Exemple #1
        void initTable(UInt32 huffSelect)
            HuffmanTable* dctbl1 = &huff[0];
            UInt32 acc = 0;
            for (UInt32 i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                dctbl1.bits[i + 1] = nikon_tree[huffSelect][i];
                acc += dctbl1.bits[i + 1];
            dctbl1.bits[0] = 0;

            for (UInt32 i = 0; i < acc; i++)
                dctbl1.huffval[i] = nikon_tree[huffSelect][i + 16];
Exemple #2
        * HuffDecode --
        * Taken from Figure F.16: extract next coded symbol from
        * input stream.  This should becode a macro.
        * Results:
        * Next coded symbol
        * Side effects:
        * Bitstream is parsed.
        int HuffDecodeNikon(BitPumpMSB bits)
            int rv;
            int l, temp;
            int code, val;

            HuffmanTable* dctbl1 = &huff[0];

            code = bits.peekBitsNoFill(14);
            val = dctbl1.bigTable[code];
            if ((val & 0xff) != 0xff)
                bits.skipBitsNoFill(val & 0xff);
                return val >> 8;

            rv = 0;
            code = bits.peekByteNoFill();
            val = dctbl1.numbits[code];
            l = val & 15;
            if (l)
                rv = val >> 4;
                l = 8;
                while (code > dctbl1.maxcode[l])
                    temp = bits.getBitNoFill();
                    code = (code << 1) | temp;

                if (l > 16)
                    throw new Exception("Corrupt JPEG data: bad Huffman code:%u\n", l);
                    rv = dctbl1.huffval[dctbl1.valptr[l] + ((int)(code - dctbl1.((code[l]))];
Exemple #3
        private static unsafe uint CreateDecodeTable(HuffmanTable *pTable, uint SymbolsCount, byte *pSymbolsLengths)
            // --------- Sort by length the symbol table (counter sort)
            byte *LengthOccuranceCount = stackalloc byte[CodeMaxBits + 1];
            //memset( LengthOccuranceCount, 0, sizeof ( LengthOccuranceCount ) );

            // --------- CollectSymbolLengths
            byte *pSymbolLength = pSymbolsLengths;

            for (uint Counter = SymbolsCount; Counter > 0; --Counter)
            // --------- SortSymbolLengthsPositions
            HuffmanTableNode *SymbolLengthsList = stackalloc HuffmanTableNode[Literals];

            // the symbols, sorted by length

            HuffmanTableNode *[] pSymbolLengthPosition = new HuffmanTableNode *[CodeMaxBits + 1];

            // pointers to the first entry in to table above,
            // for each symbol length

            HuffmanTableNode *pLastPosition = SymbolLengthsList;

            pTable->SmallestLength = CodeMaxBits + 1; // set max value
            pTable->LargestLength  = 0;

            for (uint Counter = 1; Counter <= CodeMaxBits; ++Counter) // NOTE: starts at 1 as there're no 0-length symbols
                pSymbolLengthPosition[Counter] = pLastPosition;

                pLastPosition += LengthOccuranceCount[Counter];

                // Also find the smallest and the largest codelength
                if (LengthOccuranceCount[Counter] != 0)
                    if (Counter < pTable->SmallestLength)
                        pTable->SmallestLength = Counter;
                    if (Counter > pTable->LargestLength)
                        pTable->LargestLength = Counter;
            // ----------- CreateSortedSymbolList

            uint UsedSymbolsCount = 0;

            pSymbolLength = pSymbolsLengths;

            for (uint Counter = 0; Counter < SymbolsCount; ++Counter, ++pSymbolLength)
                if (*pSymbolLength != 0)
                    HuffmanTableNode *pSymbolTableNode =


                    pSymbolTableNode->Value  = (ushort)Counter;
                    pSymbolTableNode->Length = *pSymbolLength;

            UsedSymbolsCount = (uint)(pSymbolLengthPosition[CodeMaxBits] - SymbolLengthsList);

            // ----------------------------------------------------------
            // Two tables are needed to decode a symbol:
            // - The first one will lookup the symbol's first
            // PrimaryTableBits bits. Statistically, there are many
            // chances that the lookup will end here.
            // - If the symbol code is longer, a second table is needed.
            // Several secondary tables may be created.
            int CodeDecal = 1 << (int)(PrimaryTableBits - pTable->SmallestLength);

            HuffmanTableNode *pCurrentTableNode       = pTable->pRoot;
            HuffmanTableNode *pCurrentSymbol          = SymbolLengthsList;
            byte *            pCurrentLengthOccurence = LengthOccuranceCount + pTable->SmallestLength;

            for (; CodeDecal != 0 && pCurrentLengthOccurence <= LengthOccuranceCount + pTable->LargestLength; CodeDecal >>= 1)
                for (uint SymbolsLeft = *pCurrentLengthOccurence++; SymbolsLeft > 0; --SymbolsLeft, ++pCurrentSymbol)
                    // ------------- Fill table
                    for (uint Counter = (uint)CodeDecal; Counter > 0; --Counter)
                        *pCurrentTableNode++ = *pCurrentSymbol;
            if (pTable->LargestLength <= PrimaryTableBits)
                return(1 << PrimaryTableBits);

            // -------------------------------------- Fill the secondary tables
                HuffmanTableNode *pNextTableNode = pTable->pRoot + (1 << PrimaryTableBits);

                uint RemainingBits = pTable->LargestLength - PrimaryTableBits;

                uint InitialRemainingBits = RemainingBits;

                pCurrentLengthOccurence = LengthOccuranceCount + pTable->LargestLength;

                uint CurrentSymbolCode = (1u << (int)pTable->LargestLength) - 1;

                CodeDecal      = 0;
                pCurrentSymbol = SymbolLengthsList + UsedSymbolsCount - 1;

                pCurrentTableNode = pNextTableNode;

                for (; RemainingBits != 0; CurrentSymbolCode >>= 1, --RemainingBits, ++CodeDecal)
                    for (uint SymbolsLeft = *pCurrentLengthOccurence--; SymbolsLeft > 0; --SymbolsLeft, --pCurrentSymbol)
                        for (uint Counter = 1u << (int)CodeDecal; Counter > 0; --Counter)
                            *pNextTableNode++ = *pCurrentSymbol;
                        uint LastSymbolCode = CurrentSymbolCode >> (int)RemainingBits;

                        if (((CurrentSymbolCode >> (int)RemainingBits) ^ LastSymbolCode) != 0)// top PrimaryTableBits bits changed?
                            pCurrentTableNode->Length = (byte)(32 - InitialRemainingBits);

                            // extra bits that need reading

                            pCurrentTableNode->Value = (ushort)(pNextTableNode - pCurrentTableNode - 1);

                            // offset to first entry in the secondary table

                            CodeDecal = SymbolsLeft == 1 ? -1 : 0;

                            InitialRemainingBits = SymbolsLeft == 1 ?

                                                   RemainingBits - 1 :

                return((uint)(pNextTableNode - pTable->pRoot));