private static HoursMinutes GetHoursMinutesFromDuration(string Duration)
            HoursMinutes hrsMins = null;

                var parts = Duration.Split('T');
                if (parts.Length == 2)
                    if (parts[0] == "P")
                        var parts2 = parts[1].Split('H');
                        if (parts2.Length == 2)
                            int hours  = Convert.ToInt32(parts2[0]);
                            var parts3 = parts2[1].Split('M');
                            if (parts3.Length == 2)
                                int minutes = Convert.ToInt32(parts3[0]);
                                hrsMins         = new HoursMinutes();
                                hrsMins.Hours   = hours;
                                hrsMins.Minutes = minutes;
            catch (Exception e)
                Logging.RototrackErrorLog("QBMigrationTool: " + RototrackConfig.GetBuildType() + ": " + e.ToString());

        private static HoursMinutes GetHoursMinutesFromDecimal(decimal hours)
            int     hoursInteger   = Convert.ToInt32(decimal.Truncate(hours));
            decimal minutesDecimal = (hours - decimal.Truncate(hours)) * 60M;

            minutesDecimal = decimal.Round(minutesDecimal, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
            int minutesInteger = Convert.ToInt32(decimal.Truncate(minutesDecimal));

            HoursMinutes hrsMins = new HoursMinutes();

            hrsMins.Hours   = hoursInteger;
            hrsMins.Minutes = minutesInteger;

        public static XmlDocument BuildAddRq(ServiceEntry se, ServiceDetail sd, int serviceId, decimal hours)
                XmlDocument doc    = XmlUtils.MakeRequestDocument();
                XmlElement  parent = XmlUtils.MakeRequestParentElement(doc);

                RotoTrackDb db  = new RotoTrackDb();
                UserProfile u   = db.UserProfiles.Find(sd.TechnicianId);
                ServiceType st  = db.ServiceTypes.Find(serviceId);
                DSR         dsr = db.DSRs.Include("WorkOrder").First(f => f.Id == se.DSRId);
                Customer    c   = db.Customers.Find(dsr.WorkOrder.CustomerId);
                Area        a   = db.Areas.Find(u.AreaId);

                XmlElement Rq = doc.CreateElement("TimeTrackingAddRq");

                XmlElement RqType = doc.CreateElement("TimeTrackingAdd");

                RqType.AppendChild(XmlUtils.MakeSimpleElem(doc, "TxnDate", se.DateWorked.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")));

                XmlElement EntityRef = doc.CreateElement("EntityRef");
                EntityRef.AppendChild(XmlUtils.MakeSimpleElem(doc, "ListID", u.QBListId));

                XmlElement CustomerRef = doc.CreateElement("CustomerRef");
                CustomerRef.AppendChild(XmlUtils.MakeSimpleElem(doc, "ListID", dsr.WorkOrder.QBListId));

                XmlElement ItemServiceRef = doc.CreateElement("ItemServiceRef");
                ItemServiceRef.AppendChild(XmlUtils.MakeSimpleElem(doc, "ListID", st.QBListId));

                HoursMinutes hrsMins        = GetHoursMinutesFromDecimal(hours);
                int          hoursInteger   = hrsMins.Hours;
                int          minutesInteger = hrsMins.Minutes;

                string duration = "PT" + hoursInteger.ToString() + "H" + minutesInteger.ToString() + "M" + "0S";
                RqType.AppendChild(XmlUtils.MakeSimpleElem(doc, "Duration", duration));

                XmlElement ClassRef = doc.CreateElement("ClassRef");
                ClassRef.AppendChild(XmlUtils.MakeSimpleElem(doc, "ListID", a.QBListId));

                string notes = "guid=" + se.GUID;
                RqType.AppendChild(XmlUtils.MakeSimpleElem(doc, "Notes", notes));

                if (st.Name.ToUpper().StartsWith("DIRECT"))
                    RqType.AppendChild(XmlUtils.MakeSimpleElem(doc, "BillableStatus", "Billable"));
                    RqType.AppendChild(XmlUtils.MakeSimpleElem(doc, "BillableStatus", "NotBillable"));

            catch (Exception e)
                string evLogTxt = "";
                evLogTxt = "Error building time tracking add request! " + e.Message + "\r\n";
                Logging.RototrackErrorLog("QBMigrationTool: " + RototrackConfig.GetBuildType() + ": " + evLogTxt);
        private static void WalkTimeTrackingRetForAdd(XmlNode TimeTrackingRet)
            if (TimeTrackingRet == null)

            string       Duration = TimeTrackingRet.SelectSingleNode("./Duration").InnerText;
            HoursMinutes hrsMins  = GetHoursMinutesFromDuration(Duration);

            if (hrsMins == null)

            RotoTrackDb db = new RotoTrackDb();

            string TxnID             = "";
            string seGUID            = "";
            string ItemServiceListID = "";

            if (TimeTrackingRet.SelectSingleNode("./TxnID") != null)
                TxnID = TimeTrackingRet.SelectSingleNode("./TxnID").InnerText;
            if (TimeTrackingRet.SelectSingleNode("./Notes") != null)
                string Notes = TimeTrackingRet.SelectSingleNode("./Notes").InnerText;
                seGUID = QBUtils.GetGuidFromNotes(Notes);
            XmlNode ItemServiceRef = TimeTrackingRet.SelectSingleNode("./ItemServiceRef");

            if (ItemServiceRef != null)
                if (ItemServiceRef.SelectSingleNode("./ListID") != null)
                    ItemServiceListID = ItemServiceRef.SelectSingleNode("./ListID").InnerText;

            if (TxnID != null && seGUID != null && ItemServiceListID != null)
                ServiceEntry se = null;
                if (db.ServiceEntries.Any(f => f.GUID == seGUID))
                    se = db.ServiceEntries.First(f => f.GUID == seGUID);
                if (se != null)
                    ServiceDetail sd = db.ServiceDetails.Find(se.ServiceDetailId);
                    if (sd != null)
                        ServiceType regST = db.ServiceTypes.Find(sd.ServiceTypeId);
                        ServiceType otST  = db.ServiceTypes.Find(sd.OTServiceTypeId);
                        if (regST != null && otST != null)
                            // We always update the regular hours first, so if reg and OT both have the same service list ID, then we need to also check if we already
                            // wrote out the regular hours or not--else we will put both the reg and ot hours into regular hours since we match on reg hours first.
                            // I was going to also look at the actual hours and minutes, but if those are identical, too, then this reduces to the same problem we have
                            // solved here--we just have to assume reg hours are always written first, which they are.  Also, I don't want to compare on hours/minutes
                            // because that may fail due to rounding errors.
                            if (ItemServiceListID == regST.QBListId && se.QBListIdForRegularHours == null)
                                se.QBListIdForRegularHours = TxnID;
                                db.Entry(se).State         = EntityState.Modified;
                            else if (ItemServiceListID == otST.QBListId && se.QBListIdForOTHours == null)
                                se.QBListIdForOTHours = TxnID;
                                db.Entry(se).State    = EntityState.Modified;
        private static void WalkTimeTrackingRetForQuery(XmlNode TimeTrackingRet)
            if (TimeTrackingRet == null)

            string QBTxnID        = TimeTrackingRet.SelectSingleNode("./TxnID").InnerText;
            string QBEditSequence = TimeTrackingRet.SelectSingleNode("./EditSequence").InnerText;
            string TxnDate        = TimeTrackingRet.SelectSingleNode("./TxnDate").InnerText;

            string QBEmployeeListID = "";

            if (TimeTrackingRet.SelectSingleNode("./EntityRef/ListID") != null)
                QBEmployeeListID = TimeTrackingRet.SelectSingleNode("./EntityRef/ListID").InnerText;

            string  QBWorkOrderListID = "";
            XmlNode CustomerRef       = TimeTrackingRet.SelectSingleNode("./CustomerRef");

            if (CustomerRef != null)
                if (TimeTrackingRet.SelectSingleNode("./CustomerRef/ListID") != null)
                    QBWorkOrderListID = TimeTrackingRet.SelectSingleNode("./CustomerRef/ListID").InnerText;

            string  QBServiceTypeListID = "";
            XmlNode ItemServiceRef      = TimeTrackingRet.SelectSingleNode("./ItemServiceRef");

            if (ItemServiceRef != null)
                if (TimeTrackingRet.SelectSingleNode("./ItemServiceRef/ListID") != null)
                    QBServiceTypeListID = TimeTrackingRet.SelectSingleNode("./ItemServiceRef/ListID").InnerText;

            string Duration = TimeTrackingRet.SelectSingleNode("./Duration").InnerText;

            string  QBAreaListID = "";
            XmlNode ClassRef     = TimeTrackingRet.SelectSingleNode("./ClassRef");

            if (ClassRef != null)
                if (TimeTrackingRet.SelectSingleNode("./ClassRef/ListID") != null)
                    QBAreaListID = TimeTrackingRet.SelectSingleNode("./ClassRef/ListID").InnerText;

            string Notes = "";

            if (TimeTrackingRet.SelectSingleNode("./Notes") != null)
                Notes = TimeTrackingRet.SelectSingleNode("./Notes").InnerText;

            string BillableStatus = "";

            if (TimeTrackingRet.SelectSingleNode("./BillableStatus") != null)
                BillableStatus = TimeTrackingRet.SelectSingleNode("./BillableStatus").InnerText;

            RotoTrackDb db = new RotoTrackDb();

            TimeTracking tt = null;

            if (db.TimeTrackings.Any(j => j.QBTxnId == QBTxnID))
                tt = db.TimeTrackings.First(j => j.QBTxnId == QBTxnID);
                tt = new TimeTracking();

            tt.QBTxnId        = QBTxnID;
            tt.QBEditSequence = QBEditSequence;
            DateTime dateWorked;

            if (DateTime.TryParse(TxnDate, out dateWorked))
                tt.DateWorked = dateWorked;
            tt.QBEmployeeListID    = QBEmployeeListID;
            tt.QBWorkOrderListID   = QBWorkOrderListID;
            tt.QBServiceTypeListID = QBServiceTypeListID;

            HoursMinutes hrsMins = GetHoursMinutesFromDuration(Duration);

            if (hrsMins != null)
                tt.HoursWorked   = hrsMins.Hours;
                tt.MinutesWorked = hrsMins.Minutes;

            tt.QBAreaListID   = QBAreaListID;
            tt.Notes          = Notes;
            tt.BillableStatus = BillableStatus;

        private static HoursMinutes GetHoursMinutesFromDuration(string Duration)
            HoursMinutes hrsMins = null;

                var parts = Duration.Split('T');
                if (parts.Length == 2)
                    if (parts[0] == "P")
                        var parts2 = parts[1].Split('H');
                        if (parts2.Length == 2)
                            int hours = Convert.ToInt32(parts2[0]);
                            var parts3 = parts2[1].Split('M');
                            if (parts3.Length == 2)
                                int minutes = Convert.ToInt32(parts3[0]);
                                hrsMins = new HoursMinutes();
                                hrsMins.Hours = hours;
                                hrsMins.Minutes = minutes;
            catch (Exception e)
                Logging.RototrackErrorLog("QBMigrationTool: " + RototrackConfig.GetBuildType() + ": " + e.ToString());

            return hrsMins;
        private static HoursMinutes GetHoursMinutesFromDecimal(decimal hours)
            int hoursInteger = Convert.ToInt32(decimal.Truncate(hours));
            decimal minutesDecimal = (hours - decimal.Truncate(hours)) * 60M;
            minutesDecimal = decimal.Round(minutesDecimal, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
            int minutesInteger = Convert.ToInt32(decimal.Truncate(minutesDecimal));

            HoursMinutes hrsMins = new HoursMinutes();
            hrsMins.Hours = hoursInteger;
            hrsMins.Minutes = minutesInteger;

            return hrsMins;