protected override void Create() { var hudBumperStickerType = new HudBumperStickerType(true); BumperStickers.Add(hudBumperStickerType); SelectedBumperSticker = hudBumperStickerType; }
private static bool AreEquals(HudBumperStickerType first, HudBumperStickerType second) { if (first == null && second == null) { return(true); } if (first == null || second == null) { return(false); } if (first.Description == "3-Bets too much, and folds to a 4-bet too often.") { first.Description = "3-Bets too much, and folds to a 3-bet too often."; } if (second.Description == "3-Bets too much, and folds to a 4-bet too often.") { second.Description = "3-Bets too much, and folds to a 3-bet too often."; } if (first.Description == "Open raises to wide of a range in early pre-flop positions.") { first.Description = "Open raises too wide of a range in early pre-flop positions."; } if (second.Description == "Open raises to wide of a range in early pre-flop positions.") { second.Description = "Open raises too wide of a range in early pre-flop positions."; } if (first.Name != second.Name || first.Label != second.Label || first.Description != second.Description || first.ToolTip != second.ToolTip || first.EnableBumperSticker != second.EnableBumperSticker || first.MinSample != second.MinSample || first.SelectedColor != second.SelectedColor) { return(false); } return(AreEquals(first.Stats.OfType <HudPlayerTypeStat>(), second.Stats.OfType <HudPlayerTypeStat>()) && AreEquals(first.FilterModelCollection, second.FilterModelCollection)); }
public void HudBumperStickerTypeFilterModelCollectionSerializeTest() { var filterHoleCardsModelExpected = new FilterHoleCardsModel(); filterHoleCardsModelExpected.Initialize(); var filterHandValueModel = new FilterHandValueModel(); filterHandValueModel.Initialize(); var filterHandActionModelExpected = new FilterHandActionModel(); filterHandActionModelExpected.Initialize(); var hudBumperStickerTypeExpected = new HudBumperStickerType(); hudBumperStickerTypeExpected.FilterModelCollection = new IFilterModelCollection { filterHoleCardsModelExpected, filterHandValueModel, filterHandActionModelExpected }; var hudBumperStickerTypeActual = SerializerHelper.GetXmlSerializedDeserializedObject(hudBumperStickerTypeExpected); Assert.That(hudBumperStickerTypeActual.FilterModelCollection.Count, Is.EqualTo(hudBumperStickerTypeExpected.FilterModelCollection.Count)); }