private static IPrincipal CopyPrincipal(IPrincipal user)
            // Copy IPrincipal to the new WebSocket object. m_User gets disposed when
            // HttpListenerContext is closed.
            IPrincipal retVal = null;

            if (user != null)
                if (user as WindowsPrincipal == null)
                    // authtype Basic
                    HttpListenerBasicIdentity basicIdentity = user.Identity as HttpListenerBasicIdentity;
                    if (basicIdentity != null)
                        retVal = new GenericPrincipal((new HttpListenerBasicIdentity(basicIdentity.Name,
                                                                                     basicIdentity.Password)), null);
                    // Digest, Negotiate, NTLM
                    WindowsIdentity windowsIdentity = (WindowsIdentity)user.Identity;
                    retVal = new WindowsPrincipal(HttpListener.CreateWindowsIdentity(windowsIdentity.Token,
                                                                                     windowsIdentity.AuthenticationType, WindowsAccountType.Normal, true));
