/// <summary>
        /// Updates the text display
        /// </summary>
        private void Update()
            Vector2      windInstance, windTracked;
            float        intensity;
            float        temp;
            float        hum;
            WeatherTypes weatherType;

            Vector2 location = new Vector2(trackedTransform.position.x, trackedTransform.position.z);

            windInstance = weatherManager.GetWindValueAt(location);
            windTracked  = weatherManager.GetCumulativeWind();

            intensity = weatherManager.GetIntensityValueAt(location);

            temp = weatherManager.GetTemperatureValueAt(location);
            TemperatureVariables tempEnum = temp.ToTemperatureValue();

            hum = weatherManager.GetHumidityValueAt(location);
            HumidityVariables humEnum = hum.ToHumidityValue();

            weatherType = weatherManager.GetWeather(location);

            Output("Wind:", new object[] { windInstance, windTracked }, windOutput);
            Output("Intensity:", new object[] { intensity }, intensityOutput);
            Output("Temp:", new object[] { tempEnum, temp }, tempOutput);
            Output("Hum:", new object[] { humEnum, hum }, humOutput);
            Output("Weather:", new object[] { weatherType }, weatherTypeOutput);
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the weather for a particular time and place
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="weatherQueryLocation">The position at which to get the weather</param>
        /// <param name="time">The time at which the weather should be queried</param>
        /// <returns>The WeatherTypes for that position at that time and updates the the tracked X and Y values</returns>
        private WeatherTypes GetWeatherProcedural(Vector2 weatherQueryLocation, float time, bool updateTrackedValues = true)
            TemperatureVariables temperature = GetTemperatureValueAt(weatherQueryLocation).ToTemperatureValue();
            HumidityVariables    humidity    = GetHumidityValueAt(weatherQueryLocation).ToHumidityValue();

            Vector2 wind = GetWindValueAt(weatherQueryLocation);

            if (updateTrackedValues)
                temperatureLastFrame = temperature;
                humidityLastFrame    = humidity;

                trackedX += wind.x;
                trackedY += wind.y;

            WeatherTypes currentWeather;

            if (proceduralWeatherLookup.LookupTable.TryGetValue(humidity, temperature, out currentWeather))
                Debug.LogError("Procedural lookup table does not contain info for " + humidity + " and " + temperature);
    private void LogWeatherData()
        Vector2      windInstance, windTracked;
        float        intensity;
        float        temp;
        float        hum;
        WeatherTypes weatherType;

        Vector2 location = new Vector2(trackedTransform.position.x, trackedTransform.position.z);

        weatherType = weatherManager.GetWeather(location);

        windInstance = weatherManager.GetWindValueAt(location);
        windTracked  = weatherManager.GetCumulativeWind();

        intensity = weatherManager.GetIntensityValueAt(location);

        temp = weatherManager.GetTemperatureValueAt(location);
        TemperatureVariables tempEnum = temp.ToTemperatureValue();

        hum = weatherManager.GetHumidityValueAt(location);
        HumidityVariables humEnum = hum.ToHumidityValue();

        float time = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad;

        AddToLog(ToCSV(new object[] { time, weatherType, humEnum, hum, tempEnum, temp, intensity, windInstance, windTracked }));
 public IntensityData(float intensity, TemperatureVariables temperature, HumidityVariables humidity, Vector2 wind, WeatherTypes weatherType)
     this.intensity   = intensity;
     this.temperature = temperature;
     this.humidity    = humidity;
     this.wind        = wind;
     this.weatherType = weatherType;
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the current weather type for manual mode
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="updateTrackedValues">Should any tracked values be updated (ie. the humidtyLastFrame and temperatureLastFrame values?</param>
        /// <returns>The current weather type</returns>
        private WeatherTypes GetWeatherManual(bool updateTrackedValues = true)
            if (updateTrackedValues)
                KeyValuePair <HumidityVariables, TemperatureVariables> humityTemperaturePair;
                //Using the type of the current weather event, reverse lookup what temperature and humidity would cause that weather in procedural mode
                if (proceduralWeatherLookup.LookupTable.TryReverseLookup(manualEventsSequence[eventSequenceIndex].weatherEvent.WeatherType, out humityTemperaturePair) == false)
                    Debug.LogError("Cannot reverse lookup weather event (" + manualEventsSequence[eventSequenceIndex].weatherEvent.name + "). Ensure weather lookup property is assigned correctly. temperature and humidity values will be incorrect.");
                    humidityLastFrame    = humityTemperaturePair.Key;
                    temperatureLastFrame = humityTemperaturePair.Value;

 public TemperatureHumidityPair(TemperatureVariables temperature, HumidityVariables humidity)
     this.temperature = temperature;
     this.humidity    = humidity;