Exemple #1
        public ShopeeOrderPageViewModel()
            ShopeeOrderPageLoading = new DelegateCommand(() =>
                StaticResources.SelectedShopLogin.NewOrderCount = 0;
                StaticResources.OrderFeature.SelfCount          = 0;
                var bc = Utility.GetToProcessingBillCount(StaticResources.SelectedShopLogin);

            BtCancelGrPrinterTapped = new DelegateCommand(() =>
                this.TgGrPrinter = "Collapsed";

            BtOpenPrinterTapped = new DelegateCommand(() =>
                this.TgGrPrinter = "Visible";

            wvLoaded = new DelegateCommand <WebView>((s) =>
                if (s != null)
                    Uri sale_uri = new Uri(StaticResources.SaleUri);
                    HttpBaseProtocolFilter filter = new HttpBaseProtocolFilter();
                    Utility.ClearCookie(filter, sale_uri);
                    HttpCookieManager cookieManager = filter.CookieManager;
                        foreach (var ck in StaticResources.SelectedShopLogin.lstLoginCookie)
                            HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie(ck.name, ck.domain[0].Equals('.') ? ck.domain : "." + ck.domain, ck.path);
                            cookie.Value      = ck.value;
                            cookieManager.SetCookie(cookie, false);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                    new Thread(async() =>
                        await CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal,
                                                                                      () =>

            wvScriptNotify = new DelegateCommand <NotifyEventArgs>((s) =>
        public ShopeeChatPageViewModel()
            ShopeeChatPageLoading = new DelegateCommand(() =>
                StaticResources.SelectedShopLogin.NewMessageCount = 0;
                StaticResources.MessageFeature.SelfCount          = 0;

            wvLoaded = new DelegateCommand <WebView>((s) =>
                if (s != null)
                    Uri chat_uri = new Uri(StaticResources.ChatUri);
                    HttpBaseProtocolFilter filter = new HttpBaseProtocolFilter();
                    Utility.ClearCookie(filter, chat_uri);
                    HttpCookieManager cookieManager = filter.CookieManager;
                        foreach (var ck in StaticResources.SelectedShopLogin.lstLoginCookie)
                            HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie(ck.name, ck.domain[0].Equals('.') ? ck.domain : "." + ck.domain, ck.path);
                            cookie.Value      = ck.value;
                            cookieManager.SetCookie(cookie, false);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                    new Thread(async() =>
                        await CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal,
                                                                                      () =>
Exemple #3
        public async Task <bool> LoginWithFacebook()
            //Get all the cookies from storage
            StorageFolder temp = ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder;

            //Check if it might be there
            IReadOnlyList <IStorageItem> tempItems = await temp.GetItemsAsync();

            if (tempItems.Count > 0)
                StorageFile fil = await temp.GetFileAsync("cookie");

                string text = await Windows.Storage.FileIO.ReadTextAsync(fil);

                List <HttpCookie> cooklist = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <HttpCookie> >(text.ToString());

                //Apply them to the httpclient, so we can log in.
                foreach (HttpCookie cook in cooklist)

                //Check if it works
                Response resp = await getResponse("http://followshows.com/", null);

                if (resp.page == null || !resp.content.IsSuccessStatusCode || resp.page.Contains("Wrong email or password.") || resp.page.Contains("Already have an account? Log in now"))

                //Pure hapiness

Exemple #4
        public async Task <bool> LoginWithFacebook()
            //Get all the cookies from storage
            StorageFolder temp = ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder;

            //Check if it might be there
            IReadOnlyList <IStorageItem> tempItems = await temp.GetItemsAsync();

            if (tempItems.Count > 0)
                StorageFile fil = await temp.GetFileAsync("cookie");

                string text = await Windows.Storage.FileIO.ReadTextAsync(fil);

                List <HttpCookie> cooklist = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <HttpCookie> >(text.ToString());

                //Apply them to the httpclient, so we can log in.
                foreach (HttpCookie cook in cooklist)

                //Check if it works
                Response resp = await(new Response("http://followshows.com/")).call();

                if (resp.somethingWentWrong)

                //Pure hapiness

        /// <summary>
        /// Login into LNU, should only call it when login-cookie is gone.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="client"></param>
        /// <param name="user"></param>
        /// <param name="password"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static async Task <LoginReturnBag> PostLNULoginCallback(HttpClient client, string user, string password)
            /// Changes for Windows Store

            //var urlString = string.Format("http://jwgl.lnu.edu.cn/pls/wwwbks/bks_login2.login?stuid={0}&pwd={1}", user, password);

            var urlString = string.Format("https://notificationhubforuwp.azurewebsites.net/LNU/Redirect?user={0}&psw={1}", user, password);
            var bag       = new LoginReturnBag();

            try { // do not dispose, so that the global undirect httpclient will stay in referenced. dispose it when you need.
                var httpClient = client;

                //httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Host = new Windows.Networking.HostName("jwgl.lnu.edu.cn");
                //httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Referer = new Uri("http://jwgl.lnu.edu.cn/zhxt_bks/xk_login.html");


                using (var response = await LOGIN_POST(client, urlString)) {
                    var returnCookies = UnRedirectCookiesManager.GetCookies(new Uri("https://notificationhubforuwp.azurewebsites.net/"));
                    if (returnCookies.Count == 0)
                        throw new AccessUnPassedException("Login Failed: no login-success cookie received.");

                    /// Changes for Windows Store

                    string content = default(string);
                    var    value   = response.Headers.TryGetValue("Set-Cookie", out content);
                    if (value)
                        content = content.Split(',')[0].Replace(";", "@").Split('@')[0].Replace("=", "@").Split('@')[1];
                        HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("ACCOUNT", "jwgl.lnu.edu.cn", "/pls/wwwbks/");
                        cookie.Value = content;

                        /// DEBUG Method

                        Debug.WriteLine("DEBUG ----->   " + content);


                        bag.CookieBag = cookie;


                    using (var request = GET(client, "http://jwgl.lnu.edu.cn/pls/wwwbks/bks_login2.loginmessage")) {
                        request.Headers.Host    = new Windows.Networking.HostName("jwgl.lnu.edu.cn");
                        request.Headers.Referer = new Uri("http://jwgl.lnu.edu.cn/zhxt_bks/xk_login.html");
                        var result = await httpClient.SendRequestAsync(request);

                        bag.HtmlResouces = (await CastStreamContentToString(result)).ToString();
            } catch (ObjectDisposedException ex) { // when web connect recovery , recreate a new instance to implemente a recursive function to solve the problem.
                Debug.WriteLine("\nFailed:\n" + ex.StackTrace);
                unRedirectHttpClient = null;
                return(await PostLNULoginCallback(UnRedirectHttpClient, user, password));
            } catch (COMException ex) { // it is obvious that the internrt connect go wrong.
                Debug.WriteLine("\nFailed:\n" + ex.StackTrace);
            } catch (AccessUnPassedException ex) {
                Debug.WriteLine("\nFailed:\n" + ex.StackTrace);
                unRedirectHttpClient = null;
            } catch (Exception ex) { // unkown error, report it.
                Debug.WriteLine("\nFailed:\n" + ex.StackTrace);