Exemple #1
 void DumpWarnings(IActivityMonitor m, HttpResponseHeaders responseHeaders)
     if (responseHeaders.Contains("warning"))
         foreach (string warning in responseHeaders.GetValues("warning"))
             m.Warn($"NPM warning: {warning}");
             var match = Regex.Match(warning, @"/^\s*(\d{3})\s+(\S+)\s+""(.*)""\s+""([^""]+)""/");
             if (!int.TryParse(match.Groups[1].Value, out int code))
                 m.Error("Incorrect warning header format.");
             string   host    = match.Groups[2].Value;
             string   message = match.Groups[3].Value;
             DateTime date    = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <DateTime>(match.Groups[4].Value);
             if (code == 199)
                 if (message.Contains("ENOTFOUND"))
                     m.Warn($"registry: Using stale data from {RegistryUri.ToString()} because the host is inaccessible -- are you offline?");
                     m.Error("Npm.Net is not using any caches, so you should not see the previous warning.");
                     m.Warn($"Unexpected warning for {RegistryUri.ToString()}: {message}");
             else if (code == 111)
                 m.Warn($"Using stale data from {RegistryUri.ToString()} due to a request error during revalidation.");
Exemple #2
            public void Add(string name, List <XNode> e, bool replace, bool @override)
                Monitor.Trace($"Registering {name} reusable for {Element.ToStringPath()}.");
                if (_map == null)
                    _map = new Dictionary <string, List <XNode> >();
                bool existsAbove = Parent?.Find(name, clone: false) != null;
                bool existsHere  = _map.ContainsKey(name);

                if (replace && !existsHere)
                    Monitor.Warn($"{Element.ToStringPath()}: Reusable '{name}' does not replace any previously registered item. Replace=\"True\" attribute should be removed.");
                if (!replace && existsHere)
                    Monitor.Error($"{Element.ToStringPath()}: Reusable '{name}' is already registered at this level. Use Replace=\"True\" attribute if replacement is intentional.");
                if (@override && !existsAbove)
                    Monitor.Warn($"{Element.ToStringPath()}: Reusable '{name}' does not override any registered item above. Override=\"True\" attribute should be removed.");
                if (!@override && existsAbove)
                    Monitor.Error($"{Element.ToStringPath()}: Reusable '{name}' is already registered above. Use Override=\"True\" attribute if redefinition is intentional.");
                _map[name] = e;
Exemple #3
 public bool OptimizeUnionTypes(IActivityMonitor monitor)
     Debug.Assert(_unionTypes != null && _unionTypes.Any() && _unionTypes.All(t => !t.Kind.IsNullable()));
     for (int i = 0; i < _unionTypes.Count; ++i)
         var tN = _unionTypes[i];
         var t  = tN.Type;
         for (int j = i + 1; j < _unionTypes.Count; ++j)
             var tJN = _unionTypes[j];
             var tJ  = tJN.Type;
             if (tJ == t)
                 monitor.Warn($"{ToString()} UnionType '{t.ToCSharpName()}' duplicated. Removing one.");
             else if (tJ.IsAssignableFrom(t))
                 monitor.Warn($"{ToString()} UnionType '{tJ.ToCSharpName()}' is assignable from (is more general than) '{t.ToCSharpName()}'. Removing the second one.");
             else if (t.IsAssignableFrom(tJ))
                 monitor.Warn($"{ToString()} UnionType '{t.ToCSharpName()}' is assignable from (is more general than) '{tJ.ToCSharpName()}'. Removing the second one.");
     if (_unionTypes.Count == 1)
         monitor.Warn($"{ToString()}: UnionType contains only one type. This is weird (but ignored).");
            /// <summary>
            /// Ensures that the the Git Repository is opened and updates the <see cref="Worlds"/>.
            /// Returns true on success, false on error.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="m">The monitor to use.</param>
            /// <param name="force">True to refresh the <see cref="Worlds"/> even if <see cref="IsOpen"/> is already true.</param>
            /// <returns>Whether this repository has been successfully opened.</returns>
            internal bool Refresh(IActivityMonitor m, bool force = true)
                bool isOpened = false;

                if (!IsOpen)
                    _git = GitRepository.Create(m, this, Root, Root.LastPart, false, BranchName, checkOutBranchName: true);
                    if (_git == null)
                    isOpened = true;
                if (force || isOpened)
                    if (_git.Pull(m, MergeFileFavor.Theirs).ReloadNeeded || isOpened)
                        var worldNames = Directory.GetFiles(Root, "*.World.xml")
                                         .Select(p => LocalWorldName.TryParse(p, _store.WorldLocalMapping))
                                         .Where(w => w != null)
                                         .ToDictionary(w => w.FullName);

                        var invalidParallels = worldNames.Values.Where(p => p.ParallelName != null && !worldNames.ContainsKey(p.Name)).ToList();
                        foreach (var orphan in invalidParallels)
                            m.Warn($"Invalid Parallel World '{orphan.FullName}': unable to find the default stack definition '{orphan.Name}' in the repository. It is ignored.");
                        foreach (var exists in _worlds)
                            if (!worldNames.Remove(exists.WorldName.FullName))
                                if (exists.WorldName.HasDefinitionFile)
                                    m.Warn($"Unable to find World definition file for '{exists.WorldName}'. File '{exists.WorldName.XmlDescriptionFilePath}' not found.");
                                    exists.WorldName.HasDefinitionFile = false;
                                if (!exists.WorldName.HasDefinitionFile)
                                    m.Trace($"Found World definition file for '{exists.WorldName}'.");
                                    exists.WorldName.HasDefinitionFile = true;
                        foreach (var newWorld in worldNames.Values)
                            m.Info($"Found a new World definition: creating '{newWorld.FullName}' entry.");
                            newWorld.HasDefinitionFile = true;
                            _worlds.Add(new WorldInfo(this, newWorld));
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Emits a warning for each <see cref="Element"/>'s attribute that has not been <see cref="Handle"/>d.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The number of emitted warnings.</returns>
        public int WarnUnhandledAttributes()
            int warned = 0;

            foreach (var a in Element.Attributes())
                if (!_handled.Contains(a))
                    Monitor.Warn($"Unhandled attribute '{a.Name}'{a.GetLineColumnString()}.");
        internal bool Validate(IActivityMonitor monitor, string name)
            bool success = true;

            if (MinKeyDuration < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1))
                monitor.Error($"{name}.MinKeyDuration must not be less than 00:00:01 (1 second).");
                success = false;
            if (MaxUseCount < 1)
                monitor.Error($"{name}.MaxUseCount must be at least 1.");
                success = false;
            else if (DefaultUseCount < 1)
                monitor.Error($"{name}.DefaultUseCount must be between 1 and MaxUseCount ({MaxUseCount}) included.");
                success = false;
            else if (DefaultUseCount > MaxUseCount)
                monitor.Warn($"{name}.DefaultUseCount must not be greater than MaxUseCount ({MaxUseCount}). It has been set to MaxUseCount.");
                DefaultUseCount = MaxUseCount;
Exemple #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Reads the Stacks.xml file and instanciates the <see cref="StackRepo"/> objects and
 /// their <see cref="WorldInfo"/>: creating the StackRepo registers the required secrets
 /// in the key store.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="m">The monitor to use.</param>
 internal void ReadStacksFromLocalStacksFilePath(IActivityMonitor m)
     if (!File.Exists(StacksFilePath))
         m.Warn($"File '{StacksFilePath}' not found.");
         using (m.OpenInfo($"Reading '{StacksFilePath}'."))
                 _stackRepos.AddRange(XDocument.Load(StacksFilePath).Root.Elements().Select(e => StackRepo.Parse(this, e)));
             catch (Exception ex)
                 m.Error($"Unable to read '{StacksFilePath}' file.", ex);
     if (_stackRepos.Count == 0)
         using (m.OpenInfo("Since there is no Stack defined, we initialize CK and CK-Build mapped to '/Dev/CK' by default."))
             m.Info($"Use 'run World/{nameof( SetWorldMapping )}' command to update the mapping.");
             _stackRepos.Add(new StackRepo(this, new Uri("https://github.com/signature-opensource/CK-Stack.git"), true));
             _stackRepos.Add(new StackRepo(this, new Uri("https://github.com/CK-Build/CK-Build-Stack.git"), true));
             WorldLocalMapping.SetMap(m, "CK-Build", "/Dev/CK");
             WorldLocalMapping.SetMap(m, "CK", "/Dev/CK");
 internal CKTypeInfo(IActivityMonitor monitor, CKTypeInfo?parent, Type t, IServiceProvider services, bool isExcluded, AutoServiceClassInfo?serviceClass)
     Debug.Assert((serviceClass == null) == (this is RealObjectClassInfo));
     ServiceClass     = serviceClass;
     Generalization   = parent;
     Type             = t;
     _interfacesCache = System.Type.EmptyTypes;
     if ((parent?.IsExcluded ?? false))
         monitor.Warn($"Type {t.FullName} is excluded since its parent is excluded.");
         IsExcluded = true;
     else if (IsExcluded = isExcluded)
         monitor.Info($"Type {t.FullName} is excluded.");
         _attributes      = new TypeAttributesCache(monitor, t, services, parent == null);
         _interfacesCache = t.GetInterfaces();
         if (parent != null)
             _nextSibling       = parent._firstChild;
             parent._firstChild = this;
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper that copies a file with retries.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="monitor">The monitor to use.</param>
        /// <param name="source">The source file path.</param>
        /// <param name="target">The target file path.</param>
        /// <returns>True on success, false on error.</returns>
        public static bool SafeCopy(IActivityMonitor monitor, NormalizedPath source, NormalizedPath target)
            int tryCount = 0;

                File.Copy(source, target, true);
            catch (FileNotFoundException ex)
                monitor.Error($"Unable to copy file: source '{source}' not found.", ex);
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (++tryCount > 5)
                    monitor.Error($"Unable to copy file: '{source}' to '{target}' after 5 tries.", ex);
                monitor.Warn($"Unable to copy file: '{source}' to '{target}'. Retrying in {tryCount * 50} ms.", ex);
                System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(tryCount * 50);
                goto retry;
            monitor.Info($"Copied file '{source}' to '{target}'.");
            static void ConfigureByStObjConstruct(IActivityMonitor monitor, IStObjMutableItem o, SqlDatabase db)
                var fromAbove = o.ConstructParametersAboveRoot;

                Debug.Assert(fromAbove != null, "Since we are on the root of the specializations path.");
                fromAbove.Should().NotBeEmpty().And.HaveCount(1, "We have only one base class with a StObjConstruct method.");
                var(t, parameters) = fromAbove.Single();

                if (parameters.Count != 3 ||
                    parameters[0].Name != "connectionString" ||
                    parameters[0].Type != typeof(string) ||
                    parameters[1].Name != "hasCKCore" ||
                    parameters[1].Type != typeof(bool) ||
                    parameters[2].Name != "useSnapshotIsolation" ||
                    parameters[2].Type != typeof(bool))
                    throw new CKException("Expected SqlDatabase.StObjContruct(string connectionString, bool hasCKCore, bool useSnapshotIsolation)");
                if (db.IsDefaultDatabase)
                    parameters[0].SetParameterValue("The default connection string.");
                else if (db.Name == "histo")
                    parameters[0].SetParameterValue("The histo connection string.");
                    monitor.Warn($"Unable to find configuration for Database named '{db.Name}' of type {db.GetType()}. Its ConnectionString will be null.");
Exemple #11
 bool DoSomething(IActivityMonitor m, FileInfo file)
     using (m.OpenInfo().Send("Do something important on file '{0}'.", file.Name))
         if (!file.Exists)
             m.Warn().Send("File does not exist.");
             m.Trace().Send("File last modified at {1:T}. {0} Kb to process.", file.Length, file.LastWriteTimeUtc);
                 // ... Process file ...
             catch (Exception ex)
                 m.Error().Send(ex, "While processing.");
         m.SetTopic("Changing my mind. Keeping it as-is.");
Exemple #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the <see cref="ExternalNameAttribute"/> names or this <see cref="Type.FullName"/>.
        /// Emits a warning if the full name is used, and errors if the name exists and is invalid.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="t">This type.</param>
        /// <param name="monitor">The monitor to use.</param>
        /// <param name="name">The name to use to identify the type.</param>
        /// <param name="previousNames">Optional previous names.</param>
        /// <returns>True on success, false on error.</returns>
        public static bool GetExternalNames(this Type t, IActivityMonitor monitor, out string name, out string[] previousNames)
            CustomAttributeData?attr = GetAttributeData(t);

            if (attr != null)
                var args = attr.ConstructorArguments;
                name          = (string)args[0].Value !;
                previousNames = ((IEnumerable <CustomAttributeTypedArgument>)args[1].Value !).Select(a => (string)a.Value !).ToArray();
                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name))
                    monitor.Error($"Empty name in ExternalName attribute on '{t.FullName}'.");
                if (previousNames.Any(n => String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(n)))
                    monitor.Error($"Empty previous name in ExternalName attribute on '{t.FullName}'.");
                if (previousNames.Contains(name) || previousNames.GroupBy(Util.FuncIdentity).Any(g => g.Count() > 1))
                    monitor.Error($"Duplicate ExternalName in attribute on '{t.FullName}'.");
                name          = t.FullName !;
                previousNames = Array.Empty <string>();
                monitor.Warn($"Type '{name}' use its full name as its name since no [ExternalName] attribute is defined.");
Exemple #13
 internal AutoServiceKind ComputeFinalTypeKind(IActivityMonitor m, IAutoServiceKindComputeFacade kindComputeFacade, ref bool success)
     if (!_isComputed)
         if (_isComputing)
             m.Warn($"Automatic DI type of 'IEnumerable<{EnumeratedType.FullName}> is not decidable: a dependency cycle has been found. It will be considered as the \"worst case\": a non marshallable IsFrontService|IsScoped.");
             _finalKind = AutoServiceKind.IsFrontService | AutoServiceKind.IsFrontProcessService | AutoServiceKind.IsScoped;
             // Check that the potential registered IEnumerable AutoServiceKind is compatible with the one of the enumerated interface.
             var combined = (_itemKind | _enumerabledKind) & ~CKTypeKind.IsMultipleService;
             var conflict = combined.GetCombinationError(false);
             if (conflict != null)
                 m.Error($"Invalid configuration for 'IEnumerable<{EnumeratedType.FullName}>' ({_enumerabledKind}) that contradicts the {EnumeratedType.Name} interface ({_itemKind}): {conflict}.");
                 success = false;
                 _isComputing = true;
                 DoComputeFinalTypeKind(m, kindComputeFacade, combined.ToAutoServiceKind(), ref success);
                 _isComputing = false;
         _isComputed = true;
Exemple #14
        public async Task <ArtifactAvailableInstances> GetVersionsAsync(IActivityMonitor m, string artifactName)
            if (_registry == null)
                _registry = _registryFactory();
            var v = new ArtifactAvailableInstances(this, artifactName);

            var result = await _registry.View(m, artifactName);

            if (result.exist)
                JObject body     = JObject.Parse(result.viewJson);
                var     versions = (JObject)body["versions"];
                foreach (var vK in versions)
                    var sV = SVersion.TryParse(vK.Key);
                    if (!sV.IsValid)
                        m.Warn($"Unable to parse version '{vK.Key}' for '{artifactName}': {sV.ErrorMessage}");
                        v = v.WithVersion(sV);
Exemple #15
 internal static void CommonLogAndWarings(IActivityMonitor monitor, IReadOnlyList <Type> abstractTails)
     if (abstractTails.Count > 0)
         monitor.Warn($"Abstract classes without specialization are ignored: {abstractTails.Select( t => t.ToCSharpName() ).Concatenate()}.");
 /// <summary>
 /// Reads or creates a new <see cref="SolutionFile"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="m">The monitor to use.</param>
 /// <param name="ctx">The project file context.</param>
 /// <param name="solutionPath">The path to the .sln file relative to the <see cref="MSProjContext.FileSystem"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="mustExist">False to allow the file to not exist.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// The solution file or null on error (for example when not found and <paramref name="mustExist"/> is true).
 /// </returns>
 public static SolutionFile Read(FileSystem fs, IActivityMonitor m, NormalizedPath solutionPath, bool mustExist = true)
     using (m.OpenInfo($"Reading '{solutionPath}'."))
         var file = fs.GetFileInfo(solutionPath);
         if (!file.Exists && mustExist)
             m.Error($"File '{solutionPath}' not found. Unable to read the solution.");
         var s = new SolutionFile(fs, solutionPath);
         if (file.Exists)
             using (var r = new Reader(m, file.CreateReadStream()))
                 if (!s.Read(r))
                     m.Error("Unable to read the Solution.");
             m.Warn($"File '{solutionPath}' not found. Creating an empty solution.");
Exemple #17
        static Branch DoGetBranch(IActivityMonitor m, Repository r, string branchName, bool logErrorMissingLocalAndRemote, string repoDisplayName)
            var b = r.Branches[branchName];

            if (b == null)
                string remoteName = "origin/" + branchName;
                var    remote     = r.Branches[remoteName];
                if (remote == null)
                    var msg = $"Repository '{repoDisplayName}': Both local '{branchName}' and remote '{remoteName}' not found.";
                    if (logErrorMissingLocalAndRemote)
                m.Info($"Creating local branch on remote '{remoteName}' in repository '{repoDisplayName}'.");
                b = r.Branches.Add(branchName, remote.Tip);
                b = r.Branches.Update(b, u => u.TrackedBranch = remote.CanonicalName);
Exemple #18
        void OnWorkingFolderChanged(IActivityMonitor m, LocalWorldName local)
            var repo = _repos.FirstOrDefault(r => local.XmlDescriptionFilePath.StartsWith(r.Root));

            if (repo == null)
                m.Warn($"Unable to find the local repository for {local.FullName}.");
            else if (!repo.IsOpen)
                m.Warn($"Local repository {local.FullName} ({repo.Root}) is not opened.");
Exemple #19
 void DemoLogs(IActivityMonitor m, FileInfo f, Exception ex)
     m.Trace().Send("Data from '{0}' processed.", f.Name);
     m.Info().Send(ex, "An error occurred while processing '{0}'. Process will be retried later.", f.Name);
     m.Warn().Send("File '{0}' is too big ({1} Kb). It must be less than 50Kb.", f.Name, f.Length / 1024);
     m.Error().Send(ex, "File '{0}' can not be processed.", f.Name);
     m.Fatal().Send(ex, "This will cancel the whole operation.");
 void DemoLogs( IActivityMonitor m, FileInfo f, Exception ex )
     m.Trace().Send( "Data from '{0}' processed.", f.Name );
     m.Info().Send( ex, "An error occurred while processing '{0}'. Process will be retried later.", f.Name );
     m.Warn().Send( "File '{0}' is too big ({1} Kb). It must be less than 50Kb.", f.Name, f.Length / 1024 );
     m.Error().Send( ex, "File '{0}' can not be processed.", f.Name );
     m.Fatal().Send( ex, "This will cancel the whole operation." );
Exemple #21
 /// <summary>
 /// May be modified to enforce constraints on the passphrase.
 /// Currently only requires it to be not null nor empty.
 /// </summary>
 static bool CheckPassPhraseConstraints(IActivityMonitor m, string passPhrase)
     if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(passPhrase))
         m.Warn("Invalid pass phrase.");
Exemple #22
            internal void ReadWorlds(IActivityMonitor m, StackInitializeOption option, Action <LocalWorldName> addWorld)
                if (option == StackInitializeOption.OpenRepository)
                else if (option == StackInitializeOption.OpenAndPullRepository)
                if (!IsOpen)
                    m.Warn($"Repository '{OriginUrl}' for stacks '{_stacks.Select( s => s.StackName ).Concatenate("', '")}' is not opened. Skipping Worlds reading from them.");
                var worldNames = Directory.GetFiles(Root, "*.World.xml")
                                 .Select(p => LocalWorldName.TryParse(m, p, _store.WorldLocalMapping))
                                 .Where(w => w != null)
                var missing = _stacks
                              .Where(s => !worldNames.Any(w => w.FullName.Equals(s.StackName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)));

                foreach (var s in missing)
                    m.Warn($"Unable to find xml file definition for '{s.StackName}'.");
                for (int i = 0; i < worldNames.Count; ++i)
                    var w = worldNames[i];
                    if (w.ParallelName == null &&
                        !_stacks.Any(s => s.StackName.Equals(w.FullName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                        m.Warn($"Unexpected '{w.FullName}' stack found. It is ignored.");
        public void ApplySettings(IActivityMonitor m)
            if (!_f.EnsureDirectory(m))
            var s = _driver.GetSolution(m, allowInvalidSolution: true);

            if (s == null)

            if (_driver.BuildRequiredSecrets.Count == 0)
                m.Warn("No build secrets collected for this solution. Skipping KeyVault configuration.");

            var passPhrase = _secretStore.GetSecretKey(m, SolutionDriver.CODECAKEBUILDER_SECRET_KEY, true);

            // Opens the actual current vault: if more secrets are defined we keep them.
            Dictionary <string, string> current = KeyVault.DecryptValues(TextContent, passPhrase);


            // The central CICDKeyVault is protected with the same CODECAKEBUILDER_SECRET_KEY secret.
            Dictionary <string, string> centralized = KeyVault.DecryptValues(_sharedState.CICDKeyVault, passPhrase);

            bool complete = true;

            foreach (var name in _driver.BuildRequiredSecrets.Select(x => x.SecretKeyName))
                if (!centralized.TryGetValue(name, out var secret))
                    m.Error($"Missing required build secret '{name}' in central CICDKeyVault. It must be added.");
                    complete = false;
                    current[name] = secret;
            if (complete)
                Updating?.Invoke(this, new CodeCakeBuilderKeyVaultUpdatingArgs(m, _solutionSpec, s, current));
                string result = KeyVault.EncryptValuesToString(current, passPhrase);
                CreateOrUpdate(m, result);
Exemple #24
        public void Setup(IActivityMonitor monitor)
            using (monitor.OpenInfo($"Executing {_scripts.Count} script(s) on this Workstation."))
                using (var tempPS1 = new TemporaryFile("ps1"))
                    bool             hasError         = false;
                    HashSet <EnvVar> currentVariables = null;
                    foreach (var o in _scripts)
                        if (hasError)
                        switch (o)
                        case HashSet <EnvVar> v: currentVariables = v; break;

                        case ScriptLine script:
                            using (monitor.OpenTrace($"Executing script Type='{script.Type}', WorkingDir='{script.WorkingDir}', Arguments='{script.Arguments}', ContinueOnNonZeroExitCode='{script.ContinueOnNonZeroExitCode}'."))
                                monitor.Debug($"With EnvironmentVariables: {currentVariables?.Select( v => v.ToString() ).Concatenate()}.");
                                var variables = currentVariables?.Select(v => (v.Name, Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(v.Value))).ToList()
                                                ?? new List <(string Name, string)>();
                                variables.Add(("CKLI_WORLD_MAPPING", _fileSystem.Root));

                                System.IO.File.WriteAllText(tempPS1.Path, script.Script);
                                if (!ProcessRunner.RunPowerShell(
                                        new[] { script.Arguments },
                                        stdErrorLevel: LogLevel.Warn,
                                    hasError |= !script.ContinueOnNonZeroExitCode;
                                    if (!hasError)
                                        monitor.Warn("ContinueOnNonZeroExitCode is true: error is ignored.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Overridden to match [assembly: CK.StObj.Signature( "..." )] SHA1 attribute in the first line.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="monitor"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override SHA1Value DoGetSignature(IActivityMonitor monitor)
            var firstLine = SafeReadFirstLine(monitor, Path);

            if (firstLine != null)
                var m = Regex.Match(firstLine, @"\s*\[\s*assembly\s*:\s*CK.StObj.Signature\s*\(\s*@?""(?<1>.*?)""");
                if (m.Success && SHA1Value.TryParse(m.Groups[1].Value, out var signature))
            monitor.Warn($"Unable to read [assembly: CK.StObj.Signature( \"...\" )] attribute from '{Path}'.");
Exemple #26
 protected virtual void SetGeneralizationInfo(IActivityMonitor monitor, CovariantPropertyInfo gen)
     // Covariance ?
     if (PropertyType != gen.PropertyType && !gen.PropertyType.IsAssignableFrom(PropertyType))
         monitor.Error($"Property '{DeclaringType.FullName}.{Name}' type is not compatible with base property '{gen.DeclaringType.FullName}.{Name}'.");
     else if (_p.GetSetMethod(true) != null)
         monitor.Warn($"Property '{DeclaringType.FullName}.{Name}' should not have a setter (there should only be a getter that casts the base property).");
     // Propagates the top first definer level.
     _definerSpecializationDepth = gen.DefinerSpecializationDepth;
     _settablePropertyInfo       = gen._settablePropertyInfo;
Exemple #27
        public void DeleteStackDefinition(IActivityMonitor m, string stackName)
            int idx = _stacks.IndexOf(d => d.StackName.Equals(stackName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

            if (idx < 0)
                m.Warn($"Stack named '{stackName}' not found.");
                m.Info($"Removing: '{_stacks[idx]}'.");
                UpdateReposFromDefinitions(m, StackInitializeOption.None);
Exemple #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to parse a recent file name entry.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="monitor">Monitor that may receive errors.</param>
        /// <param name="s">String to parse.</param>
        /// <returns>A recent file or null if parsing failed.</returns>
        public static RecentFile TryParse(IActivityMonitor monitor, string s)
            if (monitor == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("monitor");
            if (s == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("s");
            int pipeIdx = s.IndexOf('|');

            if (pipeIdx > 0)
                string fName = s.Substring(0, pipeIdx);
                if (System.IO.File.Exists(fName))
                    DateTime accessTime;
                    if (!FileUtil.TryParseFileNameUniqueTimeUtcFormat(s.Substring(pipeIdx + 1), out accessTime))
                        monitor.Warn().Send("Invalid recent file access time for '{0}'. It is set to now.", fName);
                        accessTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    return(new RecentFile(new FileInfo(fName), accessTime));
                    monitor.Warn().Send("Recent file '{0}' does not exist. It is ignored.", fName);
                monitor.Warn().Send("Invalid recent file entry '{0}'. It is ignored.", s);
Exemple #29
 /// <summary>
 /// Helper that reads the first line of a text file.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="monitor">The monitor to use.</param>
 /// <param name="path">The file path.</param>
 /// <returns>The first line or null on error.</returns>
 public static string?SafeReadFirstLine(IActivityMonitor monitor, NormalizedPath path)
         using (var s = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite))
             using (var r = new StreamReader(s))
     catch (Exception ex)
         monitor.Warn($"Unable to read the first line from '{path}'.", ex);
Exemple #30
 /// <summary>
 /// Opens the key vault.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="m">The monitor to use.</param>
 /// <param name="passPhrase">The key vault pass phrase.</param>
 /// <returns>True on success.</returns>
 public bool OpenKeyVault(IActivityMonitor m, string passPhrase)
     if (!CheckPassPhraseConstraints(m, passPhrase))
     if (_passPhrase != null)
         m.Info($"Key Vault is already opened.");
     if (KeyVaultFileExists)
             var keys = KeyVault.DecryptValues(File.ReadAllText(KeyVaultPath), passPhrase);
             m.OpenInfo($"Opening existing Key Vault with keys: {keys.Keys.Concatenate()}.");
             _store.ImportSecretKeys(m, keys);
             _passPhrase = passPhrase;
         catch (Exception ex)
             m.Error("Unable to open the key vault.", ex);
         _passPhrase = passPhrase;
         m.OpenInfo($"New Key Vault opened.");
     if (_store.Infos.Any(s => !s.IsSecretAvailable))
         using (m.OpenWarn($"Missing secrets:"))
             foreach (var s in _store.Infos.Where(s => !s.IsSecretAvailable))
 // This is NOT how it works in CK.SqlServer.Setup.Engine: StObjConstruct is used.
 static void ConfigureByDirectSetProperties(IActivityMonitor monitor, IStObjMutableItem o, SqlDatabase db)
     if (db.IsDefaultDatabase)
         o.SetDirectPropertyValue(monitor, nameof(SqlDatabase.ConnectionString), "The default connection string.", sourceDescription: "By configurator.");
     else if (db.Name == "histo")
         o.SetDirectPropertyValue(monitor, nameof(SqlDatabase.ConnectionString), "The histo connection string.", sourceDescription: "By configurator.");
         o.SetDirectPropertyValue(monitor, nameof(SqlDatabase.HasCKCore), true, sourceDescription: "By configurator.");
         o.SetDirectPropertyValue(monitor, nameof(SqlDatabase.UseSnapshotIsolation), true, sourceDescription: "By configurator.");
         monitor.Warn($"Unable to find configuration for Database named '{db.Name}' of type {db.GetType()}. Its ConnectionString will be null.");
        static void DumpMonitorOutput( IActivityMonitor monitor )
            Exception exception1;
            Exception exception2;

                throw new InvalidOperationException( "Exception!" );
            catch( Exception e )
                exception1 = e;

                throw new InvalidOperationException( "Inception!", exception1 );
            catch( Exception e )
                exception2 = e;

            for( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ )
                using( monitor.OpenTrace().Send( "Dump output loop {0}", i ) )
                    for( int j = 0; j < 1000; j++ )
                        monitor.Trace().Send( "Trace log! {0}", j );
                        monitor.Info().Send( "Info log! {0}", j );
                        monitor.Warn().Send( "Warn log! {0}", j );
                        monitor.Error().Send( "Error log! {0}", j );
                        monitor.Error().Send( "Fatal log! {0}", j );

                        monitor.Error().Send( exception2, "Exception log! {0}", j );

Exemple #33
 public static void ReplayLogs( DirectoryInfo directory, bool recurse, Func<MultiLogReader.Monitor, ActivityMonitor> monitorProvider, IActivityMonitor m = null )
     var reader = new MultiLogReader();
     using( m != null ? m.OpenTrace().Send( "Reading files from '{0}' {1}.", directory.FullName, recurse ? "(recursive)" : null ) : null )
         var files = reader.Add( directory.EnumerateFiles( "*.ckmon", recurse ? SearchOption.AllDirectories : SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly ).Select( f => f.FullName ) );
         if( files.Count == 0 )
             if( m != null ) m.Warn().Send( "No *.ckmon files found!" );
             var monitors = reader.GetActivityMap().Monitors;
             if( m != null )
                 m.Trace().Send( String.Join( Environment.NewLine, files ) );
                 m.CloseGroup( String.Format( "Found {0} file(s) containing {1} monitor(s).", files.Count, monitors.Count ) );
                 m.OpenTrace().Send( "Extracting entries." );
             foreach( var mon in monitors )
                 var replay = monitorProvider( mon );
                 if( replay == null )
                     if( m != null ) m.Info().Send( "Skipping activity from '{0}'.", mon.MonitorId );
                     mon.Replay( replay, m );
Exemple #34
 /// <summary>
 /// Tries to parse a recent file name entry.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="monitor">Monitor that may receive errors.</param>
 /// <param name="s">String to parse.</param>
 /// <returns>A recent file or null if parsing failed.</returns>
 public static RecentFile TryParse( IActivityMonitor monitor, string s )
     if( monitor == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException( "monitor" );
     if( s == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException( "s" );
     int pipeIdx = s.IndexOf( '|' );
     if( pipeIdx > 0 )
         string fName = s.Substring( 0, pipeIdx );
         if( System.IO.File.Exists( fName ) )
             DateTime accessTime;
             if( !FileUtil.TryParseFileNameUniqueTimeUtcFormat( s.Substring( pipeIdx + 1 ), out accessTime ) )
                 monitor.Warn().Send( "Invalid recent file access time for '{0}'. It is set to now.", fName );
                 accessTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
             return new RecentFile( new FileInfo( fName ), accessTime );
         else monitor.Warn().Send( "Recent file '{0}' does not exist. It is ignored.", fName );
     else monitor.Warn().Send( "Invalid recent file entry '{0}'. It is ignored.", s );
     return null;
 bool DoSomething( IActivityMonitor m, FileInfo file )
     using( m.OpenInfo().Send( "Do something important on file '{0}'.", file.Name ) )
         if( !file.Exists )
             m.Warn().Send( "File does not exist." );
             m.Trace().Send( "File last modified at {1:T}. {0} Kb to process.", file.Length, file.LastWriteTimeUtc );
                 // ... Process file ...
             catch( Exception ex )
                 m.Error().Send( ex, "While processing." );
                 return false;
         m.SetTopic( "Changing my mind. Keeping it as-is." );
         return true;