public static void Run()
                // ExStart:OutPutToStream
                // The path to the documents directory.
                string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_AsposePdf_DocumentConversion_PDFToHTMLFormat();

                Document doc = new Document( dataDir + "input.pdf");

                // Tune conversion params
                HtmlSaveOptions newOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions();
                newOptions.RasterImagesSavingMode = HtmlSaveOptions.RasterImagesSavingModes.AsEmbeddedPartsOfPngPageBackground;
                newOptions.FontSavingMode = HtmlSaveOptions.FontSavingModes.SaveInAllFormats;
                newOptions.PartsEmbeddingMode = HtmlSaveOptions.PartsEmbeddingModes.EmbedAllIntoHtml;
                newOptions.LettersPositioningMethod = HtmlSaveOptions.LettersPositioningMethods.UseEmUnitsAndCompensationOfRoundingErrorsInCss;
                newOptions.SplitIntoPages = false;// Force write HTMLs of all pages into one output document

                newOptions.CustomHtmlSavingStrategy = new HtmlSaveOptions.HtmlPageMarkupSavingStrategy(SavingToStream);
                // We can use some non-existing puth as result file name - all real saving will be done
                // In our custom method SavingToStream() (it's follows this one)                
                doc.Save(dataDir + "OutPutToStream_out.html", newOptions);
                // ExEnd:OutPutToStream
            catch (Exception ex)
        public static void PDFNEWNET_34748()
            // 1) Tune paths and set license
            (new Aspose.Pdf.License()).SetLicense(@"F:\_Sources\Aspose_5\trunk\testdata\License\Aspose.Total.lic");
            Document pdfDocument = new Document(@"F:\ExternalTestsData\34748_36189.pdf");
            string outHtmlFile = @"F:\ExternalTestsData\34748.html";
            _folderForReferencedResources_34748 = @"F:\ExternalTestsData\out_34748\";
            // 2) Clean results if they already present
            if (Directory.Exists(_folderForReferencedResources_34748))
                Directory.Delete(_folderForReferencedResources_34748, true);
            // Create HtmlSaveOption with tested feature
            HtmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions();
            saveOptions.CustomResourceSavingStrategy = new HtmlSaveOptions.ResourceSavingStrategy(Strategy_11_CUSTOM_SAVE_OF_FONTS_AND_IMAGES);
            saveOptions.CustomCssSavingStrategy = new HtmlSaveOptions.CssSavingStrategy(Strategy_11_CSS_WriteCssToPredefinedFolder);
            saveOptions.CustomStrategyOfCssUrlCreation = new HtmlSaveOptions.CssUrlMakingStrategy(Strategy_11_CSS_ReturnResultPathInPredefinedTestFolder);

            using (Stream outStream = File.OpenWrite(outHtmlFile))
                pdfDocument.Save(outStream, saveOptions);
Exemple #3
        public static void Run()
                // ExStart:SingleHTML
                // The path to the documents directory.
                string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_AsposePdf_DocumentConversion_PDFToHTMLFormat();

                // Load source PDF file
                Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "input.pdf");
                // Instantiate HTML Save options object
                HtmlSaveOptions newOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions();

                // Enable option to embed all resources inside the HTML
                newOptions.PartsEmbeddingMode = HtmlSaveOptions.PartsEmbeddingModes.EmbedAllIntoHtml;

                // This is just optimization for IE and can be omitted
                newOptions.LettersPositioningMethod = HtmlSaveOptions.LettersPositioningMethods.UseEmUnitsAndCompensationOfRoundingErrorsInCss;
                newOptions.RasterImagesSavingMode   = HtmlSaveOptions.RasterImagesSavingModes.AsEmbeddedPartsOfPngPageBackground;
                newOptions.FontSavingMode           = HtmlSaveOptions.FontSavingModes.SaveInAllFormats;
                // Output file path
                string outHtmlFile = "SingleHTML_out.html";
                doc.Save(outHtmlFile, newOptions);
                // ExEnd:SingleHTML
            catch (Exception ex)
        public static void Run()
                // ExStart:SaveImages
                // The path to the documents directory.
                string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_AsposePdf_DocumentConversion_PDFToHTMLFormat();

                // Source PDF file
                Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "input.pdf");

                // Create HtmlSaveOption with tested feature
                HtmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions();
                saveOptions.FixedLayout = true;
                saveOptions.SplitIntoPages = false;
                saveOptions.RasterImagesSavingMode = HtmlSaveOptions.RasterImagesSavingModes.AsExternalPngFilesReferencedViaSvg;
                // Save the output in HTML format
                doc.Save( dataDir + "SaveImages_out.html", saveOptions);
                // ExEnd:SaveImages
            catch (Exception ex)
 private static string CssUrlMakingStrategy(HtmlSaveOptions.CssUrlRequestInfo requestInfo)
     string template = "style{0}.css";
     // One more example of template :
     // String template = "http:// Localhost:24661/document-viewer/GetResourceForHtmlHandler?documentPath=Deutschland201207Arbeit.pdf&resourcePath=style{0}.css&fileNameOnly=false";
     return template;
        // ExStart:PrefixToImportDirectivesHelper
        private static void Strategy_10_CSS_WriteCssToResourceFolder(HtmlSaveOptions.CssSavingInfo resourceInfo)
            // -------------------------------------------------------
            // This is only one of possible implementation of saving
            // You can write and use Your own implementation if You will
            // -------------------------------------------------------

            // Get CSS file name from requested file.
            // Some trick required cause we get in parameters of this method
            // Not pure file name but full URL that
            // Created with usage of our template returned in Strategy_9_CSS_ReturnResultPathInPredefinedTestFolder()
            // So, knowing of that template we must extract from it CSS file name itself
            string guid = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            string fullPathWithGuid = Strategy_10_CSS_ReturnResultPathInPredefinedTestFolder(new HtmlSaveOptions.CssUrlRequestInfo());
            fullPathWithGuid = string.Format(fullPathWithGuid, guid);
            int prefixLength = fullPathWithGuid.IndexOf(guid);
            int suffixLength = fullPathWithGuid.Length - (fullPathWithGuid.IndexOf(guid) + guid.Length);
            string fullPath = resourceInfo.SupposedURL;
            fullPath = fullPath.Substring(prefixLength);
            string cssFileNameCore = fullPath.Substring(0, fullPath.Length - suffixLength);

            // Get final file name for saving
            string cssFileName = "style" + cssFileNameCore + ".css";
            string path = _folderForReferencedResources_36435 + cssFileName;

            // Saving itself
            System.IO.BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(resourceInfo.ContentStream);
            System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(path, reader.ReadBytes((int)resourceInfo.ContentStream.Length));
        public static void Run()
                // ExStart:PrefixForFonts
                // The path to the documents directory.
                string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_AsposePdf_DocumentConversion_PDFToHTMLFormat();

                Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "input.pdf");
                string outHtmlFile = dataDir + "PrefixForFonts_out.html";
                _desiredFontDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(outHtmlFile) + @"\36296_files\";
                if (!Directory.Exists(_desiredFontDir))
                // Reset counter for font names - this counter will be used in our custom code
                // To generate unigue font file names

                _fontNumberForUniqueFontFileNames = 0;

                // Create HtmlSaveOption with custom saving strategy that will do all the job
                HtmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions();
                saveOptions.CustomResourceSavingStrategy = new HtmlSaveOptions.ResourceSavingStrategy(CustomResourcesProcessing);
                doc.Save(outHtmlFile, saveOptions);
                // ExEnd:PrefixForFonts
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemple #8
        public void ExportFonts(bool exportAsBase64)
            Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Document.doc");

            HtmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions
                ExportFontResources = true,
                ExportFontsAsBase64 = exportAsBase64

            switch (exportAsBase64)
            case false:

                doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "DocumentExportFonts 1.html", saveOptions);
                Assert.IsNotEmpty(Directory.GetFiles(ArtifactsDir, "DocumentExportFonts 1.times.ttf",

            case true:

                doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "DocumentExportFonts 2.html", saveOptions);
                Assert.IsEmpty(Directory.GetFiles(ArtifactsDir, "DocumentExportFonts 2.times.ttf",
        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:1
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);
            // Create workbook object and access first worksheet.
            Workbook wb = new Workbook();
            Worksheet ws = wb.Worksheets[0];

            // Access cell B4 and add some text inside it.
            Cell cell = ws.Cells["B4"];
            cell.PutValue("This text has some unknown or invalid font which does not exist.");

            // Set the font of cell B4 which is unknown.
            Style st = cell.GetStyle();
            st.Font.Name = "UnknownNotExist";
            st.Font.Size = 20;

            // Now save the workbook in html format and set the default font to Courier New.
            HtmlSaveOptions opts = new HtmlSaveOptions();
            opts.DefaultFontName = "Courier New";
            wb.Save(dataDir + "out_courier_new_out.htm", opts);

            // Now save the workbook in html format once again but set the default font to Arial.
            opts.DefaultFontName = "Arial";
            wb.Save(dataDir + "out_arial_out.htm", opts);

            // Now save the workbook in html format once again but set the default font to Times New Roman.
            opts.DefaultFontName = "Times New Roman";
            wb.Save(dataDir + "times_new_roman_out.htm", opts);
            // ExEnd:1           
        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:SpecifySaveOption            
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_LoadingAndSaving();

            string fileName = "TestFile RenderShape.docx";

            Document doc = new Document(dataDir + fileName);

            // This is the directory we want the exported images to be saved to.
            string imagesDir = Path.Combine(dataDir, "Images");

            // The folder specified needs to exist and should be empty.
            if (Directory.Exists(imagesDir))
                Directory.Delete(imagesDir, true);


            // Set an option to export form fields as plain text, not as HTML input elements.
            HtmlSaveOptions options = new HtmlSaveOptions(SaveFormat.Html);
            options.ExportTextInputFormFieldAsText = true;
            options.ImagesFolder = imagesDir;

            dataDir = dataDir + "Document.SaveWithOptions_out.html";
            doc.Save(dataDir, options);

            // ExEnd:SpecifySaveOption

            Console.WriteLine("\nSave option specified successfully.\nFile saved at " + dataDir);

        public static void Run()
                // ExStart:PrefixForURLs
                // The path to the documents directory.
                string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_AsposePdf_DocumentConversion_PDFToHTMLFormat();
                Document testDoc = new Document(dataDir + "input.pdf");

                HtmlSaveOptions options = new HtmlSaveOptions();
                // This is main setting that allows work and testing of tested feature
                options.RasterImagesSavingMode = HtmlSaveOptions.RasterImagesSavingModes.AsExternalPngFilesReferencedViaSvg;//

                options.CustomResourceSavingStrategy = new HtmlSaveOptions.ResourceSavingStrategy(Custom_processor_of_embedded_images);
                // Do conversion
                testDoc.Save(dataDir + @"PrefixForURLs_out.html", options);
                // ExEnd:PrefixForURLs
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemple #12
        public void CssClassNamesNotValidPrefix()
            HtmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions();

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => saveOptions.CssClassNamePrefix = "@%-",
                                              "The class name prefix must be a valid CSS identifier.");
Exemple #13
        public void ConfigForSavingExternalResources()
            Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "HtmlSaveOptions.ExportPageMargins.docx");

            HtmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions
                CssStyleSheetType   = CssStyleSheetType.External,
                ExportFontResources = true,
                ResourceFolder      = "Resources",
                ResourceFolderAlias = ""

            doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "HtmlSaveOptions.ExportPageMargins.html", saveOptions);

            string[] imageFiles = Directory.GetFiles(ArtifactsDir + "Resources/", "*.png", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, imageFiles.Length);

            string[] fontFiles = Directory.GetFiles(ArtifactsDir + "Resources/", "*.ttf", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, fontFiles.Length);

            string[] cssFiles = Directory.GetFiles(ArtifactsDir + "Resources/", "*.css", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, cssFiles.Length);

            DocumentHelper.FindTextInFile(ArtifactsDir + "HtmlSaveOptions.ExportPageMargins.html", "<link href=\"\"");
        public static void Run()
                // ExStart:PrefixForFonts
                // The path to the documents directory.
                string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_AsposePdf_DocumentConversion_PDFToHTMLFormat();

                Document doc         = new Document(dataDir + "input.pdf");
                string   outHtmlFile = dataDir + "PrefixForFonts_out_.html";
                _desiredFontDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(outHtmlFile) + @"\36296_files\";
                if (!Directory.Exists(_desiredFontDir))
                // Reset counter for font names - this counter will be used in our custom code
                // to generate unigue font file names

                _fontNumberForUniqueFontFileNames = 0;

                // Create HtmlSaveOption with custom saving strategy that will do all the job
                HtmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions();
                saveOptions.CustomResourceSavingStrategy = new HtmlSaveOptions.ResourceSavingStrategy(CustomResourcesProcessing);
                doc.Save(outHtmlFile, saveOptions);
                // ExEnd:PrefixForFonts
            catch (Exception ex)
        public void ResolveFontNames()
            //ExSummary:Shows how to resolve all font names before writing them to HTML.
            Document document = new Document(MyDir + "HtmlSaveOptions.ResolveFontNames.docx");

            FontSettings fontSettings = new FontSettings
                SubstitutionSettings =
                    DefaultFontSubstitution =
                        DefaultFontName = "Arial",
                        Enabled         = true

            document.FontSettings = fontSettings;

            HtmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions(SaveFormat.Html)
                // By default this option is set to 'False' and Aspose.Words writes font names as specified in the source document
                ResolveFontNames = true

            document.Save(ArtifactsDir + "HtmlSaveOptions.ResolveFontNames.html", saveOptions);

            DocumentHelper.FindTextInFile(ArtifactsDir + "HtmlSaveOptions.ResolveFontNames.html", "<span style=\"font-family:Arial\">");
Exemple #16
        public static void Run()
                // ExStart:SaveImages
                // The path to the documents directory.
                string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_AsposePdf_DocumentConversion_PDFToHTMLFormat();

                // Source PDF file
                Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "input.pdf");

                // Create HtmlSaveOption with tested feature
                HtmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions();
                saveOptions.FixedLayout            = true;
                saveOptions.SplitIntoPages         = false;
                saveOptions.RasterImagesSavingMode = HtmlSaveOptions.RasterImagesSavingModes.AsExternalPngFilesReferencedViaSvg;

                // Save the output in HTML format
                doc.Save(dataDir + "SaveImages_out.html", saveOptions);
                // ExEnd:SaveImages
            catch (Exception ex)
        public static byte[] guardarDocumentoComoHtml(Document docGuardar)
            MemoryStream streamSalida = null;

            byte[] resultadoArchivo = null;
                streamSalida = new MemoryStream();
                HtmlSaveOptions htmlSave = new HtmlSaveOptions()
                    ExportImagesAsBase64     = true,
                    ExportHeadersFootersMode = ExportHeadersFootersMode.FirstSectionHeaderLastSectionFooter,
                    PrettyFormat             = true,
                    CssStyleSheetType        = CssStyleSheetType.Inline,
                    Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8,
                docGuardar.Save(streamSalida, htmlSave);
                resultadoArchivo = streamSalida.ToArray();
            }catch (Exception ex) {
                throw ex;
                if (streamSalida != null)
Exemple #18
        public static void Run()
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_LoadingAndSaving();

            // Load the document from disk.
            Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "Document.EpubConversion.doc");

            // Create a new instance of HtmlSaveOptions. This object allows us to set options that control
            // how the output document is saved.
            HtmlSaveOptions saveOptions =
                new HtmlSaveOptions();

            // Specify the desired encoding.
            saveOptions.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;

            // Specify at what elements to split the internal HTML at. This creates a new HTML within the EPUB
            // which allows you to limit the size of each HTML part. This is useful for readers which cannot read
            // HTML files greater than a certain size e.g 300kb.
            saveOptions.DocumentSplitCriteria = DocumentSplitCriteria.HeadingParagraph;

            // Specify that we want to export document properties.
            saveOptions.ExportDocumentProperties = true;

            // Specify that we want to save in EPUB format.
            saveOptions.SaveFormat = SaveFormat.Epub;

            // Export the document as an EPUB file.
            doc.Save(dataDir + "Document.EpubConversion_out_.epub", saveOptions);
            Console.WriteLine("\nDocument converted to EPUB successfully.");
        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:1
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);
            // Specify the file path
            string filePath = dataDir + "Book1.xlsx";

            // Load a spreadsheet to be converted
            Workbook book = new Workbook(filePath);

            // Create an instance of HtmlSaveOptions
            HtmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions(SaveFormat.Html);

            // Set the ImageFormat to PNG
            saveOptions.ImageOptions.ImageFormat = System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg;

            // Set SmoothingMode to AntiAlias
            saveOptions.ImageOptions.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;

            // Set TextRenderingHint to AntiAlias
            saveOptions.ImageOptions.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;

            // Save spreadsheet to HTML while passing object of HtmlSaveOptions
            book.Save( dataDir + "output.html", saveOptions);

            // ExEnd:1
        [Test] //ExSkip
        public void DocumentPartsFileNames()
            Document doc         = new Document(MyDir + "Rendering.docx");
            string   outFileName = "SavingCallback.DocumentPartsFileNames.html";

            // Create an "HtmlFixedSaveOptions" object, which we can pass to the document's "Save" method
            // to modify how we convert the document to HTML.
            HtmlSaveOptions options = new HtmlSaveOptions();

            // If we save the document normally, there will be one output HTML
            // document with all of the source document's contents.
            // Set the "DocumentSplitCriteria" property to "DocumentSplitCriteria.SectionBreak" to
            // save our document to multiple HTML files: one for each section.
            options.DocumentSplitCriteria = DocumentSplitCriteria.SectionBreak;

            // Assign a custom callback to the "DocumentPartSavingCallback" property to alter the document part saving logic.
            options.DocumentPartSavingCallback = new SavedDocumentPartRename(outFileName, options.DocumentSplitCriteria);

            // If we convert a document that contains images into html, we will end up with one html file which links to several images.
            // Each image will be in the form of a file in the local file system.
            // There is also a callback that can customize the name and file system location of each image.
            options.ImageSavingCallback = new SavedImageRename(outFileName);

            doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + outFileName, options);
        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:1
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);
            // Create your workbook
            Workbook wb = new Workbook();

            // Access first worksheet
            Worksheet ws = wb.Worksheets[0];

            // Fill worksheet with some integer values
            for (int r = 0; r < 10; r++)
                for (int c = 0; c < 10; c++)
                    ws.Cells[r, c].PutValue(r * 1);

            // Save your workbook in HTML format and export gridlines
            HtmlSaveOptions opts = new HtmlSaveOptions();
            opts.ExportGridLines = true;
            wb.Save(dataDir + "ExportToHTMLWithGridLines_out.html", opts);
            // ExEnd:1           
        public ViewResult UploadFile(IFormFile file)
            // Set file path
            var path = Path.Combine("wwwroot/uploads", file.FileName);

            using (var stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create))
            // Load Word document
            Document doc       = new Document(path);
            var      outStream = new MemoryStream();
            // Set HTML options
            HtmlSaveOptions opt = new HtmlSaveOptions();

            opt.ExportImagesAsBase64 = true;
            opt.ExportFontsAsBase64  = true;
            // Convert Word document to HTML
            doc.Save(outStream, opt);
            // Read text from stream
            outStream.Position = 0;
            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(outStream))
                ViewBag.HtmlContent = reader.ReadToEnd();
        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:ConvertDocumentToEPUB
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_LoadingAndSaving();

            // Load the document from disk.
            Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "Document.EpubConversion.doc");

            // Create a new instance of HtmlSaveOptions. This object allows us to set options that control
            // How the output document is saved.
            HtmlSaveOptions saveOptions =
                new HtmlSaveOptions();

            // Specify the desired encoding.
            saveOptions.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;

            // Specify at what elements to split the internal HTML at. This creates a new HTML within the EPUB 
            // which allows you to limit the size of each HTML part. This is useful for readers which cannot read 
            // HTML files greater than a certain size e.g 300kb.
            saveOptions.DocumentSplitCriteria = DocumentSplitCriteria.HeadingParagraph;

            // Specify that we want to export document properties.
            saveOptions.ExportDocumentProperties = true;

            // Specify that we want to save in EPUB format.
            saveOptions.SaveFormat = SaveFormat.Epub;

            // Export the document as an EPUB file.
            doc.Save(dataDir + "Document.EpubConversion_out.epub", saveOptions);
            // ExEnd:ConvertDocumentToEPUB
            Console.WriteLine("\nDocument converted to EPUB successfully.");
Exemple #24
        public void ExportFonts(bool exportAsBase64)
            Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Document.doc");

            HtmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions
                ExportFontResources = true,
                ExportFontsAsBase64 = exportAsBase64

            switch (exportAsBase64)
            case false:

                doc.Save(MyDir + @"\Artifacts\DocumentExportFonts.html", saveOptions);
                // Verify that the font has been added to the folder
                Assert.IsNotEmpty(Directory.GetFiles(MyDir + @"Artifacts\", "DocumentExportFonts.times.ttf",

            case true:

                doc.Save(MyDir + @"\Artifacts\DocumentExportFonts.html", saveOptions);
                // Verify that the font is not added to the folder
                Assert.IsEmpty(Directory.GetFiles(MyDir + @"Artifacts\", "DocumentExportFonts.times.ttf",
Exemple #25
        public void ExportOfficeMath(SaveFormat saveFormat, HtmlOfficeMathOutputMode outputMode)
            Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "OfficeMath.docx");

            HtmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions
                OfficeMathOutputMode = outputMode

            Save(doc, @"\Artifacts\HtmlSaveOptions.ExportToHtmlUsingImage." + saveFormat.ToString().ToLower(),
                 saveFormat, saveOptions);

            switch (saveFormat)
            case SaveFormat.Html:
                    MyDir + @"\Artifacts\HtmlSaveOptions.ExportToHtmlUsingImage." + saveFormat.ToString().ToLower(),
                    "<img src=\"HtmlSaveOptions.ExportToHtmlUsingImage.001.png\" width=\"49\" height=\"19\" alt=\"\" style=\"-aw-left-pos:0pt; -aw-rel-hpos:column; -aw-rel-vpos:paragraph; -aw-top-pos:0pt; -aw-wrap-type:inline\" />");

            case SaveFormat.Mhtml:
                    MyDir + @"\Artifacts\HtmlSaveOptions.ExportToHtmlUsingImage." + saveFormat.ToString().ToLower(),
                    "<math xmlns=\"\"><mi>A</mi><mo>=</mo><mi>π</mi><msup><mrow><mi>r</mi></mrow><mrow><mn>2</mn></mrow></msup></math>");

            case SaveFormat.Epub:
                    MyDir + @"\Artifacts\HtmlSaveOptions.ExportToHtmlUsingImage." + saveFormat.ToString().ToLower(),
                    "<span style=\"font-family:\'Cambria Math\'\">A=π</span><span style=\"font-family:\'Cambria Math\'\">r</span><span style=\"font-family:\'Cambria Math\'\">2</span>");
 public static void Run()
         // ExStart:PrefixToImportDirectives
         // The path to the documents directory.
         string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_AsposePdf_DocumentConversion_PDFToHTMLFormat();
         string linceseFile = ""; // E.g @"F:\_Sources\Aspose.Total.lic"
         (new Aspose.Pdf.License()).SetLicense(linceseFile);
         Document pdfDocument = new Document(dataDir + "input.pdf");
         string outHtmlFile = dataDir + "PrefixToImportDirectives_out.html";
         _folderForReferencedResources_36435 = dataDir;
         // Create HtmlSaveOption with tested feature
         HtmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions();
         saveOptions.CustomStrategyOfCssUrlCreation = new HtmlSaveOptions.CssUrlMakingStrategy(Strategy_10_CSS_ReturnResultPathInPredefinedTestFolder);
         saveOptions.CustomCssSavingStrategy = new HtmlSaveOptions.CssSavingStrategy(Strategy_10_CSS_WriteCssToResourceFolder);
         // Run converter
         pdfDocument.Save(outHtmlFile, saveOptions);
         // ExEnd:PrefixToImportDirectives
     catch (Exception ex)
Exemple #27
        public void ConvertNodeToHtmlWithDefaultOptions()
            //ExSummary:Exports the content of a node to String in HTML format.
            Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Document.docx");

            Node node = doc.LastSection.Body.LastParagraph;

            // When we call the ToString method using the html SaveFormat overload,
            // it converts the node's contents to their raw html representation.
            Assert.AreEqual("<p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:8pt; line-height:108%; font-size:12pt\">" +
                            "<span style=\"font-family:'Times New Roman'\">Hello World!</span>" +
                            "</p>", node.ToString(SaveFormat.Html));

            // We can also modify the result of this conversion using a SaveOptions object.
            HtmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions();

            saveOptions.ExportRelativeFontSize = true;

            Assert.AreEqual("<p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:8pt; line-height:108%\">" +
                            "<span style=\"font-family:'Times New Roman'\">Hello World!</span>" +
                            "</p>", node.ToString(saveOptions));
        public void MetafileFormat()
            //ExSummary:Shows how to set a meta file in a different format.
            // Create a document from an html string
            string html =
                    <svg xmlns='' width='500' height='40' viewBox='0 0 500 40'>
                        <text x='0' y='35' font-family='Verdana' font-size='35'>Hello world!</text>

            Document doc = new Document(new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(html)));

            // This document contains a <svg> element in the form of text,
            // which by default will be saved as a linked external .png when we save the document as html
            // We can save with a HtmlSaveOptions object with this flag set to preserve the <svg> tag
            HtmlSaveOptions options = new HtmlSaveOptions();

            options.MetafileFormat = HtmlMetafileFormat.Svg;

            doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "HtmlSaveOptions.MetafileFormat.html", options);
        public void ExportTocPageNumbers()
            //ExSummary:Shows how to display page numbers when saving a document with a table of contents to .html.
            Document        doc     = new Document();
            DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

            // Insert a table of contents
            FieldToc fieldToc = (FieldToc)builder.InsertField(FieldType.FieldTOC, true);

            // Populate the document with paragraphs of a "Heading" style that the table of contents will pick up
            builder.ParagraphFormat.Style = builder.Document.Styles["Heading 1"];
            builder.Writeln("Entry 1");
            builder.Writeln("Entry 2");
            builder.Writeln("Entry 3");
            builder.Writeln("Entry 4");

            // Our headings span several pages, and those page numbers will be displayed by the TOC at the top of the document

            // These page numbers are normally omitted since .html has no pagination, but we can still have them displayed
            // if we save with a HtmlSaveOptions object with the ExportTocPageNumbers set to true
            HtmlSaveOptions options = new HtmlSaveOptions();

            options.ExportTocPageNumbers = true;

            doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "HtmlSaveOptions.ExportTocPageNumbers.html", options);
        public void ExportPageSetup()
            //ExSummary:Shows how to preserve section structure/page setup information when saving to html.
            Document        doc     = new Document();
            DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

            // Use a DocumentBuilder to insert two sections with text
            builder.Writeln("Section 1");
            builder.Writeln("Section 2");

            // Change dimensions and paper size of first section
            PageSetup pageSetup = doc.Sections[0].PageSetup;

            pageSetup.TopMargin    = 36.0;
            pageSetup.BottomMargin = 36.0;
            pageSetup.PaperSize    = PaperSize.A5;

            // Section structure and pagination are normally lost when when converting to .html
            // We can create an HtmlSaveOptions object with the ExportPageSetup flag set to true
            // to preserve the section structure in <div> tags and page dimensions in the output document's CSS
            HtmlSaveOptions options = new HtmlSaveOptions
                ExportPageSetup = true,
                PrettyFormat    = true

            doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "HtmlSaveOptions.ExportPageSetup.html", options);
        public void RelativeFontSize()
            //ExSummary:Shows how to use relative font sizes when saving to .html.
            Document        doc     = new Document();
            DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

            // Use a builder to write some text in various sizes
            builder.Writeln("Default font size, ");
            builder.Font.Size = 24.0;
            builder.Writeln("2x default font size,");
            builder.Font.Size = 96;
            builder.Write("8x default font size");

            // We can save font sizes as ratios of the default size, which will be 12 in this case
            // If we use an input .html, this size can be set with the AbsSize {font-size:12pt} tag
            // The ExportRelativeFontSize will enable this feature
            HtmlSaveOptions options = new HtmlSaveOptions
                ExportRelativeFontSize = true,
                PrettyFormat           = true

            doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "HtmlSaveOptions.RelativeFontSize.html", options);
        public void List()
            //ExSummary:Shows how to export an indented list to .html as plain text.
            Document        doc     = new Document();
            DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

            // Use the builder to insert a list
            Aspose.Words.Lists.List list = doc.Lists.Add(ListTemplate.NumberDefault);
            builder.ListFormat.List = list;

            builder.Writeln("List item 1.");
            builder.Writeln("List item 2.");
            builder.Write("List item 3.");

            // When we save this to .html, normally our list will be represented by <li> tags
            // We can set this flag to have lists as plain text instead
            HtmlSaveOptions options = new HtmlSaveOptions
                ExportListLabels = ExportListLabels.AsInlineText,
                PrettyFormat     = true

            doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "HtmlSaveOptions.List.html", options);
        public void ExportPageMargins()
            //ExSummary:Shows how to show out-of-bounds objects in output .html documents.
            Document        doc     = new Document();
            DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

            // Use a builder to insert a shape with no wrapping
            Shape shape = builder.InsertShape(ShapeType.Cube, 200, 200);

            shape.RelativeHorizontalPosition = RelativeHorizontalPosition.Page;
            shape.RelativeVerticalPosition   = RelativeVerticalPosition.Page;
            shape.WrapType = WrapType.None;

            // Negative values for shape position may cause the shape to go out of page bounds
            // If we export this to .html, the shape will be truncated
            shape.Left = -150;

            // We can avoid that and have the entire shape be visible by setting this flag
            HtmlSaveOptions options = new HtmlSaveOptions();

            options.ExportPageMargins = true;

            doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "HtmlSaveOptions.ExportPageMargins.html", options);
Exemple #34
        public static void Run()
            //Output directory
            string outputDir = RunExamples.Get_OutputDirectory();

            //Create workbook object
            Workbook wb = new Workbook();

            //Access first worksheet
            Worksheet ws = wb.Worksheets[0];

            //Access cell B5 and put value inside it
            Cell cell = ws.Cells["B5"];

            cell.PutValue("This is some text.");

            //Set the style of the cell - font color is Red
            Style st = cell.GetStyle();

            st.Font.Color = Color.Red;

            //Specify html save options - specify table css id
            HtmlSaveOptions opts = new HtmlSaveOptions();

            opts.TableCssId = "MyTest_TableCssId";

            //Save the workbook in html
            wb.Save(outputDir + "outputTableCssId.html", opts);

            Console.WriteLine("PrefixTableElementsStylesWithHtmlSaveOptions_TableCssIdProperty executed successfully.");
        public void ExportLanguageInformation()
            //ExSummary:Shows how to preserve language information when saving to .html.
            Document        doc     = new Document();
            DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

            // Use the builder to write text in more than one language
            builder.Font.LocaleId = 2057; // en-GB
            builder.Writeln("Hello world!");

            builder.Font.LocaleId = 1049; // ru-RU
            builder.Write("Привет, мир!");

            // Normally, when saving a document with more than one proofing language to .html,
            // only the text content is preserved with no traces of any other languages
            // Saving with a HtmlSaveOptions object with this flag set will add "lang" attributes to spans
            // in places where other proofing languages were used
            HtmlSaveOptions options = new HtmlSaveOptions
                ExportLanguageInformation = true,
                PrettyFormat = true

            doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "HtmlSaveOptions.ExportLanguageInformation.html", options);
        public void FolderAlias()
            //ExSummary:Shows how to set folders and folder aliases for externally saved resources when saving to html.
            Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Rendering.doc");

            HtmlSaveOptions options = new HtmlSaveOptions
                CssStyleSheetType   = CssStyleSheetType.External,
                ExportFontResources = true,
                ImageResolution     = 72,
                FontResourcesSubsettingSizeThreshold = 0,
                FontsFolder         = ArtifactsDir + "Fonts",
                ImagesFolder        = ArtifactsDir + "Images",
                ResourceFolder      = ArtifactsDir + "Resources",
                FontsFolderAlias    = "",
                ImagesFolderAlias   = "",
                ResourceFolderAlias = "",
                ExportOriginalUrlForLinkedImages = true

            doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "HtmlSaveOptions.FolderAlias.html", options);
        public void EpubHeadings()
            //ExSummary:Shows the relationship between heading levels and the Epub navigation panel.
            Document        doc     = new Document();
            DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

            // Insert headings of levels 1 - 3
            builder.ParagraphFormat.Style = builder.Document.Styles["Heading 1"];
            builder.Writeln("Heading #1");
            builder.ParagraphFormat.Style = builder.Document.Styles["Heading 2"];
            builder.Writeln("Heading #2");
            builder.ParagraphFormat.Style = builder.Document.Styles["Heading 3"];
            builder.Writeln("Heading #3");
            builder.ParagraphFormat.Style = builder.Document.Styles["Heading 1"];
            builder.Writeln("Heading #4");
            builder.ParagraphFormat.Style = builder.Document.Styles["Heading 2"];
            builder.Writeln("Heading #5");
            builder.ParagraphFormat.Style = builder.Document.Styles["Heading 3"];
            builder.Writeln("Heading #6");

            // Epub readers normally treat paragraphs with "Heading" styles as anchors for a table of contents-style navigation pane
            // We set a maximum heading level above which headings won't be registered by the reader as navigation points with
            // a HtmlSaveOptions object and its EpubNavigationLevel attribute
            // Our document has headings of levels 1 to 3,
            // but our output epub will only place level 1 and 2 headings in the table of contents
            HtmlSaveOptions options = new HtmlSaveOptions(SaveFormat.Epub);

            options.EpubNavigationMapLevel = 2;

            doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "HtmlSaveOptions.EpubHeadings.epub", options);
        public void HeadingLevels()
            //ExSummary:Shows how to split a document into several html documents by heading levels.
            Document        doc     = new Document();
            DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

            // Insert headings of levels 1 - 3
            builder.ParagraphFormat.Style = builder.Document.Styles["Heading 1"];
            builder.Writeln("Heading #1");
            builder.ParagraphFormat.Style = builder.Document.Styles["Heading 2"];
            builder.Writeln("Heading #2");
            builder.ParagraphFormat.Style = builder.Document.Styles["Heading 3"];
            builder.Writeln("Heading #3");
            builder.ParagraphFormat.Style = builder.Document.Styles["Heading 1"];
            builder.Writeln("Heading #4");
            builder.ParagraphFormat.Style = builder.Document.Styles["Heading 2"];
            builder.Writeln("Heading #5");
            builder.ParagraphFormat.Style = builder.Document.Styles["Heading 3"];
            builder.Writeln("Heading #6");

            // Create a HtmlSaveOptions object and set the split criteria to "HeadingParagraph", meaning that the document
            // will be split into parts at the beginning of every paragraph of a "Heading" style, and each part will be saved as a separate document
            // Also, we will set the DocumentSplitHeadingLevel to 2, which will split the document only at headings that have levels from 1 to 2
            HtmlSaveOptions options = new HtmlSaveOptions
                DocumentSplitCriteria     = DocumentSplitCriteria.HeadingParagraph,
                DocumentSplitHeadingLevel = 2

            doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "HtmlSaveOptions.HeadingLevels.html", options);
        public void NegativeIndent()
            //ExSummary:Shows how to preserve negative indents in the output .html.
            Document        doc     = new Document();
            DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

            // Insert a table and give it a negative value for its indent, effectively pushing it out of the left page boundary
            Table table = builder.StartTable();

            builder.Write("Cell 1");
            builder.Write("Cell 2");
            table.LeftIndent     = -36;
            table.PreferredWidth = PreferredWidth.FromPoints(144);

            // When saving to .html, this indent will only be preserved if we set this flag
            HtmlSaveOptions options = new HtmlSaveOptions(SaveFormat.Html);

            options.AllowNegativeIndent  = true;
            options.TableWidthOutputMode = HtmlElementSizeOutputMode.RelativeOnly;

            // The first cell with "Cell 1" will not be visible in the output
            doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "HtmlSaveOptions.AllowNegativeIndent.html", options);
        public void ConvertNodeToHtmlWithSaveOptions()
            //ExSummary:Exports the content of a node to String in HTML format using custom specified options.
            Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Document.doc");

            // Extract the last paragraph in the document to convert to HTML.
            Node node = doc.LastSection.Body.LastParagraph;

            // Create an instance of HtmlSaveOptions and set a few options.
            HtmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions
                ExportHeadersFootersMode = ExportHeadersFootersMode.PerSection,
                ExportRelativeFontSize   = true

            // Convert the document to HTML and return as a String. Pass the instance of HtmlSaveOptions to
            // to use the specified options during the conversion.
            String nodeAsHtml = node.ToString(saveOptions);


                "<p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt\"><span style=\"font-family:'Times New Roman'\">Hello World!</span></p>",
        public static void Run()
                // ExStart:SingleHTML
                // The path to the documents directory.
                string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_AsposePdf_DocumentConversion_PDFToHTMLFormat();

                // Load source PDF file
                Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "input.pdf");
                // Instantiate HTML Save options object
                HtmlSaveOptions newOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions();

                // Enable option to embed all resources inside the HTML
                newOptions.PartsEmbeddingMode = HtmlSaveOptions.PartsEmbeddingModes.EmbedAllIntoHtml;

                // This is just optimization for IE and can be omitted 
                newOptions.LettersPositioningMethod = HtmlSaveOptions.LettersPositioningMethods.UseEmUnitsAndCompensationOfRoundingErrorsInCss;
                newOptions.RasterImagesSavingMode = HtmlSaveOptions.RasterImagesSavingModes.AsEmbeddedPartsOfPngPageBackground;
                newOptions.FontSavingMode = HtmlSaveOptions.FontSavingModes.SaveInAllFormats;
                // Output file path 
                string outHtmlFile = "SingleHTML_out.html";
                doc.Save(outHtmlFile, newOptions);
                // ExEnd:SingleHTML
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemple #42
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string MyDir = @"Files\";
            // Open an existing document from disk.
            Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Converting Document.docx");

            // Create a new instance of HtmlSaveOptions. This object allows us to set options that control
            // how the output document is saved.
            HtmlSaveOptions saveOptions =
                new HtmlSaveOptions();

            // Specify the desired encoding.
            saveOptions.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;

            // Specify at what elements to split the internal HTML at. This creates a new HTML within the EPUB 
            // which allows you to limit the size of each HTML part. This is useful for readers which cannot read 
            // HTML files greater than a certain size e.g 300kb.
            saveOptions.DocumentSplitCriteria = DocumentSplitCriteria.HeadingParagraph;

            // Specify that we want to export document properties.
            saveOptions.ExportDocumentProperties = true;

            // Specify that we want to save in EPUB format.
            saveOptions.SaveFormat = SaveFormat.Epub;

            // Export the document as an EPUB file.
            doc.Save(MyDir + "Document.EpubConversion Out.epub", saveOptions);
        public void FontSubsetting()
            //ExSummary:Shows how to work with font subsetting.
            Document        doc     = new Document();
            DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

            // Use a DocumentBuilder to insert text with several fonts
            builder.Font.Name = "Arial";
            builder.Writeln("Hello world!");
            builder.Font.Name = "Times New Roman";
            builder.Writeln("Hello world!");
            builder.Font.Name = "Courier New";
            builder.Writeln("Hello world!");

            // When saving to .html, font subsetting fully applies by default, meaning that when we export fonts with our file,
            // the symbols not used by our document are not represented by the exported fonts, which cuts down file size dramatically
            // Font files of a file size larger than FontResourcesSubsettingSizeThreshold get subsetted, so a value of 0 will apply default full subsetting
            // Setting the value to something large will fully suppress subsetting, saving some very large font files that cover every glyph
            HtmlSaveOptions options = new HtmlSaveOptions
                ExportFontResources = true,
                FontResourcesSubsettingSizeThreshold = int.MaxValue

            doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "HtmlSaveOptions.FontSubsetting.html", options);
        public void ExportTextBoxAsSvg(SaveFormat saveFormat, bool isTextBoxAsSvg)
            string[] dirFiles;

            Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "HtmlSaveOptions.ExportTextBoxAsSvg.docx");

            HtmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions(saveFormat);

            saveOptions.ExportTextBoxAsSvg = isTextBoxAsSvg;

            doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "HtmlSaveOptions.ExportTextBoxAsSvg" + FileFormatUtil.SaveFormatToExtension(saveFormat), saveOptions);

            switch (saveFormat)
            case SaveFormat.Html:

                dirFiles = Directory.GetFiles(ArtifactsDir, "HtmlSaveOptions.ExportTextBoxAsSvg.001.png", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
                Assert.That(dirFiles, Is.Empty);

            case SaveFormat.Epub:

                dirFiles = Directory.GetFiles(ArtifactsDir, "HtmlSaveOptions.ExportTextBoxAsSvg.001.png", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
                Assert.That(dirFiles, Is.Empty);

            case SaveFormat.Mhtml:

                dirFiles = Directory.GetFiles(ArtifactsDir, "HtmlSaveOptions.ExportTextBoxAsSvg.001.png", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
                Assert.That(dirFiles, Is.Empty);
Exemple #45
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string FilePath = @"..\..\..\Sample Files\";
            string FileName = FilePath + "Converting Document.docx";

            // Open an existing document from disk.
            Document doc = new Document(FileName);

            // Create a new instance of HtmlSaveOptions. This object allows us to set options that control
            // how the output document is saved.
            HtmlSaveOptions saveOptions =
                new HtmlSaveOptions();

            // Specify the desired encoding.
            saveOptions.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;

            // Specify at what elements to split the internal HTML at. This creates a new HTML within the EPUB
            // which allows you to limit the size of each HTML part. This is useful for readers which cannot read
            // HTML files greater than a certain size e.g 300kb.
            saveOptions.DocumentSplitCriteria = DocumentSplitCriteria.HeadingParagraph;

            // Specify that we want to export document properties.
            saveOptions.ExportDocumentProperties = true;

            // Specify that we want to save in EPUB format.
            saveOptions.SaveFormat = SaveFormat.Epub;

            // Export the document as an EPUB file.
            doc.Save(FilePath + "Document.EpubConversion Out.epub", saveOptions);
 private static void WOFFFormat()
     // Create HtmlSaveOption with tested feature
     HtmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions();
     // ExStart:WOFFFormat
     saveOptions.FontSavingMode = HtmlSaveOptions.FontSavingModes.AlwaysSaveAsWOFF;
     // ExEnd:WOFFFormat
        // ExStart:SplitCSSToPagesHelpers
        private static void Strategy_4_CSS_MULTIPAGE_SAVING_RIGHT_WAY(HtmlSaveOptions.CssSavingInfo partSavingInfo)
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_AsposePdf_DocumentConversion_PDFToHTMLFormat();

            string outPath = dataDir + "style_xyz_page" + partSavingInfo.CssNumber.ToString() + ".css";
            System.IO.BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(partSavingInfo.ContentStream);
            System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(outPath, reader.ReadBytes((int)partSavingInfo.ContentStream.Length));
 // ExStart:SavingToStream
 private static void SavingToStream(HtmlSaveOptions.HtmlPageMarkupSavingInfo htmlSavingInfo)
     byte[] resultHtmlAsBytes = new byte[htmlSavingInfo.ContentStream.Length];
     htmlSavingInfo.ContentStream.Read(resultHtmlAsBytes, 0, resultHtmlAsBytes.Length);
     // Here You can use any writable stream, file stream is taken just as example
     string fileName = "stream_out.html";
     Stream outStream = File.OpenWrite(fileName);
     outStream.Write(resultHtmlAsBytes, 0, resultHtmlAsBytes.Length);
        private static void CustomSavingOfCss(HtmlSaveOptions.CssSavingInfo resourceInfo)
            System.IO.BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(resourceInfo.ContentStream);
            byte[] cssAsBytes = reader.ReadBytes((int)resourceInfo.ContentStream.Length);
            Console.WriteLine("Css page processed with handler. Length of css in bytes is " + cssAsBytes.Length.ToString());

            // Here You can put code that will save page's HTML to some storage, f.e database
            MemoryStream targetStream = new MemoryStream();
            targetStream.Write(cssAsBytes, 0, cssAsBytes.Length);
 private static void Strategy_11_CSS_WriteCssToPredefinedFolder(HtmlSaveOptions.CssSavingInfo resourceInfo)
     if (!Directory.Exists(_folderForReferencedResources_34748))
     string path = _folderForReferencedResources_34748 + Path.GetFileName(resourceInfo.SupposedURL);
     System.IO.BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(resourceInfo.ContentStream);
     System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(path, reader.ReadBytes((int)resourceInfo.ContentStream.Length));
        public static void Run()
                // ExStart:SetOutputFileDimensions
                // The path to the documents directory.
                string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_AsposePdf_DocumentConversion_PDFToHTMLFormat();

                // Select desirable page size
                float newPageWidth = 400f;
                float newPageHeight = 400f;

                // Tune PdfPageEditor class 
                Aspose.Pdf.Facades.PdfPageEditor pdfEditor = new Aspose.Pdf.Facades.PdfPageEditor();
                // Bind source PDF file
                pdfEditor.BindPdf(dataDir + "input.pdf");
                // Set the page dimensions 
                pdfEditor.PageSize = new Aspose.Pdf.PageSize(newPageWidth, newPageHeight);
                // Set vertical alignment for page as center aligned
                pdfEditor.VerticalAlignmentType = Aspose.Pdf.VerticalAlignment.Center;
                // Set Horizontal alignment for page as center aligned
                pdfEditor.HorizontalAlignment = Aspose.Pdf.HorizontalAlignment.Center;

                // This scales page content to fit width,
                // Comment it out or set Zoom to 1.0F if You don't want to scale
                // Content and only want to change page's size (i.e. crop it)
                float zoom = Math.Min((float)newPageWidth / (float)pdfEditor.Document.Pages[1].Rect.Width,
                                    (float)newPageHeight / (float)pdfEditor.Document.Pages[1].Rect.Height);
                pdfEditor.Zoom = zoom;// (float)595;

                // Create stream object to hold file with updated dimensions
                MemoryStream output = new MemoryStream();
                // Save file to stream object

                // Then reload scaled document and save it to HTML
                Document exportDoc = new Document(output);
                HtmlSaveOptions htmlOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions();
                // This code shows page boreder in result - sometimes it comes in handy to see borders
                SaveOptions.BorderPartStyle borderStyle = new SaveOptions.BorderPartStyle();
                borderStyle.LineType = SaveOptions.HtmlBorderLineType.Dotted;
                borderStyle.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Gray;
                htmlOptions.PageBorderIfAny = new SaveOptions.BorderInfo(borderStyle);

                // Conversion to HTML itself
                exportDoc.Save(dataDir + "SetOutputFileDimensions_out.html", htmlOptions);
                // Close the stream object
                // ExEnd:SetOutputFileDimensions
            catch (Exception ex)
        // ExStart:SaveHTMLImageCSSHelper
        private static void StrategyOfSavingHtml(HtmlSaveOptions.HtmlPageMarkupSavingInfo htmlSavingInfo)
            // Get target file name and write content to it
            System.IO.BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(htmlSavingInfo.ContentStream);
            byte[] htmlAsByte = reader.ReadBytes((int)htmlSavingInfo.ContentStream.Length);
            Console.WriteLine("Html page processed with handler. Length of page's text in bytes is " + htmlAsByte.Length.ToString());

            // Here You can put code that will save page's HTML to some storage, f.e database
            MemoryStream targetStream = new MemoryStream();
            targetStream.Write(htmlAsByte, 0, htmlAsByte.Length);
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = Aspose.Cells.Examples.Utils.GetDataDir(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);
            string inputPath = dataDir + "Sample1.xlsx";
            string outputPath = dataDir + "Output.html";

            Workbook workbook = new Workbook(dataDir + "Sample1.xlsx");

            HtmlSaveOptions opts = new HtmlSaveOptions();
            opts.LinkTargetType = HtmlLinkTargetType.Self;

            workbook.Save(outputPath, opts);
            Console.WriteLine("File saved: {0}", outputPath);
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = Aspose.Cells.Examples.Utils.GetDataDir(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);

            // Open the required workbook to convert
            Workbook w = new Workbook(dataDir + "Sample1.xlsx");

            // Disable exporting frame scripts and document properties
            HtmlSaveOptions options = new HtmlSaveOptions();
            options.ExportFrameScriptsAndProperties = false;

            // Save workbook as HTML
            w.Save(dataDir + "output.out.html", options);
        public static void ThreeSetFonts()
            // ExStart:ThreeSetFonts
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_AsposePdf_DocumentConversion_PDFToHTMLFormat();
            Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "input.pdf");
            HtmlSaveOptions htmlOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions();
            htmlOptions.FixedLayout = true;
            htmlOptions.RasterImagesSavingMode = HtmlSaveOptions.RasterImagesSavingModes.AsExternalPngFilesReferencedViaSvg;
            htmlOptions.FontSavingMode = HtmlSaveOptions.FontSavingModes.SaveInAllFormats;

            doc.Save(dataDir + "ThreeSetFonts_out.html", htmlOptions);
            // ExEnd:ThreeSetFonts

        public static void Main()
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = Path.GetFullPath("../../../Data/");
            //Instantiate the Workbook
            //Load an Excel file
            Workbook workbook = new Workbook(dataDir+ "sample.xlsx");

            //Create HtmlSaveOptions object
            HtmlSaveOptions options = new HtmlSaveOptions();
            //Set the Presenation preference option
            options.PresentationPreference = true;

            //Save the Excel file to HTML with specified option
            workbook.Save(dataDir+ "outPresentationlayout1.html", options);
        public static void Main()
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = Aspose.Cells.Examples.Utils.GetDataDir(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);
            //Instantiate the Workbook
            //Load an Excel file
            Workbook workbook = new Workbook(dataDir+ "sample.xlsx");

            //Create HtmlSaveOptions object
            HtmlSaveOptions options = new HtmlSaveOptions();
            //Set the Presenation preference option
            options.PresentationPreference = true;

            //Save the Excel file to HTML with specified option
            workbook.Save(dataDir+ "outPresentationlayout1.out.html", options);
        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:PreventExportingHiddenContentWhileSavingAsHTML
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);

            // Create workbook object
            Workbook workbook = new Workbook(dataDir + "WorkbookWithHiddenContent.xlsx");

            // Do not export hidden worksheet contents
            HtmlSaveOptions options = new HtmlSaveOptions();
            options.ExportHiddenWorksheet = false;

            // Save the workbook
            workbook.Save(dataDir + "HtmlWithoutHiddenContent_out.html", options);
            // ExEnd:PreventExportingHiddenContentWhileSavingAsHTML
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = Path.GetFullPath("../../../Data/");

            //Specify the file path
            string filePath = dataDir + "Book1.xlsx";

            //Specify the HTML Saving Options
            HtmlSaveOptions sv = new HtmlSaveOptions(SaveFormat.MHtml);

            //Instantiate a workbook and open the template XLSX file
            Workbook wb = new Workbook(filePath);

            //Save the MHT file
            wb.Save(filePath + ".out.mht", sv);
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = Aspose.Cells.Examples.Utils.GetDataDir(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);

            //Specify the file path
            string filePath = dataDir + "Book1.xlsx";

            //Specify the HTML Saving Options
            HtmlSaveOptions sv = new HtmlSaveOptions(SaveFormat.MHtml);

            //Instantiate a workbook and open the template XLSX file
            Workbook wb = new Workbook(filePath);

            //Save the MHT file
            wb.Save(filePath + ".out.mht", sv);