Exemple #1
        public override IApplicative <TLeft, TB> Apply <TA, TB>(IApplicative <TLeft, Func <TA, TB> > ff, IApplicative <TLeft, TA> fa)
            var mf = (Either <TLeft, Func <TA, TB> >)ff;
            var ma = (Either <TLeft, TA>)fa;

Exemple #2
        public override IApplicative <TB> Apply <TA, TB>(IApplicative <Func <TA, TB> > ff, IApplicative <TA> fa)
            var mf = (Maybe <Func <TA, TB> >)ff;
            var ma = (Maybe <TA>)fa;

        /// <summary>
        /// The asynchronous version of <see cref="IApplicative{TSource}.Ap{TResult}(IApplicative{Func{TSource, TResult}})"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TSource">The type of the source.</typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="TResult">The type of the result.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="x">The task which returns the source-applicative.</param>
        /// <param name="f">The function to apply to the applicative.</param>
        public static async Task <IAsyncApplicative <TResult> > ApAsync <TSource, TResult>(
            this Task <IAsyncApplicative <TSource> > x,
            IApplicative <Func <TSource, Task <TResult> > > f)
            var m = await x;

            return(await m.ApAsync(f));
        /// <summary>
        /// The asynchronous version of <see cref="IApplicative{TSource}.Ap{TResult}(IApplicative{Func{TSource, TResult}})"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TSource">The type of the source.</typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="TResult">The type of the result.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="x">The task which returns the source-applicative.</param>
        /// <param name="f">The function to apply to the applicative.</param>
        /// <param name="token">The cancellation token.</param>
        public static async Task <IAsyncApplicative <TResult> > ApAsync <TSource, TResult>(
            this Task <IAsyncApplicative <TSource> > x,
            IApplicative <Func <TSource, Task <TResult> > > f,
            CancellationToken token)
            var m = await x;

            return(await m.ApAsync(f, token));
Exemple #5
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public async Task <IAsyncApplicative <TResult> > ApAsync <TResult>(IApplicative <Func <T, Task <TResult> > > f)
            if (f == null || !(f is Identity <Func <T, Task <TResult> > > fIdentity))
                throw new InvalidCastException();

            return(new Identity <TResult>(await fIdentity.Value(Value)));
Exemple #6
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public IApplicative <TResult> Ap <TResult>(IApplicative <Func <T, TResult> > f)
            if (f == null || !(f is Identity <Func <T, TResult> > fIdentity))
                throw new InvalidCastException();

            return(new Identity <TResult>(fIdentity.Value(Value)));
Exemple #7
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public IApplicative <TResult> Ap <TResult>(IApplicative <Func <T, TResult> > f)
            if (!(f is Io <Func <T, TResult> > fIo))
                throw new InvalidCastException();

            var valueThis = value;

            return(new Io <TResult>(async() => (await fIo.Run())(await valueThis())));
Exemple #8
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public IApplicative <TResult> Ap <TResult>(IApplicative <Func <T, TResult> > f)
            if (f == null || f is not IEnumerable <Func <T, TResult> > functions)
                throw new InvalidCastException();

            var ys = SetCoalesce();

            return(new FuncSet <TResult>(functions.SelectMany(fx => ys.Select(y => fx(y)))));
Exemple #9
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public IApplicative <TResult> Ap <TResult>(IApplicative <Func <T, TResult> > f)
            if (f == null || !(f is IEnumerable <Func <T, TResult> >))
                throw new InvalidCastException();

            var functions = (IEnumerable <Func <T, TResult> >)f;

            var ys = LocalView();

            return(new Lst <TResult>(functions.SelectMany(fx => Enumerable.Select(ys, y => fx(y)))));
Exemple #10
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public IApplicative <TResult> Ap <TResult>(IApplicative <Func <TValue, TResult> > f)
            if (f == null || !(f is Reader <TEnvironment, Func <TValue, TResult> >))
                throw new InvalidCastException();

            var fState = f as Reader <TEnvironment, Func <TValue, TResult> >;

            return(new Reader <TEnvironment, TResult>(s => {
                var func = fState.Run(s);
                var arg = runReader(s);
                return func(arg);
        public ApplicativeLawsTests(IApplicative <TF> applicative, IEqK <TF> eqK) : base(applicative, eqK)
            var applicativeLaws = new ApplicativeLaws <TF>(applicative);

            Add("Applicative Identity", args =>

            Add("Applicative Homomorphism", args =>
                applicativeLaws.ApplicativeHomomorphism(args.A, args.FuncAtoB).Holds(eqK));

            Add("Applicative Interchange", args =>
                applicativeLaws.ApplicativeInterchange(args.A, args.LiftedFuncAtoB).Holds(eqK));

            Add("Applicative Map", args =>
                applicativeLaws.ApplicativeMap(args.LiftedA, args.FuncAtoB).Holds(eqK));

            Add("Ap Product Consistent", args =>
                applicativeLaws.ApProductConsistent(args.LiftedA, args.LiftedFuncAtoB).Holds(eqK));
Exemple #12
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public IApplicative <TResult> Ap <TResult>(IApplicative <Func <T8, TResult> > f)
            if (f is null || !(f is Either <T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T8, Func <T8, TResult> > that))
                throw new InvalidCastException();

            if (IsEigth && that.IsEigth)
                return(new Either <T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, TResult>(new Either8 <TResult>(((Func <T8, TResult>)that.Value)((T8)Value))));
            else if (!IsEigth)
                return(CopyError <TResult>());
                return(that.CopyError <TResult>());
 Func <IApplicative <A>, IApplicative <B> > IApplicative <A> .ApS <B>(IApplicative <Func <A, B> > appl)
     return(ia => ApS((Cont <R, Func <A, B> >)appl)((Cont <R, A>)ia));
Exemple #14
 public static Func <IApplicative <T>, None> Ap <T>(IApplicative <Func <T, None> > i)
     return(a => Instance);
Exemple #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a <see cref="IAlternative"/> predicated on supplied data
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="applicative">A realization of the <see cref="IApplicative"/> typeclass </param>
 /// <typeparam name="X">The function domain</typeparam>
 /// <typeparam name="CX">A domain container</typeparam>
 /// <typeparam name="CFX">A function container</typeparam>
 /// <typeparam name="CY">A codomain container</typeparam>
 /// <typeparam name="Y">The function codomain</typeparam>
 public static IAlternative <X, CX, CFX, Y, CY> make <X, CX, CFX, Y, CY>(IApplicative <X, CX, CFX, Y, CY> applicative, CX zero)
     where CX : IContainer <X>
     where CFX : IContainer <Func <X, Y> >
     where CY : IContainer <Y>
 => new Alternative <X, CX, CFX, Y, CY>(applicative, zero);
Exemple #16
 Func <IApplicative <T>, IApplicative <U> > IApplicative <T> .ApS <U>(IApplicative <Func <T, U> > appl)
     return(t => ApS((IO <Func <T, U> >)appl)((IO <T>)t));
Exemple #17
 public Alternative(IApplicative <X, CX, CFX, Y, CY> applicative, CX empty)
     this._applicative = applicative;
     this.empty        = empty;
Exemple #18
 public abstract IApplicative <TB> Apply <TA, TB>(IApplicative <Func <TA, TB> > ff, IApplicative <TA> fa);
Exemple #19
 IApplicative <TReturn> IApplicative <TRight> .Apply <TReturn>(IApplicative <Func <TRight, TReturn> > f)
     return(this.Apply <TReturn>((Either <TLeft, Func <TRight, TReturn> >)f));
 Func <IApplicative <T>, IApplicative <U> > IApplicative <T> .ApS <U>(IApplicative <Func <T, U> > appl)
     return(t => ApS((Writer <Func <T, U>, W>)appl)((Writer <T, W>)t));
Exemple #21
 IApplicative <TReturn> IApplicative <T> .ApplyRight <TReturn>(IApplicative <TReturn> other)
     return(this.ApplyRight <TReturn>((NonEmptyList <TReturn>)other));
Exemple #22
 IApplicative <TReturn> IApplicative <T> .Apply <TReturn>(IApplicative <Func <T, TReturn> > f)
     return(this.Apply <TReturn>((NonEmptyList <Func <T, TReturn> >)f));
Exemple #23
 IApplicative <U> IApplicative <T> .Ap <U>(IApplicative <Func <T, U> > appl)
     return(Ap <U>((IO <Func <T, U> >)appl));
Exemple #24
 Func <IApplicative <V>, IApplicative <U> > IApplicative <V> .ApS <U>(IApplicative <Func <V, U> > appl)
     return(v => ApS((State <S, Func <V, U> >)appl)((State <S, V>)v));
Exemple #25
 IApplicative <U> IApplicative <V> .Ap <U>(IApplicative <Func <V, U> > appl)
     return(Ap((State <S, Func <V, U> >)appl));
 public IApplicative <B> Apply <B>(IApplicative <Func <A, B> > f) =>
 ((IMonad <Func <A, B> >)f).Bind(f => this.Bind(x => Return(f(x))));
 IApplicative <U> IApplicative <T> .Ap <U>(IApplicative <Func <T, U> > appl)
     return(Ap <U>((Writer <Func <T, U>, W>)appl));
 IApplicative <B> IApplicative <A> .Ap <B>(IApplicative <Func <A, B> > appl)
     return(Ap((Cont <R, Func <A, B> >)appl));
Exemple #29
 IApplicative <TReturn> IApplicative <TRight> .ApplyRight <TReturn>(IApplicative <TReturn> other)
     return(this.ApplyRight <TReturn>((Either <TLeft, TReturn>)other));
 public static IApplicative <B> Apply <A, B>(this IApplicative <Func <A, B> > f, IApplicative <A> a) => a.Apply(f);