public static async Task MakeHttpGet(Random random)
            var baseAddress = new Uri(@"");
            var url         = @"?toWww=1&redig=test";

            // 5 minute timeout on all calls for debugging
            var buildStrategy = new HttpClientBuildStrategy(baseAddress)
                                .UseTimeOut(new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0));

            // 5 minute age then it'll retire
            var renewStrategy = new RenewStrategy()
                                .UseAgeStrategy(new TimeSpan(1, 5, 0));

            using (var client = new EffectiveHttpClient(buildStrategy, renewStrategy))
                // Sleep random number of milliseconds (20 to 500) beforehand to allow connection reuse
                // This simulates real time concurrency scenarios
                Thread.Sleep(random.Next(100, 5000));

                // Make the real call
                var originatingThread = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;
                Console.WriteLine($"{originatingThread}: started...");

                var ret = await client.GetStringAsync(url).ConfigureAwait(false);

                var endingThread = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;
                Console.WriteLine($"{originatingThread} -> {endingThread}: downloaded {ret.Length} characters. {client.ToString()}");
Exemple #2
        public async Task TestRealComplexPost()
            // More complex usage with http post
            var httpbin       = new Uri("");
            var buildStrategy = new HttpClientBuildStrategy(httpbin)
                                .UseDefaultHeaders(x =>
                x.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));

            // Using is not needed, but you can still use it without having to worry about anything
            using (var httpbinClient = new EffectiveHttpClient(buildStrategy, new RenewStrategy()))
                var payload = "testdata";
                var content = new StringContent(payload, Encoding.UTF8);
                using (var response = await httpbinClient.PostAsync("", content))

                    var result = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

Exemple #3
        public void TestHttpClientNotDisposedWhenDisposeCalled()
            var baseAddress = "";

            // since we cannot mock HttpClient.Dispose(non virtual), we mock HttpClient.Dispose(bool) instead.
            var httpClientMock = new Mock <HttpClient>();

            httpClientMock.Protected().Setup("Dispose", It.IsAny <bool>());
            var buildStrategy = new HttpClientBuildStrategy(new Uri(baseAddress), () => httpClientMock.Object);
            var renewStrategy = new RenewStrategy();
            var client        = new EffectiveHttpClient(buildStrategy, renewStrategy);

            // Call dispose, and make sure HttpClient is not really disposed
            httpClientMock.Protected().Verify("Dispose", Times.Never(), It.IsAny <bool>());
            httpClientMock.Protected().Verify("Dispose", Times.Never(), It.IsAny <bool>());
Exemple #4
        public void TestClientBuildStrategyConstruction()
            var uri = new Uri("");

            // Test strategy with no creation factory
            var strategy = new HttpClientBuildStrategy(uri);

            Assert.IsTrue(strategy.BaseAddress == uri);
            var client = strategy.Build();

            Assert.IsTrue(client is Renewable <HttpClient>);
            Assert.IsTrue(client.Client.BaseAddress == uri);

            // Test strategy with creation factory
            var dummyclient = new HttpClient();

            dummyclient.BaseAddress = new Uri("");
            var strategy2 = new HttpClientBuildStrategy(uri, () => dummyclient);
            var client2   = strategy2.Build();

            Assert.IsTrue(client2.Client.BaseAddress == uri);

            // Test strategy with UseDefaultHeaders
            dummyclient.BaseAddress = new Uri("");
            var strategy3 = new HttpClientBuildStrategy(uri, () => dummyclient).UseDefaultHeaders(x =>
                x.Add("x-custom", "x-custom");
                x.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", "token");
                x.From          = "*****@*****.**";
            var client3 = strategy3.Build();

            Assert.IsTrue(client3.Client.BaseAddress == uri);
            var customHeader = client3.Client.DefaultRequestHeaders.GetValues("x-custom");

            Assert.IsTrue(customHeader.Count() == 1);
            Assert.IsTrue(customHeader.FirstOrDefault() == "x-custom");
            Assert.IsTrue(client3.Client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization.Scheme == "Bearer");
            Assert.IsTrue(client3.Client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization.Parameter == "token");
            Assert.IsTrue(client3.Client.DefaultRequestHeaders.From == "*****@*****.**");