_NAME.PUBLIC_KEY);
                        newguy.Codebase  = GetFusionString(aName, ASM_NAME.CODEBASE_URL);

                        // newguy.Modified = GetFusionString(aName, ASM_NAME.CODEBASE_LASTMOD);
                        // Currently, there's a fusion bug which prevents us from getting this information
                        // We'll go out to the file system and get the data right now.
                        newguy.Modified = "";
                            if (newguy.Codebase != null && newguy.Codebase.Length > 0)
                                Uri    uCodebase     = new Uri(newguy.Codebase);
                                String sAbsolutePath = uCodebase.AbsolutePath;
                                if (File.Exists(sAbsolutePath))
                                    newguy.Modified = File.GetLastWriteTime(sAbsolutePath).ToString();
                        catch (Exception)
                        newguy.ProcType  = GetFusionString(aName, ASM_NAME.PROCESSOR_ID_ARRAY);
                        newguy.OSType    = GetFusionString(aName, ASM_NAME.OSINFO_ARRAY);
                        newguy.OSVersion = ""; // We'll need to munge the OSINFO_ARRAY a bit
                        // This will grab the ZAP signature
                        newguy.sCustom    = GetFusionString(aName, ASM_NAME.CUSTOM);
                        newguy.nCacheType = nFlag;
        }// ReadFusionCache
Exemple #31
 internal static extern int CreateAssemblyEnum(out IAssemblyEnum ppEnum,
                                               IApplicationContext pAppCtx,
                                               IAssemblyName pName,
                                               uint dwFlags,
                                               int pvReserved);
Exemple #32
 static extern void CreateAssemblyNameObject(out IAssemblyName ppAssemblyNameObj, string szAssemblyName,
                                             uint dwFlags, IntPtr pvReserved);
Exemple #33
 public bool ReferenceMatchesDefinition(IAssemblyName reference, IAssemblyName definition)
     return(AssemblyName.ReferenceMatchesDefinition(reference.AssemblyNameInstance, definition.AssemblyNameInstance));
Exemple #34
 static extern void CreateAssemblyEnum(out IAssemblyEnum pEnum, IntPtr pUnkReserved, IAssemblyName pName,
                                       ASM_CACHE_FLAGS dwFlags, IntPtr pvReserved);
 internal static string GetName(IAssemblyName nameObject)
     return(GetPropertyString(nameObject, PropertyId.NAME));
Exemple #36
 static extern void CreateInstallReferenceEnum(out IInstallReferenceEnum ppRefEnum, IAssemblyName pName,
                                               uint dwFlags, IntPtr pvReserved);
 public static extern int CreateAssemblyNameObject(
     out IAssemblyName ppEnum,                       // Pointer to a memory location that receives the IAssemblyName pointer that is created.
     string szAssemblyName,                          // A string representation of the assembly name or of a full assembly reference that is determined by dwFlags. The string representation can be null.
     CREATE_ASM_NAME_OBJ_FLAGS dwFlags,              // Zero or more of the bits that are defined in the CREATE_ASM_NAME_OBJ_FLAGS enumeration.
     int pvReserved);                                // Must be null.
Exemple #38
 /// <summary>
 /// Get the next assembly name in the current enumerator or fail
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="enumerator"></param>
 /// <param name="name"></param>
 /// <returns>0 if the enumeration is not at its end</returns>
 public static int GetNextAssembly(IAssemblyEnum enumerator, out IAssemblyName name)
     return(enumerator.GetNextAssembly((IntPtr)0, out name, 0));
Exemple #39
 private static extern void CreateAssemblyEnum(out IAssemblyEnum pEnum, IntPtr pUnkReserved, IAssemblyName pName,
     ASM_CACHE_FLAGS dwFlags, IntPtr pvReserved);
Exemple #40
 internal AssemblyName(IAssemblyName /*!*/ assemblyName)
     this.assemblyName = assemblyName;
     //^ base();
Exemple #41
 /// <summary>
 ///     Gets the name.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">The name.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static String GetName(IAssemblyName name)
     uint bufferSize = 255;
     var buffer = new StringBuilder((int) bufferSize);
     name.GetName(ref bufferSize, buffer);
     return buffer.ToString();
Exemple #42
 internal static extern int CreateInstallReferenceEnum(
         out IInstallReferenceEnum ppRefEnum,
         IAssemblyName pName,
         int dwFlags,
         IntPtr pvReserved);
Exemple #43
 /// <summary>
 ///     Gets the public key token.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">The name.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static byte[] GetPublicKeyToken(IAssemblyName name)
     var result = new byte[8];
     uint bufferSize = 8;
     IntPtr buffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int) bufferSize);
     name.GetProperty(ASM_NAME.ASM_NAME_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN, buffer, ref bufferSize);
     for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
         result[i] = Marshal.ReadByte(buffer, i);
     return result;
Exemple #44
 internal static extern int CreateAssemblyNameObject(out IAssemblyName ppEnum, String szAssemblyName, uint dwFlags, IntPtr pvReserved);
Exemple #45
        /// <summary>
        ///     Gets the culture.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The name.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static CultureInfo GetCulture(IAssemblyName name)
            uint bufferSize = 255;
            IntPtr buffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int) bufferSize);
            name.GetProperty(ASM_NAME.ASM_NAME_CULTURE, buffer, ref bufferSize);
            string result = Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(buffer);
            if (result != null)
                return new CultureInfo(result);

            return null;
 internal byte[] GetByteArrayProperty(IAssemblyName name, ASM_NAME propertyName)
     uint bufferSize = 512;
     IntPtr buffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)bufferSize);
     name.GetProperty(propertyName, buffer, ref bufferSize);
     byte[] result = new byte[bufferSize];
     for (int i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++)
         result[i] = Marshal.ReadByte(buffer, i);
     return result;
Exemple #47
 internal AssemblyName(IAssemblyName /*!*/ assemblyName)
     this.assemblyName = assemblyName;
 internal UInt16 GetShortProperty(IAssemblyName name, ASM_NAME propertyName)
     uint bufferSize = 512;
     IntPtr buffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)bufferSize);
     name.GetProperty(propertyName, buffer, ref bufferSize);
     byte low = Marshal.ReadByte(buffer);
     byte high = Marshal.ReadByte(buffer, 1);
     return (UInt16)(low + (high << 8));
Exemple #49
 internal static extern int CreateAssemblyNameObject(
         out IAssemblyName ppAssemblyNameObj,
         String szAssemblyName,
         CreateAssemblyNameObjectFlags flags,
         IntPtr pvReserved);
Exemple #50
 public IAssembly Load(IAssemblyName assemblyRef)
     return(new AssemblyWrap(Assembly.Load(assemblyRef.AssemblyNameInstance)));
 public IAssembly Load(IAssemblyName assemblyRef)
     return new AssemblyWrap(Assembly.Load(assemblyRef.AssemblyNameInstance));
 internal static string GetCulture(IAssemblyName nameObject)
     return(GetPropertyString(nameObject, PropertyId.CULTURE));
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the fusion properties given the assembly name COM object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assemblyName">Name of the assembly.</param>
        public void Load(IAssemblyName assemblyName)
            //  Load the properties.
            MajorVersion = GetShortProperty(assemblyName, ASM_NAME.ASM_NAME_MAJOR_VERSION);
            MinorVersion = GetShortProperty(assemblyName, ASM_NAME.ASM_NAME_MINOR_VERSION);
            BuildNumber = GetShortProperty(assemblyName, ASM_NAME.ASM_NAME_BUILD_NUMBER);
            RevisionNumber = GetShortProperty(assemblyName, ASM_NAME.ASM_NAME_REVISION_NUMBER);
            PublicKey = GetByteArrayProperty(assemblyName, ASM_NAME.ASM_NAME_PUBLIC_KEY);

            //  Create an install reference enumerator.
            var enumerator = new InstallReferenceEnumerator(assemblyName);
            var reference = enumerator.GetNextReference();
            while (reference != null)
                reference = enumerator.GetNextReference();

            //  Load the reserved properties.
            //ReservedHashValue = GetByteArrayProperty(assemblyName, ASM_NAME.ASM_NAME_HASH_VALUE);
            //ReservedHashAlgorithmId = GetDwordProperty(assemblyName, ASM_NAME.ASM_NAME_HASH_ALGID);
 internal static AssemblyContentType GetContentType(IAssemblyName nameObject)
     return((AssemblyContentType)(GetPropertyWord(nameObject, PropertyId.CONTENT_TYPE) ?? 0));
 internal UInt32 GetDwordProperty(IAssemblyName name, ASM_NAME propertyName)
     uint bufferSize = 512;
     IntPtr buffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)bufferSize);
     name.GetProperty(propertyName, buffer, ref bufferSize);
     byte a = Marshal.ReadByte(buffer);
     byte b = Marshal.ReadByte(buffer, 1);
     byte c = Marshal.ReadByte(buffer);
     byte d = Marshal.ReadByte(buffer, 1);
     return (UInt32)(a + (b << 8) + (c << 16) + (d << 24));
        internal static CultureInfo GetCultureInfo(IAssemblyName nameObject)
            var cultureName = GetCulture(nameObject);

            return((cultureName != null) ? new CultureInfo(cultureName) : null);
 internal string GetStringProperty(IAssemblyName name, ASM_NAME propertyName)
     uint bufferSize = BufferLength;
     IntPtr buffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)bufferSize);
     name.GetProperty(propertyName, buffer, ref bufferSize);
     var stringVaule = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(buffer, (int)bufferSize);
     return stringVaule;
 internal static ProcessorArchitecture GetProcessorArchitecture(IAssemblyName nameObject)
     return((ProcessorArchitecture)(GetPropertyWord(nameObject, PropertyId.ARCHITECTURE) ?? 0));
Exemple #59
 internal AssemblyName(IAssemblyName assemblyName){
   this.assemblyName = assemblyName;
 private static unsafe void SetProperty(IAssemblyName nameObject, PropertyId propertyId, uint data)
     nameObject.SetProperty(propertyId, &data, sizeof(uint));