public LectureCont[] GetLectures() { List <LectureCont> lectures = new List <LectureCont>(); HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument(); doc.LoadHtml(GetPage()); HtmlNodeCollection days = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[@id='schedule']/div[@class='day']"); foreach (HtmlNode day in days) { HtmlNodeCollection events = day.SelectNodes("div[@class='event']"); if (events != null && events.Count() > 0) { string dateString = day.SelectSingleNode("div[@class='date']").InnerText; DateTime date = DateTime.ParseExact(dateString, "dd/MM/yyyy", provider); foreach (HtmlNode ev in events) { lectures.Add(ParseLecture(ev, date)); } } } return(lectures.ToArray()); }
private static void DowloadItemsFromWeb(int i, string now) { string urlas = url + i; var html = GetHtmlString(urlas); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(html)) { Console.WriteLine($"{i} not found"); return; } var doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument(); doc.LoadHtml(html); HtmlNodeCollection commentNodes = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[@class='" + "comment" + "']"); int commentsFound = 0; if (commentNodes != null) { List <Items> list = new List <Items>(); commentsFound = commentNodes.Count(); foreach (HtmlNode node in commentNodes) { var value = node.SelectSingleNode(".//a"); // string name = value.InnerText; string linkhtml = value.OuterHtml; var item = list.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key.Equals(linkhtml)); if (item != null) { item.Count = item.Count + 1; } else { list.Add(new Items() { Key = linkhtml, Count = 1 }); } } SaveItems(list, urlas, now); } SaveUser(urlas, commentsFound, now); //Console.WriteLine($"Key: {i} done"); // Thread.Sleep(1000); }
}//end of ValidNumbers method public void Subject(HtmlDocument doc) { HtmlNodeCollection subjectStyleNode = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[contains(@id,'div0event')]"); HtmlNodeCollection subjectDetailsNode = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[contains(@id,'div0event')]//b"); //HtmlNodeCollection testNode = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[contains(@id,'div0event')]//b//br"); HtmlNode subjectSingleNode; int[] validNum = new int[8]; int readElementInTotal = 3; for (int readElement = 0; readElement < subjectStyleNode.Count(); readElement++) { subjectSingleNode = subjectStyleNode[readElement]; string subjectStyle = subjectSingleNode.Attributes["style"].Value; string subjectShortName = subjectDetailsNode[readElement].InnerHtml; string subjectFullName = subjectDetailsNode[readElement].SelectSingleNode("following-sibling::text()[1]").InnerText; string subjectRoomAndSize = subjectDetailsNode[readElement].SelectSingleNode("following-sibling::text()[2]").InnerText; string subjectRoomName = ""; int subjectRoomSize = 0; int subjectRoomSizeTaken = 0; SeperateRoomAndSize(subjectRoomAndSize, ref subjectRoomName, ref subjectRoomSize, ref subjectRoomSizeTaken); //analyze the position of each subject, and details of each subject validNum = ValidNumbers(subjectStyle, readElementInTotal); //send these nodes to subject list WebpageSubject subjectList = new WebpageSubject(); subjectList.LeftPX = int.Parse(subjectStyle.Substring(validNum[0], validNum[1])); subjectList.TopPX = int.Parse(subjectStyle.Substring(validNum[2], validNum[3])); subjectList.WidthPX = int.Parse(subjectStyle.Substring(validNum[4], validNum[5])); //send subject details to subject list subjectList.SubjectFullName = subjectFullName; subjectList.SubjectShortName = subjectShortName; subjectList.RoomName = subjectRoomName; subjectList.RoomSize = subjectRoomSize; subjectList.RoomSizeTaken = subjectRoomSizeTaken; subjectContainer.Add(subjectList); //Console.Write(subjectContainer[0].RoomName); } //foreach (HtmlNode items in subjectNode) //{ // Console.WriteLine(items.InnerHtml); // Console.WriteLine(t); //} }
private List <string> ExtractDocumentLinks(string propertyValue, string propertyAlias) { List <string> stringList = new List <string>(); HtmlDocument htmlDocument = new HtmlDocument(); htmlDocument.LoadHtml(propertyValue); string[] strArray = CurrentConfiguration.SearchSettings.RichTextFileTypes.Split(new string[1] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); HtmlNodeCollection htmlNodeCollection = htmlDocument.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//a[@href]"); if (htmlNodeCollection == null || htmlNodeCollection.Count() == 0) { this.log.AddLogentry(SolisSearch.Log.Enum.LogLevel.Debug, string.Format("No href items found in property {0}", (object)propertyAlias), (Exception)null); return(stringList); } this.log.AddLogentry(SolisSearch.Log.Enum.LogLevel.Debug, string.Format("Found {0} href items in property {1}", (object)htmlNodeCollection.Count(), (object)propertyAlias), (Exception)null); using (IEnumerator <HtmlNode> enumerator = ((IEnumerable <HtmlNode>)htmlNodeCollection).GetEnumerator()) { while (((IEnumerator)enumerator).MoveNext()) { HtmlNode current = enumerator.Current; try { string str1 = current.Attributes["href"].Value; string str2 = this.cmsIndexer.GetMediaFriendlyUrl(str1); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str2) && str2.Contains("?")) { str2 = str2.Substring(0, str2.IndexOf("?", StringComparison.Ordinal)); } if (this.cmsIndexer.IsFileToIndex(str1, str2)) { string str3 = Path.GetExtension(str2).Trim('.'); if (((IEnumerable <string>)strArray).Contains <string>(str3)) { stringList.Add(str1); this.log.AddLogentry(SolisSearch.Log.Enum.LogLevel.Info, string.Format("Extracting RichText document links, found {0}", (object)str1), (Exception)null); } else { this.log.AddLogentry(SolisSearch.Log.Enum.LogLevel.Debug, string.Format("File extension {0} is not configured as media type to index, skipping", (object)str3), (Exception)null); } } } catch (Exception ex) { this.log.AddLogentry(SolisSearch.Log.Enum.LogLevel.Error, "Error resolving if media should be indexed for anchor " + current.InnerText, ex); } } } return(stringList); }
public void Parser() { HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument(); var url = ""; doc.LoadHtml(getRequest(url)); HtmlNodeCollection c = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[@class='tab-pane fade in active']/pre"); textBox1.Text = c.Count().ToString() + Environment.NewLine; for (var i = 0; i < c.Count(); i++) { var st = c[i].InnerText.Normalize(); //string version_template = "[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+"; string date_template = "[0-9]+-[0-9]+-[0-9]+"; var re = new Regex(@date_template); MatchCollection mc = re.Matches(st); foreach (Match mat in mc) { //Console.WriteLine(mat.ToString()); textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + mat.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; } } }
public override List <string> getWatchList(string user) { if (user == "" || user.Replace(" ", "") == "") { return(null); } List <string> watchList = new List <string>(); try { bool finished = false; string watchlistUrl = string.Format("{0}watchlist/by/{1}/", FABase, user); int pageN = 1; while (!finished) { string page = webHandler.getPage(watchlistUrl + pageN); HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument(); doc.LoadHtml(page); HtmlNodeCollection nodes = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//table[@id='userpage-budlist']/tr"); if (nodes != null && nodes.Count() >= 2) { foreach (HtmlNode node in nodes) { HtmlNode subNode = node.SelectSingleNode(".//a"); if (subNode == null) { continue; } string username = subNode.GetAttributeValue("href", null); username = username.Remove(0, 6); username = username.TrimEnd('/'); watchList.Add(username); } } else { finished = true; } pageN++; } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } return(watchList); }
public List <Actor> AnalysisActor(string html, string filmname, int FilmID) { ///html/body/div[5]/div/div/div[1]/div/dl[1] var MovieList = new List <Actor>(); HtmlDocument htmlDocument = new HtmlDocument(); htmlDocument.LoadHtml(html);////html/body/div[5]/div/div/div[1]/div/dl[1]/dd[1]/div[1] HtmlNodeCollection yanyuan = htmlDocument.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[@class='actor_tit']"); //演员 for (int i = 1; i < yanyuan.Count(); i++) { try { var aflag = yanyuan[i].ChildNodes[1].SelectSingleNode("a"); var act = new Actor(); act.ActorHref = aflag.GetAttributeValue("href", "").Replace("\\\"", "").Transferred(); act.FilmName = filmname.Transferred(); act.ActorType = "演员"; act.ActorName = (yanyuan[i].ChildNodes[1].ChildNodes[3]).ChildNodes[0].InnerHtml.Transferred(); act.FilmID = FilmID; MovieList.Add(act); } catch (Exception ex) { } } HtmlNodeCollection daoyan = htmlDocument.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[@class='credits_list']"); //导演 for (int i = 1; i < daoyan.Count(); i++) { try { var act = new Actor(); act.ActorHref = daoyan[i].ChildNodes[3].ChildNodes[1].GetAttributeValue("href", "").Replace("\\\"", ""); act.FilmName = filmname; act.ActorType = daoyan[i].ChildNodes[1].InnerText.Trim(); act.ActorName = daoyan[i].ChildNodes[3].InnerText.Trim(); act.FilmID = FilmID; MovieList.Add(act); } catch (Exception ex) { } } return(MovieList); }
/// <summary>Checks HTML pages for "Рисуноккартинка" classes without images</summary> public static void CheckEmptyPictures(List <string> htmlFiles) { foreach (string filePath in htmlFiles) { HtmlDocument htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument(); htmlDoc.Load(filePath, true); HtmlNodeCollection pictureNodes = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(".//p[@class='Рисуноккартинка']"); if (pictureNodes != null && pictureNodes.Count(node => !Regex.Match(node.InnerHtml, @"\<img").Success) > 0) { Program.Log($"В файле '{filePath}' содержится HTML элемент 'Рисуноккартинка' без изображения."); Program.Log(); } } }
public double GetDepartmentMark(HtmlNodeCollection departmentArticles, HtmlNodeCollection filterArticles, HtmlNodeCollection mainArticles) { int result = 1; if (filterArticles != null && departmentArticles.Count() > 0) { result = 2; } else if (filterArticles == null && departmentArticles == null) { result = 0; } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// method to retrive binaries from base webpage /// </summary> /// <param name="URL"></param> /// <param name="DownloadPath"></param> /// <param name="DownCollection"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string GetBinaries(string URL, string DownloadPath, HtmlNodeCollection DownCollection) { var testDoc = new HtmlDocument(); Task <string> task = AsyncUrlToTask(URL); task.Wait(); testDoc.LoadHtml(task.Result); string binaries = ""; foreach (HtmlNode link in testDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(DownloadPath)) { binaries += link.GetAttributeValue("href", string.Empty) + "\n"; } string urlCount = DownCollection.Count().ToString(); return(binaries); }
/// <summary> /// Obtain pricing information from Digikey website /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public override PricingInfo[] GetPricingInfo() { try { List <PricingInfo> priceslist = new List <PricingInfo>(50); HtmlDocument htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument(); htmlDoc.LoadHtml(WebPageData); HtmlNode node = htmlDoc.GetElementbyId("product-dollars"); HtmlNodeCollection tablerows = node.SelectNodes("tbody//tr"); foreach (HtmlNode row in tablerows) { HtmlNodeCollection tablecolumns = row.SelectNodes("td"); if (!ReferenceEquals(tablecolumns, null)) { if (tablecolumns.Count() > 2) { HtmlNode[] cols = tablecolumns.ToArray(); string minqtystr = cols[0].InnerText; minqtystr = minqtystr.Replace(",", ""); int minqty = Int32.Parse(minqtystr); double srcunitprice = Double.Parse(cols[1].InnerText); double destprice = Currency.Convert("USD", DefDestCurrency, srcunitprice); PricingInfo p = new PricingInfo("USD", DefDestCurrency, srcunitprice, destprice, minqty, 999999); priceslist.Add(p); } } } FixMaximumQtys(ref priceslist); return(priceslist.ToArray()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
/// <summary> /// 解析国家地区 /// </summary> /// <param name="page"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List <Movie> AnalysisCountry(string page, int pageIndex) { var MovieList = new List <Movie>(); HtmlDocument htmlDocument = new HtmlDocument(); htmlDocument.LoadHtml(page); HtmlNodeCollection collection = htmlDocument.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("/ul/li/div"); for (int i = 0; i < collection.Count(); i++) { var detail = collection[i].SelectSingleNode("div/div[1]/a"); var img = collection[i].SelectSingleNode("div/div[1]/a/img"); var movie = new Movie(); movie.FilmName = img.GetAttributeValue("alt", "").Replace("\\\"", ""); movie.PicUrl = img.GetAttributeValue("src", "").Replace("\\\"", ""); movie.DetailUrl = detail.GetAttributeValue("href", "").Replace("\\\"", ""); movie.Page = pageIndex; MovieList.Add(movie); } return(MovieList); }
public bool iscontent(HtmlNode hn) { bool r = false; HtmlNodeCollection attrs1 = hn.SelectNodes("./span"); if (attrs1 == null) { return(false); } if (attrs1.Count() <= 0) { } else { if (attrs1[0].Attributes[0].Value.Contains("background-color:#d9d9d9;")) { r = true; } } return(r); }
private HtmlNode tailRecursiveSearch(HtmlNode doc, Queue <KeyValuePair <string, int> > confKeys) { // Base case if (confKeys.Count == 0) { return(doc); } else { KeyValuePair <string, int> currentConf = confKeys.Dequeue(); string key = currentConf.Key; int val = currentConf.Value; HtmlNodeCollection collection = doc.SelectNodes(key); HtmlNode result = null; Queue <KeyValuePair <string, int> > tailQueue = new Queue <KeyValuePair <string, int> >(confKeys); if (collection != null && collection.Count() >= val) { HtmlNode tempDoc = null; for (int i = 0; i < val; i++) { tempDoc = collection[i]; } result = tailRecursiveSearch(tempDoc, tailQueue); } else { return(null); } return(result); } }
private void ReadPowers(Creature c, HtmlNode monsterNode, MonsterStatType versionStat) { bool IsTrait = false; HtmlNode currentPar; HtmlNodeCollection paragraphs = null; switch (versionStat) { case MonsterStatType.Old: paragraphs = monsterNode.SelectNodes("//p"); //[@class='flavor alt']"); break; case MonsterStatType.MM3: paragraphs = monsterNode.SelectNodes(("//h2|//p")); int pos = monsterNode.ParentNode.InnerText.IndexOf("Equipment:"); if (pos > -1) { pos += "Equipment:".Length; int pos2 = monsterNode.ParentNode.InnerText.IndexOf("Published", pos); c.Equipment = CleanHtml(monsterNode.ParentNode.InnerText.Substring(pos, pos2 - pos)); } // currentPar = monsterNode.SelectSingleNode(("//h2")); //currentPar = currentPar.NextSibling; // Debug.Assert(currentPar.Name == "h2"); break; default: throw new ArgumentException("Invalid monsterStatType " + versionStat); } ActionType currentActionType = ActionType.None; for (int posParagraph = 0; posParagraph < paragraphs.Count(); posParagraph++) { currentPar = paragraphs[posParagraph]; string innerHtmlPar = currentPar.InnerHtml.Trim(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(innerHtmlPar.Trim())) { continue; } if (innerHtmlPar.StartsWith("<b>Initiative</b>")) { continue; } if (innerHtmlPar.StartsWith("<b>Str</b>")) { ReadAbilities(c, innerHtmlPar); continue; } if (innerHtmlPar.StartsWith("<b>Skills</b>")) { ManageBlockAlignement(c, currentPar, versionStat); continue; } if (innerHtmlPar.StartsWith("<b>Alignment") || (currentPar.Name == "b" && innerHtmlPar.StartsWith("Alignment"))) { ManageBlockAlignement(c, currentPar, versionStat); continue; } if (innerHtmlPar.StartsWith("<b>Equipment"))// || (currentPar.Name == "b" && innerHtmlPar.StartsWith("Equipment"))) { ManageBlockEquipment(c, currentPar, versionStat); continue; } if (innerHtmlPar.StartsWith("<b>Description")) { ManageBlockDescription(c, currentPar); currentPar = currentPar.NextSibling; continue; } if (innerHtmlPar.StartsWith("Published in")) { ManageBlockPublished(c, currentPar, versionStat); currentPar = currentPar.NextSibling; continue; } if (innerHtmlPar.StartsWith("Update")) { string update = innerHtmlPar; while (currentPar.NextSibling != null && currentPar.NextSibling.Name != "<p>") { currentPar = currentPar.NextSibling; update += Environment.NewLine + innerHtmlPar; } ManageblockUpdate(c, update, versionStat); continue; } if (versionStat == MonsterStatType.MM3) { if (currentPar.Name == "h2") { IsTrait = innerHtmlPar.Trim() == "Traits"; if (innerHtmlPar == "Standard Actions") { currentActionType = ActionType.Standard; } if (innerHtmlPar == "Minor Actions") { currentActionType = ActionType.Minor; } if (innerHtmlPar == "Move Actions") { currentActionType = ActionType.Move; } if (innerHtmlPar == "Triggered Actions") { currentActionType = ActionType.Reaction; } continue; } } if (currentPar.Name != "p" || (currentPar.Attributes["class"].Value == "flavorIndent") || currentPar.InnerHtml.StartsWith("<i>")) //power details { continue; } if (currentPar.InnerHtml.Contains("<b>Aura</b>")) { continue; } CreaturePower cp = new CreaturePower(); cp.Name = GetTextUntilTag(innerHtmlPar, "<b>"); string afterName = GetTextUntilTag(innerHtmlPar, "</b>"); cp.Keywords = GetTextUntilTag(innerHtmlPar, "<b>", 2) ?? String.Empty; string src = String.Empty; if (currentPar.FirstChild.Name == "img") { src = currentPar.FirstChild.Attributes["src"].Value.ToString(); } cp.Action = new PowerAction(); if (_regBasicAttack.Match(src).Success) { cp.Action.Use = PowerUseType.Basic; } if (src.Contains("symbol/Z2a.gif")) { cp.Range = "Melee"; } string powerTitleHtml = innerHtmlPar; currentPar = currentPar.NextSibling; switch (versionStat) { case MonsterStatType.Old: ReadOldPower(currentPar, cp, String.IsNullOrEmpty(src) //trait should have no action image , afterName, powerTitleHtml); currentPar = currentPar.NextSibling; while ((currentPar != null) && (currentPar.Name == "p") && (currentPar.Attributes["class"] != null) && (currentPar.Attributes["class"].Value.ToLower() == "flavorindent")) { // more details for action cp.Details = cp.Details + Environment.NewLine + CleanHtml(currentPar.InnerText); posParagraph++; currentPar = currentPar.NextSibling; } break; case MonsterStatType.MM3: if (IsTrait) { cp.Action = null; } else { cp.Action.Action = currentActionType; } currentPar = ReadMM3Power(currentPar, cp, IsTrait, powerTitleHtml.Replace(" ", " ")); break; default: throw new ArgumentException("Invalid monsterStatType " + versionStat); } c.CreaturePowers.Add(cp); } }
public static List <EnvironmentCanadaData> Past24hr(bool fromCache) { string s = "", sDate = "", html = fromCache ? WebScraper.GetHtmlFromCacheOrWeb(_urlPast24hr) : WebScraper.GetHtmlFromWeb(_urlPast24hr); List <EnvironmentCanadaData> ecdList = new List <EnvironmentCanadaData>(); if (html == null || html.Length < 25000) { return(ecdList); } HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument(); doc.LoadHtml(html); //note: var doc = new HtmlWeb().Load(file); allows "//table/tbody/tr" foreach (HtmlNode tr in doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//table/tbody")) { //77 Debug.WriteLine("\n============ tr.ChildNodes.Count {0}:", tr.ChildNodes.Count()); foreach (HtmlNode r in tr.ChildNodes.Where(n => n.ChildNodes.Any())) { HtmlNodeCollection c = r.ChildNodes; int cnt = c.Count(); //77 Debug.Write($"\n{c.Count()}:"); int i = 0; foreach (HtmlNode t in c) { Debug.Write($" {i++}:'{t.InnerText.Replace("\n", "").Replace("\t", "").Replace(" ", " ").Replace(" ", " ").Replace(" ", " ").Trim()}' "); } if (c.Count() == 3) { sDate = c[1].InnerText.Trim(); } else if (c.Count() >= 17) { try { EnvironmentCanadaData e4 = new EnvironmentCanadaData { TempAir = -999 }; e4.TakenAt = Convert.ToDateTime(sDate + ' ' + c[1].InnerText); e4.Conditions = c[3].InnerText; string[] c5 = c[5].InnerText.Split(new char[] { '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (c5.Count() > 1) { e4.TempAir = double.Parse(c5[1].Trim(' ').Trim('\n').Trim(' ').Trim('\n').Trim('↑').Trim('↓').Trim('(').Trim(')').Replace("(", "").Trim()); } else { e4.TempAir = double.Parse(c[5].InnerText.Trim(' ').Trim('\n').Trim(' ').Trim('\n').Trim('↑').Trim('↓').Trim()); } string[] c7 = c[7].InnerText.Split(new char[] { '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (c7.Count() > 1) { e4.Humidity = double.Parse(c7[1].Trim(' ').Trim('\n').Trim(' ').Trim('\n').Trim('↑').Trim('↓').Trim('(').Trim(')').Replace("(", "").Trim()); } else { e4.Humidity = double.Parse(c[7].InnerText); } //var c9 = c[9].InnerText.Split(new char[] { '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); //if (c9.Count() > 1) // e4.DewPoint = double.Parse(c9[1].Trim(' ').Trim('\n').Trim(' ').Trim('\n').Trim('↑').Trim('↓').Trim('(').Trim(')').Replace("(", "").Trim()); //else // e4.DewPoint = double.Parse(c[9].InnerText); e4.Pressure /**/ = double.Parse(c[cnt - 8].InnerText); e4.Visibility /**/ = double.Parse(c[cnt - 4].InnerText); if (cnt != 27 && !c[13].InnerText.Contains("*")) { e4.Humidex /**/ = double.Parse(c[13].InnerText); } s = c[11].InnerText.Trim(); string[] w = s.Split(new char[] { ' ', '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); switch (w.Length) { case 1: e4.WindDir = w[0]; e4.WindKmH = 0; break; case 2: e4.WindDir = w[0]; e4.WindKmH = Convert.ToDouble(w[1]); break; case 3: break; case 4: e4.WindDir = w[0]; e4.WindKmH = Convert.ToDouble(w[1]); e4.WindGust = Convert.ToDouble(w[3]); break; default: break; } if (e4 != null && e4.TempAir != -999) { ecdList.Add(e4); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.Log(); } } } } //old: for (int curpos = 0, i = 0; i < 25; i++) { var e = process1hourButtonvilleLikeEntry(ref s, ref sDate, ref html, ref curpos); if (e != null && e.Pressure > 0) ecdList.Add(e); } //`for (int i = 0; i < ecdList.Count; i++) Console.WriteLine("{0,2}) {1}", i, ecdList[i].ToString()); return(ecdList); }
private void button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var document = XDocument.Load(@"C:\Users\LENOVO\Desktop\export_merchants.xml"); var rows = document.Descendants("row"); var count = rows.Count(); var htmlWeb = new HtmlWeb(); foreach (var row in rows) { var merchant_name = row.Elements("field").Where(a => a.Attribute("name").Value == "name").Select(p => p.Value).FirstOrDefault(); //var merchant_name = "Vacto_Molunel"; var htmlDoc = htmlWeb.Load(string.Concat( "", merchant_name)); var uls = htmlDoc.DocumentNode .Descendants("div").Where(d => d.Attributes.Contains("class") && d.Attributes["class"].Value.Contains("mobPageDiv")); // //<span class="mw-headline" id="Items_Sold"> var toto = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//span[@id='Items_Sold']"); HtmlNode toto2 = null; HtmlNodeCollection toto3 = null; //var toto2 = toto.ParentNode.NextSibling.NextSibling.SelectNodes("//li"); if (toto != null) { toto2 = toto.ParentNode.NextSibling.SelectSingleNode("//ul"); } if (toto2 != null) { toto3 = toto2.ChildNodes; } // var uls = htmlDoc.DocumentNode //.SelectNodes("//ul") //.Where(a => a.Descendants().Any(b => b.InnerHtml == "span")); // var uls = htmlDoc.DocumentNode // .Descendants("span").Where(d => //d.Attributes.Contains("id") && // d.Attributes["id"].Value.Contains("Items_Sold")); try { //if (uls.Count() > 0) if (toto3 != null && toto3.Count() > 0) { //foreach (var li in uls.ElementAt(0).ChildNodes) foreach (var li in toto3) { if (li.InnerHtml.Contains(@"None")) { break; } var links = li.Descendants("a") .Select(a => a.InnerText) .ToList(); // if (links.Count() == 0) continue; if (links.Count() > 0) { foreach (var item in links) { //Ajout de chaque item dans le row courant var item_row = new XElement("field", new XAttribute("name", "item_name")); item_row.Value = item.ToString(); row.Add(item_row); } //break; } } } } finally { } // } document.Save(@"C:\Users\LENOVO\Desktop\export_merchants_P99_FIX1.xml"); MessageBox.Show("Done !"); }
public void GetHtmlNotAsync(string url) { var url_ = url; var httpClient = new HttpClient(); // var html = await httpClient.GetStringAsync(url_); <<< If I would like to do it Async //var htmlDocument = new HtmlDocument(); //htmlDocument.LoadHtml(html); HtmlWeb web = new HtmlWeb(); HtmlDocument htmlDocument = web.Load(url_); IEnumerable <HtmlNode> radioStNameHtmlDoc = htmlDocument.DocumentNode.Descendants("h4") .Where(node => node.Attributes.Contains("class") && node.Attributes["class"].Value.Contains("a")); HtmlNodeCollection radioUrlHtmlDoc = htmlDocument.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//small[@class='hidden-xs']/a[@title='PLS Playlist File']"); string[] arrWithNames = new string[radioStNameHtmlDoc.Count()]; string[] arrWithUrls = new string[radioUrlHtmlDoc.Count()]; int i = 0; foreach (var Names in radioStNameHtmlDoc) { arrWithNames[i] = string.Format("{0}). {1}", i + 1, Names.InnerText); i = i + 1; } int j = 0; foreach (var Names in radioUrlHtmlDoc) { arrWithUrls[j] = string.Format("{0}). :{1}", j + 1, Names.OuterHtml); j = j + 1; } String SplitStr = "playpls', '"; String UrlString = string.Join(",", arrWithUrls); String[] splittedUrlString = UrlString.Split(SplitStr); splittedUrlString = splittedUrlString.Skip(1).ToArray(); int k = 0; foreach (var urls in splittedUrlString) { if (urls.Contains('\'')) { int index = urls.IndexOf('\''); arrWithUrls[k] = urls.Substring(0, index); k = k + 1; } } int l = 0; foreach (var urlsm3u in arrWithUrls) { if (urlsm3u.Contains("listen.pls")) { arrWithUrls[l] = urlsm3u.Replace("listen.pls", "m3u^"); int index = arrWithUrls[l].IndexOf('^'); arrWithUrls[l] = arrWithUrls[l].Substring(0, index); } l = l + 1; } radiostationsName = arrWithNames; radiostationsUrl = arrWithUrls; }
public static List <EnvironmentCanadaData> Fore24hourAtButtonville(bool fromCache) { string s = "", sDate = "", html = fromCache ? WebScraper.GetHtmlFromCacheOrWeb(_urlFore24hr) : WebScraper.GetHtmlFromWeb(_urlFore24hr); List <EnvironmentCanadaData> ecdList = new List <EnvironmentCanadaData>(); if (html == null || html.Length < 25000) { return(ecdList); } HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument(); doc.LoadHtml(html); //note: var doc = new HtmlWeb().Load(file); allows "//table/tbody/tr" foreach (HtmlNode tr in doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//table/tbody")) { //77 Debug.WriteLine("\n============ {0}:", tr.ChildNodes.Count()); foreach (HtmlNode r in tr.ChildNodes)//.Where(n => n.ChildNodes.Count() > 0)) { HtmlNodeCollection c = r.ChildNodes; //77 Debug.WriteLine("\n------------ {0}:", c.Count()); int i = 0; foreach (HtmlNode t in c) { Debug.Write(string.Format("{0,3}:{1} \t", i++, t.InnerText.Trim())); } if (c.Count() == 3) { sDate = c[1].InnerText.Trim(); } else if (c.Count() >= 11) { try { EnvironmentCanadaData e4 = new EnvironmentCanadaData { TempAir = -999 }; e4.TakenAt = Convert.ToDateTime(sDate + ' ' + c[1].InnerText); e4.TempAir = double.Parse(c[3].InnerText.Trim(' ').Trim('\n').Trim(' ').Trim('\n').Trim('↑').Trim('↓').Trim()); if (c.Count() > 11 && double.TryParse(c[11].InnerText, out double dbl)) { e4.Humidex = dbl; } e4.Conditions = c[5].InnerText.Trim(); //e4.Humidity = double.Parse(c[7].InnerText); //e4.DewPoint = double.Parse(c[9].InnerText); //e4.Pressure = double.Parse(c[13].InnerText); //e4.Visibility = double.Parse(c[15].InnerText); s = c[9].InnerText.Trim(); string[] w = s.Split(new char[] { ' ', ' ', '\t', '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); switch (w.Length) { case 1: e4.WindDir = w[0]; e4.WindKmH = 0; break; case 2: e4.WindDir = w[0]; e4.WindKmH = Convert.ToDouble(w[1]); break; case 3: break; case 4: e4.WindDir = w[0]; e4.WindKmH = Convert.ToDouble(w[1]); e4.WindGust = Convert.ToDouble(w[3]); break; default: break; } if (e4 != null && e4.TempAir != -999) { ecdList.Add(e4); } } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteLine(ex.Message, ">>> " + System.Reflection.MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.Name + "." + System.Reflection.MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod().Name); } } } } //old: for (int curpos = 0, i = 0; i < 25; i++) { var e = process1hourButtonvilleLikeEntry(ref s, ref sDate, ref html, ref curpos); if (e != null && e.Pressure > 0) ecdList.Add(e); } //`for (int i = 0; i < ecdList.Count; i++) Console.WriteLine("{0,2}) {1}", i, ecdList[i].ToString()); return(ecdList); }
/// <summary> /// 下载html /// </summary> public void DownLoadHtml() { string sqlStr = "select Url from IcookMenu where IsDownload = 0"; object[] menuUrlObj = sh.GetField(sqlStr); string title, fullFoldPath = string.Empty; HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument(); ArrayList mainAList = hh.GetHtmlData(mainUrl, cookie); int htmlCount = 0; foreach (var menuUrl in menuUrlObj) { try { ArrayList menuResList = hh.GetHtmlData(menuUrl.ToString(), cookie); doc.LoadHtml(menuResList[1].ToString()); HtmlNode h1Node = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='recipe-details-header-title']/h1[@class='title']"); title = myUtils.StringConvert(h1Node.InnerText).Trim();//标题 title = myUtils.FilterPath(title); fullFoldPath = outPath + title + @"\"; if (!Directory.Exists(fullFoldPath)) //判断是否存在 { Directory.CreateDirectory(fullFoldPath); //创建新路径 } HtmlNode headerNode = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='recipe-details-header recipe-details-block']"); HtmlNode headerChild = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='recipe-details-header recipe-details-block']/div[@class='header-row center-row']"); HtmlNode rightChild = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='recipe-details-header recipe-details-block']/div[@class='header-row center-row']/div[@class='header-col right-col']"); headerChild.RemoveChild(rightChild);//删除右边 HtmlNode headerImgParentNode = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='recipe-details-header recipe-details-block']/div[@class='header-row center-row']/div[@class='header-col left-col']/div[@class='recipe-cover']"); HtmlNode headerImgChild = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//img[@class='main-pic']"); string headerImgSrc = headerImgChild.GetAttributeValue("src", ""); myUtils.DownLoadImage(headerImgSrc, fullFoldPath + @"图片1.jpg", cookie); headerImgParentNode.RemoveAllChildren(); HtmlNode newheaderImgNode = doc.CreateElement("div"); newheaderImgNode.InnerHtml = $"图片{1}"; headerImgParentNode.AppendChild(newheaderImgNode); string headerHtml = headerNode.InnerHtml;//头部内容 HtmlNode mainNode = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='recipe-details-main']"); HtmlNode mainChild = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='recipe-details-main']/div[@class='recipe-ad-placeholder']"); mainNode.RemoveChild(mainChild); HtmlNodeCollection imgParentNodeList = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[@class='step-cover']"); int totalImgCount = 0, index = 0; if (imgParentNodeList != null) { totalImgCount = imgParentNodeList.Count(); for (int i = 1; i < imgParentNodeList.Count + 1; i++) { try { HtmlNode imgChildNode = imgParentNodeList[i - 1].SelectSingleNode("a"); string imgUrl = imgChildNode.GetAttributeValue("href", "").Replace("medium_", "large_"); myUtils.DownLoadImage(imgUrl, fullFoldPath + $"图片{i + 1}.jpg", cookie); imgParentNodeList[i - 1].RemoveAllChildren(); HtmlNode newImgNode = doc.CreateElement("div"); newImgNode.InnerHtml = $"图片{i + 1}"; imgParentNodeList[i - 1].AppendChild(newImgNode); index++; } catch (Exception ex) { myUtils.WriteLog(ex); } } } string mainStr = mainNode.InnerHtml;//主题内容 string allStr = headerHtml + mainStr; // sqlStr = $"UPDATE IcookMenu SET Title = '{title}', Html = '{allStr}' WHERE Url = '{menuUrl}'"; sqlStr = $"UPDATE IcookMenu SET Title = '{title}' WHERE Url = '{menuUrl}'"; sh.RunSql(sqlStr); bool isOk = false; if (totalImgCount == index) { if (myUtils.TransToWord(allStr, title, fullFoldPath)) { if (myUtils.InsertPictureToWord(outPath, title)) { sqlStr = $"UPDATE IcookMenu SET IsDownload = 1 WHERE Url = '{menuUrl}'"; sh.RunSql(sqlStr); htmlCount++; myUtils.UpdateLabel(label3, htmlCount); myUtils.UpdateListBox(listBox1, title); isOk = true; } } } if (!isOk) { if (Directory.Exists(fullFoldPath)) { Directory.Delete(fullFoldPath, true); } } } catch (Exception e) { myUtils.WriteLog(e); } } }
/// <summary> /// try to get a feed form a url using the given definition /// </summary> /// <param name="pageUrl"></param> /// <param name="feed"></param> /// <param name="webPageFeedDef"></param> public void Read(string pageUrl, ref Feed feed, WebPageFeedDef webPageFeedDef) { feed = null; if (webPageFeedDef != null) { if (!pageUrl.ToLower().Contains(webPageFeedDef.BaseURL.ToLower())) { return; } } else { return; } bool loadSuccess = false; string content = ""; /* * try * { * //try to download the main page * content = new System.Net.WebClient().DownloadString(pageUrl); * //Console.WriteLine(content); * loadSuccess = true; * } * catch (Exception ex) * { * Console.WriteLine("Error while getting feed-webpage: " + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); * } */ if (loadSuccess) { var htmlDoc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument() { OptionAutoCloseOnEnd = true, OptionFixNestedTags = true }; htmlDoc.LoadHtml(content); try { Clipboard.SetText(content); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); //Console.WriteLine(content); } if (htmlDoc.DocumentNode != null) { feed = new Feed(); feed.FeedURL = pageUrl; //get title (if not properly loaded already) HtmlNode titleNode = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.Descendants("title").FirstOrDefault(); if (titleNode != null) { feed.Title = System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(titleNode.InnerText); } else { Console.WriteLine("titlenode is null!"); } //get feeditems string classID_Title = webPageFeedDef.ClassID_Title; string classID_UpdateTime = webPageFeedDef.ClassID_UpdateTime; HtmlNodeCollection titleNodes = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(classID_Title); HtmlNodeCollection timeNodes = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(classID_UpdateTime); try { if (titleNodes != null && timeNodes != null) { if (timeNodes.Count > 0 && titleNodes.Count > 0) { feed.Items = new List <FeedItem>(); //create List of items from detected entries with their upload-Dates for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(timeNodes.Count, titleNodes.Count); i++) { string suburl = titleNodes[i].OuterHtml; if (suburl.Contains("/")) { suburl = suburl.Remove(0, titleNodes[i].OuterHtml.IndexOf("/")); } string url = webPageFeedDef.BaseURL; if (suburl.Contains("\"")) { url += suburl.Remove(suburl.IndexOf("\"")); } string title = System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(titleNodes[i].InnerHtml); //search for feeditem-title in the innerHtml foreach (string titleMarker in titleMarkers) { if (title.ToLower().Contains(titleMarker)) { title = title.Remove(0, title.ToLower().LastIndexOf(titleMarker) + titleMarker.Length); title = title.Remove(title.IndexOf("\"")); } } DateTime updateTime = getDateTime(timeNodes[i].InnerHtml); FeedItem item = new FeedItem(); item.Id = url; item.Link = url; item.PublishingDate = updateTime; item.Read = false; item.Title = title; feed.Items.Add(item); } feed.Updated = true; } } else { Console.WriteLine("FeedURL: " + feed.FeedURL + " Title = " + feed.Title + ": no Chapter-Nodes detected. DetectionText: '" + classID_Title + "'"); if (timeNodes == null) { Console.WriteLine("TimeNodes is null."); } else { Console.WriteLine("Number of timenodes = " + timeNodes.Count()); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Innerexception 1: " + ex.Message); } } } }
public static void Initiate(HashSet <String> trainingDocs = null) { if (trainingDocs == null) { trainingDocsNames = new HashSet <String>(allDocsNames); } else { //Set the set of training documents names trainingDocsNames = trainingDocs; } //Reset the Dom Pool Vars TargetNodes = new HashSet <HtmlNode>(); TargetNodesPrecision = new HashSet <HtmlNode>(); NonTargetNodes = new HashSet <HtmlNode>(); TESTTargetNodes = new HashSet <HtmlNode>(); TESTTargetNodesPrecision = new HashSet <HtmlNode>(); TESTNonTargetNodes = new HashSet <HtmlNode>(); TESTSeenTargetNodes = new HashSet <HtmlNode>(); TESTSeenTargetNodesPrecision = new HashSet <HtmlNode>(); TESTSeenNonTargetNodes = new HashSet <HtmlNode>(); //Reset the query result cache queryResultCache = new Dictionary <string, HashSet <HtmlNode> >(); int minSelected = 100; foreach (String srcDomName in trainingDocsNames) { HtmlNode srcDom = null; docsAndNames.TryGetValue(srcDomName, out srcDom); HtmlNodeCollection selected = srcDom.SelectNodes("//*[@" + selectionAttribute + "]"); if (selected == null || selected.Count <= 0) { continue; } if (selected.Count() < minSelected) { minSelected = selected.Count(); } } foreach (String srcDomName in trainingDocsNames) { HtmlNode srcDom = null; docsAndNames.TryGetValue(srcDomName, out srcDom); HtmlNodeCollection selected = srcDom.SelectNodes("//*[@" + selectionAttribute + "]"); if (selected == null) { continue; } TargetNodes.UnionWith(selected.Take(minSelected)); TargetNodesPrecision.UnionWith(selected); HtmlNodeCollection selectedChildren = srcDom.SelectNodes("//*[@" + selectionAttribute + "]//* | //*[@" + optionalSelectionAttribute + "] | //*[@" + optionalSelectionAttribute + "]//*"); if (selectedChildren != null) { TargetNodesPrecision.UnionWith(selectedChildren); } //select the rest and add them to HtmlNodeCollection all = srcDom.SelectNodes("//*"); HashSet <HtmlNode> nonTarget = new HashSet <HtmlNode>(all); nonTarget.ExceptWith(selected); if (selectedChildren != null) { nonTarget.ExceptWith(selectedChildren); } NonTargetNodes.UnionWith(nonTarget); } foreach (String srcDomName in allDocsNames.Except(trainingDocsNames)) { HtmlNode srcDom = null; docsAndNames.TryGetValue(srcDomName, out srcDom); HtmlNodeCollection selected = srcDom.SelectNodes("//*[@" + selectionAttribute + "]"); TESTTargetNodes.UnionWith(selected); TESTTargetNodesPrecision.UnionWith(selected); HtmlNodeCollection selectedChildren = srcDom.SelectNodes("//*[@" + selectionAttribute + "]//* | //*[@" + optionalSelectionAttribute + "] | //*[@" + optionalSelectionAttribute + "]//*"); if (selectedChildren != null) { TESTTargetNodesPrecision.UnionWith(selectedChildren); } //select the rest and add them to HtmlNodeCollection all = srcDom.SelectNodes("//*"); HashSet <HtmlNode> nonTarget = new HashSet <HtmlNode>(all); nonTarget.ExceptWith(selected); if (selectedChildren != null) { nonTarget.ExceptWith(selectedChildren); } TESTNonTargetNodes.UnionWith(nonTarget); } if (testDocsAndNames.Count() > 0) { foreach (String srcDomName in testDocsAndNames.Keys.Intersect(trainingDocsNames)) { HtmlNode srcDom = null; testDocsAndNames.TryGetValue(srcDomName, out srcDom); HtmlNodeCollection selected = srcDom.SelectNodes("//*[@" + selectionAttribute + "]"); TESTSeenTargetNodes.UnionWith(selected); TESTSeenTargetNodesPrecision.UnionWith(selected); HtmlNodeCollection selectedChildren = srcDom.SelectNodes("//*[@" + selectionAttribute + "]//* | //*[@" + optionalSelectionAttribute + "] | //*[@" + optionalSelectionAttribute + "]//*"); if (selectedChildren != null) { TESTSeenTargetNodesPrecision.UnionWith(selectedChildren); } //select the rest and add them to HtmlNodeCollection all = srcDom.SelectNodes("//*"); HashSet <HtmlNode> nonTarget = new HashSet <HtmlNode>(all); nonTarget.ExceptWith(selected); if (selectedChildren != null) { nonTarget.ExceptWith(selectedChildren); } TESTSeenNonTargetNodes.UnionWith(nonTarget); } } }
public static void GetPoolData() { string response = string.Empty; Boolean header = true; string sheetName = "Sheet_17_04_2018_12_25"; var service = CreateGoogleSheets(sheetName); List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > competitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >(); try { HttpWebRequest webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(""); webRequest.Method = "GET"; webRequest.Host = webRequest.RequestUri.Host; webRequest.UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/65.0.3325.181 Safari/537.36"; HttpWebResponse webResponse = (HttpWebResponse)webRequest.GetResponse(); StreamReader stream = new StreamReader(webResponse.GetResponseStream()); response = stream.ReadToEnd(); stream.Dispose(); HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument htmlDoc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument(); htmlDoc.LoadHtml(response); HtmlNodeCollection competitionNodeList = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//select[@id='compselectbox']"); if (competitionNodeList != null) { if (competitionNodeList.Count() > 0) { for (int x = 0; x < competitionNodeList.Count(); x++) { HtmlNodeCollection subCompetitionNodeList = competitionNodeList[x].SelectNodes(".//option"); for (int y = 0; y < subCompetitionNodeList.Count(); y++) { string competitionName = subCompetitionNodeList[y].InnerText.Replace(" ", "").Trim().ToString(); string competitionCode = subCompetitionNodeList[y].Attributes["value"].Value.Trim().ToString(); if (competitionCode != "") { string teamUrl = "" + competitionCode + "&a=ROUND#"; competitionList.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(competitionName, teamUrl)); } } } } } if (competitionList.Count() > 0) { foreach (var item in competitionList) { if (item.Value != "") { List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > poolList = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >(); List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > roundList = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >(); string poolResponse = PoolHandler.GetResponseFromUrl(item.Value); HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument htmlnewDoc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument(); htmlnewDoc.LoadHtml(poolResponse); HtmlNodeCollection htmlPools = htmlnewDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[@class='fixoptions']//div[@class='nonactpool-wrap']//a"); #region Retrive Pools List if (htmlPools != null) { if (htmlPools.Count() > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < htmlPools.Count(); j++) { string poolTitle = htmlPools[j].InnerText.Trim().ToString(); string poolUrl = htmlPools[j].Attributes["href"].Value.ToString(); if (poolTitle != "Final" && poolUrl != "#") { poolList.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(poolTitle, "" + poolUrl.Replace("amp;", "").Trim().ToString())); } } } } #endregion if (poolList.Count() > 0) { foreach (var poolItem in poolList) { string pool_Name = poolItem.Key; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(poolItem.Value)) { string subPoolResponse = PoolHandler.GetResponseFromUrl(poolItem.Value); HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument htmlnewDocA = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument(); htmlnewDocA.LoadHtml(subPoolResponse); HtmlNodeCollection currentRoundNode = htmlnewDocA.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[@class='roundlist']//span[@data-rd]"); HtmlNodeCollection roundsNodes = htmlnewDocA.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[@class='roundlist']//a[@data-rd]"); if (currentRoundNode != null) { if (currentRoundNode.Count() > 0) { string roundValue = currentRoundNode[0].Attributes["data-rd"].Value.Trim().ToString(); string roundUrl = poolItem.Value; if (roundValue != "") { roundList.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Round " + roundValue, roundUrl.Replace("round=0", "round=" + roundValue).Replace("action=ROUND", "a=ROUND"))); } } } if (roundsNodes != null) { if (roundsNodes.Count() > 0) { for (int rndCount = 0; rndCount < roundsNodes.Count(); rndCount++) { if (roundsNodes[rndCount].Attributes.Contains("data-rd")) { string roundValue = roundsNodes[rndCount].Attributes["data-rd"].Value.Trim().ToString(); string roundUrl = roundsNodes[rndCount].Attributes["href"].Value.Trim().Replace("amp;", "").Trim().ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(roundValue)) { roundList.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Round " + roundValue, "" + roundUrl)); } } } } } if (roundList.Count > 0) { foreach (var roundItem in roundList.OrderBy(x => x.Key)) { string roundResponse = PoolHandler.GetResponseFromUrl(roundItem.Value); int startIndex = roundResponse.IndexOf("var matches ="); int endIndex = roundResponse.LastIndexOf("];</script>"); if (startIndex > 0 && endIndex > 0) { string jsonString = roundResponse.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex + 5); jsonString = jsonString.Replace("var matches =", "").Replace(";</s", "").Trim().ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jsonString)) { List <RootObject> teamsList = new List <RootObject>(); List <MatchMasterModel> masterList = new List <MatchMasterModel>(); teamsList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <RootObject> >(jsonString); if (teamsList.Count() > 0) { masterList = teamsList.Select(x => new MatchMasterModel() { matchDate = x.TimeDateRaw, roundno = x.Round, fieldno = x.VenueName.Replace("Field", "").Replace(" ", "").Trim().ToString(), divisionName = x.CompName, poolName = pool_Name.Replace("Pool", "").Trim().ToString(), teamA = x.HomeName, versus = "V", teamB = x.AwayName, halveA = string.Empty, halveB = string.Empty }).ToList(); List <IList <Object> > objNewRecords = new List <IList <Object> >(); IList <Object> obj = new List <Object>(); if (header == true) { obj.Add("Time"); obj.Add("Round"); obj.Add("Field"); obj.Add("Division"); obj.Add("Pool"); obj.Add("Team"); obj.Add("v"); obj.Add("Team"); obj.Add("Halve 1"); obj.Add("Halve 2"); objNewRecords.Add(obj); } foreach (var a in masterList) { obj = new List <Object>(); obj = GenerateData(a, service); if (obj != null) { objNewRecords.Add(obj); } } string newRange = GetRange(service, sheetName); AppendGoogleSheetinBatch(objNewRecords, spreadSheetId, newRange, service); if (header == true) { //The formatHeaderField method will format the header as user wants to. formatHeaderField(service, sheetName); header = false; } } } } } } } } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { } }
public void Run(DateTime day) { bool is25hours = (day.Month == 10 && isLastSunday(day)); bool is23hours = !is25hours && (day.Month == 3 && isLastSunday(day)); string URL = _baseURL + day.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "/FR"; try { _htmlDoc.LoadHtml(_webClient.DownloadString(URL)); //ottengo l'array delle date visualizzate HtmlNode dateRow = _htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@id='tab_fr']//table[@class='list hours responsive']//tr"); List <DateTime> days = new List <DateTime>(); foreach (HtmlNode col in dateRow.SelectNodes("th")) { DateTime d = new DateTime(); if (DateTime.TryParseExact(col.InnerText + " " + day.Year, "ddd, dd/MM yyyy", new CultureInfo("en-US"), DateTimeStyles.None, out d)) { days.Add(d); } } KeyValuePair <string, int>[] tabIDs = new KeyValuePair <string, int>[] { new KeyValuePair <string, int>("tab_fr", 987), new KeyValuePair <string, int>("tab_de", 924), new KeyValuePair <string, int>("tab_ch", 988) }; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> tabID in tabIDs) { HtmlNodeCollection tab = _htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[@id='" + tabID.Key + "']//table[@class='list hours responsive']//tr[@class='no-border']"); //la mia data ha 24 ore ma la tabella contiene anche la riga della 25-esima if (!is25hours && tab.Count() == 25) { tab.RemoveAt(3); } DataTable dt = initTable(); int i = 0; int index = days.IndexOf(day); foreach (HtmlNode row in tab) { //seleziono il valore che mi interessa dalla tabella sapendo che index è 0-based e che le prime 2 colonne sono di intestazione HtmlNode mgpVal = row.SelectSingleNode("td[" + (3 + index) + "]"); DataRow newRow = dt.NewRow(); newRow["Zona"] = tabID.Value; newRow["Data"] = day.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + (++i < 10 ? "0" : "") + i; newRow["Mgp"] = 0; decimal tmp; if (Decimal.TryParse(mgpVal.InnerText.Replace('.', ','), out tmp)) { newRow["MGP"] = tmp; } dt.Rows.Add(newRow); } if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { //scrivo la tabella all'interno del caricatore string path = Path.Combine(_basePath, day.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "_" + tabID.Value + ".xml"); dt.WriteXml(path); } } } catch (Exception) { } }
private bool ScrapeEuroGirlsEscort(string urlToScrape) { try { List <string> ProfileURLs = new List <string>(); using WebClient client = new WebClient(); client.Headers.Add("user-agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:88.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/88.0"); client.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.Cookie, "over18=1"); string htmlCode = client.DownloadString(urlToScrape); var doc = new HtmlDocument(); doc.LoadHtml(htmlCode); HtmlNodeCollection parentItem = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[contains(@class, 'list-items')]"); if (parentItem.Count() == 1) { HtmlNodeCollection childDivs = parentItem.First().SelectNodes(".//div"); foreach (HtmlNode node in childDivs) { HtmlNodeCollection profileURLNodes = node.SelectNodes(".//a[@href]"); if (profileURLNodes != null) { foreach (HtmlNode profileNode in profileURLNodes.Where(x => x.InnerHtml != null)) { string hrefValue = profileNode.GetAttributeValue("href", string.Empty); string url = "https://" + new Uri(urlToScrape).Host + hrefValue; ProfileURLs.Add(url); } } } foreach (string url in ProfileURLs) { try { string finalInfo = ""; htmlCode = browser.Get(url, true, Properties.Resources.EuroGirlsEscort); finalInfo += url + newLine; doc = new HtmlDocument(); doc.LoadHtml(htmlCode); HtmlNode parentProfile = doc.GetElementbyId("main-content"); HtmlNode descriptionNode = parentProfile.SelectSingleNode(".//div[@class='description']"); HtmlNode nameNode = descriptionNode.SelectSingleNode(".//h1"); string nameStr = nameNode.InnerText.Replace("\n", "").Replace("\r", "").Trim().Replace(" ", " "); if (nameStr.Contains(",")) { string Name = nameStr.Split(',')[0]; string Afiliation = nameStr.Split(',')[1]; finalInfo += "Name:" + Name + newLine; finalInfo += "Affiliation:" + Afiliation + newLine; } else { finalInfo += "Name:" + nameStr + newLine; } HtmlNode profileParent = parentProfile.SelectSingleNode(".//a[contains(@class, 'js-gallery')]"); string imageURL = profileParent.GetAttributeValue("href", string.Empty); ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12; client.DownloadFile(new Uri(imageURL), Path.Combine(AppPath, "Images/" + imageURL.Split('/').Last())); HtmlNode infoNodes = parentProfile.SelectSingleNode(".//div[@class='params']"); HtmlNodeCollection singleInfoNodes = infoNodes.SelectNodes(".//div"); foreach (HtmlNode lineNode in singleInfoNodes) { string lineInfo = lineNode.InnerText.Replace("\n", "").Replace("\r", "").Trim().Replace(" ", " "); finalInfo += lineInfo + newLine; } HtmlNode phoneNode = parentProfile.SelectSingleNode(".//a[contains(@class, 'js-phone')]"); string phoneNumber = phoneNode.InnerText.Replace(" ", " "); finalInfo += "Phone number:" + phoneNumber + newLine; try { HtmlNode ratesNodes = parentProfile.SelectSingleNode(".//div[@class='rates']"); if (ratesNodes != null) { HtmlNode ratesTableNodes = ratesNodes.SelectSingleNode(".//tbody"); HtmlNodeCollection ratesLines = ratesTableNodes.SelectNodes(".//tr"); finalInfo += "Rates:"; foreach (HtmlNode rateLine in ratesLines) { string rate = rateLine.InnerText.Replace(" ", " ").Replace("\n", "-").Replace("\r", "-").Trim(); rate = rate.Replace("--", "-").Replace("--", "-"); finalInfo += rate; if (rateLine != ratesLines.Last()) { finalInfo += " | "; } } finalInfo += newLine; } } catch { } try { HtmlNode servicesNodes = parentProfile.SelectSingleNode(".//div[@class='services']"); if (servicesNodes != null) { HtmlNode servicesTableNodes = servicesNodes.SelectSingleNode(".//tbody"); HtmlNodeCollection servicesLines = servicesNodes.SelectNodes(".//tr"); finalInfo += "Services:"; foreach (HtmlNode serviceLine in servicesLines) { string service = serviceLine.InnerText.Replace(" ", " ").Replace("\n", "-").Replace("\r", "-").Trim(); service = service.Replace("--", "-").Replace("--", "-").Replace("--", "-"); if (service == "-Services-Included-Extra-") { continue; } finalInfo += service; if (serviceLine != servicesLines.Last()) { finalInfo += " | "; } } finalInfo += newLine; } } catch { } finalInfo = finalInfo.Trim(); string profilesPath = Path.Combine(AppPath, "Profiles"); if (!Directory.Exists(profilesPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(profilesPath); } string ProfilePath = Path.Combine(profilesPath, nameStr); if (Directory.Exists(ProfilePath)) { Directory.Delete(ProfilePath, true); } Directory.CreateDirectory(ProfilePath); string profileTxtPath = Path.Combine(ProfilePath, "profile.txt"); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(profileTxtPath); sw.WriteLine(finalInfo); sw.Close(); HtmlNode imgNode = doc.GetElementbyId("js-gallery"); HtmlNodeCollection imgsNodes = imgNode.SelectNodes(".//a[@class='js-gallery']"); int i = 0; foreach (HtmlNode imgElm in imgsNodes) { string imgURL = imgElm.GetAttributeValue("href", string.Empty); client.DownloadFile(imgURL, Path.Combine(ProfilePath, $"{i}.jpg")); i++; } } catch (ThreadAbortException) { break; } catch (Exception ex) { LogError("Url invalid: " + url + ". Error: " + ex.ToString()); break; } } } else { LogError($"Invalid parent item count, expected 1 got {parentItem.Count()}"); } } catch (ThreadAbortException) { //nothing, stopped } catch (Exception ex) { LogError(ex.ToString()); } finally { GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); } return(true); }
private bool ScrapeTopEscortBabes(string urlToScrape) { try { List <string> ProfileURLs = new List <string>(); using WebClient client = new WebClient(); client.Headers.Add("user-agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:88.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/88.0"); client.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.Cookie, "plus18=1"); string htmlCode = client.DownloadString(urlToScrape); var doc = new HtmlDocument(); doc.LoadHtml(htmlCode); HtmlNode parentNode = doc.GetElementbyId("homepage_right"); HtmlNodeCollection itemParentsNodes = parentNode.SelectNodes(".//div[contains(@class, 'items')]"); if (itemParentsNodes.Count() == 2) { foreach (HtmlNode mainNode in itemParentsNodes) { HtmlNodeCollection profilesNodes = mainNode.SelectNodes(".//li"); if (profilesNodes != null) { foreach (HtmlNode singleProfileNode in profilesNodes) { HtmlNode hrefNode = singleProfileNode.SelectSingleNode(".//a[@href]"); string hrefValue = hrefNode.GetAttributeValue("href", string.Empty); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(hrefValue)) { continue; } ProfileURLs.Add(hrefValue); } } } foreach (string url in ProfileURLs) { try { string finalInfo = ""; htmlCode = browser.Get(url, true, Properties.Resources.TopEscortBabes); Log(url); finalInfo += url + newLine; doc = new HtmlDocument(); doc.LoadHtml(htmlCode); HtmlNode mainParentNode = doc.GetElementbyId("homepage"); HtmlNode headerNode = mainParentNode.SelectSingleNode(".//div[@class='profile-cover']"); HtmlNode titleNode = headerNode.SelectSingleNode(".//h2[@class='header-title']"); string profileName = titleNode.InnerText.Replace("\n", "").Replace("\r", "").Trim().Replace(" ", " "); finalInfo += "Name:" + profileName + newLine; try { HtmlNode afiliationNode = doc.GetElementbyId("accord-agency"); if (afiliationNode == null) { finalInfo += "Affiliation:Independent" + newLine; } else { HtmlNode afiliationBodyNode = afiliationNode.SelectSingleNode(".//div"); HtmlNode afiliationNameNode = afiliationBodyNode.SelectSingleNode(".//h4"); if (afiliationNameNode == null) { finalInfo += "Affiliation:Independent" + newLine; } else { string afiliation = afiliationNameNode.InnerText.Replace("\n", "").Replace("\r", "").Trim().Replace(" ", " "); finalInfo += "Affiliation:" + afiliation + newLine; } } } catch { } HtmlNode personalNode = doc.GetElementbyId("accord-personal-data"); HtmlNode detailsNode = personalNode.SelectSingleNode(".//div[contains(@class, 'detail-block-body')]"); HtmlNodeCollection detailLineNode = detailsNode.SelectNodes(".//div[@class='personal-data-item']"); foreach (HtmlNode lineNode in detailLineNode) { string infoLine = lineNode.InnerText.Replace("\n", "").Replace("\r", "").Trim().Replace(" ", " "); RegexOptions options = RegexOptions.None; Regex regex = new Regex("[ ]{2,}", options); infoLine = regex.Replace(infoLine, ":"); infoLine = infoLine.Replace(":•:", ","); finalInfo += infoLine + newLine; } try { HtmlNode priceNode = doc.GetElementbyId("prices"); HtmlNodeCollection priceListNode = priceNode.SelectNodes(".//div[@class='price-item']"); if (priceListNode != null) { finalInfo += "Prices:"; foreach (HtmlNode lineNode in priceListNode) { string infoLine = lineNode.InnerText.Replace("\n", "").Replace("\r", "").Trim().Replace(" ", " "); RegexOptions options = RegexOptions.None; Regex regex = new Regex("[ ]{2,}", options); infoLine = regex.Replace(infoLine, ":"); infoLine = "-" + infoLine.Replace(" Price:", "-").Replace(":", " ") + "-"; finalInfo += infoLine; if (lineNode != priceListNode.Last()) { finalInfo += " | "; } } finalInfo += newLine; } } catch { } finalInfo = finalInfo.Trim(); string profilesPath = Path.Combine(AppPath, "Profiles"); if (!Directory.Exists(profilesPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(profilesPath); } string ProfilePath = Path.Combine(profilesPath, profileName); if (Directory.Exists(ProfilePath)) { Directory.Delete(ProfilePath, true); } Directory.CreateDirectory(ProfilePath); string profileTxtPath = Path.Combine(ProfilePath, "profile.txt"); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(profileTxtPath); sw.WriteLine(finalInfo); sw.Close(); Log(ProfilePath); //try //{ // HtmlNode mainImageNode = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(".//div[@class='profile-details-right']"); // HtmlNode imagesParentNode = mainImageNode.SelectSingleNode(".//div[@class='photos-wrapper']"); // if (imagesParentNode != null) // { // HtmlNodeCollection imagesNode = imagesParentNode.SelectNodes(".//a[@class='ilightbox']"); // if (imagesNode != null) // { // int i = 0; // foreach (HtmlNode singleImageNode in imagesNode) // { // string imgURL = singleImageNode.GetAttributeValue("href", string.Empty); // Log(imgURL); // //Clipboard.SetText(imgURL); // client.DownloadFile(imgURL, Path.Combine(ProfilePath, $"{i}.jpg")); // i++; // } // } // } //} //catch { } } catch (ThreadAbortException) { break; } catch (Exception ex) { LogError("Url invalid: " + url + ". Error: " + ex.ToString()); break; } } } else { LogError($"Invalid parent item count, expected 2 got {itemParentsNodes.Count()}"); } } catch (ThreadAbortException) { //nothing, stopped } catch (Exception ex) { LogError(ex.ToString()); } finally { GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); } return(true); }
public void run(string url, Encoding code) { _EnCode = code; Dictionary <string, EInfoSummery> detailList = new Dictionary <string, EInfoSummery>(); try { string htmlstr = GetHtmlStr(url, code); HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument(); doc.LoadHtml(htmlstr); HtmlNode rootnode = doc.DocumentNode; string xpathstring = ""; if (!_IsFromIQB) { xpathstring = "//a[text() ='最新技术']"; HtmlNodeCollection listAddr = rootnode.SelectNodes(xpathstring); url += listAddr[0].Attributes["href"].Value; htmlstr = GetHtmlStr(url, Encoding.UTF8); doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument(); doc.LoadHtml(htmlstr); rootnode = doc.DocumentNode; } xpathstring = "//span[@class='list-title-size']"; HtmlNodeCollection titles = rootnode.SelectNodes(xpathstring); //所有找到的节点都是一个集合 xpathstring = "//div[@class='cell-flat-content list-content-size']"; HtmlNodeCollection ess = rootnode.SelectNodes(xpathstring); xpathstring = "//div[@class='image-container undefined ']"; HtmlNodeCollection img = rootnode.SelectNodes(xpathstring); xpathstring = "//div[@class='cell-flat-time']"; HtmlNodeCollection date = rootnode.SelectNodes(xpathstring); xpathstring = "//div[@class='cell-flat-eye']"; HtmlNodeCollection rc = rootnode.SelectNodes(xpathstring); xpathstring = "//a[@class='cell-flat']"; HtmlNodeCollection detail = rootnode.SelectNodes(xpathstring); using (Html5Content db = new Html5Content()) { for (int i = 0; i < titles.Count(); i++) { string detailUrl = "" + detail[i].Attributes["href"].Value; if (this.IsFilterUrls(detail[i].Attributes["href"].Value)) { WriteOut("Url Filted -- " + detailUrl); continue; } if (!db.IsExistSummery(detail[i].Attributes["href"].Value)) { EInfoSummery es = new EInfoSummery(); es.ReadCount = Convert.ToInt32(rc[i].InnerText.Replace("阅读", "")); es.Title = titles[i].InnerText; es.Summery = ess[i].InnerText; es.PublishDate = this.FormatPublishDate(date[i].InnerText); if (!_IsFromIQB) { es.CoverImg = img[i + 7].Attributes["src"].Value; } else { es.CoverImg = img[i + 9].Attributes["src"].Value; } es.OrigInfoId = detail[i].Attributes["href"].Value; es.CreateDateTime = DateTime.Now; db.InfoSummery.Add(es); //detailList.Add(detailUrl, es); using (TransactionScope sc = new TransactionScope()) { db.SaveChanges(); EInfoDetail ed = this.AnalyDetail(detailUrl, es); db.InfoDetail.Add(ed); db.SaveChanges(); sc.Complete(); } WriteOut("Analy Url -- " + detailUrl + " Done"); } else { WriteOut("Url Existed -- " + detailUrl); continue; } //EInfoDetail ed = this.AnalyDetail(detailUrl, es); //db.InfoDetail.Add(ed); } // this.AnalyDetail(detailList); } //} //sc.Complete(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { } }
public string Submit() { try { HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument(); doc.LoadHtml(response); HtmlNodeCollection formNodes = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//form"); if (formNodes.Count() > 0) { foreach (var node in formNodes) { Dictionary <string, string> param = new Dictionary <string, string>(); doc.LoadHtml(node.OuterHtml); string actionUrl = string.Empty; var forms = from form in doc.DocumentNode.Descendants() where form.Name == "form" && form.Attributes["action"] != null select new { action = form.Attributes["action"].Value, }; if (forms.Count() > 0) { foreach (var a in forms) { actionUrl = a.action; break; } actionUrl = Utilities.Helper.FixLink(actionUrl, targetUrl); string method = string.Empty; if (Regex.IsMatch(node.OuterHtml, "method=[\"](.+?)[\"]")) { method = Regex.Match(response, "method=[\"](.+?)[\"]").Groups[1].Value.ToLower(); } else { method = "get"; } HtmlNodeCollection inputNodes = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//input"); foreach (var inputNode in inputNodes) { var names = Regex.Match(inputNode.OuterHtml, "name=[\"](.+?)[\"]"); var values = Regex.Match(inputNode.OuterHtml, "value=[\"](.+?)[\"]"); var type = Regex.Match(inputNode.OuterHtml, "type=[\"](.+?)[\"]").Groups[1].Value.ToLower(); if (!type.Equals("button") && !type.Equals("reset") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(names.Value)) // prevent for adding unpostable parameters { param.Add(names.Groups[1].Value, values.Groups[1].Value); } } Dictionary <string, string> temp = new Dictionary <string, string>(param); foreach (var key in temp.Keys) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(temp[key])) { param[key] = GetFieldValue(key); } } var content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(param); if (method.Equals("post")) { var res = httpClient.PostAsync(actionUrl, content).Result; if (res.IsSuccessStatusCode) { return(res.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result); } } else // get request { string uri = AttachParameters(actionUrl, param); var result = httpClient.GetAsync(uri).Result; return(result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result); } } else { return(null); } } } else { return(null); } } catch { return(null); }; return(null); }
public override string Fetch(DataRow dr) { Initialize(dr, true); string url = string.Empty; string output = string.Empty; string message = string.Empty; var detailsPage = ""; string code = string.Empty; try { var fields = Validate(); if (fields.IsValid) { string firstpage = SiteCalling_HTTPPOSTANDGET("", "GET", cookiesresponse, ""); if (firstpage != null && firstpage.Contains("*Required Fields")) { _htmlDocResults.LoadHtml(firstpage); var secondpage = SiteCalling_HTTPPOSTANDGET("", "POST", cookiesresponse, GetParamm()); if (secondpage != null && !secondpage.Contains("No physicians")) { _htmlDocResults.LoadHtml(secondpage); HtmlNodeCollection Temptrs = _htmlDocResults.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//tr/td/a[contains(.," + provider.LastName + ")]"); if (Temptrs != null && Temptrs.Count() > 0) { int TotalRecords = Temptrs.Count(); foreach (HtmlNode Temptr in Temptrs) { if (Temptr != null) { HtmlAttribute att = Temptr.Attributes["href"]; if (att != null) { string GetUrlString = att.Value; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(GetUrlString)) { GetUrlString = GetUrlString.Replace("JavaScript:SubmitVerif(", "").Replace(")", "").Replace("'", ""); string[] Urlcode = GetUrlString.Split(','); if (Urlcode != null && Urlcode.Count() >= 4) { var details = SiteCalling_HTTPPOSTANDGET("" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(Urlcode[0]) + "&standing=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(Urlcode[1]) + "&uname=Test&title=Test&org=Test&addr=Test&addr2=Test&reclink=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(Urlcode[2]) + "&recstat=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(Urlcode[3]), "GET", cookiesresponse, ""); if (details != null && details.Contains("Sentara Medical Staff Services")) { _TemphtmlDocResults.LoadHtml(details); GetpageDetails(); } else { message = ErrorMsg.CannotAccessDetailsPage; } } } else { message = ErrorMsg.Custom("JavaScript element not found"); } } else { message = ErrorMsg.Custom("Error occurred while retrieving the Anchor Node"); } } else { message = ErrorMsg.Custom("Error occurred while retrieving the data"); } } if (_sbResponseHtmlCollection != null && _sbResponseHtmlCollection.Count() > 0 && _sbResponseHtmlCollection.Count() == _sbResponseTextCollection.Count()) { int SelectedRecords = _sbResponseHtmlCollection.Count(); if (SelectedRecords > 1) { _sbResponseHtml.Append("<tr><td> --- Multiple Results Found </td><td>(Total: "); _sbResponseHtml.Append(SelectedRecords.ToString()); _sbResponseHtml.Append(") --- </td></tr>"); _sbResponseText.Append(" --- Multiple Result Found (Total: " + SelectedRecords + ") --- "); _sbResponseText.Append('\r'); _sbResponseText.Append('\n'); } int Count = 1; for (int i = 0; i < SelectedRecords; i++) { if (_sbResponseHtmlCollection[i] != null && _sbResponseTextCollection[i] != null) { if (SelectedRecords > 1) { _sbResponseHtml.Append("<tr><td>--- Result </td><td>(" + Count + " Of " + SelectedRecords + ") --- </td></tr>"); _sbResponseText.Append("--- Result (" + Count + " Of " + SelectedRecords + ") --- "); _sbResponseText.Append('\r'); _sbResponseText.Append('\n'); } _sbResponseHtml.Append(_sbResponseHtmlCollection[i]); _sbResponseText.Append(_sbResponseTextCollection[i]); Count++; } } output = _sbResponseHtml.ToString(); message = _sbResponseText.ToString(); try { pdf.Html = detailsPage; pdf.ConvertToABCImage(new ImageParameters { BaseUrl = "" }); } catch { } } else { message = ErrorMsg.Custom("Facility name not matching with user name"); } } else { message = ErrorMsg.NoResultsFound; } } else { message = ErrorMsg.NoResultsFound; } } else { message = ErrorMsg.CannotAccessSite; } } else { message = fields.Error.Message; } } catch (Exception ex) { message = ex.Message; } return(ProcessResults(output, message)); }
public static HttpParams getParams(string xmlPath, string url, string[] list) { HttpParams httpParams = new HttpParams(); //string basePath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\XML\"; string basePath = @"\XML\"; HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument(); doc.Load(@basePath + xmlPath); HtmlNodeCollection rootNodeList = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("/params/content[@id='" + url + "'][1]"); int listIndex = 0; foreach (HtmlNode param in rootNodeList) { string httpurl = param.Attributes["url"].Value.Replace("&", "&"); httpurl = ReplaceSpecialChar(ref httpurl, ref listIndex, list); string referer = param.Attributes["referer"].Value.Replace("&", "&"); referer = ReplaceSpecialChar(ref referer, ref listIndex, list); httpParams.HttpUrl = httpurl; httpParams.Method = param.Attributes["method"].Value; httpParams.Referer = referer; httpParams.Host = param.Attributes["host"].Value; if (param.Attributes["accept"] != null) { httpParams.Accept = param.Attributes["accept"].Value; } if (param.Attributes["userAgent"] != null) { httpParams.UserAgent = param.Attributes["userAgent"].Value; } if (param.Attributes["acceptEncoding"] != null) { httpParams.AcceptEncoding = param.Attributes["acceptEncoding"].Value; } if (param.Attributes["acceptLanguage"] != null) { httpParams.AcceptLanguage = param.Attributes["acceptLanguage"].Value; } if (param.Attributes["xRequestedWith"] != null) { httpParams.XRequestedWith = param.Attributes["xRequestedWith"].Value; } if (param.Attributes["xPrototypeVersion"] != null) { httpParams.XPrototypeVersion = param.Attributes["xPrototypeVersion"].Value; } if (param.Attributes["contentType"] != null) { httpParams.ContentType = param.Attributes["contentType"].Value; } if (param.Attributes["cacheControl"] != null) { httpParams.CacheControl = param.Attributes["cacheControl"].Value; } if (param.Attributes["keepAlive"] != null) { if (param.Attributes["keepAlive"].Value == "true") { httpParams.KeepAlive = true; } else if (param.Attributes["keepAlive"].Value == "false") { httpParams.KeepAlive = false; } } if (param.Attributes["responseEncode"] != null) { httpParams.ResponseEncode = param.Attributes["responseEncode"].Value; } } HtmlNodeCollection paramsList = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("/params/content[@id='" + url + "']/propery"); if (paramsList != null) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); int count = paramsList.Count(); int i = 0; foreach (HtmlNode param in paramsList) { i++; string key = param.Attributes["name"].Value; var encode = param.Attributes["encode"]; string value = param.InnerText; if (value == "@") { value = list[listIndex]; listIndex++; } else if (value.Contains("@")) { value = ReplaceSpecialChar(ref value, ref listIndex, list); //listIndex++; } } httpParams.httpParams = stringBuilder; } return(httpParams); }