public async Task <IActionResult> UpdateSheduleDate([FromForm] UpdateActionPlanDto obj)
            var model = await _actionPlanService.UpdateSheduleDate2(, obj.value,, obj.userid);

            //var name =;
            if (model.Item1.Count > 0 && == "Title")
                Thread thread = new Thread(async() =>
                    string URL     = _configuaration.GetSection("AppSettings:URL").ToSafetyString();
                    var data       = model.Item1.DistinctBy(x => x);
                    string content = @"<p><b>*PLEASE DO NOT REPLY* this email was automatically sent from the KPI system.</b></p> 
                                    <p>The account <b>" + data.First()[0].ToTitleCase() + "</b> changed Title on the task name <b>'" + data.First()[3] + "'</b> </p>" +
                                     "<p>Link: <a href='" + _configuration["AppSettings:URL"] + model.Item3 + "'>Click Here</a></p>" +
                                     "<br/>" +

                                    <p>帳號<b>" + data.First()[0].ToTitleCase() + "</b> 已經核准了行動方案 <b>'" + data.First()[3] + "'</b> </p>" +
                                     "<p>連結: <a href='" + _configuration["AppSettings:URL"] + model.Item3 + "'>點選這裡</a></p>"
                    await _mailHelper.SendEmailRange(data.Select(x => x[1]).ToList(), "[KPI System-00] Action Plan (Remark on the task) ", content);
            if (model.Item1.Count > 0 && == "Description")
                Thread thread = new Thread(async() =>
                    string URL     = _configuaration.GetSection("AppSettings:URL").ToSafetyString();
                    var data       = model.Item1.DistinctBy(x => x);
                    string content = @"<p><b>*PLEASE DO NOT REPLY* this email was automatically sent from the KPI system.</b></p> 
                                    <p>The account <b>" + data.First()[0].ToTitleCase() + "</b> changed Description on the task name <b>'" + data.First()[3] + "'</b> </p>" +
                                     "<p>Link: <a href='" + _configuration["AppSettings:URL"] + model.Item3 + "'>Click Here</a></p>" +
                                     "<br/>" +

                                    <p>帳號<b>" + data.First()[0].ToTitleCase() + "</b> 已經核准了行動方案 <b>'" + data.First()[3] + "'</b> </p>" +
                                     "<p>連結: <a href='" + _configuration["AppSettings:URL"] + model.Item3 + "'>點選這裡</a></p>"
                    await _mailHelper.SendEmailRange(data.Select(x => x[1]).ToList(), "[KPI System-00] Action Plan (Remark on the task) ", content);
            if (model.Item1.Count > 0 && == "Remark")
                Thread thread = new Thread(async() =>
                    string URL     = _configuaration.GetSection("AppSettings:URL").ToSafetyString();
                    var data       = model.Item1.DistinctBy(x => x);
                    string content = @"<p><b>*PLEASE DO NOT REPLY* this email was automatically sent from the KPI system.</b></p> 
                                    <p>The account <b>" + data.First()[0].ToTitleCase() + "</b> remarked on the task name <b>'" + data.First()[3] + "'</b> </p>" +
                                     "<p>Link: <a href='" + _configuration["AppSettings:URL"] + model.Item3 + "'>Click Here</a></p>" +
                                     "<br/>" +

                                    <p>帳號<b>" + data.First()[0].ToTitleCase() + "</b> 已經核准了行動方案 <b>'" + data.First()[3] + "'</b> </p>" +
                                     "<p>連結: <a href='" + _configuration["AppSettings:URL"] + model.Item3 + "'>點選這裡</a></p>"
                    await _mailHelper.SendEmailRange(data.Select(x => x[1]).ToList(), "[KPI System-00] Action Plan (Remark on the task) ", content);

            if (model.Item1.Count > 0 && == "UpdateSheduleDate")
                Thread thread = new Thread(async() =>
                    string URL     = _configuaration.GetSection("AppSettings:URL").ToSafetyString();
                    var data       = model.Item1.DistinctBy(x => x);
                    string content = @"<p><b>*PLEASE DO NOT REPLY* this email was automatically sent from the KPI system.</b></p> 
                                    <p>The account <b>" + data.First()[0].ToTitleCase() + "</b> Change Sheduledate on the task name <b>'" + data.First()[3] + "'</b> </p>" +
                                     "<p>Link: <a href='" + _configuration["AppSettings:URL"] + model.Item3 + "'>Click Here</a></p>" +
                                     "<br/>" +

                                    <p>帳號<b>" + data.First()[0].ToTitleCase() + "</b> 已經修改了行動方案日期 <b>'" + data.First()[3] + "'</b> </p>" +
                                     "<p>連結: <a href='" + _configuration["AppSettings:URL"] + model.Item3 + "'>點選這裡</a></p>"
                    await _mailHelper.SendEmailRange(data.Select(x => x[1]).ToList(), "[KPI System-05] Change Sheduledate ", content);
            return(Ok(new { status = model.Item2, isSendmail = true }));
            //return Ok(model);