Exemple #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new IAP product definition.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="id"></param>
 /// <param name="name"></param>
 /// <param name="type"></param>
 /// <param name="price"></param>
 /// <param name="description"></param>
 public IAPProduct(string id, string name, IAPProductType type, string price, string description = null)
     _id          = id;
     _name        = name;
     _type        = type;
     _price       = price;
     _description = description;
        private static ProductType ConvertFromIAPProductType(IAPProductType productType)
            switch (productType)
            case IAPProductType.Consumable:

            case IAPProductType.NonConsumable:

            case IAPProductType.Subscription:
        public static ProductType GetProductType(IAPProductType pType)
            switch (pType)
            case IAPProductType.Consumable:

            case IAPProductType.NonConsumable:

            case IAPProductType.Subscription:

Exemple #4
        public IAPPackage(string uid, IAPPackageSetting s, IAPObjectData d, Action <IAPObject> callback = null) : base(uid, d, callback)
//			uid=s.productId;
            fetchFromStore = s.fetchFromStore;
            currency       = s.currency;
            price          = s.price;
            content        = new List <IAPPackageContent>();
            icon           = s.icon;
            title          = s.title;
            description    = s.description;
            tags           = s.tags;
            productType    = s.productType;

            // Create the dictionary for finding IAPPackageContent
            _contentDictionary = new Dictionary <string, IAPPackageContent>();

            // Loop and create IAPPackageContent for each setting
            foreach (IAPContentSetting c in s.content)
                IAPPackageContent item = new IAPPackageContent();
                item.amount = c.amount;
                if (c.type == IAPType.Currency)
                    item.obj = IAPInventoryManager.GetCurrency(c.uid);
                else if (c.type == IAPType.Inventory)
                    item.obj = IAPInventoryManager.GetInventory(c.uid);
                else if (c.type == IAPType.GameLevel)
                    item.obj = IAPInventoryManager.GetGameLevel(c.uid);
                _contentDictionary.Add(c.uid, item);

            // Add event for real money purchase
            if (fetchFromStore)
                // Debug.Log("fetchFromStore");
                IAPManager.OnIAPProcessPurchase += handleOnIAPProcessPurchase;
 public IAPPackageSetting(string id, IAPProductType type = IAPProductType.Consumable) : base(id, type)
Exemple #6
 public IAPProductSetting(string id, IAPProductType type)
     productId   = id;
     productType = type;
Exemple #7
        // Testing value

        public IAPProduct(string id, IAPProductType type)
            this.id          = id;
            this.productType = type;
Exemple #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new IAP product definition.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="id"></param>
 /// <param name="storeSpecificIds"></param>
 /// <param name="name"></param>
 /// <param name="type"></param>
 /// <param name="price"></param>
 /// <param name="description"></param>
 public IAPProduct(string id, StoreSpecificId[] storeSpecificIds, string name, IAPProductType type, string price, string description = null) : this(id, name, type, price, description)
     _storeSpecificIds = storeSpecificIds;
        // Private Methods

        private static void _init(List <IAPProductSetting> productSettings)
            // build the product list
            products = new Dictionary <string, IAPProduct>();
            foreach (IAPProductSetting setting in productSettings)
                string         id   = setting.productId;
                IAPProductType type = setting.productType;
                IAPProduct     p    = new IAPProduct(id, type);
                p.amazonProductId  = (setting.amazonProductId != null && setting.amazonProductId != "") ? setting.amazonProductId : setting.productId;
                p.googleProductId  = (setting.googleProductId != null && setting.googleProductId != "") ? setting.googleProductId : setting.productId;
                p.appleProductId   = (setting.appleProductId != null && setting.appleProductId != "") ? setting.appleProductId : setting.productId;
                p.samsungProductId = (setting.samsungProductId != null && setting.samsungProductId != "") ? setting.samsungProductId : setting.productId;
                p.macProductId     = (setting.macProductId != null && setting.macProductId != "") ? setting.macProductId : setting.productId;
                p.tizenProductId   = (setting.tizenProductId != null && setting.tizenProductId != "") ? setting.tizenProductId : setting.productId;
                p.moolahProductId  = (setting.moolahProductId != null && setting.moolahProductId != "") ? setting.moolahProductId : setting.productId;

                p.buyButtonText      = setting.buyButtonText;
                p.disabledButtonText = setting.disabledButtonText;

                if (products.ContainsKey(id))
                    Debug.Log("[IAPManager] Product id \"" + id + "\" already exist.");
                    Debug.Log("[IAPManager] Add product with id \"" + id + "\"");
                    products.Add(id, p);
                //				Debug.Log("product id: " + p.id);

            var module = StandardPurchasingModule.Instance();

            // Create a builder, first passing in a suite of Unity provided stores.
            var builder = ConfigurationBuilder.Instance(StandardPurchasingModule.Instance());

            // CloudMoolah Configuration setings
            // All games must set the configuration. the configuration need to apply on the CloudMoolah Portal.
            // CloudMoolah APP Key
            if (_setting.MoolahAppKey != null && _setting.MoolahAppKey != "")
                builder.Configure <IMoolahConfiguration>().appKey = _setting.MoolahAppKey;
            // CloudMoolah Hash Key
            if (_setting.MoolahHashKey != null && _setting.MoolahHashKey != "")
                builder.Configure <IMoolahConfiguration>().hashKey = _setting.MoolahHashKey;

            // Test Mode Enbled
            if (_setting.testMode)
                // This enables the Microsoft IAP simulator for local testing.
                builder.Configure <IMicrosoftConfiguration>().useMockBillingSystem = true;
                if (_setting.GooglePublicKey != null && _setting.GooglePublicKey != "")
                    builder.Configure <IGooglePlayConfiguration>().SetPublicKey(_setting.GooglePublicKey);
                builder.Configure <IMoolahConfiguration>().SetMode(CloudMoolahMode.AlwaysSucceed);
                // This records whether we are using Cloud Moolah IAP.
                // Cloud Moolah requires logging in to access your Digital Wallet, so:
                // A) IAPDemo (this) displays the Cloud Moolah GUI button for Cloud Moolah

            // Add Product to builder
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, IAPProduct> item in products)
                IAPProduct p   = item.Value;
                IDs        ids = new IDs();

                if (p.appleProductId != null)
                    ids.Add(p.appleProductId, AppleAppStore.Name);
                if (p.googleProductId != null)
                    ids.Add(p.googleProductId, GooglePlay.Name);
                if (p.amazonProductId != null)
                    ids.Add(p.amazonProductId, AmazonApps.Name);
                if (p.macProductId != null)
                    ids.Add(p.macProductId, MacAppStore.Name);
                if (p.samsungProductId != null)
                    ids.Add(p.samsungProductId, SamsungApps.Name);
                if (p.tizenProductId != null)
                    ids.Add(p.tizenProductId, TizenStore.Name);
                if (p.moolahProductId != null)
                    ids.Add(p.moolahProductId, MoolahAppStore.Name);
                //				Debug.Log("builder id: " + p.id);
                builder.AddProduct(p.id, ConvertFromIAPProductType(p.productType), ids);

            // Test Mode Enabled
            if (_setting.testMode)
                // Write Amazon's JSON description of our products to storage when using Amazon's local sandbox.
                // This should be removed from a production build.
                builder.Configure <IAmazonConfiguration>().WriteSandboxJSON(builder.products);

                // This enables simulated purchase success for Samsung IAP.
                // You would remove this, or set to SamsungAppsMode.Production, before building your release package.
                builder.Configure <ISamsungAppsConfiguration>().SetMode(SamsungAppsMode.AlwaysSucceed);
                // This records whether we are using Samsung IAP. Currently ISamsungAppsExtensions.RestoreTransactions
                // displays a blocking Android Activity, so:
                // A) Unity IAP does not automatically restore purchases on Samsung Galaxy Apps
                // B) IAPDemo (this) displays the "Restore" GUI button for Samsung Galaxy Apps

            // This selects the GroupId that was created in the Tizen Store for this set of products
            // An empty or non-matching GroupId here will result in no products available for purchase
            builder.Configure <ITizenStoreConfiguration>().SetGroupId(_setting.TizenGroupId);

            // Check Platform
            _isGooglePlayStore  = Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android && module.appStore == AppStore.GooglePlay;
            _isCloudMoolahStore = Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android && module.appStore == AppStore.CloudMoolah;
            _isSamsungAppsStore = module.appStore == AppStore.SamsungApps;

            // build validator
            string appIdentifier;
            appIdentifier = Application.identifier;
            appIdentifier = Application.bundleIdentifier;
            _ReceiptValidator = new CrossPlatformValidator(GooglePlayTangle.Data(), AppleTangle.Data(),
                                                           UnityChannelTangle.Data(), appIdentifier);

            UnityPurchasing.Initialize(_instance, builder);