        // GetNextRequest
        public ApplicationMonikerRequest GetNextRequest(IAssemblyManifestImport ami)
            FileType type;
            Uri      codebase;

            DependentFileInfo     dfi;
            DependentAssemblyInfo dai;

            // we can't do components for now.
            if (ami.GetFileType() == FileType.ComponentManifest)

            dfi = ami.GetNextDependentFileInfo();
            if (dfi != null)
                codebase = new Uri(_appBase, dfi["name"]);
                type     = FileType.RawFile;
                // Don't follow component dependencies.
//				if (ami.GetFileType() == FileType.ComponentManifest)
//					return null;

                dai = ami.GetNextDependentAssemblyInfo();
                if (dai != null)
                    codebase = new Uri(_appBase, dai["codeBase"]);
                    type     = FileType.ComponentManifest;
                    codebase = null;
                    type     = FileType.Unknown;

            if (codebase == null)

            ApplicationMonikerRequest request =
                (ApplicationMonikerRequest)ApplicationMonikerRequest.Create(codebase, _appBase, _appStorePath);

            request.type = type;

        void IFileOperator.ProcessFile(string startDir, string relPathDir, string fileName)
            IAssemblyManifestImport currAssm = null;
            AssemblyIdentity        assmID   = null;

            DependentAssemblyInfo[] depAssmInfoArr = null;
            DependentFileInfo[]     depFileInfoArr = null;
            MGTrackerNode           tempNode;

            string   relPath = Path.Combine(relPathDir, fileName);
            string   absPath = Path.Combine(startDir, relPath);
            FileInfo fInf    = new FileInfo(absPath);

            //Console.Write("Processing " + absPath + "... ");

                currAssm       = DefaultAssemblyManifestImporter.GetAssemblyManifestImport(absPath);
                assmID         = currAssm.GetAssemblyIdentity();
                depAssmInfoArr = currAssm.GetDependentAssemblyInfo();
                depFileInfoArr = currAssm.GetDependentFileInfo();
            catch (BadImageFormatException bife)
                // This file is a module; update hash table
                tempNode = (MGTrackerNode)fileTable[relPath];
                if (tempNode == null)
                    tempNode             = new MGTrackerNode();
                    fileTable[relPath]   = tempNode;
                    tempNode.hashKey     = relPath;
                    tempNode.installPath = relPath;
                tempNode.isConfNode   = true;
                tempNode.calcHashCode = ComputeFileHash(fInf);
                tempNode.size         = fInf.Length;
                // Finished updating module entry

            if (currAssm != null)
                // This file is an assembly; update hash table
                if (!IsPlatform(assmID.PublicKeyTokenString))                // completely ignore if it's part of a platform
                    tempNode = (MGTrackerNode)fileTable[assmID.FullName];
                    if (tempNode == null)
                        tempNode = new MGTrackerNode();
                        fileTable[assmID.FullName] = tempNode;
                        tempNode.hashKey           = assmID.FullName;
                        tempNode.assmName          = assmID.Name;
                        tempNode.isAssm            = true;
                        tempNode.nVers             = assmID.Vers;
                        tempNode.publicKeyToken    = assmID.PublicKeyTokenString;
                    tempNode.isConfNode  = true;
                    tempNode.installPath = relPath;
                    tempNode.size        = fInf.Length;
                    // Finished updating assembly entry

                    // Now we process assembly dependencies
                    //depAssmInfoArr = currAssm.GetDependentAssemblyInfo();
                    foreach (DependentAssemblyInfo depAssmInfo in depAssmInfoArr)
                        AssemblyIdentity depAssmID = depAssmInfo.AssmID;
                        if (!IsPlatform(depAssmID.PublicKeyTokenString))                        // maybe call this "IsPlatform", "CheckPlatform"
                            tempNode = (MGTrackerNode)fileTable[depAssmID.FullName];
                            if (tempNode == null)
                                tempNode = new MGTrackerNode();
                                fileTable[depAssmID.FullName] = tempNode;
                                tempNode.hashKey        = depAssmID.FullName;
                                tempNode.assmName       = depAssmID.Name;
                                tempNode.isAssm         = true;
                                tempNode.nVers          = depAssmID.Vers;
                                tempNode.publicKeyToken = depAssmID.PublicKeyTokenString;
                            tempNode.depAssmKey  = assmID.FullName;
                            tempNode.depAssmName = assmID.Name;
                    // Done with assembly dependencies

                    // Now we process file dependencies
                    //depFileInfoArr = currAssm.GetDependentFileInfo();
                    foreach (DependentFileInfo depFileInfo in depFileInfoArr)
                        // For the hashtable, we actually need the relative path from the application root to the file,
                        // because we want this file entry's hash key to match the file entry that is obtained by discovering
                        // the actual location of the file
                        string fileHashKey = Path.Combine(relPathDir, depFileInfo.Name);
                        tempNode = (MGTrackerNode)fileTable[fileHashKey];
                        if (tempNode == null)
                            tempNode = new MGTrackerNode();
                            fileTable[fileHashKey] = tempNode;
                            tempNode.hashKey       = fileHashKey;
                            tempNode.installPath   = fileHashKey;
                        tempNode.depAssmKey  = assmID.FullName;
                        tempNode.depAssmName = assmID.Name;
                    // Done with file dependencies