private void DrawTable() { decimal total_amount = 0; var read_only = true; if (User.IsInRole(((int)UserRoles.urFSBDAnalystFundsCoordinator).ToString()) && Organization != "") { read_only = false; } else if (!User.IsInRole(((int)UserRoles.urFSBDAnalystFundsCoordinator).ToString())) { var user_role = Users.UserAuthorizedForFSReports(CurrentUserID, BusinessLineCode, Organization); if (user_role <= 0) { throw new Exception("You are not authorized to visit this page."); } else if (user_role == (int)UserRoles.urFSOrgAdminWR && Organization != "") { read_only = false; } } var _add_awards = (AdjustmentsAdditional == "award") ? true : false; var _add_training = (AdjustmentsAdditional == "training") ? true : false; var _add_travel = (AdjustmentsAdditional == "travel") ? true : false; //get the data: var ds = FSDataServices.GetUserEntryData(DataEntryType, FiscalYear, BookMonth, Organization, BusinessLineCode, ReportGroupCode, _add_awards, _add_training, _add_travel, false); HtmlTableRow tr = null; HtmlTableCell td = null; int entry_id; string doc_number; decimal amount; string explanation; string entry_month; //remove first column if there is no permission for edit or delete: if (read_only) { tblData.Rows[0].Cells[0].InnerText = "BookMonth"; } //tblData.Rows[0].Cells[0].AddDisplayNone(); var iRowCount = 0; ds.Tables[0].Columns["Amount"].ColumnName = "$ Amount"; foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { entry_id = (int)dr["EntryID"]; entry_month = String.Format("{0:MMMM}", DateTime.Parse(dr["BookMonth"].ToString() + "/" + dr["FiscalYear"].ToString())); doc_number = (string)Utility.GetNotNullValue(dr["DocNumber"], "String"); amount = (decimal)dr["$ Amount"]; total_amount += amount; explanation = (string)Utility.GetNotNullValue(dr["Explanation"], "String"); tr = new HtmlTableRow(); tr.AddCssClass((iRowCount++) % 2 > 0 ? "tRowAlt" : "tRow"); if (entry_id >= 0 && !read_only && dr["BookMonth"].ToString() == BookMonth) { td = new HtmlTableCell(); var btnEdit = new HtmlInputImage(); btnEdit.ID = "edit_ctrl_" + entry_id.ToString(); btnEdit.Src = "../images/note.gif"; btnEdit.Alt = "Edit record"; btnEdit.AddOnClick("return edit_row(this," + entry_id.ToString() + "," + DataEntryType.ToString() + ");"); td.Controls.Add(btnEdit); tr.Cells.Add(td); td = new HtmlTableCell(); var btnDelete = new HtmlInputImage(); btnDelete.ID = "delete_ctrl_" + entry_id.ToString(); btnDelete.Src = "../images/btn_contact_delete.gif"; btnDelete.Alt = "Delete record"; btnDelete.AddOnClick("return delete_row(this," + entry_id.ToString() + "," + DataEntryType.ToString() + ");"); td.Controls.Add(btnDelete); tr.Cells.Add(td); } else { td = new HtmlTableCell(); td.ColSpan = 2; td.InnerText = entry_month; tr.Cells.Add(td); } td = new HtmlTableCell(); if (entry_id < 0) { td.InnerHtml = "<font color='green'>Show Details</font>"; td.AddOnClick("Expand(this)"); td.AddTitle("Expand"); td.Style.Add("cursor", "pointer"); } else { td.InnerHtml = doc_number != "" ? doc_number : " "; } tr.Cells.Add(td); td = new HtmlTableCell(); td.InnerText = amount == 0 ? "0" : String.Format("{0:0,0}", Convert.ToInt64(amount)); td.Align = "right"; tr.Cells.Add(td); td = new HtmlTableCell(); td.InnerHtml = explanation != "" ? explanation : " "; tr.Cells.Add(td); tblData.Rows.Add(tr); if (entry_id < 0) //expanded table { tr = new HtmlTableRow(); tr.Style.Add("display", "none"); td = new HtmlTableCell(); tr.Cells.Add(td); td = new HtmlTableCell(); td.ColSpan = 4; var mg = new MultiGrid(); mg = (MultiGrid)Page.LoadControl("..\\Controls\\MultiGrid.ascx"); td.Controls.Add(mg); tr.Cells.Add(td); tblData.Rows.Add(tr); var dtO = FundStatus.GetUserEntryDataList(DataEntryType, FiscalYear, BookMonth, Organization, BusinessLineCode, ReportGroupCode, entry_id).Tables[0]; var dt = dtO.Clone(); dt.Columns["Amount"].DataType = typeof(string); foreach (DataRow r in dtO.Rows) { dt.ImportRow(r); } dt.Columns["Amount"].ColumnName = "$ Amount"; foreach (DataRow r in dt.Rows) { r["Month"] = Month[Convert.ToInt32(r["Month"]) - 1]; r["$ Amount"] = String.Format("{0:0,0}", Convert.ToInt64(Convert.ToDecimal(r["$ Amount"]))); if (r["$ Amount"].ToString() == "00") { r["$ Amount"] = "0"; } } mg.Table = dt; mg.TblCSSClass = "eTbl"; mg.TblBorderClass = "eBorder"; mg.HeaderCSSClass = "reportHeaderGreen"; mg.ItemCSSClass = "eRow"; mg.Height = Unit.Pixel(dt.Rows.Count * 18 + 19); //make it not scrollable by setting full height } } //add row for insert record - if applicable if (!read_only) { HtmlInputText txt; tr = new HtmlTableRow(); tr.AddCssClass((iRowCount++) % 2 > 0 ? "tRowAlt" : "tRow"); td = new HtmlTableCell(); var btnCancel = new HtmlInputImage(); btnCancel.ID = "cancel_ctrl_new"; btnCancel.Src = "../images/back.gif"; btnCancel.Alt = "Cancel changes"; btnCancel.AddWidth(12); btnCancel.AddHeight(12); btnCancel.AddOnClick("return cancel_edit(this);"); td.Controls.Add(btnCancel); tr.Cells.Add(td); td = new HtmlTableCell(); var btnEdit = new HtmlInputImage(); btnEdit.ID = "save_ctrl_new"; btnEdit.Src = "../images/save.gif"; btnEdit.Alt = "Save new record"; btnEdit.AddWidth(12); btnEdit.AddHeight(12); btnEdit.AddOnClick("return save_row(this,0," + DataEntryType.ToString() + ");"); td.Controls.Add(btnEdit); tr.Cells.Add(td); td = new HtmlTableCell(); td.AddStyle("padding-left:5px;padding-right:5px"); txt = new HtmlInputText(); txt.AddStyle("width:100%;height:15px;text-align:center;"); td.Controls.Add(txt); tr.Cells.Add(td); td = new HtmlTableCell(); td.AddStyle("padding-left:5px;padding-right:5px"); txt = new HtmlInputText(); txt.AddStyle("width:100%;height:15px;text-align:center;"); txt.AddOnMouseOut("extractNumber(this,0,true,9999999999);"); txt.AddOnKeyUp("extractNumber(this,0,true,9999999999);"); txt.AddKeyPressBlockNonNumbers(); td.Controls.Add(txt); tr.Cells.Add(td); td = new HtmlTableCell(); td.AddStyle("padding-left:5px;padding-right:5px"); txt = new HtmlInputText(); txt.AddStyle("width:100%;height:15px;text-align:center;"); td.Controls.Add(txt); tr.Cells.Add(td); tblData.Rows.Add(tr); } lblAmount.Text = total_amount == 0 ? "0" : String.Format("{0:$0,0}", Convert.ToInt64(total_amount)); }
private void DrawViewPart(int SummaryReportViewType) { var header_link_onclick = String.Format("javascript:get_link('FundsReport.aspx?org={0}&fy={1}&bl={2}", Organization, FiscalYear, BusinessLine); header_link_onclick = header_link_onclick + "&bm={0}');"; var cell_link_onclick = String.Format("javascript:get_link('FundSearch.aspx?org={0}&fy={1}&bl={2}&ba={3}", Organization, FiscalYear, BusinessLine, DEFAULT_VALUE_BUDGET_ACTIVITY); cell_link_onclick = cell_link_onclick + "&vm={0}&bm={1}&gcd={2}');"; //before drawing the table: //if the Organization value is empty - take the BusinessLine value, //otherwise - ignore BusinessLine value and build the report in Organization level: if (Organization != "") { BusinessLine = ""; } HtmlTableRow tr; if (dsState == null || dsConfig == null) { dsState = FSSummaryReport.GetSummaryState(FiscalYear, Organization, BusinessLine); dsConfig = FSDataServices.GetFSReportConfiguration(); /* * in case of report by Business Line the following should be recalculated and not taken from the database (State table): * - projection * - rwa * - total obligations, etc * because in calulation we use reference to paid days * */ dtState = dsState.Tables[0].Copy(); //check the values and then decide if we need it: if (BusinessLine != "") { dtState = FSSummaryReport.RecalculateSummaryValuesForBusinessLine(dtState, BusinessLine, FiscalYear); } } //add first row - months captions: tr = new HtmlTableRow(); tr.AddReportRow(); tr.Cells.AddHeaderCell(ReportHeader, "reportHeaderGreen", "center"); HtmlTableCell td; string month_name; foreach (var bm in month_arr) { month_name = DateTime.Parse(bm + "/01/" + FiscalYear).ToString("MMMM"); if (!BuildReportForExcel) { td = new HtmlTableCell(); td.InnerText = month_name; td.Align = "center"; td.AddCssClass("reportHeaderGreenLink"); td.AddOnClick(String.Format(header_link_onclick, bm)); td.AddTitle(String.Format("Click here to see Fund Status Report for {0}", month_name)); td.AddOnMouseOver("this.className='reportHeaderGreenLinkHover'"); td.AddOnMouseOut("this.className='reportHeaderGreenLink'"); tr.Cells.Add(td); } else { tr.Cells.AddHeaderCell(month_name, "reportHeaderGreen", "center"); } } TableToDraw.Rows.Add(tr); decimal m_amount = 0; var arr_sum = new decimal[13]; var arr_total_sum = new decimal[13]; DataRow[] dr_col; foreach (DataRow drConfig in dsConfig.Tables[0].Rows) { if ((int)drConfig["OrderNumber"] != 0) { tr = new HtmlTableRow(); tr.AddReportRow(); tr.Cells.AddHeaderCell(drConfig["Name"].ToString(), drConfig["CaptionStyle"].ToString(), "left"); foreach (var bm in month_arr) { td = null; if ((int)drConfig["OrderNumber"] == 99) { //display sum totals for this section: m_amount = arr_sum[Int32.Parse(bm)]; tr.Cells.AddDisplayedMoneyCell(m_amount, "reportTotal"); arr_sum[Int32.Parse(bm)] = 0; } else { dr_col = dtState.Select(String.Format("BookMonth='{0}' and GROUP_CD={1}", bm, (int)drConfig["GROUP_CD"])); if (dr_col.Length > 0) { switch (SummaryReportViewType) { case (int)FundStatusSummaryReportView.svObligations: m_amount = (decimal)Utility.GetNotNullValue(dr_col[0]["Obligations"], "Decimal"); if (!BuildReportForExcel) { td = DisplayedMoneyCell(m_amount, "reportAmountLink"); td.AddOnClick(String.Format(cell_link_onclick, (int)FundsReviewViewMode.fvObligations, GetBookMonthList(bm), (int)drConfig["GROUP_CD"])); } break; case (int)FundStatusSummaryReportView.svObligationsMonthly: m_amount = (decimal)Utility.GetNotNullValue(dr_col[0]["ObligationsMonthly"], "Decimal"); if (!BuildReportForExcel) { td = DisplayedMoneyCell(m_amount, "reportAmountLink"); td.AddOnClick(String.Format(cell_link_onclick, (int)FundsReviewViewMode.fvObligations, bm, (int)drConfig["GROUP_CD"])); } break; case (int)FundStatusSummaryReportView.svIncome: m_amount = (decimal)Utility.GetNotNullValue(dr_col[0]["Income"], "Decimal"); if (!BuildReportForExcel) { td = DisplayedMoneyCell(m_amount, "reportAmountLink"); td.AddOnClick(String.Format(cell_link_onclick, (int)FundsReviewViewMode.fvIncome, GetBookMonthList(bm), (int)drConfig["GROUP_CD"])); } break; case (int)FundStatusSummaryReportView.svIncomeMonthly: m_amount = (decimal)Utility.GetNotNullValue(dr_col[0]["IncomeMonthly"], "Decimal"); if (!BuildReportForExcel) { td = DisplayedMoneyCell(m_amount, "reportAmountLink"); td.AddOnClick(String.Format(cell_link_onclick, (int)FundsReviewViewMode.fvIncome, bm, (int)drConfig["GROUP_CD"])); } break; case (int)FundStatusSummaryReportView.svAllowance: m_amount = (decimal)Utility.GetNotNullValue(dr_col[0]["Allowance"], "Decimal"); break; case (int)FundStatusSummaryReportView.svYearEndProjection: m_amount = (decimal)Utility.GetNotNullValue(dr_col[0]["Projection"], "Decimal"); break; case (int)FundStatusSummaryReportView.svProjectedBalance: m_amount = (decimal)Utility.GetNotNullValue(dr_col[0]["Allowance"], "Decimal") - (decimal)Utility.GetNotNullValue(dr_col[0]["Projection"], "Decimal"); break; case (int)FundStatusSummaryReportView.svProjectionVariance: m_amount = (decimal)Utility.GetNotNullValue(dr_col[0]["Allowance"], "Decimal"); m_amount = (m_amount == 0) ? 0 : (m_amount - (decimal)Utility.GetNotNullValue(dr_col[0]["Projection"], "Decimal")) / m_amount; break; } } else { m_amount = 0; } if (td == null) { td = DisplayedMoneyCell(m_amount, "reportAmount"); } tr.Cells.Add(td); arr_sum[Int32.Parse(bm)] += m_amount; arr_total_sum[Int32.Parse(bm)] += m_amount; } } TableToDraw.Rows.Add(tr); } } tr = new HtmlTableRow(); tr.AddReportRow(); //display sum totals for the whole report: tr.Cells.AddHeaderCell("Grand Total", "reportHeaderBlueNAlign", "left"); foreach (var bm in month_arr) { m_amount = arr_total_sum[Int32.Parse(bm)]; tr.Cells.AddDisplayedMoneyCell(m_amount, "reportHeaderBlueNAlign"); } TableToDraw.Rows.Add(tr); }