Exemple #1
            public Application(IAppxManifestApplication manifestApp, UWP package)
                UserModelId      = manifestApp.GetAppUserModelId();
                UniqueIdentifier = manifestApp.GetAppUserModelId();
                DisplayName      = manifestApp.GetStringValue("DisplayName");
                Description      = manifestApp.GetStringValue("Description");
                BackgroundColor  = manifestApp.GetStringValue("BackgroundColor");
                Package          = package;
                DisplayName      = ResourceFromPri(package.FullName, package.Name, DisplayName);
                Description      = ResourceFromPri(package.FullName, package.Name, Description);
                LogoUri          = LogoUriFromManifest(manifestApp);
                LogoPath         = LogoPathFromUri(LogoUri);

                Enabled = true;
Exemple #2
            public Application(IAppxManifestApplication manifestApp, UWP package)
                UserModelId = manifestApp.GetAppUserModelId();
                DisplayName = manifestApp.GetStringValue("DisplayName");
                Description = manifestApp.GetStringValue("Description");
                BackgroundColor = manifestApp.GetStringValue("BackgroundColor");
                Package = package;

                DisplayName = ResourceFromPri(package.FullName, DisplayName);
                Description = ResourceFromPri(package.FullName, Description);
                LogoUri = LogoUriFromManifest(manifestApp);
                LogoPath = LogoPathFromUri(LogoUri);
        static public void GetPackagesForCurrentUser(ref List <PackageInfo> packageInfos)
            string currentUserSID = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().User.ToString();

            // Get iterator over all packages installed for this user

            // First, we need the PackageManager

            IAppxFactory appxFactory = (IAppxFactory) new AppxFactory();

            PackageManager packageManager = new PackageManager();

            IEnumerable <Package> packages = packageManager.FindPackagesForUser(currentUserSID);
            int cPackages = packages.Count();

            if (cPackages == 0)

            packageInfos = new List <PackageInfo>(cPackages);
            foreach (Package package in packages)
                    // Find and load manifest
                    string manifestPath = package.InstalledLocation.Path + "\\AppxManifest.xml";

                    AppxPackaging.IStream manifestStream;
                    if (SHCreateStreamOnFileEx(
                            0x00000040, // STGM_READ | STGM_SHARE_DENY_NONE
                            0,          // file creation attributes
                            false,      // fCreate
                            null,       // reserved
                            out manifestStream) < 0)
                        // If we can't open the manifest for this package, skip it

                    IAppxManifestReader manifestReader;
                    manifestReader = appxFactory.CreateManifestReader(manifestStream);

                    IAppxManifestApplicationsEnumerator appsEnum = manifestReader.GetApplications();
                    if (appsEnum.GetHasCurrent() == 0)
                        // Packages with no apps exist, and are uninteresting.  Skip.

                    // Grab info from Package
                    PackageInfo packageInfo = new PackageInfo();
                    packageInfo.installedLocation = package.InstalledLocation.Path;

                    // Grab info from PackageID
                    PackageId packageId = package.Id;
                    packageInfo.architecture = packageId.Architecture.ToString();
                    packageInfo.fullName     = packageId.FullName;
                    packageInfo.name         = packageId.Name;
                    packageInfo.version      = String.Format(

                    IAppxManifestProperties props = manifestReader.GetProperties();
                    packageInfo.publisher = props.GetStringValue("PublisherDisplayName");

                    // Figure out temp folder path

                    if (!GetACInfo(packageId.FamilyName, out packageInfo.acSid, out packageInfo.tempDir))

                    // Check to see if CLRHost.dll is listed as an InProcessServer extension.  If so,
                    // it may be a JS/CLR hybrid package, in which case we'll include all the
                    // AppUserModelIds we find later on.
                    bool usesClrHostExtension = false;
                        XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
                        XPathNavigator      docNavigator = xmlDoc.CreateNavigator();
                        XmlNamespaceManager mgr          = new XmlNamespaceManager(docNavigator.NameTable);
                        mgr.AddNamespace("pm", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/appx/2010/manifest");
                        XPathNodeIterator iterator = docNavigator.Select("/pm:Package/pm:Extensions/pm:Extension/pm:InProcessServer/pm:Path", mgr);
                        foreach (XPathNavigator selectedNodeNavigator in iterator)
                            if (selectedNodeNavigator.Value.IndexOf("clrhost.dll", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) != -1)
                                usesClrHostExtension = true;
                    catch (Exception)
                        // Intentionally fall through. Any error encountered determining
                        // whether this is a hybrid package should just result in us
                        // assuming it isn't one.

                    // For each app in the package, get its App User Model ID
                    packageInfo.appInfoList = new List <AppInfo>(5);
                    while (appsEnum.GetHasCurrent() != 0)
                        IAppxManifestApplication app = appsEnum.GetCurrent();
                        AppInfo appInfo = new AppInfo();
                        appInfo.userModelId = app.GetAppUserModelId();
                        appInfo.exeName     = app.GetStringValue("Executable");
                        IAppxManifestResourcesEnumerator resourcesEnum = manifestReader.GetResources();
                        if ((appInfo.userModelId != null) &&
                            ((appInfo.exeName != null) || usesClrHostExtension))
                            // Only care about apps with an app user model ID
                            // (which we need for activation) and either an exe name (to display to user) or
                            // evidence that a CLR extension is used
                            if (appInfo.exeName == null)
                                appInfo.exeName = "(no executable)";

                    if (packageInfo.appInfoList.Count > 0)
                        // Only care about packages that contain apps we care about
                catch (Exception)
                    // If there are any problems with the package we're currently
                    // iterating over, just skip it and continue with the next package
                    // in the enumeration. For example, can't open the manifest
                    // or can't find installed location for the package (b/c the
                    // developer manually moved files around), skip it