private async Task BrowserLoadAsync()
                var newsHtmlPanel = new HtmlPanel {
                    Dock = DockStyle.Fill, BaseStylesheet = ""
                newsHtmlPanel.ImageLoad += HtmlPanel_ImageLoad;
                newsHtmlPanel.Text = await new TimeoutWebClient {
                    Timeout = 3000, Encoding = Encoding.UTF8
                //await Task.Run(async () => { newsHtmlPanel.Text = await new TimeoutWebClient { Timeout = 3000, Encoding = Encoding.UTF8 }.DownloadStringTaskAsync(NewsUri); });

                var faqHtmlPanel = new HtmlPanel {
                    Dock = DockStyle.Fill, BaseStylesheet = ""
                faqHtmlPanel.ImageLoad += HtmlPanel_ImageLoad;
                faqHtmlPanel.Text = await new TimeoutWebClient {
                    Timeout = 3000, Encoding = Encoding.UTF8
                //await Task.Run(async () => { faqHtmlPanel.Text = await new TimeoutWebClient { Timeout = 3000, Encoding = Encoding.UTF8 }.DownloadStringTaskAsync(FAQUri); });
            catch (WebException) { /* do nothing */ }
Exemple #2
        internal void setDiscussionNoteText(Control noteControl, DiscussionNote note)
            if (note == null)
                // this is possible when noteControl detaches from parent

            Debug.Assert(noteControl is HtmlPanel);
            HtmlPanel htmlPanel = noteControl as HtmlPanel;

            htmlPanel.BaseStylesheet = String.Format(
                "{0} body div {{ font-size: {1}px; padding-left: 4px; padding-right: {2}px; }}",
                Properties.Resources.Common_CSS, WinFormsHelpers.GetFontSizeInPixels(noteControl),
                SystemInformation.VerticalScrollBarWidth * 2); // this is really weird

            // We need to zero the control size before SetText call to allow HtmlPanel to compute the size
            int prevWidth = noteControl.Width;

            noteControl.Width  = 0;
            noteControl.Height = 0;

            string body = MarkDownUtils.ConvertToHtml(note.Body, _imagePath, _specialDiscussionNoteMarkdownPipeline);

            noteControl.Text = String.Format(MarkDownUtils.HtmlPageTemplate, addPrefix(body, note, _firstNoteAuthor));
            resizeLimitedWidthHtmlPanel(htmlPanel, prevWidth);

            _htmlDiscussionNoteToolTip.BaseStylesheet =
                String.Format("{0} body div {{ font-size: {1}px; }}",
            _htmlDiscussionNoteToolTip.SetToolTip(noteControl, getNoteTooltipHtml(note));
Exemple #3
        private void setDiffContextText(Control diffContextControl)
            double fontSizePx = WinFormsHelpers.GetFontSizeInPixels(diffContextControl);

            DiscussionNote note = getNoteFromControl(diffContextControl);

            Debug.Assert(note.Type == "DiffNote");
            DiffPosition position = PositionConverter.Convert(note.Position);

            Debug.Assert(diffContextControl is HtmlPanel);
            HtmlPanel htmlPanel = diffContextControl as HtmlPanel;

            // We need to zero the control size before SetText call to allow HtmlPanel to compute the size
            int prevWidth = htmlPanel.Width;

            htmlPanel.Width  = 0;
            htmlPanel.Height = 0;

            string html = getContext(_panelContextMaker, position, _diffContextDepth, fontSizePx, out string css);

            htmlPanel.BaseStylesheet = css;
            htmlPanel.Text           = html;
            resizeLimitedWidthHtmlPanel(htmlPanel, prevWidth);

            string tooltipHtml = getContext(_tooltipContextMaker, position,
                                            _tooltipContextDepth, fontSizePx, out string tooltipCSS);

            _htmlDiffContextToolTip.BaseStylesheet =
                String.Format("{0} .htmltooltip {{ padding: 1px; }}", tooltipCSS);
            _htmlDiffContextToolTip.SetToolTip(htmlPanel, tooltipHtml);
Exemple #4
        private void setServiceDiscussionNoteText(Control noteControl, DiscussionNote note)
            if (note == null)

            // We need to zero the control size before SetText call to allow HtmlPanel to compute the size
            noteControl.Width  = 0;
            noteControl.Height = 0;

            Debug.Assert(noteControl is HtmlPanel);
            HtmlPanel htmlPanel = noteControl as HtmlPanel;

            htmlPanel.BaseStylesheet = String.Format("{0} body div {{ font-size: {1}px; }}",

            string body = MarkDownUtils.ConvertToHtml(note.Body, _imagePath, _specialDiscussionNoteMarkdownPipeline);

            noteControl.Text = String.Format(MarkDownUtils.HtmlPageTemplate, body);

            resizeFullSizeHtmlPanel(noteControl as HtmlPanel);
Exemple #5
        private void resizeLimitedWidthHtmlPanel(HtmlPanel htmlPanel, int width)
            htmlPanel.Width = width;
            int extraHeight = htmlPanel.HorizontalScroll.Visible ? SystemInformation.HorizontalScrollBarHeight : 0;

            htmlPanel.Height = htmlPanel.AutoScrollMinSize.Height + 2 + extraHeight;
Exemple #6
        private HtmlPanel createDiffContext(DiscussionNote firstNote)
            if (firstNote.Type != "DiffNote")

            int fontSizePx     = 12;
            int rowsVPaddingPx = 2;
            int rowHeight      = (fontSizePx + rowsVPaddingPx * 2 + 1 /* border of control */ + 2);
            // we're adding 2 extra pixels for each row because HtmlRenderer does not support CSS line-height property
            // this value was found experimentally

            int panelHeight = (_diffContextDepth.Size + 1) * rowHeight;

            HtmlPanel htmlPanel = new HtmlPanel
                BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle,
                Height      = panelHeight,
                MinimumSize = new Size(600, 0),
                TabStop     = false

            DiffPosition position = convertToDiffPosition(firstNote.Position);

            htmlPanel.Text = getContext(_panelContextMaker, position,
                                        _diffContextDepth, fontSizePx, rowsVPaddingPx);
            _htmlToolTip.SetToolTip(htmlPanel, getContext(_tooltipContextMaker, position,
                                                          _tooltipContextDepth, fontSizePx, rowsVPaddingPx));

Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor; initializes <see cref="_applicationForm"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="applicationForm">Main application form instance associated with this window.</param>
        public OptionsWindow(MainForm applicationForm)
            _applicationForm = applicationForm;

            _toolsMenu.Renderer   = new EasyConnectToolStripRender();
            _iconPictureBox.Image = new Icon(Icon, 16, 16).ToBitmap();

            _urlPanel = new HtmlPanel
                AutoScroll = false,
                Width      = _urlPanelContainer.Width,
                Height     = _urlPanelContainer.Height,
                Left       = 0,
                Top        = 0,
                Font       = urlTextBox.Font,
                Anchor     = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Top

            _urlPanel.Text = String.Format(
                @"<span style=""background-color: #FFFFFF; font-family: {2}; font-size: {1}pt; height: {0}px; color: #9999BF"">easyconnect://<font color=""black"">options</font></span>",
                _urlPanel.Height, urlTextBox.Font.SizeInPoints, urlTextBox.Font.FontFamily.GetName(0));

#if APPX
            _updatesMenuItem.Visible     = false;
            _toolsMenuSeparator2.Visible = false;
            _updatesMenuItem.Visible     = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["checkForUpdates"] != "false";
            _toolsMenuSeparator2.Visible = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["checkForUpdates"] != "false";
        private string getContextHtmlText(DiffPosition position, HtmlPanel htmlPanel, out string stylesheet)
            stylesheet = String.Empty;
            double fontSizePx = WinFormsHelpers.GetFontSizeInPixels(htmlPanel);
            var    getContext = isCurrentNoteNew() ? _getNewDiscussionDiffContext(position) : _getDiffContext(position);

            return(DiffContextFormatter.GetHtml(getContext, fontSizePx, 2, true));
        private void updatePreview(HtmlPanel previewPanel, string text)
            previewPanel.BaseStylesheet = String.Format("{0} body div {{ font-size: {1}px; }}",
                                                        Properties.Resources.Common_CSS, WinFormsHelpers.GetFontSizeInPixels(previewPanel));

            var    pipeline = MarkDownUtils.CreatePipeline(Program.ServiceManager.GetJiraServiceUrl());
            string body     = MarkDownUtils.ConvertToHtml(text, String.Empty, pipeline);

            previewPanel.Text = String.Format(MarkDownUtils.HtmlPageTemplate, body);
Exemple #10
        public previewForm()

            htmlPanel          = new TheArtOfDev.HtmlRenderer.WinForms.HtmlPanel();
            htmlPanel.Location = new Point(0, labelAttachments.Location.Y + 25);
            htmlPanel.Width    = Width;
            htmlPanel.Height   = Height;
            htmlPanel.Anchor   = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Bottom;
 private void SetHTMLPanelText(HtmlPanel ctl, string text)
         ctl.Text = text;
         m_htmlText = text;
     catch (ArgumentException)
         ctl.Text = text;
 private void SetHTMLPanelText(HtmlPanel ctl, string text)
         ctl.Text   = text;
         m_htmlText = text;
     catch (ArgumentException)
         ctl.Text = text;
Exemple #13
 public ConversationForm(string thisUserId, string otherUserId, string hash_pass, VoipClientModule voipClient)
     _thisUserId  = thisUserId;
     _otherUserId = otherUserId;
     _voipClient  = voipClient;
     this.Text  = $"Conversation with {otherUserId}";
     _htmlPanel = new HtmlPanel();
     _htmlPanel.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
     _voipClient.PhoneStateChanged += VoipClientOnPhoneStateChanged;
Exemple #14
        public static HtmlString Panel(this HtmlHelper helper, string id, string header, string body, string footer, string dataBind, PanelHeaderStyle headerStyle = PanelHeaderStyle.Default)
            var panel = new HtmlPanel();

            panel.Id          = id;
            panel.Header      = header;
            panel.HeaderStyle = headerStyle;
            panel.Footer      = footer;

            return(new HtmlString(panel.ToString()));
Exemple #15
        public HtmlSurrogate(HtmlPanel htmlPanel,
                             ViewGroup viewGroup,
                             IUiProvider uiProvider)
            : base(context)
            _htmlPanel  = htmlPanel;
            _viewGroup  = viewGroup;
            _uiProvider = uiProvider;
            _htmlPanel.PropertyChanged += OnControlPropertyChanged;

            _hasPendingContent = htmlPanel.Markup != null || htmlPanel.Uri != null;
        private void showDiscussionContext(DiffPosition position, HtmlPanel htmlPanel)
            if (position == null)
                htmlPanel.Text = "This discussion is not associated with code";

            string html = getContextHtmlText(position, htmlPanel, out string stylesheet);

            htmlPanel.BaseStylesheet = stylesheet;
            htmlPanel.Text           = html;
        /// <summary>
        /// Throws ArgumentException.
        /// Throws GitOperationException and GitObjectException in case of problems with git.
        /// </summary>
        private void showDiscussionContext(HtmlPanel htmlPanel, TextBox tbFileName)
            ContextDepth  depth            = new ContextDepth(0, 3);
            IContextMaker textContextMaker = new EnhancedContextMaker(_gitRepository);
            DiffContext   context          = textContextMaker.GetContext(_position, depth);

            DiffContextFormatter formatter = new DiffContextFormatter();

            htmlPanel.Text = formatter.FormatAsHTML(context);

            tbFileName.Text = "Left: " + (_difftoolInfo.Left?.FileName ?? "N/A")
                              + "  Right: " + (_difftoolInfo.Right?.FileName ?? "N/A");
        /// <summary>
        /// Default constructor; initializes the UI for the OmniBar.
        /// </summary>
        public ConnectionWindow()

            // Create the panels that will contain the display text for each auto complete entry when the user is typing in the URL text box
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                HtmlPanel autoCompletePanel = new HtmlPanel
                    AutoScroll = false,
                    Width      = _omniBarPanel.Width,
                    Height     = 30,
                    Left       = 0

                autoCompletePanel.Top         = i * autoCompletePanel.Height;
                autoCompletePanel.Font        = urlTextBox.Font;
                autoCompletePanel.MouseEnter += autoCompletePanel_MouseEnter;
                autoCompletePanel.MouseLeave += autoCompletePanel_MouseLeave;
                autoCompletePanel.Click      += autoCompletePanel_Click;
                autoCompletePanel.Anchor      = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Top;

                PictureBox autoCompletePictureBox = new PictureBox
                    Width  = 16,
                    Height = 16,
                    Left   = 5,
                    Top    = autoCompletePanel.Top + 7


            urlTextBox.LostFocus += urlTextBox_LostFocus;
            _iconPictureBox.Image = new Icon(Resources.EasyConnect, 16, 16).ToBitmap();

            _urlPanel = new HtmlPanel
                AutoScroll = false,
                Width      = _urlPanelContainer.Width,
                Height     = _urlPanelContainer.Height,
                Left       = 0,
                Top        = 0,
                Font       = urlTextBox.Font,
                Anchor     = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Top
            _urlPanel.Click += _urlPanel_Click;
            urlTextBox.Visible = false;
Exemple #19
        /// <summary>
        ///     Click the Trade row where we load the details and show in a browser
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void Trade_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // get the Trade object
            var panel = sender as Label;
            var trade = m_trades.Where(t => t.Id == panel.Tag as string).FirstOrDefault();

            if (trade == null)

            // inject browser
            HtmlPanel browser;

            if (m_browserHeight != 0)
                tradesContainer.Height -= m_browserHeight;
                browserContainer.Height = m_browserHeight;
                m_browserHeight         = 0;

                browser          = new HtmlPanel();
                browser.Dock     = DockStyle.Fill;
                browser.Location = new Point(0, 0);
                browser.Size     = new Size(browserContainer.Width, browserContainer.Height);
                browser = browserContainer.Controls[0] as HtmlPanel;

            // pull details segment and merge with normal html
            var cursor = Cursor.Current;

                Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;

                browser.Text = AuthenticatorData.GetClient().GetConfirmationDetails(trade);
            catch (Exception ex)
                browser.Text = "<html><head></head><body><p>" + ex.Message + "</p>" +
                               ex.StackTrace.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "<br>") + "</body></html>";
                Cursor.Current = cursor;
        public HtmlSurrogate2(Context?context,
                              HtmlPanel htmlPanel,
                              WebView nativeView,
                              IUiProvider uiProvider,
                              ViewGroup viewGroup)
            : base(context, htmlPanel, nativeView, viewGroup)
            _uiProvider = uiProvider;
            _htmlPanel  = htmlPanel;
            _nativeView = nativeView;
            htmlPanel.PropertyChanged += OnControlPropertyChanged;

            _hasPendingContent = htmlPanel.Markup != null || htmlPanel.Uri != null;
Exemple #21
        private void LoadDocumentForTab(TabPage page)
            if (page != null && page.Controls.Count == 0 && page.Tag != null)
                Control documentView;
                string  fullPath;
                string  text;

                Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;

                Debug.Print("Loading readme: {0}", page.Tag);

                fullPath = this.GetFullReadmePath(page.Tag.ToString());
                text     = File.Exists(fullPath) ? File.ReadAllText(fullPath) : string.Format("Cannot find file '{0}'", fullPath);

                if (text.IndexOf('\n') != -1 && text.IndexOf('\r') == -1)
                    text = text.Replace("\n", "\r\n");

                switch (Path.GetExtension(fullPath))
                case ".md":
                    documentView = new HtmlPanel
                        Dock           = DockStyle.Fill,
                        BaseStylesheet = Resources.CSS,
                        Text           = string.Concat("<html><body>", CommonMarkConverter.Convert(text), "</body></html>") // HACK: HTML panel screws up rendering if a <body> tag isn't present

                    documentView = new TextBox
                        ReadOnly   = true,
                        Multiline  = true,
                        WordWrap   = true,
                        ScrollBars = ScrollBars.Vertical,
                        Dock       = DockStyle.Fill,
                        Text       = text,
                        Font       = new Font("Courier New", 10)


                Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
Exemple #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor; loads the history data and gets the icons for each protocol.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="applicationForm">Main application for for this window.</param>
        public HistoryWindow(MainForm applicationForm)
            _applicationForm = applicationForm;


            historyContextMenu.Renderer         = new EasyConnectToolStripRender();
            _historyListView.ListViewItemSorter = new HistoryComparer(_connections);

            // Get the icon for each protocol
            foreach (IProtocol protocol in ConnectionFactory.GetProtocols())
                Icon icon = new Icon(protocol.ProtocolIcon, 16, 16);

                _connectionTypeIcons[protocol.ConnectionType] = historyImageList.Images.Count - 1;

            Connections_CollectionModified(History.Instance.Connections, new ListModificationEventArgs(ListModification.RangeAdded, 0, History.Instance.Connections.Count));
            History.Instance.Connections.CollectionModified += Connections_CollectionModified;

            _toolsMenu.Renderer   = new EasyConnectToolStripRender();
            _iconPictureBox.Image = new Icon(Icon, 16, 16).ToBitmap();

            _urlPanel = new HtmlPanel
                AutoScroll = false,
                Width      = _urlPanelContainer.Width,
                Height     = _urlPanelContainer.Height,
                Left       = 0,
                Top        = 0,
                Font       = urlTextBox.Font,
                Anchor     = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Top,
                BackColor  = Color.FromArgb(241, 243, 244)

            _urlPanel.Text = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                                           @"<span style=""background-color: #F1F3F4; font-family: {2}; font-size: {1}pt; height: {0}px; color: #707172"">easyconnect://<font color=""black"">history</font></span>",
                                           _urlPanel.Height, urlTextBox.Font.SizeInPoints, urlTextBox.Font.FontFamily.GetName(0));

#if APPX
            _updatesMenuItem.Visible     = false;
            _toolsMenuSeparator2.Visible = false;
            _updatesMenuItem.Visible     = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["checkForUpdates"] != "false";
            _toolsMenuSeparator2.Visible = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["checkForUpdates"] != "false";
Exemple #23
        async private void MenuItemToggleResolveNote_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MenuItem  menuItem  = (MenuItem)(sender);
            HtmlPanel htmlPanel = (HtmlPanel)(menuItem.Tag);

            if (htmlPanel?.Parent?.Parent == null)

            DiscussionNote note = getNoteFromControl(htmlPanel);

            Debug.Assert(note == null || note.Resolvable);

            await onToggleResolveNoteAsync(note);
Exemple #24
        private void resizeBoxContent(int width)
            if (_textboxesNotes != null)
                foreach (Control noteControl in _textboxesNotes)
                    HtmlPanel      htmlPanel = noteControl as HtmlPanel;
                    DiscussionNote note      = getNoteFromControl(noteControl);
                    if (note != null && !isServiceDiscussionNote(note))
                        resizeLimitedWidthHtmlPanel(htmlPanel, width * NotesWidth / 100);

            int realLabelAuthorPercents = Convert.ToInt32(
                LabelAuthorWidth * ((Parent as CustomFontForm).CurrentFontMultiplier * LabelAuthorWidthMultiplier));

            if (_labelAuthor != null)
                _labelAuthor.Width = width * realLabelAuthorPercents / 100;

            if (_textboxFilename != null)
                _textboxFilename.Width  = width * LabelFilenameWidth / 100;
                _textboxFilename.Height = (_textboxFilename as TextBoxEx).FullPreferredHeight;

            int remainingPercents = 100
                                    - HorzMarginWidth - realLabelAuthorPercents
                                    - HorzMarginWidth - NotesWidth
                                    - HorzMarginWidth
                                    - HorzMarginWidth
                                    - HorzMarginWidth;

            if (_panelContext != null)
                resizeLimitedWidthHtmlPanel(_panelContext as HtmlPanel, width * remainingPercents / 100);
                _htmlDiffContextToolTip.MaximumSize = new Size(_panelContext.Width, 0 /* auto-height */);
Exemple #25
        public MarbleBrowser(Control control)
            _htmlPanel = new HtmlPanel();

            control.Resize += (sender, args) =>
                _htmlPanel.Width    = control.Width / 2;
                _htmlPanel.Height   = control.Height;
                _htmlPanel.Location = new Point(control.Width / 2, 0);

            _htmlPanel.BaseStylesheet = null;
            _htmlPanel.Text           = null;

            _htmlPanel.RenderError    += OnRenderError;
            _htmlPanel.StylesheetLoad += OnStylesheetLoad;
        private void ShowTitle(HtmlPanel panel)
            //update title, this might fail when called from Navigated as the document might not be ready yet
            //but we also call on LoadCompleted. This should catch both situations
            //of real navigation and also back and forth in history

            var title = panel.GetTitle();

            const string geminiTitle = "GemiNaut, a friendly GUI browser";

                Application.Current.MainWindow.Title = title == null ? geminiTitle : title + " - " + geminiTitle;
            catch (Exception e)
                ToastNotify(e.Message, ToastMessageStyles.Error);
Exemple #27
        public AddonDetailsDialog(String addonNameText, String addonTypeText, String addonCreatorText, String addonVersionText, String addonDescriptionText)
            Font = new Font(Font.Name, 8.25f * 96f / CreateGraphics().DpiX, Font.Style, Font.Unit, Font.GdiCharSet, Font.GdiVerticalFont);

            detailsAddonNameMaxLabel.Text           = String.Format(detailsAddonNameMaxLabel.Text, Addon.addonNameDef[2] - 1);
            detailsAddonNameTextBox.MaxLength       = Addon.addonNameDef[2] - 1;
            detailsAddonCreatorMaxLabel.Text        = String.Format(detailsAddonCreatorMaxLabel.Text, Addon.addonCreatorDef[2] - 1);
            detailsAddonCreatorTextBox.MaxLength    = Addon.addonCreatorDef[2] - 1;
            detailsAddonVersionMaxLabel.Text        = String.Format(detailsAddonVersionMaxLabel.Text, Addon.addonVersionDef[2] - 1);
            detailsAddonVersionTextBox.MaxLength    = Addon.addonVersionDef[2] - 1;
            detailsAddonDescriptionMaxLabel.Text    = String.Format(detailsAddonDescriptionMaxLabel.Text, Addon.addonDescriptionDef[2] - 1);
            detailsAddonDescriptionEditor.MaxLength = Addon.addonDescriptionDef[2] - 1;

            detailsAddonNameTextBox.Text    = addonNameText;
            detailsAddonTypeTextBox.Text    = addonTypeText;
            detailsAddonCreatorTextBox.Text = addonCreatorText;
            detailsAddonDateTextBox.Text    = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();
            detailsAddonVersionTextBox.Text = addonVersionText;
            detailsAddonOfflineServerVersionTextBox.Text = MainForm.localOfflineServerVersion;
            if (addonDescriptionText.StartsWith("<font face=\"Microsoft Sans Serif\" size=\"8pt\">") && addonDescriptionText.EndsWith("</font>"))
                addonDescriptionText = addonDescriptionText.Remove(addonDescriptionText.Length - 7, 7).Remove(0, 45);
                addonDescriptionUseDefaultFontCheckBox.Checked = true;
                if (addonDescriptionText.Length > (Addon.addonDescriptionDef[2] - 53))
                    addonDescriptionUseDefaultFontCheckBox.Checked = false;
            detailsAddonDescriptionEditor.Text = addonDescriptionText;

            htmlPanel                   = new HtmlPanel();
            htmlPanel.AutoSize          = false;
            htmlPanel.BorderStyle       = BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
            htmlPanel.Location          = new Point(620, 37);
            htmlPanel.Size              = new Size(210, 299);
            htmlPanel.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit;
        public override void InitializeEditingControl(int rowIndex, object initialFormattedValue, DataGridViewCellStyle dataGridViewCellStyle)
            base.InitializeEditingControl(rowIndex, initialFormattedValue, dataGridViewCellStyle);

            HtmlPanel ctl = DataGridView.EditingControl as HtmlPanel;

            // initialFormattedValue = "This is an <b>HtmlLabel</b> control";
            if (ctl != null)
                if (initialFormattedValue == null)
                    string nullText = "";//"This <b>cell</b> has a <span style=\"color: red\">null</span> value!";
                    SetHTMLPanelText(ctl, nullText);
                    SetHTMLPanelText(ctl, Convert.ToString(initialFormattedValue));
        public static string GetTitle(this HtmlPanel panel)

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(panel.Text))

            var doc = XDocument.Parse(panel.Text);

            var titleTag = doc.Descendants("title").First();

            if (titleTag != null)

Exemple #30
    void _LoadHtmlRenderer()
        if (_html != null)
        _html = new HtmlPanel {
            AccessibleName = "Info_code",
            Dock           = DockStyle.Fill,
            //BackColor = Color.LightYellow,
            BackColor        = Color.FromArgb(unchecked ((int)0xfff8fff0)),
            UseSystemCursors = true,
            BaseStylesheet   = CiHtml.s_CSS
        _html.ImageLoad   += CodeInfo.OnHtmlImageLoad;
        _html.LinkClicked += _html_LinkClicked;

        _html.Hide();         //workaround for: HtmlPanel flickers (temp hscrollbar) when setting text first time. Now hide, then show after setting text.
        public static void ShowDialog(string title, dynamic attachment, string duedate = "", string description = "", bool quiz = false, string desde = "", string hasta = "", string limit = "")
            Form      prompt      = new Form();
            HtmlPanel _lblMessage = new HtmlPanel();

            System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager resources = new System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager(typeof(lxMeets));
            prompt.Width     = 700;
            prompt.Height    = 300;
            prompt.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(45, 45, 48);
            _lblMessage.Left = 16;

            if (quiz)
                _lblMessage.Text = "<p style='color: white'>Habilitado desde: " + desde + "<br>Hasta: " + hasta + "<br>Tiempo Límite: " + limit + " </p>" + "<br>" + description;
                _lblMessage.Text = "<p style='color: white'>Entrega hasta: " + duedate + " </p>" + "<br>" + description;
            foreach (var s in attachment)
                try {
                    _lblMessage.Text += "<br> <a href='" + s.fileurltoken.ToString() + "'>" + s.filename.ToString() + " ⤓</a> <p style='color: white'>" + Convert.ToInt32(s.filesize) + " KB </p>";
                } catch { }
            _lblMessage.Top       = 100;
            _lblMessage.Width     = 80;
            _lblMessage.TabIndex  = 1;
            _lblMessage.TabStop   = true;
            _lblMessage.ForeColor = Color.White;
            _lblMessage.BackColor = prompt.BackColor;
            _lblMessage.Font      = new Font("Segoe UI", 10);
            _lblMessage.Dock      = DockStyle.Fill;
            prompt.Name           = title;
            prompt.AutoSize       = true;
            prompt.StartPosition  = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;
            prompt.Icon           = ((Icon)(resources.GetObject("$this.Icon")));
            prompt.Text           = title;
    private void LoadDocumentForTab(TabPage page)
      if (page != null && page.Controls.Count == 0 && page.Tag != null)
        Control documentView;
        string fullPath;
        string text;

        Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;

        Debug.Print("Loading readme: {0}", page.Tag);

        fullPath = this.GetFullReadmePath(page.Tag.ToString());
        text = File.Exists(fullPath) ? File.ReadAllText(fullPath) : string.Format("Cannot find file '{0}'", fullPath);

        if (text.IndexOf('\n') != -1 && text.IndexOf('\r') == -1)
          text = text.Replace("\n", "\r\n");

        switch (Path.GetExtension(fullPath))
          case ".md":
            documentView = new HtmlPanel
              Dock = DockStyle.Fill,
              BaseStylesheet = Properties.Resources.CSS,
              Text = string.Concat("<html><body>", CommonMarkConverter.Convert(text), "</body></html>") // HACK: HTML panel screws up rendering if a <body> tag isn't present
            documentView = new TextBox
              ReadOnly = true,
              Multiline = true,
              WordWrap = true,
              ScrollBars = ScrollBars.Vertical,
              Dock = DockStyle.Fill,
              Text = text


        Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
Exemple #33
        public MainForm(Boolean isFirstRun = false, String installAddonPath = null, Boolean setupIPCTalk = false, Int32 port = -1)

            #region Culture Independency
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("en-GB");
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new CultureInfo("en-GB");
            Properties.Resources.Culture = new CultureInfo("en-GB");
            log.Info("Culture independency achieved.");

            Font = new Font(Font.Name, 8.25f * 96f / CreateGraphics().DpiX, Font.Style, Font.Unit, Font.GdiCharSet, Font.GdiVerticalFont);

            offlineServerTalk = new OfflineServerTalk();

            addonProject = new AddonProject();

            htmlPanel = new HtmlPanel();
            htmlPanel.AutoSize = false;
            htmlPanel.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
            htmlPanel.Location = new Point(186, 38);
            htmlPanel.Size = new Size(210, 299);
            htmlPanel.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit;

            avalonEditProxyAccent.textEditor.SyntaxHighlighting = ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.Highlighting.HighlightingManager.Instance.GetDefinition("XML");
            avalonEditProxyTheme.textEditor.SyntaxHighlighting = ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.Highlighting.HighlightingManager.Instance.GetDefinition("XML");
            avalonEditProxyLanguage.textEditor.SyntaxHighlighting = ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.Highlighting.HighlightingManager.Instance.GetDefinition("XML");
            avalonEditProxyMemoryPatch.textEditor.SyntaxHighlighting = ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.Highlighting.HighlightingManager.Instance.GetDefinition("C#");

            avalonEditProxyAccent.textEditor.Text = AddonProject.Accent.defaultAccentXaml;
            avalonEditProxyTheme.textEditor.Text = AddonProject.Theme.defaultThemeXaml;
            avalonEditProxyLanguage.textEditor.Text = AddonProject.Language.defaultLanguageFileText;

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(installAddonPath))
                log.Info("/installAddon was specified, executing run-once installation.");
                // handle auto install
                if (isFirstRun)
                    if (setupIPCTalk && port != -1)

                    BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate
                        FirstRunForm frForm = new FirstRunForm(this);
        public AddonDetailsDialog(String addonNameText, String addonTypeText, String addonCreatorText, String addonVersionText, String addonDescriptionText)
            Font = new Font(Font.Name, 8.25f * 96f / CreateGraphics().DpiX, Font.Style, Font.Unit, Font.GdiCharSet, Font.GdiVerticalFont);

            detailsAddonNameMaxLabel.Text = String.Format(detailsAddonNameMaxLabel.Text, Addon.addonNameDef[2] - 1);
            detailsAddonNameTextBox.MaxLength = Addon.addonNameDef[2] - 1;
            detailsAddonCreatorMaxLabel.Text = String.Format(detailsAddonCreatorMaxLabel.Text, Addon.addonCreatorDef[2] - 1);
            detailsAddonCreatorTextBox.MaxLength = Addon.addonCreatorDef[2] - 1;
            detailsAddonVersionMaxLabel.Text = String.Format(detailsAddonVersionMaxLabel.Text, Addon.addonVersionDef[2] - 1);
            detailsAddonVersionTextBox.MaxLength = Addon.addonVersionDef[2] - 1;
            detailsAddonDescriptionMaxLabel.Text = String.Format(detailsAddonDescriptionMaxLabel.Text, Addon.addonDescriptionDef[2] - 1);
            detailsAddonDescriptionEditor.MaxLength = Addon.addonDescriptionDef[2] - 1;

            detailsAddonNameTextBox.Text = addonNameText;
            detailsAddonTypeTextBox.Text = addonTypeText;
            detailsAddonCreatorTextBox.Text = addonCreatorText;
            detailsAddonDateTextBox.Text = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();
            detailsAddonVersionTextBox.Text = addonVersionText;
            detailsAddonOfflineServerVersionTextBox.Text = MainForm.localOfflineServerVersion;
            if (addonDescriptionText.StartsWith("<font face=\"Microsoft Sans Serif\" size=\"8pt\">") && addonDescriptionText.EndsWith("</font>"))
                addonDescriptionText = addonDescriptionText.Remove(addonDescriptionText.Length - 7, 7).Remove(0, 45);
                addonDescriptionUseDefaultFontCheckBox.Checked = true;
                if (addonDescriptionText.Length > (Addon.addonDescriptionDef[2] - 53))
                    addonDescriptionUseDefaultFontCheckBox.Checked = false;
            detailsAddonDescriptionEditor.Text = addonDescriptionText;

            htmlPanel = new HtmlPanel();
            htmlPanel.AutoSize = false;
            htmlPanel.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
            htmlPanel.Location = new Point(620, 37);
            htmlPanel.Size = new Size(210, 299);
            htmlPanel.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit;
    private void docsTabControl_Selecting(object sender, TabControlCancelEventArgs e)
      TabPage page;

      page = e.TabPage;

      if (page.Controls.Count == 0 && page.Tag != null)
        Control documentView;
        string fullPath;
        string text;

        Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;

        Debug.Print("Loading readme: {0}", page.Tag);

        fullPath = this.GetFullReadmePath(page.Tag.ToString());
        text = File.Exists(fullPath) ? File.ReadAllText(fullPath) : string.Format("Cannot find file '{0}'", fullPath);

        if (text.IndexOf('\n') != -1 && text.IndexOf('\r') == -1)
          text = text.Replace("\n", "\r\n");

        switch (Path.GetExtension(fullPath))
          case ".md":
            Markdown parser;

            parser = new Markdown();

            documentView = new HtmlPanel
                             Dock = DockStyle.Fill,
                             Text = parser.Transform(text)
            documentView = new TextBox
                             ReadOnly = true,
                             Multiline = true,
                             WordWrap = true,
                             ScrollBars = ScrollBars.Vertical,
                             Dock = DockStyle.Fill,
                             Text = text


        Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;