public ResponseBoolBase HttpRequestCfgAdd(HttpRequestCfg data) { ResponseBoolBase obj = new ResponseBoolBase(); try { datapro.EnterWriteLock(); HttpTaskDBContext db = new HttpTaskDBContext(); db.HttpRequestCfg.Add(data); int i = db.SaveChanges(); if (i == 0) { obj.IsSuccess = false; } else { obj.IsSuccess = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { obj.IsSuccess = false; obj = ResponseBase.GetResponseByException <ResponseBoolBase>(ex); logger.ErrorFormat("HttpRequestCfgAdd", ex); } finally { datapro.ExitWriteLock(); } return(obj); }
public ResponseBase HttpRequestCfgSave(HttpRequestCfgDataUI data) { ResponseBase obj = new ResponseBase(); try { datapro.EnterWriteLock(); using (HttpTaskDBContext db = new HttpTaskDBContext()) { HttpRequestCfg d = new HttpRequestCfg() { UpdatedTime = data.UpdatedTime, TaskStatus = data.TaskStatus, SeqNo = data.SeqNo, SearchKey = data.SearchKey, Cookie = data.Cookie, CreatedTime = data.CreatedTime, CurrentDate = data.CurrentDate, DateMax = data.DateMax, CurrentPage = data.CurrentPage, DateMin = data.DateMin, DeletedTime = data.DeletedTime, HasChildTask = data.HasChildTask, Host = data.Host, //HttpRequestChildCfgs =data.HttpRequestChildCfgs, Id = data.Id, info =, IsDelete = data.IsDelete, Key = data.Key, Level = data.Level, PageMax = data.PageMax, PageMin = data.PageMin, ProcessName = data.ProcessName, Quartz = data.Quartz, SchedulerType = data.SchedulerType, SearchKeys = data.SearchKeys, TaskTimeOut = data.TaskTimeOut, WebName = data.WebName }; db.HttpRequestCfg.Add(d); db.SaveChanges(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); obj = ResponseBase.GetResponseByException <ResponseBase>(ex); } finally { datapro.ExitWriteLock(); } return(obj); }
private static HttpResultCfg NewMethod1(HttpRequestCfg item, HttpResult result) { HttpResultCfg re = new HttpResultCfg(); re.Binary = result.ResultStream.ToArray(); re.CreateTime = DateTime.Now; re.FullText = result.Html; re.HttpStatusCode = (int)result.StatusCode; re.Key = item.Key; re.TaskId = item.Id; return(re); }
protected override void Seed(HttpTaskDbContext.HttpTaskDBContext context) { var co = new List <Cookie>(); co.Add(new Cookie() { Name = "PHPSESSID", Value = "qs4f6ttm7g5vl2rqiqh7aia7m1", Domain = "" }); Guid guid = Guid.NewGuid(); HttpRequestCfg obj = new HttpRequestCfg() { CreatedTime = DateTime.Now, HasChildTask = false, Host = "", PageMax = 20, WebName = "chinesesfpm", TaskStatus = HttpTaskModel.TaskStatus.Created, PageMin = 1, Key = guid, SchedulerType = HttpTaskManage.SchedulerType.Page }; //obj.PageMax = 20; //obj.PageMin = 1; obj.HttpRequestChildCfgs.Add(new HttpRequestChildCfg() { Key = guid, Accept = "application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01", Accept_Encoding = "gzip, deflate", Accept_Language = "zh-CN,zh;q=0.9", ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8", Host = "", Method = HttpMethod.POST, //UserAgent = "", UACPU = "", Encoding = "utf-8", Url = "", ResponseType = FilenameExtension.Text, PostData = "court_sheng=&court_city=&court_arer=&province=&city=&district=&min_price=&max_price=&do_paimai=1&do_s_type=&biaodi_type=&do_isajax=1&page={page}&do_label=0", PostDataType = PostDataType.String, x_requested_with = "XMLHttpRequest", //PHPSESSID=qs4f6ttm7g5vl2rqiqh7aia7m1 Cookie = co.ToJson() }); var re = context.HttpRequestCfg.Add(obj); context.SaveChanges(); // This method will be called after migrating to the latest version. // You can use the DbSet<T>.AddOrUpdate() helper extension method // to avoid creating duplicate seed data. }
public HttpResultCfg HttpSpiderTaskReq(HttpRequestCfg item, System.Net.CookieContainer Cookies = null) { _LoginServer.Url = item.Url; _LoginServer.Method = item.Method.ToString(); _LoginServer.Accept = item.Accept; _LoginServer.Origin = item.Origin; _LoginServer.Referer = item.Referer; _LoginServer.ContentType = item.ContentType; _LoginServer.PostData = item.PostData; _LoginServer.AcceptEncoding = item.Accept_Encoding; _LoginServer.AcceptLanguage = item.Accept_Language; _LoginServer.CerPath = item.CrePath; _LoginServer.Allowautoredirect = item.Allowautoredirect; _LoginServer.Host = item.Host; _LoginServer.PostDataType = (HttpHelper.PostDataType)Enum.ToObject(typeof(HttpHelper.PostDataType), (int)(item.PostDataType)); _LoginServer.KeepAlive = item.KeepAlive; _LoginServer.x_requested_with = item.x_requested_with; _LoginServer.UserAgent = item.UserAgent; _LoginServer.UACPU = item.UACPU; _LoginServer.PostdataByte = item.PostdataByte; _LoginServer.Cookies = new System.Net.CookieContainer(); foreach (var coo in item.CookieCollection) { _LoginServer.Cookies.Add(new System.Net.Cookie(coo.Name, coo.Value) { Domain = coo.Domain }); } foreach (var head in item.Headers) { _LoginServer.HeaderCollection.Add(head.Key, head.Value); } if (Cookies != null) { _LoginServer.Cookies = Cookies; } var result = _LoginServer.GetHttpResult(); HttpResultCfg re = NewMethod1(item, result); return(re); }
static void Main(string[] args) { ChannelFactory <IRequestContract> channelFactory = new ChannelFactory <IRequestContract>("Request"); var client = channelFactory.CreateChannel(); var co = new List <Cookie>(); co.Add(new Cookie() { Name = "PHPSESSID", Value = "qs4f6ttm7g5vl2rqiqh7aia7m1", Domain = "" }); Guid guid = Guid.NewGuid(); HttpRequestCfg obj = new HttpRequestCfg() { CreatedTime = DateTime.Now, HasChildTask = false, Host = "", PageMax = 20, WebName = "chinesesfpm", TaskStatus = HttpTaskModel.TaskStatus.Created, PageMin = 1, Key = guid, SchedulerType = HttpTaskManage.SchedulerType.Page }; //obj.PageMax = 20; //obj.PageMin = 1; obj.HttpRequestChildCfgs.Add(new HttpRequestChildCfg() { Key = guid, Accept = "application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01", Accept_Encoding = "gzip, deflate", Accept_Language = "zh-CN,zh;q=0.9", ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8", Host = "", Method = HttpMethod.POST, //UserAgent = "", UACPU = "", Encoding = "utf-8", Url = "", ResponseType = FilenameExtension.Text, PostData = "court_sheng=&court_city=&court_arer=&province=&city=&district=&min_price=&max_price=&do_paimai=1&do_s_type=&biaodi_type=&do_isajax=1&page={page}&do_label=0", PostDataType = PostDataType.String, x_requested_with = "XMLHttpRequest", //PHPSESSID=qs4f6ttm7g5vl2rqiqh7aia7m1 Cookie = co.ToJson() }); var re = client.HttpRequestCfgAdd(obj); }
protected override void Seed(HttpTaskDataBase.HttpTaskDbContext context) { // This method will be called after migrating to the latest version. // You can use the DbSet<T>.AddOrUpdate() helper extension method // to avoid creating duplicate seed data. E.g. // // context.People.AddOrUpdate( // p => p.FullName, // new Person { FullName = "Andrew Peters" }, // new Person { FullName = "Brice Lambson" }, // new Person { FullName = "Rowan Miller" } // ); // var e = new HttpRequestCfg() { Accept = "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8", CreateTime = DateTime.Now, Url = "", Host = "", Cookie = "", Encoding = "utf-8", Method = HttpMethod.GET, Referer = "", Origin = "", UACPU = "", UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/49.0.2623.221 Safari/537.36 SE 2.X MetaSr 1.0", x_requested_with = "", WebName = "", ResponseType = FilenameExtension.Text, Upgrade_Insecure_Requests = "1", Accept_Encoding = "gzip, deflate, sdch", Accept_Language = "zh-CN,zh;q=0.8", Cache_Control = "max-age=0", Connection = "keep-live" }; context.HttpRequestCfg.AddOrUpdate(e); context.SaveChanges(); }
private bool saveresult(HttpResult _Result, HttpTaskModel.HttpRequestChildCfg item, HttpRequestCfg data, out string info) { info = ""; try { HttpResultCfgDataUI re = new HttpResultCfgDataUI() { Binary = _Result.ResultByte, CreatedTime = DateTime.Now, FullText = _Result.Html, HttpStatusCode = _Result.StatusCode, Key = item.Key, RequstChildId = item.Id, ResponseType = item.ResponseType, SeqNo = item.SeqNo, TaskStatus = HttpTaskModel.TaskStatus.Complete, Page = data.CurrentPage, Date = data.CurrentDate, SearchKey = data.SearchKey, WebName = data.WebName, info = }; var r = _RequestContract.HttpResultCfgAdd(re); return(r.IsSuccess); } catch (Exception ex) { info = ex.Message; logger.ErrorFormat("提交请求结果失败", ex); return(false); } }