Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Releases, if present, the underlying <c>HsqlStatement</c> and
        /// makes eligible for garbage collection any related resources.
        /// </summary>
        internal void InvalidateStatement()
                // localize member references to minimize
                // potential race conditions regarding
                // null status of instance variables.
                HsqlConnection connection = m_dbConnection;
                HsqlStatement  statement  = m_statement;

                // Don't leak compiled statement handles
                if (connection != null &&
                    connection.State == ConnectionState.Open &&
                    statement != null)
                m_statement = null;
                m_tokenList = null;
                m_storedProcedureCommandText = null;
                m_tableDirectCommandText     = null;
Exemple #2
        internal void ClearBatchInternal()
            HsqlStatement statement = m_statement;

            if (statement != null)

            m_commandTextBatch = null;
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Provides the core logic for the <see cref="Prepare()"/> method.
        /// </summary>
        internal void PrepareInternal()
            if (!IsPrepared)
                string      sql;
                HsqlSession session = this.Session;

                switch (m_commandType)
                case CommandType.StoredProcedure:
                    sql = StoredProcedureCommandText;


                case CommandType.Text:
                    sql = DefaultParameterMarkerCommandText;


                case CommandType.TableDirect:
                    sql = TableDirectCommandText;

                    throw new HsqlDataSourceException(
                              "CommandType not supported: "
                              + m_commandType);   // NOI18N

                m_statement = session.PrepareStatement(sql);
                // no longer valid
                m_commandTextBatch = null;
Exemple #4
        internal void DeriveParametersInternal()
            if (CommandType != CommandType.StoredProcedure)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(
                                                        "Operation not supported for CommandType: "
                                                        + CommandType.ToString()));


            HsqlStatement     statement = m_statement;
            ParameterMetaData pmd       = statement.ParameterDescriptor.metaData;

            string[] parameterNames = pmd.colNames;
            int      count          = parameterNames.Length;

            HsqlParameter[] parameters = new HsqlParameter[count];

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                string        name        = parameterNames[i];
                ParameterMode mode        = (ParameterMode)pmd.paramMode[i];
                int           type        = pmd.colTypes[i];
                int           precision   = pmd.colSizes[i];
                int           scale       = pmd.colScales[i];
                int           nullability = pmd.colNullable[i];

                HsqlProviderType   providerType = (HsqlProviderType)type;
                DbType             dbType       = HsqlConvert.ToDbType(providerType);
                ParameterDirection?direction    = HsqlConvert.ToParameterDirection(mode);
                bool?isNullable  = IsNullable(nullability);
                bool isCharacter = IsCharacterType(type);
                bool isNumber    = (!isCharacter) && IsNumberType(type);
                bool isTemporal  = !(isCharacter || isNumber) && IsTemporalType(type);
                int  size        = ToBufferSize(type, precision);

                if (isCharacter)
                    precision = 0;
                    scale     = 0;
                else if (isNumber || isTemporal)
                    if (precision == 0)
                        precision = ToDefaultPrecision(type);

                HsqlParameter parameter = new HsqlParameter();

                parameter.DbType = dbType;

                if (direction != null)
                    parameter.Direction = direction.Value;

                if (isNullable != null)
                    parameter.IsNullable = isNullable.Value;

                parameter.ParameterName = name;
                parameter.Precision     = (byte)Math.Min(byte.MaxValue, precision);
                parameter.ProviderType  = providerType;
                parameter.Scale         = (byte)Math.Min(byte.MaxValue, scale);
                parameter.Size          = size;
                parameter.SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Default;

                parameters[i] = parameter;

            HsqlParameterCollection pc = Parameters;


            foreach (HsqlParameter parameter in parameters)
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Applies the current values in this object's parameter collection
        /// to the internal statement object, if any, that represents the
        /// prepared form of this command.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>
        /// If this command is not presently prepared, no action is taken.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// On the other hand, this operation is invoked internally whenever
        /// an <c>ExecuteXXX</c> operation is invoked on a prepared
        /// <c>HsqlCommand</c> instance.
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="batch">
        /// <c>true</c> to apply the parameters toward batch execution
        /// </param>
        /// <exception cref="HsqlDataSourceException">
        /// When unbound parameters exist.  An unbound parameter condition
        /// occurs when a parameter's existence is declared in the command
        /// text using a marker or can be inferred from
        /// the signature of the stored procedure to be executed, and
        /// the parameter collection of this <c>HsqlCommand</c> contains
        /// no corresponding <c>HsqlParameter</c> instance or the
        /// corresponding <c>HsqlParameter</c> instance exists, but either
        /// it represents an explicitly required (non-defaulted) value binding
        /// site and the value has not explicitly been set or it represents a
        /// non-nullable binding site and its present value is either
        /// implicitly null or has explicily been set null.
        /// </exception>
        internal void ApplyParameters(bool batch)
            HsqlStatement statement = m_statement;

            if (statement == null)

            HsqlParameterCollection parameters = m_dbParameterCollection;

            if (parameters == null || parameters.Count == 0)
                int expectedCount = statement.ParameterCount;

                if (expectedCount == 0)


                throw new HsqlDataSourceException(string.Format(
                                                      "{0} unbound parameters exist.",
                                                      expectedCount)); // NOI18N

            TokenList tokenList = TokenList;

            int[]    bindTypes = statement.ParameterTypes;
            object[] values    = new object[tokenList.ParameterCount];

            int boundValueCount = 0;

            foreach (HsqlParameter parameter in parameters)
                switch (parameter.Direction)
                case ParameterDirection.Input:
                case ParameterDirection.InputOutput:
                    string name = parameter.ParameterName;

                    int[] bindPositions = tokenList

                    for (int i = 0; i < bindPositions.Length; i++)
                        int bindPosition = bindPositions[i];
                        int bindType     = bindTypes[bindPosition];

                        object value = HsqlConvert.FromDotNet.ToObject(
                            parameter.Value, bindType);

                        values[bindPosition] = value;



            if (boundValueCount < values.Length)
                int unboundCount = (values.Length - boundValueCount);

                throw new HsqlDataSourceException(string.Format(
                                                      "{0} unbound Parameters Exist.", unboundCount)); // NOI18N

            if (batch)