public static async Task<RemoteHostClient> CreateAsync(
            Workspace workspace, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            using (Logger.LogBlock(FunctionId.ServiceHubRemoteHostClient_CreateAsync, cancellationToken))
                var primary = new HubClient("ManagedLanguage.IDE.RemoteHostClient");
                var remoteHostStream = await primary.RequestServiceAsync(WellKnownRemoteHostServices.RemoteHostService, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                var instance = new ServiceHubRemoteHostClient(workspace, primary, remoteHostStream);

                // make sure connection is done right
                var current = $"VS ({Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id})";
                var host = await instance._rpc.InvokeAsync<string>(WellKnownRemoteHostServices.RemoteHostService_Connect, current).ConfigureAwait(false);

                // TODO: change this to non fatal watson and make VS to use inproc implementation
                Contract.ThrowIfFalse(host == current.ToString());


                // Create a workspace host to hear about workspace changes.  We'll 
                // remote those changes over to the remote side when they happen.
                RegisterWorkspaceHost(workspace, instance);

                // return instance
                return instance;
        private ServiceHubRemoteHostClient(Workspace workspace, HubClient hubClient, Stream stream) :
            _hubClient = hubClient;

            _rpc = JsonRpc.Attach(stream, target: this);

            // handle disconnected situation
            _rpc.Disconnected += OnRpcDisconnected;
        private ServiceHubRemoteHostClient(
            Workspace workspace, HubClient hubClient, HostGroup hostGroup, Stream stream) :
            _hubClient = hubClient;
            _hostGroup = hostGroup;

            _rpc = JsonRpc.Attach(stream, target: this);

            // handle disconnected situation
            _rpc.Disconnected += OnRpcDisconnected;
        public static async Task<RemoteHostClient> CreateAsync(Workspace workspace, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var primary = new HubClient("ManagedLanguage.IDE.RemoteHostClient");
            var remoteHostStream = await primary.RequestServiceAsync(WellKnownServiceHubServices.RemoteHostService, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var instance = new ServiceHubRemoteHostClient(workspace, primary, remoteHostStream);

            // make sure connection is done right
            var current = $"VS ({Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id})";
            var host = await instance._rpc.InvokeAsync<string>(WellKnownServiceHubServices.RemoteHostService_Connect, current).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // TODO: change this to non fatal watson and make VS to use inproc implementation
            Contract.ThrowIfFalse(host == current.ToString());


            // return instance
            return instance;
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the number of <see cref="ReportMeasurements"/> in the report.
 /// </summary>
 public int GetCount() => HubClient.GetCount();
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the <see cref="ReportMeasurements"/> for a given page (and sorted by a given Field).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ascending"> If the data should be sorted Ascending or Descending</param>
 /// <param name="page"> the (1 based) pageIndex</param>
 /// <param name="pageSize"> The number of records in a single page. </param>
 /// <param name="sortField">The Field by which the data is sorted. </param>
 public IEnumerable <ReportMeasurements> GetData(string sortField, bool ascending, int page, int pageSize) => HubClient.GetData(sortField, ascending, page, pageSize);
Exemple #7
 public IEnumerable <StatusLight> GetLights()
        public static async Task <ServiceHubRemoteHostClient> CreateWorkerAsync(Workspace workspace, HubClient primary, TimeSpan timeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            ServiceHubRemoteHostClient client = null;

                // let each client to have unique id so that we can distinguish different clients when service is restarted
                var current = CreateClientId(Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id.ToString());

                var hostGroup = new HostGroup(current);

                // Create the RemotableDataJsonRpc before we create the remote host: this call implicitly sets up the remote IExperimentationService so that will be available for later calls
                var remotableDataRpc = new RemotableDataJsonRpc(
                    workspace, primary.Logger,
                    await Connections.RequestServiceAsync(workspace, primary, WellKnownServiceHubServices.SnapshotService, hostGroup, timeout, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false));

                var remoteHostStream = await Connections.RequestServiceAsync(workspace, primary, WellKnownRemoteHostServices.RemoteHostService, hostGroup, timeout, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                var enableConnectionPool = workspace.Options.GetOption(RemoteHostOptions.EnableConnectionPool);
                var maxConnection        = workspace.Options.GetOption(RemoteHostOptions.MaxPoolConnection);

                var connectionManager = new ConnectionManager(primary, hostGroup, enableConnectionPool, maxConnection, timeout, new ReferenceCountedDisposable <RemotableDataJsonRpc>(remotableDataRpc));

                client = new ServiceHubRemoteHostClient(workspace, primary.Logger, connectionManager, remoteHostStream);

                var uiCultureLCID = CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.LCID;
                var cultureLCID   = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.LCID;

                // make sure connection is done right
                var host = await client._rpc.InvokeWithCancellationAsync <string>(
                    nameof(IRemoteHostService.Connect), new object[] { current, uiCultureLCID, cultureLCID, TelemetryService.DefaultSession.SerializeSettings() }, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            catch (ConnectionLostException ex)
                RemoteHostCrashInfoBar.ShowInfoBar(workspace, ex);

                Shutdown(client, ex, cancellationToken);

                // dont crash VS because OOP is failed to start. we will show info bar telling users to restart
                // but never physically crash VS.
                throw new SoftCrashException("Connection Lost", ex, cancellationToken);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Shutdown(client, ex, cancellationToken);
Exemple #9
 public void TerminateSubscriptions()
Exemple #10
 public void StatSubscribe(string filterExpression)
Exemple #11
 public string DeriveString(ushort[] values)
Exemple #12
 public IEnumerable <SchemaVersion> GetSchemaVersion()
Exemple #13
 public Task WriteCoils(ushort startAddress, bool[] data)
     return(HubClient.WriteCoils(startAddress, data));
Exemple #14
 public Task WriteHoldingRegisters(ushort startAddress, ushort[] data)
     return(HubClient.WriteHoldingRegisters(startAddress, data));
Exemple #15
 public Task <ushort[]> ReadHoldingRegisters(ushort startAddress, ushort pointCount)
     return(HubClient.ReadHoldingRegisters(startAddress, pointCount));
Exemple #16
 public Task <bool[]> ReadCoils(ushort startAddress, ushort pointCount)
     return(HubClient.ReadCoils(startAddress, pointCount));
        private static async Task<Stream> RequestServiceAsync(HubClient client, string serviceName, string hostGroup, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
            const int max_retry = 10;
            const int retry_delayInMS = 50;

            // call to get service can fail due to this bug - devdiv#288961
            // until root cause is fixed, we decide to have retry rather than fail right away
            for (var i = 0; i < max_retry; i++)

                    var descriptor = new ServiceDescriptor(serviceName) { HostGroup = new HostGroup(hostGroup) };
                    return await client.RequestServiceAsync(descriptor, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                catch (RemoteInvocationException ex)
                    // RequestServiceAsync should never fail unless service itself is actually broken.
                    // right now, we know only 1 case where it can randomly fail. but there might be more cases so 
                    // adding non fatal watson here.

                // wait for retry_delayInMS before next try
                await Task.Delay(retry_delayInMS, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            return Contract.FailWithReturn<Stream>("Fail to get service. look FatalError.s_reportedException for more detail");
 /// <summary>
 /// Sends a service command.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="command">Command string.</param>
 public void SendCommand(string command) =>
Exemple #19
 public float DeriveSingle(ushort highValue, ushort lowValue)
     return(HubClient.DeriveSingle(highValue, lowValue));
 public void GivenAHubIsListeningAtHttpLocalhostPublish(string url)
     var hubClient = new HubClient(url);
     ScenarioContext.Current.Add("HubClient", hubClient);
Exemple #21
 public double DeriveDouble(ushort b3, ushort b2, ushort b1, ushort b0)
     return(HubClient.DeriveDouble(b3, b2, b1, b0));
Exemple #22
 public void InitializeSubscriptions()
Exemple #23
 public uint DeriveUInt32(ushort highValue, ushort lowValue)
     return(HubClient.DeriveUInt32(highValue, lowValue));
Exemple #24
 public void UpdateFilters(string filterExpression)
Exemple #25
 public ulong DeriveUInt64(ushort b3, ushort b2, ushort b1, ushort b0)
     return(HubClient.DeriveUInt64(b3, b2, b1, b0));
Exemple #26
 public IEnumerable <MeasurementValue> GetStats()
Exemple #27
 public Task <bool> ModbusConnect(string connectionString)
Exemple #28
 public IEnumerable <DeviceDetail> GetDeviceDetails()
Exemple #29
 public void ModbusDisconnect()
            public static async Task <Stream> RequestServiceAsync(
                Workspace workspace,
                HubClient client,
                string serviceName,
                HostGroup hostGroup,
                TimeSpan timeout,
                CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                const int max_retry       = 10;
                const int retry_delayInMS = 50;

                RemoteInvocationException lastException = null;

                var descriptor = new ServiceDescriptor(serviceName)
                    HostGroup = hostGroup

                // call to get service can fail due to this bug - devdiv#288961 or more.
                // until root cause is fixed, we decide to have retry rather than fail right away
                for (var i = 0; i < max_retry; i++)
                        // we are wrapping HubClient.RequestServiceAsync since we can't control its internal timeout value ourselves.
                        // we have bug opened to track the issue.

                        // retry on cancellation token since HubClient will throw its own cancellation token
                        // when it couldn't connect to service hub service for some reasons
                        // (ex, OOP process GC blocked and not responding to request)
                        // we have double re-try here. we have these 2 seperated since 2 retries are for different problems.
                        // as noted by 2 different issues above at the start of each 2 different retries.
                        // first retry most likely deal with real issue on servicehub, second retry (cancellation) is to deal with
                        // by design servicehub behavior we don't want to use.
                        return(await RetryRemoteCallAsync <OperationCanceledException, Stream>(
                                   () => client.RequestServiceAsync(descriptor, cancellationToken),
                    catch (RemoteInvocationException ex)
                        // save info only if it failed with different issue than before.
                        if (lastException?.Message != ex.Message)
                            // RequestServiceAsync should never fail unless service itself is actually broken.
                            // So far, we catched multiple issues from this NFW. so we will keep this NFW.
                            ex.ReportServiceHubNFW("RequestServiceAsync Failed");

                            lastException = ex;

                    // wait for retry_delayInMS before next try
                    await Task.Delay(retry_delayInMS, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                RemoteHostCrashInfoBar.ShowInfoBar(workspace, lastException);

                // raise soft crash exception rather than doing hard crash.
                // we had enough feedback from users not to crash VS on servicehub failure
                throw new SoftCrashException("RequestServiceAsync Failed", lastException, cancellationToken);
 private static async Task<Stream> RequestServiceAsync(HubClient client, string serviceName, string hostGroup, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
     // we can remove these once whole system moved to new servicehub API
         var descriptor = new ServiceDescriptor(serviceName) { HostGroup = new HostGroup(hostGroup) };
         return await client.RequestServiceAsync(descriptor, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
         return await client.RequestServiceAsync(serviceName, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets Progress of current Report.
 /// </summary>
 public double GetReportProgress() => HubClient.GetReportProgress();
Exemple #33
 public IEnumerable <MeasurementDetail> GetMeasurementDetails()
 /// <summary>
 /// Updates the Report Data Source.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="startDate">Start date of the Report.</param>
 /// <param name="endDate">End date of the Report.</param>
 /// <param name="reportType"> Type of Report <see cref="ReportType"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="reportCriteria"> Crtieria to use for Report <see cref="ReportCriteria"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="number">Number of records included 0 for all records.</param>
 /// <param name="dataContext">DataContext from which the available reportingParameters are pulled <see cref="DataContext"/>.</param>
 public void UpdateReportSource(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, ReportCriteria reportCriteria, ReportType reportType, int number, DataContext dataContext)
     HubClient.UpdateReportSource(startDate, endDate, reportCriteria, reportType, number, dataContext);
Exemple #35
 public IEnumerable <PhasorDetail> GetPhasorDetails()
Exemple #36
 public Task <bool[]> ReadDiscreteInputs(ushort startAddress, ushort pointCount)
     return(HubClient.ReadDiscreteInputs(startAddress, pointCount));
        public static async Task <ServiceHubRemoteHostClient> CreateWorkerAsync(Workspace workspace, HubClient primary, TimeSpan timeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            ServiceHubRemoteHostClient client = null;

                // let each client to have unique id so that we can distinguish different clients when service is restarted
                var current = CreateClientId(Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id.ToString());

                var hostGroup        = new HostGroup(current);
                var remoteHostStream = await Connections.RequestServiceAsync(workspace, primary, WellKnownRemoteHostServices.RemoteHostService, hostGroup, timeout, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                var remotableDataRpc = new RemotableDataJsonRpc(
                    workspace, primary.Logger,
                    await Connections.RequestServiceAsync(workspace, primary, WellKnownServiceHubServices.SnapshotService, hostGroup, timeout, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false));

                var enableConnectionPool = workspace.Options.GetOption(RemoteHostOptions.EnableConnectionPool);
                var maxConnection        = workspace.Options.GetOption(RemoteHostOptions.MaxPoolConnection);

                var connectionManager = new ConnectionManager(primary, hostGroup, enableConnectionPool, maxConnection, timeout, new ReferenceCountedDisposable <RemotableDataJsonRpc>(remotableDataRpc));

                client = new ServiceHubRemoteHostClient(workspace, connectionManager, remoteHostStream);

                var uiCultureLCID = CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.LCID;
                var cultureLCID   = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.LCID;

                // make sure connection is done right
                var host = await client._rpc.InvokeWithCancellationAsync <string>(
                    nameof(IRemoteHostService.Connect), new object[] { current, uiCultureLCID, cultureLCID, TelemetryService.DefaultSession.SerializeSettings() }, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            catch (Exception ex)
                // make sure we shutdown client if initializing client has failed.

                // translate to our own cancellation if it is raised.

                // otherwise, report watson and throw original exception
                ex.ReportServiceHubNFW("ServiceHub creation failed");