private void okCommand_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!validateForm()) { return; } if (!passwordTextEdit.Text.Equals(confirmPasswordTextEdit.Text)) { ViewHelper.ShowErrorMessage("The password was not correctly confirmed. Please ensure that the password and confirmation match exactly."); activityLogger.SaveAction(CurrentUser.UserID, 1, "Set Password Window", "The password was not correctly confirmed. Please ensure that the password and confirmation match exactly."); this.Close(); } try { CurrentUser.SetPassword(passwordTextEdit.EditValue.ToString()); _repository.Users.Update(CurrentUser); //SecurityHelper.ResetPassword(CurrentUser.UserName, passwordTextEdit.Text); ViewHelper.ShowSuccessMessage("User password has been set."); activityLogger.SaveAction(CurrentUser.UserID, 1, "Set Password Window", "User password set succesfully"); this.Close(); } catch (Exception exception) { ViewHelper.ShowErrorMessage("Error occured while setting new password.", exception); errorLogger.SaveError(CurrentUser.UserID, 1, 1, 2, "Unable to set password", "Warehouse", exception); } }
private void DoChangePassword() { if (!ValidateForm()) { lblMessage.Text = "Please provide the correct Old Password"; Exception exception = new Exception("New & confirmed passwords doesn't match."); } else { lblMessage.Text = ""; } if (newPasswordTextEdit.Text != confirmpasswordtextEdit.Text) { ViewHelper.ShowErrorMessage("New & confirmed passwords doesn't match."); activityLogger.SaveAction(repository.Users.FindByName(Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name).UserID, 1, "Change Password Window", "New & confirmed passwords doesn't match."); } else if (SecurityHelper.ChangePassword(repository, Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name, oldPasswordTextEdit.Text, newPasswordTextEdit.Text)) { ViewHelper.ShowSuccessMessage("Password changed successfully."); activityLogger.SaveAction(repository.Users.FindByName(Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name).UserID, 1, "Change Password Window", "Password changed successfully."); this.Close(); } }
private void BtnSaveUserDetailClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { currentUserBindingSource.EndEdit(); if (!ValidateForm()) { return; } try { if (NewMode) { if (!repository.Users.UsernameIsAvailable(usernametextEdit.Text)) { ViewHelper.ShowErrorMessage("Username already exist,Please provide a new one."); activityLogger.SaveAction(CurrentUser.UserID, 1, "New user Window", "Username already exist,Please provide a new one."); return; } CurrentUser.IsActive = true; CurrentUser.CreatedDate = Security.Helpers.DateTimeHelper.ServerDateTime; if (CurrentUser.Password == null) { CurrentUser.Password = passwordtextEdit.Text; } CurrentUser.SetPassword(CurrentUser.Password); CurrentUser.FullName = CurrentUser.FirstName + " " + CurrentUser.LastName; // this is for supporting legacy code. CurrentUser.UserType = 1; CurrentUser.PasswordExpires = true; repository.Users.Add(CurrentUser); ViewHelper.ShowSuccessMessage("User information added succesfully!"); // activityLogger.SaveAction(CurrentUser.UserID, 1, "New user Window", "New user added Succesfully"); Refresh(CurrentUser.UserID); } else { if (!(_username == usernametextEdit.Text) && !repository.Users.UsernameIsAvailable(usernametextEdit.Text)) { ViewHelper.ShowErrorMessage("Username already exist,Please enter another one"); return; } CurrentUser.ModifiedDate = Security.Helpers.DateTimeHelper.ServerDateTime; CurrentUser.FullName = CurrentUser.FirstName + " " + CurrentUser.LastName; repository.Users.Update(CurrentUser); ViewHelper.ShowSuccessMessage("User information updated succesfully!"); activityLogger.SaveAction(CurrentUser.UserID, 1, "User detail Window", "User updated Succesfully"); } } catch (Exception ex) { this.Close(); } }
private void BtnSaveGroupClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (grouplistbox.SelectedItem == null) { ViewHelper.ShowErrorMessage("There is no group to be added."); activityLogger.SaveAction(CurrentUser.UserID, 1, "Group Window", "There is no group to be added."); this.Close(); } usergroupbindingSource.EndEdit(); var obj = usergroupbindingSource.DataSource as List <UserGroup>; try { var selectedItems = grouplistbox.SelectedItems; foreach (var anItem in selectedItems) { var item = anItem as Group; //foreach (var groupPermission in item.GroupPermissions) //{ // var permission = new Permission // { // UserID = CurrentUser.UserID, // OperationID = groupPermission.OperationID, // Allow = groupPermission.Allow // }; // repository.Permissions.Add(permission); // activityLogger.SaveAction(CurrentUser.UserID, 1, "User Permission Window", "User Permission Succesfully Added"); // } var ug = repository.UserGroups.FindBy(g => g.GroupID == item.GroupID && g.UserID == CurrentUser.UserID).FirstOrDefault(); if (ug != null) { ug.GroupStatus = true; repository.UserGroups.Update(ug); } else { var usergroup = new UserGroup { GroupID = item.GroupID, UserID = CurrentUser.UserID, GroupStatus = true }; repository.UserGroups.Add(usergroup); activityLogger.SaveAction(CurrentUser.UserID, 1, "Group Window", "Group Succesfully Added"); } } this.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { ViewHelper.ShowErrorMessage("Unable to create user group!"); errorLogger.SaveError(CurrentUser.UserID, 1, 1, 2, "Add group attempt", "Warehouse", ex); } }
private void BtnSaveAccountClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (accountlistBox.SelectedItem == null) { ViewHelper.ShowErrorMessage("There is no account to be added."); activityLogger.SaveAction(CurrentUser.UserID, 1, "User Account list", "There is no account to be added."); this.Close(); } accountuserbindingSource.EndEdit(); var obj = accountuserbindingSource.DataSource as List <AccountUser>; try { var selectedItems = accountlistBox.SelectedItems; foreach (var anItem in selectedItems) { var item = anItem as Activity; // check if there is a deactivated account by the same account id var aUser = repository.AccountUsers.FindBy(u => u.UserID == CurrentUser.UserID && u.AccountID == item.ActivityID).FirstOrDefault(); if (aUser != null) { aUser.IsActive = true; repository.AccountUsers.Update(aUser); } else { var accountUser = new AccountUser { AccountID = item.ActivityID, UserID = CurrentUser.UserID, IsActive = true }; repository.AccountUsers.Add(accountUser); } } activityLogger.SaveAction(CurrentUser.UserID, 1, "User Account list", "Account Succesfully Added"); this.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { ViewHelper.ShowErrorMessage("Unable to create account", ex); errorLogger.SaveError(CurrentUser.UserID, 1, 1, 2, "Add account attempt", "Warehouse", ex); } }
private void btnStoreSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (storelistBox.SelectedItem == null) { ViewHelper.ShowErrorMessage("There is no store to be added."); activityLogger.SaveAction(CurrentUser.UserID, 1, "User Store Window", "There is no store to be added."); this.Close(); } userstorebindingSource.EndEdit(); var obj = userstorebindingSource.DataSource as List <StoreUser>; try { var selectedItems = storelistBox.SelectedItems; foreach (var anItem in selectedItems) { var item = anItem as Store; // check if there is a diabled store entity var aStore = repository.StoreUsers.FindBy(s => s.UserID == CurrentUser.UserID && s.StoreID == item.StoreID). FirstOrDefault(); if (aStore != null) { aStore.IsActive = true; repository.StoreUsers.Update(aStore); } else { var storeuser = new StoreUser { StoreID = item.StoreID, UserID = CurrentUser.UserID, IsActive = true }; repository.StoreUsers.Add(storeuser); activityLogger.SaveAction(CurrentUser.UserID, 1, "User Store Window", "User store added Succesfully"); } } this.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { ViewHelper.ShowErrorMessage("Unable to create store", ex); errorLogger.SaveError(CurrentUser.UserID, 1, 1, 2, "Add store attempt", "Warehouse", ex); } }
public static bool Login(string username, string password) { var userInfo = Auth.Authenticate(username, password); if (userInfo == null) { errorLogger.SaveError(0, 1, 1, 2, "Login Attempt", "Warehouse", new InvalidCredentialException("Invalid credentials, Username = "******"Login Window", "Successful Login"); return(true); }