public static IView View(HyperEditBehaviour hyperedit) { var orbitEditorView = OrbitEditorView.Create(); var planetEditorView = PlanetEditorView.Create(); var landerView = LanderView.Create(); var miscEditorView = MiscEditorView.Create(); var aboutView = AboutWindow.Create(); var closeAll = new ButtonView("Close all", "Closes all windows", Window.CloseAll); var orbitEditor = new ButtonView("Orbit Editor", "Opens the Orbit Editor window", orbitEditorView); var planetEditor = new ButtonView("Planet Editor", "Opens the Planet Editor window", planetEditorView); var shipLander = new ButtonView("Ship Lander", "Opens the Ship Lander window", landerView); var miscTools = new ButtonView("Misc Tools", "Opens the Misc Tools window", miscEditorView); var about = new ButtonView("About", "Opens the About window", aboutView); var appLauncher = new DynamicToggleView("H-Button", "Enables or disables the AppLauncher button (top right H button)", () => hyperedit.UseAppLauncherButton, () => true, v => hyperedit.UseAppLauncherButton = v); return(new VerticalView(new IView[] { closeAll, orbitEditor, planetEditor, shipLander, miscTools, about, appLauncher })); }
public static Action Create(HyperEditBehaviour hyperedit) { var view = View(hyperedit); return(() => Window.Create("HyperEdit", true, true, 120, -1, w => view.Draw())); }