Exemple #1
        public void ShowActivityForm(long flowId)
            if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                log.Debug("ShowActivityForm flowId:" + flowId);
            IExecutionSessionLocal executionComponent = null;

                executionComponent = ServiceLocator.Instance.GetService(typeof(IExecutionSessionLocal)) as IExecutionSessionLocal;
                IFlow flow = executionComponent.GetFlow(flowId);

                Context.Flash["activity"]          = flow.Node;
                Context.Flash["processDefinition"] = flow.ProcessInstance.ProcessDefinition;
                Context.Flash["preview"]           = "activity";

                //create Form
                IActivityForm activityForm = executionComponent.GetActivityForm(flowId);

Exemple #2
        // GET: /Form/
        public ActionResult ActivityForm(long flowId)
            IExecutionSessionLocal executionComponent = null;

                executionComponent = ServiceLocator.Instance.GetService(typeof(IExecutionSessionLocal)) as IExecutionSessionLocal;
                IFlow flow = executionComponent.GetFlow(flowId);

                ViewData["activity"]          = flow.Node;
                ViewData["processDefinition"] = flow.ProcessInstance.ProcessDefinition;
                ViewData["preview"]           = "activity";

                //create Form
                IActivityForm activityForm = executionComponent.GetActivityForm(flowId);

Exemple #3
        public void  TestNotAccessibleAttributeInActivityState()
            IProcessInstance processInstance = StartAttributeTestProcessInstance("ae", CreateNormalAttributeValues());
            IActivityForm    activityForm    = executionComponent.GetActivityForm(processInstance.RootFlow.Id);

            //attribute values from activity state activity form should not contain not-accessible field attribute
            Assert.IsFalse(activityForm.AttributeValues.Contains("field not accessible"));

            /// Test when a read-only attribute is supplied to process definition's
            /// activity state. This read-only attribute should be available in the activity
            /// form obtained from activity state
            Assert.IsTrue(activityForm.AttributeValues.Contains("field read only"));

            /// Test when a write-only attribute is supplied to process definition's
            /// activity state. This write-only attribute should be available in the activity
            /// form obtained from activity state
            Assert.IsTrue(activityForm.AttributeValues.Contains("field write only"));

            /// Test when a write-only-required attribute is supplied to process definition's
            /// activity state. This write-only-required attribute should be available in the
            /// activity form obtained from activity state
            Assert.IsTrue(activityForm.AttributeValues.Contains("field write only required"));

            /// Test when a read-write attribute is supplied to process definition's
            /// activity state. This read-write attribute should be available in the
            /// activity form obtained from activity state
            Assert.IsTrue(activityForm.AttributeValues.Contains("field read write"));

            /// Test when a read-write-required attribute is supplied to process definition's
            /// activity state. This read-write-required should be available in the activity form
            /// obtained from activity state
            Assert.IsTrue(activityForm.AttributeValues.Contains("field read write required"));
Exemple #4
        public void StartProcessInstance(long processDefinitionId)
            if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                log.Debug("StartProcessInstance processDefinitionId:" + processDefinitionId);

            IExecutionSessionLocal  executionComponent  = null;
            IDefinitionSessionLocal definitionComponent = null;

                executionComponent  = ServiceLocator.Instance.GetService(typeof(IExecutionSessionLocal)) as IExecutionSessionLocal;
                definitionComponent = ServiceLocator.Instance.GetService(typeof(IDefinitionSessionLocal)) as IDefinitionSessionLocal;
                IProcessDefinition processDefinition = definitionComponent.GetProcessDefinition(processDefinitionId);

                Context.Flash["activity"]          = processDefinition.StartState;
                Context.Flash["processDefinition"] = processDefinition;
                Context.Flash["preview"]           = "activity";

                //create Form
                IActivityForm activityForm = executionComponent.GetStartForm(processDefinitionId);
Exemple #5
        public void  TestNotAccessibleAttributeInStartState()
            IProcessDefinition processDefinition = definitionComponent.GetProcessDefinition("attribute test");
            IActivityForm      startActivityForm = executionComponent.GetStartForm(processDefinition.Id);
            IDictionary        startActivityFormAttributeValues = startActivityForm.AttributeValues;

            //attribute values from start state activity form should not contain not accessible field attribute
            Assert.IsFalse(startActivityFormAttributeValues.Contains("field not accessible"));

            Assert.IsTrue(startActivityFormAttributeValues.Contains("field read only"));
            Assert.IsTrue(startActivityFormAttributeValues.Contains("field write only"));
            Assert.IsTrue(startActivityFormAttributeValues.Contains("field write only required"));
            Assert.IsTrue(startActivityFormAttributeValues.Contains("field read write"));
            Assert.IsTrue(startActivityFormAttributeValues.Contains("field read write required"));
Exemple #6
        private void AddFormData(IActivityForm activityForm)
            IDictionary userInputFields = (IDictionary)HttpContext.Session["userInputFields"];

            if (userInputFields == null)
                userInputFields = new Hashtable();
            HttpContext.Session.Add("activityForm", activityForm);
            IList       fields     = activityForm.Fields;
            IEnumerator fildEnumer = fields.GetEnumerator();
            IList       formRows   = new ArrayList();

            while (fildEnumer.MoveNext())
                IField field = (IField)fildEnumer.Current;
                // Construct a meaningfull name that is http-compliant
                String attributeName = field.Attribute.Name;
                String parameterName = convertToHttpCompliant(attributeName);

                IHtmlFormatter htmlFormatter = field.GetHtmlFormatter();
                if (htmlFormatter != null)
                    Object objectToFormat = null;
                    if (userInputFields.Contains(attributeName))
                        objectToFormat = userInputFields[attributeName];
                        objectToFormat = activityForm.AttributeValues[field.Attribute.Name];
                    // TODO: Test if there is the possibility to simplify the interface, see null
                    String  html    = htmlFormatter.ObjectToHtml(objectToFormat, parameterName, null);
                    FormRow formRow = new FormRow(field, html);
                    //log.Warn("skipping field for attribute '" + attributeName + "' because it doesn't have a HtmlFormatter");
            ViewData["formRows"] = formRows;
Exemple #7
        public virtual IActivityForm GetActivityForm(Int64 flowId)
            IActivityForm        activityForm          = null;
            DbSession            dbSession             = null;
            IOrganisationService organisationComponent = null;

                dbSession             = OpenSession();
                organisationComponent = (IOrganisationService)ServiceLocator.Instance.GetService(typeof(IOrganisationService));
                activityForm          = implementation.GetActivityForm(ActorId, flowId, dbSession, organisationComponent);
Exemple #8
        public void TestNotAccessibleAttributeInConcurrentBlock()
            IProcessInstance processInstance = StartAttributeTestProcessInstance("ae", CreateNormalAttributeValues());
            IList            flows           = testUtil.PerformActivity("ae", processInstance.RootFlow.Id, 0, CreateNormalAttributeValues(), executionComponent);
            // get the first flow (should be enough) Maybe test the second flow as well???
            IEnumerator flowEnum = flows.GetEnumerator();

            while (flowEnum.MoveNext())
                IFlow         flow         = (IFlow)flowEnum.Current;
                IActivityForm activityForm = executionComponent.GetActivityForm(flow.Id);
                //attribute values from concurrent block activity state activity form should not contain not-accessible field attribute
                Assert.IsFalse(activityForm.AttributeValues.Contains("field not accessible"));

                /// Test when a read-only attribute is supplied to process definition's
                /// concurrent-block's activity state. This read-only attribute should be available
                /// in the activity form obtained from concurrent-block's activity state
                Assert.IsTrue(activityForm.AttributeValues.Contains("field read only"));

                /// Test when a write-only attribute is supplied to process definition's
                /// concurrent-block's activity state. This write-only attribute should be available
                /// in the activity form obtained from concurrent-block's activity state
                Assert.IsTrue(activityForm.AttributeValues.Contains("field write only"));

                /// Test when a write-only-required attribute is supplied to process definition's
                /// concurrent-block's activity state. This write-only-required attribute should be
                /// available in the activity form obtained from concurrent-block's activity state
                Assert.IsTrue(activityForm.AttributeValues.Contains("field write only required"));

                /// Test when a read-write attribute is supplied to process definition's
                /// concurrent-block's activity state. This read-write attribute should be
                /// available in the activity form obtained form concurrent-block's activity state
                Assert.IsTrue(activityForm.AttributeValues.Contains("field read write"));

                /// Test when a read-write-required is supplied to process definition's
                /// concurrent-block's activity state. This read-write-required attribute should be
                /// available in the activity form obtained from concurrent-block's activity state.
                Assert.IsTrue(activityForm.AttributeValues.Contains("field read write required"));
Exemple #9
        //private const String queryFieldsByState = "select f from f in class NetBpm.Workflow.Definition.Impl.FieldImpl " +
        //    "where f.State.Id = ? " +
        //    "order by f.Index";

        public IActivityForm GetStartForm(String authenticatedActorId, Int64 processDefinitionId, DbSession dbSession, IOrganisationService organisationComponent)
            IActivityForm activityForm = null;

            // First check if the actor is allowed to get this form
            authorizationHelper.CheckGetStartForm(authenticatedActorId, processDefinitionId, dbSession);

            ProcessDefinitionImpl processDefinition = (ProcessDefinitionImpl)dbSession.Load(typeof(ProcessDefinitionImpl), processDefinitionId);
            StartStateImpl        startState        = (StartStateImpl)processDefinition.StartState;

            // create a convenient map from the attribute-names to the fields
            IList       fields          = fieldRepository.FindFieldsByState(startState.Id, dbSession);
            IDictionary attributeValues = new Hashtable();
            IEnumerator iter            = fields.GetEnumerator();

            while (iter.MoveNext())
                FieldImpl field = (FieldImpl)iter.Current;

                // if the attribute has an initial value
                AttributeImpl attribute     = (AttributeImpl)field.Attribute;
                String        attributeName = attribute.Name;
                String        initialValue  = attribute.InitialValue;
                if ((Object)initialValue != null && (FieldAccessHelper.IsReadable(field.Access) || FieldAccessHelper.IsWritable(field.Access)))
                    // start form contains only fields that are readable or writable

                    // get it and store it in the attributeValues
                    AttributeInstanceImpl attributeInstance = new AttributeInstanceImpl();
                    attributeInstance.Attribute    = attribute;
                    attributeInstance.ValueText    = initialValue;
                    attributeValues[attributeName] = attributeInstance.GetValue();

            activityForm = new ActivityFormImpl(processDefinition, fields, attributeValues);

Exemple #10
        public IActivityForm GetActivityForm(String authenticatedActorId, Int64 flowId, DbSession dbSession, IOrganisationService organisationComponent)
            IActivityForm activityForm = null;

            // First check if the actor is allowed to get this form
            authorizationHelper.CheckGetActivityForm(authenticatedActorId, flowId, dbSession);

            FlowImpl  flow  = (FlowImpl)dbSession.Load(typeof(FlowImpl), flowId);
            StateImpl state = (StateImpl)flow.Node;

            // create an executionContext for easy attributeValue retrieval
            ExecutionContextImpl executionContext = new ExecutionContextImpl(null, flow, dbSession, organisationComponent);

            // create a convenient map from the attribute-names to the fields
            IList       fields          = fieldRepository.FindFieldsByState(state.Id, dbSession);
            IDictionary attributeValues = new Hashtable();
            IEnumerator iter            = fields.GetEnumerator();

            while (iter.MoveNext())
                FieldImpl field = (FieldImpl)iter.Current;
                if (FieldAccessHelper.IsReadable(field.Access) || FieldAccessHelper.IsWritable(field.Access))
                    // activity form contains only readable or writeable fields
                    String attributeName = field.Attribute.Name;
                    if (executionContext.GetAttribute(attributeName) != null)
                        // attribute might not exist (this will cause a warning already being logged previusly)
                        attributeValues[attributeName] = executionContext.GetAttribute(attributeName);

            activityForm = new ActivityFormImpl(flow, fields, attributeValues);

Exemple #11
        public ActionResult ActivityForm(string aa)
            IDictionary   userInputFields = new Hashtable();
            IActivityForm activityForm    = (IActivityForm)HttpContext.Session["activityForm"];
            IList         fields          = activityForm.Fields;
            IEnumerator   fildEnumer      = fields.GetEnumerator();

            while (fildEnumer.MoveNext())
                IField field = (IField)fildEnumer.Current;
                // Construct a meaningfull name that is http-compliant
                String attributeName  = field.Attribute.Name;
                String parameterName  = convertToHttpCompliant(attributeName);
                String parameterValue = HttpContext.Request.Params[parameterName];

                if (FieldAccessHelper.IsRequired(field.Access) && (parameterValue == null || "".Equals(parameterValue)))
                    //AddMessage("Field "+field.Name+" is required. Please, provide a value");
                        Object         parsedParameter = null;
                        IHtmlFormatter htmlFormatter   = field.GetHtmlFormatter();
                        if (htmlFormatter != null)
                            // TODO: Test if there is the possibility to simplify the interface, see null
                            parsedParameter = htmlFormatter.ParseHttpParameter(parameterValue, null);

                            if (parsedParameter != null)
                                userInputFields.Add(attributeName, parsedParameter);
                            //log.Warn("No htmlformatter defined for field:"+field.Name);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        //log.Debug( "error parsing user-input-field " + field.Name + " : " + parameterValue,ex);
                        //AddMessage("error parsing user-input-field " + field.Name + " with value: " + parameterValue);

            if (false)
                //log.Debug( "submitted activity-form has messages, redirecting to activityFormPage..." );
                HttpContext.Session.Add("userInputFields", userInputFields);
                if (activityForm.Flow == null)
                    return(RedirectToAction("ActivityForm", "Form",
                                            new RouteValueDictionary()
                        { "flowId", activityForm.ProcessDefinition.Id }
                    return(RedirectToAction("ActivityForm", "Form", new RouteValueDictionary()));
                // remove the old inputvalues
                //log.Debug( "submitting the form..." );
                IList activatedFlows = null;
                IFlow flow           = activityForm.Flow;
                // if there is no flow in the activityForm
                IExecutionSessionLocal executionComponent = null;
                    executionComponent = ServiceLocator.Instance.GetService(typeof(IExecutionSessionLocal)) as IExecutionSessionLocal;
                    if (flow == null)
                        // this means that it is a start-activity being performed so we have to
                        // start a new process instance
                        IProcessDefinition processDefinition = activityForm.ProcessDefinition;
                        IProcessInstance   processInstance   = executionComponent.StartProcessInstance(processDefinition.Id, userInputFields);
                        activatedFlows = new ArrayList();
                        activatedFlows = executionComponent.PerformActivity(flow.Id, userInputFields);
                if (activatedFlows.Count > 0)
                    System.Text.StringBuilder feedbackBuffer = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
                    for (int i = 0; i < activatedFlows.Count; ++i)
                        IFlow activatedFlow = (IFlow)activatedFlows[i];

                        if (activatedFlow.GetActor() != null)
                            // when flow's node is start-state no actor is assigned to it, this is to handle the NPE thrown
                        if (i + 1 < activatedFlows.Count)
                            feedbackBuffer.Append(", ");

                    if (activatedFlows.Count > 1)
                        //AddMessage("Now, following people are handling this process :"+feedbackBuffer.ToString());
                        //AddMessage("Now, "+  feedbackBuffer.ToString() +" is handling this process");
                    //AddMessage("This flow in the process finished");
Exemple #12
		private void AddFormData(IActivityForm activityForm) {
			IDictionary userInputFields =  (IDictionary)Context.Session["userInputFields"];
			if (userInputFields == null)
				userInputFields = new Hashtable();
			IList fields = activityForm.Fields;
			IEnumerator fildEnumer = fields.GetEnumerator();
			IList formRows = new ArrayList();
			while (fildEnumer.MoveNext())
				IField field = (IField)fildEnumer.Current;
				// Construct a meaningfull name that is http-compliant
				String attributeName = field.Attribute.Name;
				String parameterName = convertToHttpCompliant(attributeName);

				IHtmlFormatter htmlFormatter = field.GetHtmlFormatter();
				if (htmlFormatter != null)
					Object objectToFormat = null;
					if (userInputFields.Contains(attributeName))
						objectToFormat = userInputFields[attributeName];
						objectToFormat = activityForm.AttributeValues[field.Attribute.Name];
					// TODO: Test if there is the possibility to simplify the interface, see null
					String html = htmlFormatter.ObjectToHtml( objectToFormat, parameterName, null);
					FormRow formRow = new FormRow(field,html);
					log.Warn( "skipping field for attribute '" + attributeName + "' because it doesn't have a HtmlFormatter" );
			Context.Flash["formRows"] = formRows;