public void HttpConnection_Query_Timeout() { EnhancedSocket sockListen = null; EnhancedSocket sockAccept = null; HttpConnection con; HttpRequest request; HttpResponse response; string content; TimeSpan orgTimeout; IAsyncResult ar; orgTimeout = HttpStack.TimeoutSweepInterval; HttpStack.TimeoutSweepInterval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(250); sockListen = new EnhancedSocket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); sockListen.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, ServerPort)); sockListen.Listen(10); try { ar = sockListen.BeginAccept(null, null); con = new HttpConnection(HttpOption.None); con.Connect("http://localhost:" + ServerPort.ToString()); sockAccept = sockListen.EndAccept(ar); content = "Test: Timeout"; request = new HttpRequest("GET", "/foo.htm", null); request["Response"] = content; request["Close"] = "no"; try { response = con.Query(request, SysTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(250)); Thread.Sleep(1000); Assert.Fail(); } catch (TimeoutException) { } Assert.IsTrue(con.IsClosed); con.Close(); } finally { HttpStack.TimeoutSweepInterval = orgTimeout; if (sockListen != null) { sockListen.Close(); } if (sockAccept != null) { sockAccept.Close(); } } }
public void timeout() { IConnection con = HttpConnection.Connect(""); con.Timeout(1000); Assert.AreEqual(1000, con.Request().Timeout()); }
/// <summary> /// Authenticates against the authentication service via a HTTP/POST. /// </summary> /// <param name="realm">The authentication realm.</param> /// <param name="account">The account.</param> /// <param name="password">The password.</param> /// <returns>A see cref="AuthenticationResult" /> instance.</returns> public AuthenticationResult AuthenticateViaPost(string realm, string account, string password) { HttpConnection con = new HttpConnection(HttpOption.None); JsonAuthRequest authRequest = new JsonAuthRequest(realm, account, password); HttpRequest request; HttpResponse response; string content; try { con.Connect(uri.Host, uri.Port); request = new HttpRequest(HttpStack.Http11, "post", uri.AbsolutePath, new BlockArray(Helper.ToUTF8(JsonSerializer.ToString(authRequest)))); request["host"] = uri.Host; request["accept"] = "*/*"; request["content-type"] = "application/json"; response = con.Query(request, SysTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)); if ((int)response.Status < 200 || (int)response.Status > 299) { throw new HttpException(response.Status); } content = Helper.FromUTF8(response.Content.ToByteArray()); return(((JsonAuthResponse)JsonSerializer.Read(content, typeof(JsonAuthResponse))).ToAuthResult()); } finally { con.Close(); } }
public void cookie() { IConnection con = HttpConnection.Connect(""); con.Cookie("Name", "Val"); Assert.AreEqual("Val", con.Request().Cookie("Name")); }
public void referrer() { IConnection con = HttpConnection.Connect(""); con.Referrer(""); Assert.AreEqual("", con.Request().Header("Referer")); }
/// <summary> /// Fetch a URL, and parse it as HTML. Provided for compatibility; in most cases use <code>Connect(string)</code> instead. /// The encoding character set is determined by the content-type header or http-equiv meta tag, or falls back to <code>UTF-8</code>. /// </summary> /// <param name="url">URL to fetch (with a GET). The protocol must be <code>http</code> or <code>https</code>.</param> /// <param name="timeoutMillis">Connection and read timeout, in milliseconds. If exceeded, IOException is thrown.</param> /// <returns>The parsed HTML.</returns> /// <seealso cref="Connect(string)"/> /// <exception cref="HttpStatusException">If the response is not OK and HTTP response errors are not ignored.</exception> /// <exception cref="UnsupportedMimeTypeException">If the response mime type is not supported and those errors are not ignored.</exception> /// <exception cref="IOException">If a connection or read error occurs.</exception> //@throws if the request URL is not a HTTP or HTTPS URL, or is otherwise malformed //@throws if the connection times out public static Document Parse(Uri url, int timeoutMillis) { IConnection con = HttpConnection.Connect(url); con.Timeout(timeoutMillis); return(con.Get()); }
/// <summary> /// Authenticates against the authentication service via a HTTP/GET. /// </summary> /// <param name="realm">The authentication realm.</param> /// <param name="account">The account.</param> /// <param name="password">The password.</param> /// <returns>A see cref="AuthenticationResult" /> instance.</returns> public AuthenticationResult AuthenticateViaGet(string realm, string account, string password) { HttpConnection con = new HttpConnection(HttpOption.None); HttpRequest request; HttpResponse response; string content; try { con.Connect(uri.Host, uri.Port); request = new HttpRequest(HttpStack.Http11, "get", string.Format("{0}?realm={1}&account={2}&password={3}", uri.AbsolutePath, Helper.EscapeUri(realm), Helper.EscapeUri(account), Helper.EscapeUri(password)), null); request["host"] = uri.Host; request["accept"] = "*/*"; response = con.Query(request, SysTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)); if ((int)response.Status < 200 || (int)response.Status > 299) { throw new HttpException(response.Status); } content = Helper.FromUTF8(response.Content.ToByteArray()); return(((JsonAuthResponse)JsonSerializer.Read(content, typeof(JsonAuthResponse))).ToAuthResult()); } finally { con.Close(); } }
public void HttpConnection_Query_EndPoint() { HttpServer server; HttpConnection con; HttpRequest request; HttpResponse response; string content; server = new HttpServer(new IPEndPoint[] { new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, ServerPort) }, new IHttpModule[] { new TestModule() }, 5, 100, int.MaxValue); server.Start(); try { con = new HttpConnection(HttpOption.None); con.Connect(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Loopback, ServerPort)); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { content = "Test: " + i.ToString(); request = new HttpRequest("GET", "/foo.htm", null); request["Response"] = content; request["Close"] = "no"; response = con.Query(request, DateTime.MaxValue); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(content), response.Content.ToByteArray()); } con.Close(); } finally { server.Stop(); } }
public void userAgent() { IConnection con = HttpConnection.Connect(""); con.UserAgent("Mozilla"); Assert.AreEqual("Mozilla", con.Request().Header("User-Agent")); }
public void method() { IConnection con = HttpConnection.Connect(""); Assert.AreEqual(Method.Get, con.Request().Method()); con.Method(Method.Post); Assert.AreEqual(Method.Post, con.Request().Method()); }
public void HttpConnection_Connect_Fail() { HttpConnection con; try { con = new HttpConnection(HttpOption.None); con.Connect("http://foobar_error:" + ServerPort.ToString()); } catch { } }
public void data() { var con = HttpConnection.Connect(""); con.Data("Name", "Val", "Foo", "bar"); var values = con.Request().Data(); var data = values.ToArray(); var one = data[0]; var two = data[1]; Assert.AreEqual("Name", one.Key()); Assert.AreEqual("Val", one.Value()); Assert.AreEqual("Foo", two.Key()); Assert.AreEqual("bar", two.Value()); }
public void data() { IConnection con = HttpConnection.Connect(""); con.Data("Name", "Val", "Foo", "bar"); ICollection <KeyVal> values = con.Request().Data(); Object[] data = values.ToArray(); KeyVal one = (KeyVal)data[0]; KeyVal two = (KeyVal)data[1]; Assert.AreEqual("Name", one.Key()); Assert.AreEqual("Val", one.Value()); Assert.AreEqual("Foo", two.Key()); Assert.AreEqual("bar", two.Value()); }
void WaitForConnection() { while (isStarted) { try { connection = new HttpConnection(true); connection.Connect(listenPort); if (!connection.StopWaiting && connection.Connected && Connected != null) { new Thread(conObj => { Connected(conObj as IConnection); }).Start(connection); } } catch (Exception exc) { Trace.Write(exc.Message); } } }
/// <summary> /// Implements the background tasks. /// </summary> /// <param name="state">Not used.</param> private void OnBkTask(object state) { if (!isRunning) { return; } try { // Update the service run time. perf.Runtime.RawValue = (int)(DateTime.UtcNow - startTime).TotalMinutes; if (pollTimer.HasFired) { // Execute HTTP requests for all of the configured monitor URIs // and then wait for them to return or timeout before setting the health status. // Note that I'm configuring the request so the Host header will be set to // the header in the URI but the request will actually be submitted to the // local host. try { if (services.Count == 0) { isHealthy = true; } else { bool fail = false; for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { var site = services[i]; try { using (var httpConnection = new HttpConnection(HttpOption.None)) { HttpRequest request; HttpResponse response; request = new HttpRequest("GET", site.Service.Uri, null); request["X-Health-Check"] = "true"; httpConnection.Connect(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Loopback, site.Service.Uri.Port)); response = httpConnection.Query(request, SysTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); if (response.Status != HttpStatus.OK) { if (site.IsHealthy) { if (site.Service.IsCritical) { SysLog.LogError("Critical local service [{0}] transitioned to unhealthy status with code [{1}={2}].", site.Service.Uri, response.Status, (int)response.Status); } else { SysLog.LogWarning("Noncritical local service [{0}] transitioned to unhealthy status with code [{1}={2}].", site.Service.Uri, response.Status, (int)response.Status); } } if (site.Service.IsCritical) { fail = true; } site.IsHealthy = false; site.StatusCode = (int)response.Status; } else { if (!site.IsHealthy) { if (site.Service.IsCritical) { SysLog.LogInformation("Critical local service [{0}] transitioned to healthy status.", site.Service.Uri); } else { SysLog.LogInformation("Noncritical local service [{0}] transitioned to healthy status.", site.Service.Uri); } } site.IsHealthy = true; site.StatusCode = (int)response.Status; } } } catch (Exception e) { if (site.IsHealthy) { if (site.Service.IsCritical) { SysLog.LogError("Critical local service [{0}] transitioned to unhealthy status with exception [{1}]: {2}.", site.Service.Uri, e.GetType().Name, e.Message); } else { SysLog.LogWarning("Noncritical local service [{0}] transitioned to unhealthy status with exception [{1}]: {2}.", site.Service.Uri, e.GetType().Name, e.Message); } } if (site.Service.IsCritical) { fail = true; } site.IsHealthy = false; site.StatusCode = 0; } } isHealthy = !fail; } } finally { pollTimer.Reset(); } } } catch (Exception e) { SysLog.LogException(e); isHealthy = false; } finally { // Update the status performance counter. this.perf.Status.RawValue = isHealthy ? 1 : 0; } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new IConnection to a URL. Use to fetch and parse a HTML page. /// Use examples: /// <ul> /// <li><code>Document doc = NSoupClient.Connect("").UserAgent("Mozilla").Data("name", "jsoup").Get();</code></li> /// <li><code>Document doc = NSoupClient.Connect("").Cookie("auth", "token").Post();</code></li> /// </ul> /// </summary> /// <param name="url">URL to connect to. The protocol must be <code>http</code> or <code>https</code>.</param> /// <returns>the connection. You can add data, cookies, and headers; set the user-agent, referrer, method; and then execute.</returns> public static IConnection Connect(string url) { return(HttpConnection.Connect(url)); }
public void throwsExceptionOnBodyWithoutExecute() { var con = HttpConnection.Connect(""); con.Response().Body(); }
public void throwsExceptionOnBodyAsBytesWithoutExecute() { IConnection con = HttpConnection.Connect(""); con.Response().BodyAsBytes(); }
public void throwsExceptionOnParseWithoutExecute() { IConnection con = HttpConnection.Connect(""); con.Response().Parse(); }
public void connectWithUrl() { IConnection con = HttpConnection.Connect(new Uri("")); Assert.AreEqual("", con.Request().Url().ToString()); }
public void throwsOnOdddData() { IConnection con = HttpConnection.Connect(""); con.Data("Name", "val", "what"); }
public void HttpConnection_Send_Fail() { EnhancedSocket sockListen = null; EnhancedSocket sockAccept = null; HttpConnection con; HttpRequest request; HttpResponse response; TimeSpan orgTimeout; IAsyncResult ar; orgTimeout = HttpStack.TimeoutSweepInterval; HttpStack.TimeoutSweepInterval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(250); sockListen = new EnhancedSocket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); sockListen.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, ServerPort)); sockListen.Listen(10); try { ar = sockListen.BeginAccept(null, null); con = new HttpConnection(HttpOption.None); con.Connect("http://localhost:" + ServerPort.ToString()); sockAccept = sockListen.EndAccept(ar); request = new HttpRequest("GET", "/foo.htm", null); request.Content = new BlockArray(new byte[100000]); request["Content-Length"] = request.Content.Size.ToString(); ar = con.BeginQuery(request, DateTime.MaxValue, null, null); sockAccept.Close(); sockAccept = null; try { response = con.EndQuery(ar); Assert.Fail(); } catch { } Assert.IsTrue(con.IsClosed); con.Close(); } finally { HttpStack.TimeoutSweepInterval = orgTimeout; if (sockListen != null) { sockListen.Close(); } if (sockAccept != null) { sockAccept.Close(); } } }
public void throwsOnMalformedUrl() { IConnection con = HttpConnection.Connect("bzzt"); }