public StageCollection(IModLoader loader)
            _modLoader            = loader;
            _logger               = (ILogger)_modLoader.GetLogger();
            _redirectorController = _modLoader.GetController <IRedirectorController>();
            _initPathHook         = Fun_InitializeSplines.Hook(InitSplineImpl).Activate();
            _getEndPositionHook   = Fun_GetEndPosition.Hook(GetEndPositionImpl).Activate();
            _getBragPositionHook  = Fun_GetIntroPosition.Hook(GetBragPositionImpl).Activate();
            _getStartPositionHook = Fun_GetStartPosition.Hook(GetStartPositionImpl).Activate();

            // Populate Default Stages
            foreach (var stageId in (Stage[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Stage)))
                // Rail Canyon for Chaotix
                var stage = stageId != Stage.RailCanyonChaotix
                                     ? new DefaultStage(stageId)
                                     : new DefaultStage(Stage.RailCanyon);


            // Temporary crash workaround for SET objects beyond default limits.
            var crashWorkaround = new[]
                "mov edi, dword [esp + 0x58]", // Take pointer to object list from function parameters.
                "mov [0xA2CF70], dword edi"

            _setLimitCrashWorkaround = SDK.ReloadedHooks.CreateAsmHook(crashWorkaround, 0x43D1EA, AsmHookBehaviour.ExecuteFirst).Activate();
Exemple #2
        public void TestHookAddNoOriginal()
            int wordSize = IntPtr.Size;

            string[] addFunction =
                $"push {Macros._ebp}",
                $"mov {Macros._ebp}, {Macros._esp}",

                $"mov {Macros._eax}, [{Macros._ebp} + {wordSize * 2}]", // Left Parameter
                $"mov {Macros._ecx}, [{Macros._ebp} + {wordSize * 3}]", // Right Parameter
                $"add {Macros._eax}, 1",                                // Left Parameter

            _addNoOriginalHook = ReloadedHooks.Instance.CreateAsmHook(addFunction, (long)_nativeCalculator.Add, AsmHookBehaviour.DoNotExecuteOriginal).Activate();

            for (int x = 0; x < 100; x++)
                for (int y = 1; y < 100;)
                    int expected = (x + y) + 1;
                    int result   = _addFunction(x, y);

                    Assert.Equal(expected, result);
                    y += 2;
Exemple #3
        public RenderHooks(float aspectRatioLimit, IReloadedHooks hooks)
            _memory                    = Memory.CurrentProcess;
            _aspectConverter           = new AspectConverter(aspectRatioLimit);
            _draw2PViewPortHook        = hooks.CreateHook <sub_422AF0>(Draw2PViewportHook, 0x422AF0).Activate();
            _drawSpecialStageGaugeHook = hooks.CreateHook <sub_5263C0>(DrawSpecialStageGaugeImpl, 0x5263C0).Activate();
            _drawSpecialStageBarHook   = hooks.CreateHook <sub_526280>(DrawSpecialStageBarImpl, 0x526280, 0xD).Activate();
            _draw2PStatusHook          = hooks.CreateHook <sub_422A70>(Draw2pStatusImpl, 0x422A70).Activate();
            _renderPrimitiveHook       = hooks.CreateHook <_rwD3D8Im2DRenderPrimitive>(RenderPrimitiveImpl, 0x00662B00).Activate();
            _renderVideoHook           = hooks.CreateHook <sub_644450>(RenderVideoHookImpl, 0x644450).Activate();
            _drawFullVideoFrameHook    = hooks.CreateHook <DrawFullVideoFrame>(DrawFullVideoFrameHookImpl, 0x0042A100).Activate();
            _drawSmallVideoFrameHook   = hooks.CreateHook <DrawSmallFrame>(DrawSmallFrameImpl, 0x00429F80).Activate();
            _drawTitlecardElementsHook = hooks.CreateHook <sub_442850>(DrawTitlecardElementsImpl, 0x442850).Activate();
            _drawSpecialStageLinkHook  = hooks.CreateHook <sub_526F60>(DrawSpecialStageLinkImpl, 0x526F60).Activate();
            _getVertexBufferSubmission = hooks.CreateWrapper <sub_651E20>(0x651E20, out _);
            _drawNowLoadingHook        = hooks.CreateHook <sub_44EAC0>(DrawNowLoadingImpl, 0x44EAC0).Activate();
            _executeCreditsHook        = hooks.CreateHook <sub_4545F0>(ExecuteCredits, 0x4545F0).Activate();
            _drawResultScreenDotsHook  = hooks.CreateHook <sub_438A90>(DrawResultScreenDotsImpl, 0x438A90).Activate();
            _drawPowerupBoxHook        = hooks.CreateHook <DrawPowerupBox>(DrawPowerupBoxImpl, 0x479AB0).Activate();

            _drawEmeraldHookReverseWrap = hooks.CreateReverseWrapper <DrawEmeraldHook>(DrawSpecialStageEmeraldImpl);
            _addressOfHook = new Pinnable <IntPtr>(_drawEmeraldHookReverseWrap.WrapperPointer);
            _drawSpecialStageEmeraldIndicatorHook = hooks.CreateAsmHook(new[] {
                "use32",    // Offset to first param (after execution of code)
                "push eax", // + 8
                "push esi", // + 12
                "push ecx", // + 16
                "push edx", // + 20

                /* Push address of stack parameters up stack. */
                "lea edx, [esp + 32]",
                "lea ecx, [esp + 28]",
                "lea ebx, [esp + 24]",
                "lea eax, [esp + 20]",
                "push edx",
                "push ecx",
                "push ebx",
                "push eax",

                $"call dword [0x{(long)_addressOfHook.Pointer:X}]",
                "add esp, 16",

                "pop edx",
                "pop ecx",
                "pop esi",
                "pop eax"
            }, 0x458920).Activate();

            _memory.ChangePermission((IntPtr)_descriptionX, sizeof(void *), Kernel32.MEM_PROTECTION.PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
            _memory.ChangePermission((IntPtr)_descriptionY, sizeof(void *), Kernel32.MEM_PROTECTION.PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
            _memory.ChangePermission((IntPtr)_descriptionWidth, sizeof(void *), Kernel32.MEM_PROTECTION.PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
            _memory.ChangePermission((IntPtr)_descriptionHeight, sizeof(void *), Kernel32.MEM_PROTECTION.PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
            _memory.ChangePermission((IntPtr)_pickupBoxSeparation, sizeof(void *), Kernel32.MEM_PROTECTION.PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
            _memory.ChangePermission((IntPtr)_dotsVertSeparation, sizeof(void *), Kernel32.MEM_PROTECTION.PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
            _memory.ChangePermission((IntPtr)_dotsHorzSeparation, sizeof(void *), Kernel32.MEM_PROTECTION.PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
            _memory.ChangePermission((IntPtr)_dotsHeight, sizeof(void *), Kernel32.MEM_PROTECTION.PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
            _memory.ChangePermission((IntPtr)_dotsWidth, sizeof(void *), Kernel32.MEM_PROTECTION.PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
        public GetRaceModeHook(IReloadedHooks hooks)
            _hooks = hooks;
            var hook = new string[]
                // Callee Register Backup
                $"mov [{(IntPtr)_pinnable.Pointer}], eax"

            _getRaceModeHook = hooks.CreateAsmHook(hook, 0x0046C116, AsmHookBehaviour.ExecuteAfter).Activate();
    public DebugBoot(string modDirectory, string configDirectory, IReloadedHooks hooks)
        // Setup Config
        _configurator = new Configurator(configDirectory);
        _configurator.Migrate(modDirectory, _configurator.ConfigFolder);
        _config = _configurator.GetConfiguration <Config.Config>(0);
        _config.ConfigurationUpdated += configurable =>
            _config = (Config.Config)configurable;
            Console.WriteLine($"Debug Boot Configuration Updated. Set new main menu mode.");


        // Apply Boot Time Constants
        *_stageId   = _config.BootOptions.Stage;
        *_teamOne   = _config.BootOptions.TeamP1;
        *_teamTwo   = _config.BootOptions.TeamP2;
        *_teamThree = _config.BootOptions.TeamP3;
        *_teamFour  = _config.BootOptions.TeamP4;

        // Setup mid function hooks.
        // Disasm name: Main::Loop
        string[] asmHookSetMainMenu =
            $"mov ecx, dword [{(IntPtr)_mainMenuSystemMode.Pointer}]", // New line, sacrificing ECX.
            $"mov [eax + 0x38], ecx",
            $"mov ecx, [esi]",
            $"mov [esi + 4], edi",

        string[] asmHookStartGame =
            $"mov [{(IntPtr)_ediBackup.Pointer}], edi",            // Backup EDI
            $"mov edi, dword [{(IntPtr)_bootSystemMode.Pointer}]", // Replace EDI
            $"mov [0xA82034], ebp",
            $"mov [eax + 0x38], edi",                              // Set SystemMode
            $"mov edi, dword [{(IntPtr)_ediBackup.Pointer}]",      // Restore EDI

        _loadMainMenuHook = hooks.CreateAsmHook(asmHookSetMainMenu, 0x427342, AsmHookBehaviour.DoNotExecuteOriginal).Activate();
        _bootHook         = hooks.CreateAsmHook(asmHookStartGame, 0x00427138, AsmHookBehaviour.DoNotExecuteOriginal).Activate();
Exemple #6
        public Mod(ILogger logger, IReloadedHooks hooks)
            _logger           = logger;
            _hooks            = hooks;
            _process          = Process.GetCurrentProcess();
            using var scanner = new Scanner(_process, _process.MainModule);

            //var result = scanner.CompiledFindPattern("48 8B C4 53 41 56 41 57 48 83 EC 50");
            var result = scanner.CompiledFindPattern("F6 40 08 04 0F 84 DF 01 00 00");

            var injectLocation = result.Offset + (long)_process.MainModule.BaseAddress;

            //test byte ptr[rax + 08],04
            //jne "Digimon Story CS.exe.unpacked.exe" + 00171ddb
            //cmp EDI, 0x14
            //je "Digimon Story CS.exe.unpacked.exe" + 00171f3d
            //jmp "Digimon Story CS.exe.unpacked.exe" + 171D5E

            string[] asmCode =
            {               //here we use ecx to hold the jump address temporarily
                $"test byte [rax + 08],04",
                $"mov rcx, " + String.Format("0x{0:X8}", 0x00171ddb + (long)_process.MainModule.BaseAddress).ToString(),
                $"jne jumptorcx",
                $"cmp edi, 0x14",
                $"mov rcx, " + String.Format("0x{0:X8}", 0x00171f3d + (long)_process.MainModule.BaseAddress).ToString(),
                $"je jumptorcx",
                $"mov rcx, " + String.Format("0x{0:X8}",   0x171D5E + (long)_process.MainModule.BaseAddress).ToString(),
                $"jmp rcx"
            _logger.WriteLine($"Inject Location Offset: {result.Offset:X}");
            _logger.WriteLine($"Inject Location: {injectLocation:X}");
            foreach (var asm in asmCode)
            _asmHook = _hooks.CreateAsmHook(asmCode, injectLocation, Reloaded.Hooks.Definitions.Enums.AsmHookBehaviour.DoNotExecuteOriginal);
Exemple #7
        private void InitXpHook()
            long functionAddress = _utils.SigScan("55 ?? ?? 83 EC 08 53 56 57 ?? ?? 89 55 ?? B9 ?? ?? ?? ?? E8 ?? ?? ?? ??", "xp added");

            if (functionAddress == -1)

            string[] function =
                // Not always necessary but good practice;
                // just in case the parent function doesn't preserve them.
                $"{_hooks.Utilities.GetAbsoluteCallMnemonics(XpAdded, out _reverseWrapper)}",

            _asmHook = _hooks.CreateAsmHook(function, functionAddress, AsmHookBehaviour.ExecuteFirst).Activate();
Exemple #8
        public void TestHookAddAfterOriginal()
            string[] addFunction =
                $"add {Macros._eax}, 1", // Left Parameter - Should have already been copied from stack.

            _addAfterOriginalHook = ReloadedHooks.Instance.CreateAsmHook(addFunction, (long)_nativeCalculator.Add, AsmHookBehaviour.ExecuteAfter).Activate();

            for (int x = 0; x < 100; x++)
                for (int y = 1; y < 100;)
                    int expected = (x + y) + 1;
                    int result   = _addFunction(x, y);

                    Assert.Equal(expected, result);
                    y += 2;
Exemple #9
        public void TestHookAddBeforeOriginal()
            int wordSize = IntPtr.Size;

            string[] addFunction =
                $"add [{Macros._esp} + {wordSize * 1}], byte 1",      // Left Parameter

            _addBeforeOriginalHook = ReloadedHooks.Instance.CreateAsmHook(addFunction, (long)_nativeCalculator.Add, AsmHookBehaviour.ExecuteFirst).Activate();

            for (int x = 0; x < 100; x++)
                for (int y = 1; y < 100;)
                    int expected = (x + y) + 1;
                    int result   = _addFunction(x, y);

                    Assert.Equal(expected, result);
                    y += 2;