Exemple #1
    void Start()
        doorTransform = transform.Find("Door");
        progressBar   = GetComponentInChildren <Image>();

        hyperSpeedManager = HyperSpeedManager.Instance;

        // save the closed and open y positions
        closedY = doorTransform.position.y;
        float height = doorTransform.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.extents.y * 2.0f; // gets height of door in world units

        openY = closedY + height * 0.8f;

        // subscribe to the button events
        if (button != null)
            button.OnActivate += SetToOpening;
        if (button != null)
            button.OnDeactivate += SetToClosing;

        targetY = closedY;
Exemple #2
    private void Start()
        hyperSpeedManager = HyperSpeedManager.Instance;
        particleSystem    = GetComponent <ParticleSystem>();

        // Store default sim speed to preserve sim tweaks in the inspector
        defaultSimSpeed     = particleSystem.main.simulationSpeed;
        defaultEmissionRate = particleSystem.emission.rateOverTimeMultiplier;
    void Start()
        hyperSpeedManager = HyperSpeedManager.Instance;
        textBox           = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Text>();

        // load in the text file and split it into an array of strings based on the lines in the file
        if (textFile != null)
            textLines = (textFile.text.Split('\n'));

        runningCoroutine = StartCoroutine(playText());
    void Start()
        posA        = child.localPosition;
        posB        = transformB.localPosition;
        nextPos     = posB;
        progressBar = GetComponentInChildren <Image>();

        hyperSpeedManager = HyperSpeedManager.Instance;

        // subscribe to the button events
        button.OnActivate   += SetToOpening;
        button.OnDeactivate += SetToClosing;
    }                                                              // static singleton

    private void Awake()
        // If there are no instances of HyperSpeedManager, set this to be the instance
        if (Instance == null)
            Instance = this;
        // else destroy this instance, so that can only be one instances
Exemple #6
 void Start()
     posA              = child.localPosition;
     posB              = transformB.localPosition;
     nextPos           = posB;
     hyperSpeedManager = HyperSpeedManager.Instance;
     if (phase < 1)
         child.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp(posA, posB, phase);
         child.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp(posB, posA, phase - 1);
Exemple #7
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     hyperSpeedManager = HyperSpeedManager.Instance;
Exemple #8
 void Start()
     hyperSpeedManager = HyperSpeedManager.Instance;
     postProcessVolume = GetComponent <PostProcessVolume>();
 private void Start()
     hyperSpeedManager = HyperSpeedManager.Instance;
     particleSystem    = GetComponent <ParticleSystem>();
     defaultSimSpeed   = particleSystem.main.simulationSpeed;