public static void AddFlagsForSewerProfile(IApplication app, double snapTol, List<ProfileGraphDetails> ProfileGraph) { IFeatureCursor pFeatCursor = null; IMxDocument pMxDoc = null; IPoint pTracePoint = null; ISpatialFilter pSpatialFilter = null; // set the symbol for the flag, red circle IMarkerSymbol pMarkerSym = null; IRgbColor pRGBColor = null; IFeatureLayer pManholeLayer = null; IFeatureLayer pMainLayer = null; IFeatureLayer pTapLayer = null; IGraphicsContainer gc = null; IElement pProfileElemFirst = null; IElementProperties3 pProfileElemPropFirst = null; IElement element = null; IElementProperties3 elementProp = null; ITopologicalOperator pTopoOp = null; IFeature pFeature = null; double snapdistnet; // NetworkExt search tolerance IPolygon pBuffGeometry = null; IMarkerElement markerelem = null; IGeometricNetwork gn = null; IEnumNetEID juncEIDs = null; IEnumNetEID edgeEIDs = null; try { pMxDoc = ((IMxDocument)app.Document); pTracePoint = pMxDoc.CurrentLocation; pMarkerSym = Globals.FindMarkerSym("", "Default", "Circle 2", pMxDoc); pRGBColor = Globals.GetColor(255, 0, 0); pMarkerSym.Color = pRGBColor; pMarkerSym.Size = 11; gc = pMxDoc.FocusMap as IGraphicsContainer; pProfileElemFirst = null; pProfileElemPropFirst = null; gc.Reset(); element = gc.Next(); while (element != null) { elementProp = element as IElementProperties3; if (elementProp.Name.Contains("ProfileGraphFlag")) { if (pProfileElemFirst == null) { pProfileElemFirst = element; pProfileElemPropFirst = elementProp; break; } } element = gc.Next(); } for (int i = 0; i < ProfileGraph.Count; i++) { if (pProfileElemFirst != null) { if (!pProfileElemPropFirst.Name.Contains(ProfileGraph[i].Network_Name)) { //MessageBox.Show("The network (" + ProfileGraph[i].Network_Name + ") was not found, please update the config to make the name of the layer in the mxd"); continue; } } bool FCorLayerManhole = true; pManholeLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(pMxDoc.FocusMap, ProfileGraph[i].Point_LayerName, ref FCorLayerManhole); if (pManholeLayer == null) { // MessageBox.Show("The point layer (" + ProfileGraph[i].Point_LayerName + ") was not found, please update the config to make the name of the layer in the mxd"); continue; } bool FCorLayerMain = true; pMainLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(pMxDoc.FocusMap, ProfileGraph[i].Line_LayerName, ref FCorLayerMain); if (pMainLayer == null) { // MessageBox.Show("The Main layer (" + ProfileGraph[i].Line_LayerName + ") was not found, please update the config to make the name of the layer in the mxd"); continue; } bool FCorLayerTap = true; if (ProfileGraph[i].PointAlong_LayerName != "") { pTapLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(pMxDoc.FocusMap, ProfileGraph[i].PointAlong_LayerName, ref FCorLayerTap); } else pTapLayer = null; // make sure a manhole was selected // buffer the point by the snap tolerance, this is faster than checking //the flag to see if it is on a manhole pTopoOp = (ITopologicalOperator)pTracePoint; // QI snapdistnet = Globals.ConvertPixelsToMap(snapTol, pMxDoc.FocusMap); pBuffGeometry = (IPolygon)pTopoOp.Buffer(snapdistnet); // get the feature the user clicked to be sure it's a manhole pSpatialFilter = new SpatialFilterClass(); pSpatialFilter.Geometry = pBuffGeometry; pSpatialFilter.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects; pSpatialFilter.SearchOrder = esriSearchOrder.esriSearchOrderSpatial; pFeatCursor = pManholeLayer.Search(pSpatialFilter, true); // there is a layer definition set to show only manholes, cursor // will return nothing if user didn't click on a manhole pFeature = pFeatCursor.NextFeature(); if (pFeature != null) { pMxDoc.ActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, null, pBuffGeometry.Envelope); markerelem = new MarkerElementClass(); markerelem.Symbol = pMarkerSym; element = (IElement)markerelem; element.Geometry = pFeature.ShapeCopy; elementProp = element as IElementProperties3; elementProp.Name = "ProfileGraphFlag-" + ProfileGraph[i].Network_Name; elementProp.ReferenceScale = pMxDoc.FocusMap.ReferenceScale; gc.AddElement(element, 0); if (pProfileElemFirst == null) return; else { ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IStatusBar statusBar = null; ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IAnimationProgressor animationProgressor = null; ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.ITrackCancel trackCancel = null; ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.IProgressDialogFactory progressDialogFactory = null; ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IStepProgressor stepProgressor = null; ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.IProgressDialog2 progressDialog2 = null; statusBar = app.StatusBar; animationProgressor = statusBar.ProgressAnimation; animationProgressor.Show(); animationProgressor.Play(0, -1, -1); statusBar.set_Message(0, A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsProc_19a")); // Create a CancelTracker trackCancel = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.CancelTrackerClass(); progressDialogFactory = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.ProgressDialogFactoryClass(); // Set the properties of the Step Progressor System.Int32 int32_hWnd = app.hWnd; stepProgressor = progressDialogFactory.Create(trackCancel, int32_hWnd); stepProgressor.MinRange = 0; stepProgressor.MaxRange = 3; stepProgressor.StepValue = 1; stepProgressor.Message = A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsDesc_19a"); // Create the ProgressDialog. This automatically displays the dialog progressDialog2 = (ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.IProgressDialog2)stepProgressor; // Explict Cast // Set the properties of the ProgressDialog progressDialog2.CancelEnabled = true; progressDialog2.Description = A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsDesc_19a"); progressDialog2.Title = A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsTitle_19a"); progressDialog2.Animation = ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.esriProgressAnimationTypes.esriProgressSpiral; // Step. Do your big process here. System.Boolean boolean_Continue = false; boolean_Continue = true; stepProgressor.Step(); GeoNetTools.TracePath(new double[] { (pProfileElemFirst.Geometry as IPoint).X, (element.Geometry as IPoint).X }, new double[] { (pProfileElemFirst.Geometry as IPoint).Y, (element.Geometry as IPoint).Y }, ProfileGraph[i].Network_Name, app, pMxDoc.FocusMap, true, snapTol, true, out juncEIDs, out edgeEIDs, out gn); boolean_Continue = trackCancel.Continue(); if (!boolean_Continue) { return; } stepProgressor.Step(); stepProgressor.Message = A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsProc_19a"); if (juncEIDs != null && edgeEIDs != null) { GeoNetTools.ProfileGetRelatedElevData(app, ProfileGraph, gn, edgeEIDs, juncEIDs, i, ref pManholeLayer, ref pMainLayer, ref pTapLayer); } else { } //ProfileFindPath(); // unpress the UIToolControl button app.CurrentTool = null; app.RefreshWindow(); progressDialog2.HideDialog(); progressDialog2 = null; return; } } else//Next Layer in the config { } } MessageBox.Show(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsError_19a")); } catch (Exception Ex) { MessageBox.Show(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("ErrorInThe") + "AddFlagsForSewerProfile " + Ex.Message); } finally { if (pFeatCursor != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pFeatCursor); } pMxDoc.ActiveView.Refresh(); pFeatCursor = null; pMxDoc = null; pTracePoint = null; pSpatialFilter = null; // set the symbol for the flag, red circle pMarkerSym = null; pRGBColor = null; pManholeLayer = null; pMainLayer = null; pTapLayer = null; gc = null; pProfileElemFirst = null; pProfileElemPropFirst = null; element = null; elementProp = null; pTopoOp = null; pFeature = null; pBuffGeometry = null; markerelem = null; gn = null; juncEIDs = null; edgeEIDs = null; } }
public static void MoveConnectionsToNewLine(IApplication app, double snapTol, List<MoveConnectionsDetails> moveConDetails) { IEditor editor = null; ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IStatusBar statusBar = null; ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IAnimationProgressor animationProgressor = null; ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.ITrackCancel trackCancel = null; ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.IProgressDialogFactory progressDialogFactory = null; ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IStepProgressor stepProgressor = null; ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.IProgressDialog2 progressDialog2 = null; ICommandItem pCmdItem; IMxDocument pMxDoc = ((IMxDocument)app.Document); IGeometricNetwork pGN = null; IFeature pFeature = null; IPoint pTracePoint = null; ISimpleLineSymbol pSimpleLineSym = null; IRgbColor pRGBColor = null; IGraphicsContainer gc = null; IElement pMoveElemFirst = null; IElementProperties3 pMoveElemPropFirst = null; IElement element = null; IElementProperties3 elementProp = null; ILineElement lineElem = null; IJunctionFeature pJuncFeat = null; IFeatureLayer pSourceLayer = null; IFeature pSourceFeature = null; IFeature pMoveFeat = null; INetworkFeature pNetworkSourceFeature = null; IEdgeFeature iTargetEdgeFeat = null; IComplexEdgeFeature iCEdge = null; IFeatureClass pOraphFC = null; List<int> OIDs = new List<int>(); List<string> FeatLoc = new List<string>(); List<IObjectClass> FCs = new List<IObjectClass>(); IPolyline pL; IHitTest pHtTest = null;//= pPolyline as IHitTest; IPoint pHitPntOne = new PointClass(); double pHitDistOne = -1; int pHitPrtOne = -1; int pHitSegOne = -1; bool pHitSideOne = false; //IFeatureCursor pFeatCursor = null; IFeatureLayer pMainLayer = null; //IFeatureLayer pMainLayer = null; //IFeatureLayer pTapLayer = null; ILayer pLay = null; try { editor = Globals.getEditor(ref app); if (editor.EditState != esriEditState.esriStateEditing) { MessageBox.Show(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("MustBEditg"), A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsLbl_2")); return; } pTracePoint = pMxDoc.CurrentLocation; pFeature = Globals.GetNetworkAndFeatureAtLocation(pTracePoint, app, esriElementType.esriETEdge, out pGN, snapTol); if (pFeature == null) { MessageBox.Show(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("NoFtrFndOnClck")); return; } int idxDet = -1; for (int i = 0; i < moveConDetails.Count; i++) { //MoveConnectionsDetails conDet = moveConDetails[i]; bool FCorLayerTemp = true; pMainLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(app, moveConDetails[i].LineLayer, ref FCorLayerTemp); if (pMainLayer != null) { if (pMainLayer.FeatureClass.ObjectClassID == pFeature.Class.ObjectClassID) { idxDet = i; break; } } } if (idxDet == -1) return; if (Globals.IsEditable(ref pFeature, ref editor) == false) { MessageBox.Show(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsMess_13b")); return; } if (pFeature.FeatureType != esriFeatureType.esriFTComplexEdge) { MessageBox.Show(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsMess_13c")); return; } pRGBColor = Globals.GetColor(255, 0, 0); pSimpleLineSym = Globals.CreateSimpleLineSymbol(pRGBColor, 2, esriSimpleLineStyle.esriSLSSolid); gc = pMxDoc.FocusMap as IGraphicsContainer; gc.Reset(); element = gc.Next(); while (element != null) { elementProp = element as IElementProperties3; if (elementProp.Name.Contains("MoveFeatureFlag")) { if (pMoveElemFirst == null) { pMoveElemFirst = element; pMoveElemPropFirst = elementProp; string[] firstVals = pMoveElemPropFirst.Name.ToString().Split(':'); if (firstVals[1] != pFeature.Class.ObjectClassID.ToString()) { MessageBox.Show(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsError_13a")); return; } break; } } element = gc.Next(); } lineElem = new LineElementClass(); lineElem.Symbol = pSimpleLineSym; element = (IElement)lineElem; element.Geometry = pFeature.ShapeCopy; elementProp = element as IElementProperties3; elementProp.Name = A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsLbl_13a") + ": " + pFeature.Class.ObjectClassID.ToString() + ":" + pFeature.OID; elementProp.ReferenceScale = pMxDoc.FocusMap.ReferenceScale; gc.AddElement(element, 0); pMxDoc.ActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, null, pFeature.Shape.Envelope); if (pMoveElemFirst == null) return; else { List<int> LayersToMoveIDs = new List<int>(); foreach (string Lay in moveConDetails[idxDet].LayersToMove) { bool FCorLayerTemp = true; pLay = Globals.FindLayer(app, Lay, ref FCorLayerTemp); if (pLay != null) { LayersToMoveIDs.Add(((IFeatureLayer)pLay).FeatureClass.ObjectClassID); } } statusBar = app.StatusBar; animationProgressor = statusBar.ProgressAnimation; animationProgressor.Show(); animationProgressor.Play(0, -1, -1); statusBar.set_Message(0, A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsProc_13a")); // Create a CancelTracker trackCancel = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.CancelTrackerClass(); progressDialogFactory = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.ProgressDialogFactoryClass(); // Set the properties of the Step Progressor System.Int32 int32_hWnd = app.hWnd; stepProgressor = progressDialogFactory.Create(trackCancel, int32_hWnd); stepProgressor.MinRange = 0; stepProgressor.MaxRange = 4; stepProgressor.StepValue = 1; stepProgressor.Message = A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsProc_13a"); // Create the ProgressDialog. This automatically displays the dialog progressDialog2 = (ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.IProgressDialog2)stepProgressor; // Explict Cast // Set the properties of the ProgressDialog progressDialog2.CancelEnabled = true; progressDialog2.Description = A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsProc_13a"); progressDialog2.Title = A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsProc_13a"); progressDialog2.Animation = ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.esriProgressAnimationTypes.esriProgressSpiral; System.Boolean boolean_Continue = true; stepProgressor.Step(); boolean_Continue = trackCancel.Continue(); if (!boolean_Continue) { return; } stepProgressor.Step(); stepProgressor.Message = A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsLbl_13b"); //ProfileFindPath(); pCmdItem = Globals.GetCommand("ArcGIS4LocalGovernment_AttributeAssistantSuspendOffCommand", app); if (pCmdItem != null) { pCmdItem.Execute(); } string[] elemInfo = (elementProp = pMoveElemFirst as IElementProperties3).Name.Split(':'); pSourceLayer = Globals.FindLayerByClassID(pMxDoc.FocusMap, elemInfo[1]) as IFeatureLayer; pSourceFeature = pSourceLayer.FeatureClass.GetFeature(Convert.ToInt32(elemInfo[2])); pNetworkSourceFeature = (INetworkFeature)pSourceFeature; iTargetEdgeFeat = (IEdgeFeature)pNetworkSourceFeature; iCEdge = (pNetworkSourceFeature) as IComplexEdgeFeature; pOraphFC = pGN.OrphanJunctionFeatureClass; editor.StartOperation(); pL = pSourceFeature.ShapeCopy as IPolyline; boolean_Continue = trackCancel.Continue(); if (!boolean_Continue) { return; } stepProgressor.Step(); stepProgressor.Message = A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsProc_13b"); for (int i = 0; i < iCEdge.JunctionFeatureCount; i++) { pJuncFeat = iCEdge.get_JunctionFeature(i); if ((pJuncFeat as IFeature).Class.ObjectClassID != pOraphFC.ObjectClassID && LayersToMoveIDs.Contains((pJuncFeat as IFeature).Class.ObjectClassID)) { if (pL.FromPoint.X == ((pJuncFeat as IFeature).Shape as IPoint).X && pL.FromPoint.Y == ((pJuncFeat as IFeature).Shape as IPoint).Y) { FeatLoc.Add("From"); } else if (pL.ToPoint.X == ((pJuncFeat as IFeature).Shape as IPoint).X && pL.ToPoint.Y == ((pJuncFeat as IFeature).Shape as IPoint).Y) { FeatLoc.Add("To"); } else { FeatLoc.Add("Along"); } OIDs.Add((pJuncFeat as IFeature).OID); FCs.Add((pJuncFeat as IFeature).Class); } } boolean_Continue = trackCancel.Continue(); if (!boolean_Continue) { return; } stepProgressor.Step(); stepProgressor.Message = A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsProc_13c"); pNetworkSourceFeature.Disconnect(); boolean_Continue = trackCancel.Continue(); if (!boolean_Continue) { return; } stepProgressor.Step(); stepProgressor.Message = A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsProc_13d"); string msg = ""; List<IFeature> pM = new List<IFeature>(); for (int i = 0; i < OIDs.Count; i++) { pMoveFeat = (FCs[i] as IFeatureClass).GetFeature(OIDs[i]); esriGeometryHitPartType pSearchLoc; if (FeatLoc[i] == "From" || FeatLoc[i] == "To") { pSearchLoc = esriGeometryHitPartType.esriGeometryPartEndpoint; } else { pSearchLoc = esriGeometryHitPartType.esriGeometryPartBoundary; } pHtTest = pFeature.ShapeCopy as IHitTest; bool bHitOne = pHtTest.HitTest(pMoveFeat.Shape as IPoint, 50, pSearchLoc, pHitPntOne, ref pHitDistOne, ref pHitPrtOne, ref pHitSegOne, ref pHitSideOne); if (bHitOne != false) { if ((pMoveFeat.Shape as IPoint).Z != null && Globals.IsNumeric((pMoveFeat.Shape as IPoint).Z.ToString())) pHitPntOne.Z = (pMoveFeat.Shape as IPoint).Z; pMoveFeat.Shape = pHitPntOne; pM.Add(pMoveFeat); try { pMoveFeat.Store(); INetworkFeature netFeature = null; netFeature = pMoveFeat as INetworkFeature; netFeature.Connect(); } catch { if (msg == "") { msg = A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("FeatureIn") + (FCs[i] as IFeatureClass).AliasName + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("WithOID") + pMoveFeat.OID + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsError_13b"); } else { msg = msg + "\n" + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("FeatureIn") + (FCs[i] as IFeatureClass).AliasName + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("WithOID") + pMoveFeat.OID + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsError_13b"); } } } } ////foreach (IFeature pF in pM) ////{ //// try //// { //// pF.Store(); //// INetworkFeature netFeature = null; //// netFeature = pF as INetworkFeature; //// netFeature.Connect(); //// } //// catch //// { //// if (msg == "") //// { //// msg = A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("FeatureIn") + (pF.Class as IFeatureClass).AliasName + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("WithOID") + pMoveFeat.OID + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsError_13b"); //// } //// else //// { //// msg = msg + "\n" + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("FeatureIn") + (pF.Class as IFeatureClass).AliasName + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("WithOID") + pMoveFeat.OID + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsError_13b"); //// } //// } //// if (msg != "") //// { //// MessageBox.Show(msg); //// } ////} //INetworkFeature pNetworkTargetFeature = (INetworkFeature)pFeature; // IFeatureLayer pTargetLayer = Globals.FindLayerByClassID(pMxDoc.FocusMap,pFeature.Class.CLSID.ToString()) as IFeatureLayer; boolean_Continue = trackCancel.Continue(); if (!boolean_Continue) { return; } stepProgressor.Step(); stepProgressor.Message = A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("Complete"); try { Globals.RemoveTraceGraphics(pMxDoc.FocusMap, true); } catch { } // unpress the UIToolControl button app.CurrentTool = null; app.RefreshWindow(); pMxDoc.ActiveView.Refresh(); return; } } catch (Exception ex) { try { editor.AbortOperation(); } catch { } MessageBox.Show(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsError_13c") + ex.Message); return; } finally { try { editor.StopOperation(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsDone_13a")); } catch { } if (progressDialog2 != null) progressDialog2.HideDialog(); progressDialog2 = null; pCmdItem = Globals.GetCommand("ArcGIS4LocalGovernment_AttributeAssistantSuspendOnCommand", app); if (pCmdItem != null) { pCmdItem.Execute(); } pLay = null; statusBar = null; animationProgressor = null; trackCancel = null; progressDialogFactory = null; stepProgressor = null; progressDialog2 = null; pCmdItem = null; pMxDoc = null; pGN = null; pFeature = null; pTracePoint = null; pSimpleLineSym = null; pRGBColor = null; gc = null; pMoveElemFirst = null; pMoveElemPropFirst = null; element = null; elementProp = null; lineElem = null; pJuncFeat = null; pSourceLayer = null; pSourceFeature = null; pMoveFeat = null; pNetworkSourceFeature = null; iTargetEdgeFeat = null; iCEdge = null; pOraphFC = null; OIDs = null; FeatLoc = null; FCs = null; pL = null; pHtTest = null;//= pPolyline as IHitTest; pHitPntOne = null; editor = null; } }