Exemple #1
        private void CheckAlignment(IAlignmentManager alignMgr, Pose virtualPose, Pose lockedPose)
            WorldLockingManager mgr = WorldLockingManager.GetInstance();

            alignMgr.ComputePinnedPose(new Pose(lockedPose.position, Quaternion.identity));
            Pose pinnedFromLocked  = alignMgr.PinnedFromLocked;
            Pose frozenFromLocked  = mgr.FrozenFromPinned.Multiply(pinnedFromLocked);
            Pose lockedFromFrozen  = frozenFromLocked.Inverse();
            Pose computedLocked    = lockedFromFrozen.Multiply(virtualPose);
            bool areEqualPositions = computedLocked.position == lockedPose.position;

            Assert.IsTrue(areEqualPositions, $"clp={computedLocked.position.ToString("F3")}"
                          + $" lpp={lockedPose.position.ToString("F3")}"
                          + $" vpp={virtualPose.position.ToString("F3")}"
                          + $" FfP={mgr.FrozenFromPinned.position.ToString("F3")}"
                          + $" PfL={pinnedFromLocked.position.ToString("F3")}"
            bool areEqualRotatons = computedLocked.rotation == lockedPose.rotation;

            Assert.IsTrue(areEqualRotatons, $"clr={computedLocked.rotation.ToString("F3")}"
                          + $"lpr={lockedPose.rotation.ToString("F3")}"
                          + $" FfP={mgr.FrozenFromPinned.position.ToString("F3")}"
                          + $" PfL={pinnedFromLocked.position.ToString("F3")}"
Exemple #2
 private void VerifyAlignmentIdentity(IAlignmentManager alignMgr, PinData[] pinData)
     for (int i = 0; i < pinData.Length; ++i)
         alignMgr.ComputePinnedPose(new Pose(pinData[i].lockedPose.position, Quaternion.identity));
         Pose pinnedFromLocked   = alignMgr.PinnedFromLocked;
         bool isIdentityPosition = pinnedFromLocked.position == Vector3.zero;
         bool isIdentityRotation = pinnedFromLocked.rotation == Quaternion.identity;
        private void CheckAlignment(IAlignmentManager alignMgr, Vector3 virtualPos, Vector3 lockedPos)
            WorldLockingManager mgr = WorldLockingManager.GetInstance();

            alignMgr.ComputePinnedPose(new Pose(lockedPos, Quaternion.identity));
            Pose    pinnedFromLocked = alignMgr.PinnedFromLocked;
            Pose    frozenFromLocked = mgr.FrozenFromPinned.Multiply(pinnedFromLocked);
            Pose    lockedFromFrozen = frozenFromLocked.Inverse();
            Vector3 computedLocked   = lockedFromFrozen.Multiply(virtualPos);
            bool    areEqual         = computedLocked == lockedPos;

            Assert.IsTrue(areEqual, $"c={computedLocked.ToString("F3")} l={lockedPos.ToString("F3")}");
Exemple #4
        public IEnumerator SaveLoadTestSpacePinOrientable()
            GameObject rig = loadHelper.LoadBasicSceneRig();

            GameObject[]         gos  = new GameObject[pinData.Length];
            SpacePinOrientable[] spos = new SpacePinOrientable[pinData.Length];

            Quaternion rotThirty = Quaternion.AngleAxis(30.0f, new Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));

            GameObject orienterGO = new GameObject("Orienter");
            IOrienter  orienter   = orienterGO.AddComponent <Orienter>();

            for (int i = 0; i < pinData.Length; ++i)
                gos[i]           = new GameObject("GOs_" + i.ToString());
                spos[i]          = gos[i].AddComponent <SpacePinOrientable>();
                spos[i].Orienter = orienter;
            /// Wait for their Start's to be called.
            yield return(null);

            for (int i = 0; i < spos.Length; ++i)
                Vector3 rotPosition = rotThirty * pinData[i].virtualPose.position;
            yield return(null);

            IAlignmentManager alignMgr = WorldLockingManager.GetInstance().AlignmentManager;

            /// This is an arbitrary position, not actually one of the pinned positions currently.
            alignMgr.ComputePinnedPose(new Pose(pinData[0].lockedPose.position, Quaternion.identity));
            Quaternion rot      = Quaternion.Inverse(alignMgr.PinnedFromLocked.rotation);
            bool       isThirty = rot == rotThirty;



            yield return(null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Update is called by the update proxy.
        /// </summary>
        private void Update()
            ErrorStatus = "";

            if (hasPendingLoadTask)
                ErrorStatus = "pending background load task";

            if (AdjustmentFrame == null)
                Debug.Log("No WLM update because no adjustment frame set");
                ErrorStatus = "no adjustment frame";

            // AnchorManager.Update takes care of creating anchors&edges and feeding the up-to-date state
            // into the FrozenWorld engine
            bool hasSpongyAnchors = AnchorManager.Update();

            if (!hasSpongyAnchors)
                // IFragmentManager.Pause() will set all fragments to disconnected.
                ErrorStatus = AnchorManager.ErrorStatus;
//#endif // UNITY_WSA

            catch (Exception exception)
                Debug.LogErrorFormat("Error writing WorldLocking diagnostics record: {0}", exception);

            // The basic output from the FrozenWorld engine (current fragment and its alignment)
            // are applied to the unity scene
            FragmentManager.Update(AutoRefreeze, AutoMerge);

            /// The following assumes a camera hierarchy like this:
            /// Nodes_A => AdjustmentFrame => Nodes_B => camera
            /// The cumulative effect of Nodes_B is to transform from Spongy space to playspace.
            /// Spongy space is the space that the camera moves about in, and is the space that
            /// coordinates coming from scene agnostic APIs like XR are in.
            /// (Note the MRTK APIs are in Unity's global space, not Spongy space.
            /// The internal structure of that graph is inconsequential here, the only dependency
            /// is on the cumulative transform, PlayspaceFromSpongy.
            /// Likewise, the cumulative effect of Nodes_A is to transform from alignment space (described below)
            /// to Unity's global space, referred to here as FrozenSpace.
            /// The AdjustmentFrame's transform is composed of two transforms.
            /// The first comes from the FrozenWorld engine DLL as the inverse of Plugin.GetAlignment(),
            /// and transforms from Playspace to the base stable world locked space, labeled as
            /// LockedFromPlayspace.
            /// The second transforms from this stable but arbitrary space to a space locked
            /// to a finite set of real world markers. This transform is labeled PinnedFromLocked.
            /// The transform chain equivalent of the above camera hierarchy is:
            /// FrozenFromPinned * [PinnedFromLocked * LockedFromPlayspace] * PlayspaceFromSpongy * SpongyFromCamera
            /// FrozenFromSpongy and its inverse are useful for converting between the coordinates of scene agnostic APIs (e.g. XR)
            /// and Frozen coordinates, i.e. Unity's global space.
            /// FrozenFromLocked is convenient for converting between the "frozen" coordinates of the FrozenWorld engine DLL
            /// and Unity's global space, i.e. Frozen coordinate.
            if (Enabled)
                Pose playspaceFromLocked = Plugin.GetAlignment();
                LockedFromPlayspace = playspaceFromLocked.Inverse();

                SpongyFromCamera = Plugin.GetSpongyHead();

                Pose lockedHeadPose = LockedFromPlayspace.Multiply(PlayspaceFromSpongy.Multiply(SpongyFromCamera));
                PinnedFromLocked = alignmentManager.PinnedFromLocked;
                SpongyFromCamera = Camera.main.transform.GetLocalPose();
                /// Note leave adjustment and pinning transforms alone, to facilitate
                /// comparison of behavior when toggling FW enabled.


            if ((AdjustmentFrame.GetGlobalPose().position != Vector3.zero) || (AdjustmentFrame.GetGlobalPose().rotation != Quaternion.identity))
                Debug.Log($"WLT: Adj{AnchorManagerXR.DebugVector3("O=", AdjustmentFrame.GetGlobalPose().position)}, {AnchorManagerXR.DebugEuler("R=", AdjustmentFrame.GetGlobalPose().rotation.eulerAngles)}");
