Exemple #1
        public string clear_old_yd_fjzt(string old_fjbh, DateTime ddsj, DateTime lksj, DateTime czsj, string czy, string xxzs)
            string s = common_file.common_app.get_failure;
            string krxm0 = ""; string sktt0 = ""; string lsbh0 = "";
            bool   shlf0 = false; bool shts0 = false; bool shvip0 = false; bool fjbm0 = false;

            BLL.Ffjzt B_Ffjzt = new Hotel_app.BLL.Ffjzt();
            DataSet   ds_temp = B_Ffjzt.GetList("fjbh='" + old_fjbh + "'");//选择旧房号

            Model.Ffjzt          M_Ffjzt;
            Ffjzt.Ffjzt_add_edit Ffjzt_add_edit_new = new Hotel_app.Server.Ffjzt.Ffjzt_add_edit();
            if (ds_temp != null && ds_temp.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                s       = common_file.common_app.get_suc;
                M_Ffjzt = B_Ffjzt.GetModel(int.Parse(ds_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["id"].ToString()));
                ds_temp = B_Ffjzt.GetList("zyzt_second='" + common_file.common_fjzt.ydf + "' and fjbh='" + old_fjbh + "' and yd_ddsj='" + ddsj.ToString() + "' and yd_lksj='" + lksj.ToString() + "'");
                if (ds_temp != null && ds_temp.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)//原来如果有在房态里体现预订的话要先清除,但新的房号如果有排也要重新加载新房号的房态
                    s = common_file.common_app.get_failure;
                    //krxm0 = ""; sktt0 = ""; lsbh0 = "";
                    //shlf0 = false; shts0 = false; shvip0 = false;
                    if (M_Ffjzt.zyzt == common_file.common_fjzt.zzf)
                        krxm0 = M_Ffjzt.krxm; lsbh0 = M_Ffjzt.lsbh; sktt0 = M_Ffjzt.sktt;
                        shlf0 = M_Ffjzt.shlf; shts0 = M_Ffjzt.shts; shvip0 = M_Ffjzt.shvip; fjbm0 = M_Ffjzt.fjbm;
                    Ffjzt_add_edit_new.Ffjzt_xgft(M_Ffjzt.zyzt, "", M_Ffjzt.zybz, old_fjbh, krxm0, M_Ffjzt.ddsj, M_Ffjzt.lksj, DateTime.Parse(common_file.common_app.cssj), DateTime.Parse(common_file.common_app.cssj), shlf0, shts0, shvip0, fjbm0, sktt0, lsbh0, czsj, czy, "预订清除", xxzs);
                    s = common_file.common_app.get_suc;
Exemple #2
        public string Ffjzt_add_edit_delete(string id, string yydh, string qymc, string jdlh, string jdlh_name, string jdcs, string jdcs_name, string fjrb, string fjrb_code, string fjbh, string fjdh, string dhfj, string bz, string add_edit_delete, string xxzs)
            string s = common_file.common_app.get_failure;

            BLL.Ffjzt   B_Ffjzt     = new Hotel_app.BLL.Ffjzt();
            BLL.Ffjzt   B_Ffjzt_new = new Hotel_app.BLL.Ffjzt();
            Model.Ffjzt M_Ffjzt     = new Hotel_app.Model.Ffjzt();
            if (xxzs == common_file.common_app.xxzs_xxvalue)
            if (xxzs == common_file.common_app.xxzs_zsvalue)
            s = add_edit_delete;
            if (add_edit_delete == common_file.common_app.get_add)
                M_Ffjzt.yydh        = yydh; M_Ffjzt.qymc = qymc; M_Ffjzt.jdlh = jdlh;
                M_Ffjzt.jdlh_name   = jdlh_name; M_Ffjzt.jdcs = jdcs; M_Ffjzt.jdcs_name = jdcs_name;
                M_Ffjzt.fjrb        = fjrb; M_Ffjzt.fjrb_code = fjrb_code;
                M_Ffjzt.fjbh        = fjbh; M_Ffjzt.fjdh = fjdh; M_Ffjzt.dhfj = dhfj; M_Ffjzt.bz = bz;
                M_Ffjzt.yd_ddsj     = M_Ffjzt.yd_lksj = M_Ffjzt.ddsj = M_Ffjzt.lksj = DateTime.Parse(common_file.common_app.cssj);
                M_Ffjzt.czsj        = DateTime.Now;
                M_Ffjzt.zyzt        = common_file.common_fjzt.gjf;
                M_Ffjzt.zyzt_second = "";
                if (B_Ffjzt_new.Add(M_Ffjzt) > 0)//调用自定义类初始化房间
                    s = common_file.common_app.get_suc;
            if (add_edit_delete == common_file.common_app.get_edit)
                M_Ffjzt      = B_Ffjzt.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(id));
                M_Ffjzt.jdlh = jdlh; M_Ffjzt.jdlh_name = jdlh_name;
                M_Ffjzt.jdcs = jdcs; M_Ffjzt.jdcs_name = jdcs_name;
                M_Ffjzt.fjrb = fjrb; M_Ffjzt.fjrb_code = fjrb_code;
                M_Ffjzt.fjdh = fjdh; M_Ffjzt.dhfj = dhfj; M_Ffjzt.bz = bz;
                M_Ffjzt.czsj = DateTime.Now;
                if (B_Ffjzt.Update(M_Ffjzt))
                    s = common_file.common_app.get_suc;
            if (add_edit_delete == common_file.common_app.get_delete)
                if (id != null)
                    if (id != "")
                        if (B_Ffjzt.Delete(Convert.ToInt32(id)))
                            s = common_file.common_app.get_suc;
Exemple #3
        public string add_fjbh_yd_fjzt(string lsbh, string fjbh, string sktt, DateTime czsj, string czy, string xxzs)
            string s = common_file.common_app.get_failure;
            string krxm0 = ""; string sktt0 = ""; string lsbh0 = "";
            bool   shlf0 = false; bool shts0 = false; bool shvip0 = false; bool fjbm0 = false;

            BLL.Qskyd_fjrb       B_Qskyd_fjrb       = new Hotel_app.BLL.Qskyd_fjrb();
            BLL.Ffjzt            B_Ffjzt            = new Hotel_app.BLL.Ffjzt();
            Model.Ffjzt          M_fjzt_temp;
            Ffjzt.Ffjzt_add_edit Ffjzt_add_edit_new = new Hotel_app.Server.Ffjzt.Ffjzt_add_edit();
            DataSet ds_temp = B_Qskyd_fjrb.GetList("lsbh='" + lsbh + "'");

            if (ds_temp != null && ds_temp.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                s     = common_file.common_app.get_failure;
                krxm0 = ds_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["krxm"].ToString();
                sktt0 = ds_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["sktt"].ToString();
                lsbh0 = ds_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["lsbh"].ToString();
                DateTime yd_ddsj_0 = DateTime.Parse(ds_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ddsj"].ToString());
                DateTime yd_lksj_0 = DateTime.Parse(ds_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["lksj"].ToString());
                s = common_file.common_app.get_suc;
                if (yd_ddsj_0 >= DateTime.Now.Date && yd_ddsj_0 < DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(1))
                    shlf0   = common_file.common_fjzt.Islf(lsbh0);  //判断是否联房
                    shts0   = common_file.common_fjzt.Ists(lsbh0);  //判断是否特殊
                    shvip0  = common_file.common_fjzt.IsVIP(lsbh0); //判断是否VIP或会员
                    fjbm0   = common_file.common_fjzt.Isbm(lsbh0);
                    s       = common_file.common_app.get_suc;
                    ds_temp = B_Ffjzt.GetList("fjbh='" + fjbh + "'");
                    if (ds_temp != null && ds_temp.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        s           = common_file.common_app.get_failure;
                        M_fjzt_temp = B_Ffjzt.GetModel(int.Parse(ds_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["id"].ToString()));
                        if (M_fjzt_temp.zyzt == common_file.common_fjzt.zzf)
                            sktt0  = M_fjzt_temp.sktt;
                            lsbh0  = M_fjzt_temp.lsbh;
                            krxm0  = M_fjzt_temp.krxm;
                            shlf0  = M_fjzt_temp.shlf;  //common_file.common_fjzt.Islf(lsbh);   //判断是否联房
                            shts0  = M_fjzt_temp.shts;  //common_file.common_fjzt.Ists(lsbh);//判断是否特殊
                            shvip0 = M_fjzt_temp.shvip; //common_file.common_fjzt.IsVIP(lsbh);//判断是否VIP或会员
                            fjbm0  = M_fjzt_temp.fjbm;
                        //{ sktt0 = M_fjzt_temp.sktt; lsbh0 = M_fjzt_temp.lsbh; }
                        Ffjzt_add_edit_new.Ffjzt_xgft(M_fjzt_temp.zyzt, common_file.common_fjzt.ydf, M_fjzt_temp.zybz, fjbh, krxm0, M_fjzt_temp.ddsj, M_fjzt_temp.lksj, yd_ddsj_0, yd_lksj_0, shlf0, shts0, shvip0, fjbm0, sktt0, lsbh0, czsj, czy, "加载预订", xxzs);
                        s = common_file.common_app.get_suc;
Exemple #4
        //public string add_fjbh_dj_fjzt(string fjbh, Model.Qskyd_fjrb M_Qskyd_fjrb, DateTime czsj, string czy, string xxzs)
        //    string s = common_file.common_app.get_failure;
        //    string krxm0 = ""; string sktt0 = ""; string lsbh0 = "";
        //    bool shlf0 = false; bool shts0 = false; bool shvip0 = false; bool fjbm0 = false;
        //    BLL.Ffjzt B_Ffjzt = new Hotel_app.BLL.Ffjzt();
        //    DataSet ds_temp = B_Ffjzt.GetList("fjbh='" + fjbh + "'");
        //    Model.Ffjzt M_Ffjzt;
        //    Ffjzt.Ffjzt_add_edit Ffjzt_add_edit_new = new Hotel_app.Ffjzt.Ffjzt_add_edit();
        //    if (ds_temp != null && ds_temp.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
        //    {
        //        M_Ffjzt = B_Ffjzt.GetModel(int.Parse(ds_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["id"].ToString()));
        //        lsbh0 = M_Qskyd_fjrb.lsbh;
        //        krxm0 = M_Qskyd_fjrb.krxm;
        //        sktt0 = M_Qskyd_fjrb.sktt;
        //        shlf0 = common_file.common_fjzt.Islf(lsbh0);   //判断是否联房
        //        shts0 = common_file.common_fjzt.Ists(lsbh0);//判断是否特殊
        //        shvip0 = common_file.common_fjzt.IsVIP(lsbh0);//判断是否VIP或会员
        //        fjbm0 = common_file.common_fjzt.Isbm(lsbh0);
        //        Ffjzt_add_edit_new.Ffjzt_xgft(common_file.common_fjzt.zzf, M_Ffjzt.zyzt_second, M_Ffjzt.zybz, fjbh, krxm0, M_Qskyd_fjrb.ddsj, M_Qskyd_fjrb.lksj, M_Ffjzt.yd_ddsj, M_Ffjzt.yd_lksj, shlf0, shts0, shvip0,fjbm0, sktt0, lsbh0, czsj, czy, common_file.common_fjzt.ff, xxzs);
        //        s = common_file.common_app.get_suc;
        //    }
        //    return s;

        public string add_fjbh_dj_fjzt(string fjbh, Model.Qskyd_fjrb M_Qskyd_fjrb, DateTime czsj, string czy, string xxzs)
            string s = common_file.common_app.get_failure;
            string krxm0 = ""; string sktt0 = ""; string lsbh0 = "";
            bool   shlf0 = false; bool shts0 = false; bool shvip0 = false; bool fjbm0 = false;

            BLL.Ffjzt B_Ffjzt = new Hotel_app.BLL.Ffjzt();
            DataSet   ds_temp = B_Ffjzt.GetList("fjbh='" + fjbh + "'");

            Model.Ffjzt          M_Ffjzt;
            Ffjzt.Ffjzt_add_edit Ffjzt_add_edit_new = new Hotel_app.Server.Ffjzt.Ffjzt_add_edit();
            if (ds_temp != null && ds_temp.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                M_Ffjzt = B_Ffjzt.GetModel(int.Parse(ds_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["id"].ToString()));
                lsbh0   = M_Qskyd_fjrb.lsbh;
                krxm0   = M_Qskyd_fjrb.krxm;
                sktt0   = M_Qskyd_fjrb.sktt;
                DateTime yd_ddsj_temp = M_Qskyd_fjrb.ddsj;
                DateTime yd_lksj_temp = M_Qskyd_fjrb.lksj;
                shlf0  = common_file.common_fjzt.Islf(lsbh0);  //判断是否联房
                shts0  = common_file.common_fjzt.Ists(lsbh0);  //判断是否特殊
                shvip0 = common_file.common_fjzt.IsVIP(lsbh0); //判断是否VIP或会员
                fjbm0  = common_file.common_fjzt.Isbm(lsbh0);
                Ffjzt_add_edit_new.Ffjzt_xgft(common_file.common_fjzt.zzf, M_Ffjzt.zyzt_second, M_Ffjzt.zybz, fjbh, krxm0, M_Qskyd_fjrb.ddsj, M_Qskyd_fjrb.lksj, M_Ffjzt.yd_ddsj, M_Ffjzt.yd_lksj, shlf0, shts0, shvip0, fjbm0, sktt0, lsbh0, czsj, czy, common_file.common_fjzt.ff, xxzs);

                M_Ffjzt = B_Ffjzt.GetModel(int.Parse(ds_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["id"].ToString()));
                if (M_Ffjzt != null)
                    if (M_Ffjzt.yd_ddsj == yd_ddsj_temp && M_Ffjzt.yd_lksj == yd_lksj_temp)
                        M_Ffjzt.zyzt_second = "";
                        M_Ffjzt.yd_ddsj     = DateTime.Parse(common_file.common_app.cssj);
                        M_Ffjzt.yd_lksj     = DateTime.Parse(common_file.common_app.cssj);

                s = common_file.common_app.get_suc;
            //s = common_file.common_app.get_suc;
Exemple #5
        public void Ffjzt_xgft(string zyzt, string zyzt_second, string zybz, string fjbh, string krxm, DateTime ddsj, DateTime lksj, DateTime yd_ddsj, DateTime yd_lksj, bool shlf, bool shts, bool shvip, bool fjbm, string sktt, string lsbh, DateTime czsj, string czy, string cznr, string xxzs)
            string s = common_file.common_app.get_failure;

            if (xxzs == common_file.common_app.xxzs_xxvalue)
            if (xxzs == common_file.common_app.xxzs_zsvalue)
            BLL.Common  B_Common = new Hotel_app.BLL.Common();
            BLL.Ffjzt   B_Ffjzt  = new Hotel_app.BLL.Ffjzt();
            Model.Ffjzt M_Ffjzt  = new Hotel_app.Model.Ffjzt();
            DataSet     ds_temp;

            ds_temp = B_Common.GetList("select id from Ffjzt", "fjbh='" + fjbh + "'");
            int id = 0;

            if (ds_temp != null && ds_temp.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                id           = Convert.ToInt32(ds_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["id"].ToString());
                M_Ffjzt      = B_Ffjzt.GetModel(id);
                M_Ffjzt.zybz = zybz;
                if (zyzt == common_file.common_fjzt.zzf && M_Ffjzt.zyzt == common_file.common_fjzt.zf)
                    M_Ffjzt.zybz = common_file.common_fjzt.yjf;
                M_Ffjzt.zyzt = zyzt; M_Ffjzt.zyzt_second = zyzt_second;

                M_Ffjzt.krxm    = krxm; M_Ffjzt.ddsj = ddsj; M_Ffjzt.lksj = lksj;
                M_Ffjzt.yd_ddsj = yd_ddsj; M_Ffjzt.yd_lksj = yd_lksj; M_Ffjzt.shlf = shlf; M_Ffjzt.fjbm = fjbm;
                M_Ffjzt.shts    = shts; M_Ffjzt.shvip = shvip; M_Ffjzt.sktt = sktt;
                M_Ffjzt.lsbh    = lsbh; M_Ffjzt.czsj = DateTime.Now; M_Ffjzt.czy = czy; M_Ffjzt.cznr = cznr;
                if (B_Ffjzt.Update(M_Ffjzt))
                    s = common_file.common_app.get_suc;
Exemple #6
        public string clear_old_dj_fjzt(string old_fjbh, DateTime czsj, string czy, string xxzs)
            string s = common_file.common_app.get_failure;
            string krxm0 = ""; string sktt0 = ""; string lsbh0 = "";
            bool   shlf0 = false; bool shts0 = false; bool shvip0 = false; bool fjbm0 = false;
            string zyzt_second0 = "";

            BLL.Ffjzt            B_Ffjzt      = new Hotel_app.BLL.Ffjzt();
            BLL.Qskyd_fjrb       B_Qskyd_fjrb = new Hotel_app.BLL.Qskyd_fjrb();
            Model.Ffjzt          M_Ffjzt;
            Ffjzt.Ffjzt_add_edit Ffjzt_add_edit_new = new Hotel_app.Server.Ffjzt.Ffjzt_add_edit();
            DataSet ds_temp = B_Ffjzt.GetList("fjbh='" + old_fjbh + "'");

            if (ds_temp != null && ds_temp.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                M_Ffjzt = B_Ffjzt.GetModel(int.Parse(ds_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["id"].ToString()));

                DateTime yd_ddsj0 = DateTime.Parse(common_file.common_app.cssj);
                DateTime yd_lksj0 = DateTime.Parse(common_file.common_app.cssj);
                ds_temp = B_Qskyd_fjrb.GetList("yddj='" + common_file.common_yddj.yddj_yd + "' and fjbh='" + old_fjbh + "' and ddsj='" + M_Ffjzt.yd_ddsj.ToString() + "' and lksj='" + M_Ffjzt.yd_lksj.ToString() + "'");
                if (ds_temp != null && ds_temp.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    lsbh0        = ds_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["lsbh"].ToString();
                    shlf0        = common_file.common_fjzt.Islf(lsbh0);  //判断是否联房
                    shts0        = common_file.common_fjzt.Ists(lsbh0);  //判断是否特殊
                    shvip0       = common_file.common_fjzt.IsVIP(lsbh0); //判断是否VIP或会员
                    fjbm0        = common_file.common_fjzt.Isbm(lsbh0);
                    krxm0        = ds_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["krxm"].ToString();
                    sktt0        = ds_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["sktt"].ToString();
                    lsbh0        = ds_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["lsbh"].ToString();
                    zyzt_second0 = common_file.common_fjzt.ydf;
                    yd_ddsj0     = DateTime.Parse(ds_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ddsj"].ToString());
                    yd_lksj0     = DateTime.Parse(ds_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["lksj"].ToString());

                Ffjzt_add_edit_new.Ffjzt_xgft(common_file.common_fjzt.zf, zyzt_second0, common_file.common_fjzt.ff, old_fjbh, krxm0, DateTime.Parse(common_file.common_app.cssj), DateTime.Parse(common_file.common_app.cssj), yd_ddsj0, yd_lksj0, shlf0, shts0, shvip0, fjbm0, sktt0, lsbh0, czsj, czy, common_file.common_fjzt.ff, xxzs);
                s = common_file.common_app.get_suc;
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// 改房态时修改预订的初始值
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="zyzt"></param>
        /// <param name="fjbh"></param>
        /// <param name="ddsj"></param>
        /// <param name="lksj"></param>
        /// <param name="czsj"></param>
        /// <param name="cznr"></param>
        /// <param name="czy"></param>
        /// <param name="xxzs"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string set_yd_ft(string zyzt, string fjbh, DateTime ddsj, DateTime lksj, string czsj, string cznr, string czy, string xxzs)
            string   s = common_file.common_app.get_failure;
            string   krxm0 = ""; string sktt0 = ""; string lsbh0 = "";
            string   zyzt_second0 = "";
            DateTime yd_ddsj0 = DateTime.Parse(common_file.common_app.cssj);
            DateTime yd_lksj0 = DateTime.Parse(common_file.common_app.cssj);
            bool     shlf0 = false; bool shts0 = false; bool shvip0 = false; bool fjbm0 = false;

            BLL.Ffjzt B_Ffjzt = new Hotel_app.BLL.Ffjzt();
            DataSet   ds_temp = B_Ffjzt.GetList("fjbh='" + fjbh + "'");

            if (ds_temp.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                Model.Ffjzt M_Ffjzt = B_Ffjzt.GetModel(int.Parse(ds_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["id"].ToString()));
                set_fj_value(out krxm0, out sktt0, out lsbh0, out zyzt_second0, out yd_ddsj0, out yd_lksj0, out shlf0, out shts0, out shvip0, out fjbm0, "fjbh='" + fjbh + "' and ddsj='" + M_Ffjzt.yd_ddsj + "' and lksj='" + M_Ffjzt.yd_lksj + "'");

                Ffjzt_xgft(zyzt, M_Ffjzt.zyzt_second, M_Ffjzt.zybz, M_Ffjzt.fjbh, krxm0, ddsj, lksj, M_Ffjzt.yd_ddsj, M_Ffjzt.yd_lksj, shlf0, shts0, shvip0, fjbm0, sktt0, lsbh0, DateTime.Parse(czsj), czy, cznr, xxzs);
                s = common_file.common_app.get_suc;
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// 用来删除主单或退房时单据的删除和修改房态及备份相应记录
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        /// <param name="czzt"></param>两个值,一个是删除“sc”,一个是结账"jz"
        /// <param name="czbz"></param>主要是两个值,一个是“取消”,一个“未到”到common_yddj里去找
        /// <param name="qxyy"></param>取消原因
        /// <param name="jzbh"></param>
        /// <param name="czy"></param>
        /// <param name="czsj"></param>
        /// <param name="xxzs"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string delete_sz_xgft(string id, string czzt, string czbz, string qxyy, string jzbh, string czy, string czsj, string xxzs)
            int    i_temp = 8;//用来M_Qskyd_mainrecord =NULL时判断
            string s      = common_file.common_app.get_failure;

            BLL.Qskyd_mainrecord     B_Qskyd_mainrecord     = new Hotel_app.BLL.Qskyd_mainrecord();
            Model.Qskyd_mainrecord   M_Qskyd_mainrecord     = new Hotel_app.Model.Qskyd_mainrecord();
            BLL.Qskyd_mainrecord_new B_Qskyd_mainrecord_new = new Hotel_app.BLL.Qskyd_mainrecord_new();
            BLL.Ffjzt        B_Ffjzt      = new Hotel_app.BLL.Ffjzt();
            Model.Ffjzt      M_Ffjzt      = new Hotel_app.Model.Ffjzt();
            BLL.Qskyd_fjrb   B_Qskyd_fjrb = new Hotel_app.BLL.Qskyd_fjrb();
            Model.Qskyd_fjrb M_Qskyd_fjrb = new Hotel_app.Model.Qskyd_fjrb();
            BLL.Common       B_Common     = new Hotel_app.BLL.Common();
            if (id != "")
                DataSet DS_temp;
                M_Qskyd_mainrecord = B_Qskyd_mainrecord.GetModel(int.Parse(id));
                if (M_Qskyd_mainrecord == null)
                    i_temp = 9;
                    DS_temp = B_Qskyd_fjrb.GetList(" lsbh='" + M_Qskyd_mainrecord.lsbh + "'");
                    string fjbh_temp = "";
                    if (DS_temp != null && DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        //fjbh_temp = DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["fjbh"].ToString();

                        for (int k_0 = 0; k_0 < DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows.Count; k_0++)
                            if (DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows[k_0]["fjbh"].ToString() != "")
                                fjbh_temp = DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows[k_0]["fjbh"].ToString();

                        s = common_file.common_app.get_suc;
                        if (fjbh_temp != "")
                            DS_temp = B_Ffjzt.GetList(" fjbh='" + fjbh_temp + "'");
                            if (DS_temp != null && DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                                M_Ffjzt = B_Ffjzt.GetModel(int.Parse(DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["id"].ToString()));

                                if (M_Qskyd_mainrecord.yddj == common_file.common_yddj.yddj_dj)
                                    s = common_file.common_app.get_failure;
                                    Ffjzt.Fgj_z_yj_zzzf Fgj_z_yj_zzzf_new = new Hotel_app.Server.Ffjzt.Fgj_z_yj_zzzf();
                                    s = Fgj_z_yj_zzzf_new.set_gj_zf_yj_zzzf_qxzz(M_Ffjzt.id.ToString(), M_Qskyd_mainrecord.yydh, M_Qskyd_mainrecord.qymc, M_Ffjzt.fjbh, "zf", czy, DateTime.Parse(czsj), xxzs);
                                    DS_temp = B_Qskyd_fjrb.GetList(" fjbh='" + fjbh_temp + "' and yddj='" + common_file.common_yddj.yddj_dj + "' and lsbh<>'" + M_Qskyd_mainrecord.lsbh + "'");
                                    if (DS_temp != null && DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                                        s = common_file.common_app.get_failure;
                                        Qyddj.Qskyd_fjrb_add_edit_delete Qskyd_fjrb_add_edit_delete_new = new Qskyd_fjrb_add_edit_delete();
                                        M_Qskyd_fjrb = B_Qskyd_fjrb.GetModel(int.Parse(DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["id"].ToString()));
                                        Qskyd_fjrb_add_edit_delete_new.add_fjbh_dj_fjzt(fjbh_temp, M_Qskyd_fjrb, DateTime.Parse(czsj), czy, xxzs);
                                        B_Common.ExecuteSql("update Qskyd_fjrb set lzfs=1,czsj='" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "',shsc=0 where lsbh='" + DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["lsbh"].ToString() + "'");
                                        s = common_file.common_app.get_suc;
                                if (M_Qskyd_mainrecord.yddj == common_file.common_yddj.yddj_yd)
                                    s = common_file.common_app.get_failure;
                                    Qyddj.Qskyd_fjrb_add_edit_delete Qskyd_fjrb_add_edit_delete_new = new Qskyd_fjrb_add_edit_delete();
                                    s = Qskyd_fjrb_add_edit_delete_new.clear_old_yd_fjzt(fjbh_temp, M_Qskyd_mainrecord.ddsj, M_Qskyd_mainrecord.lksj, DateTime.Parse(czsj), czy, xxzs);
                                    DS_temp = B_Qskyd_fjrb.GetList(" fjbh='" + fjbh_temp + "' and yddj='" + common_file.common_yddj.yddj_yd + "' and lsbh<>'" + M_Qskyd_mainrecord.lsbh + "' and ddsj>='" + DateTime.Now.Date.ToString() + "' and ddsj<'" + DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(1) + "'");
                                    if (DS_temp != null && DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                                        s = common_file.common_app.get_failure;
                                        Qskyd_fjrb_add_edit_delete_new.add_fjbh_yd_fjzt(M_Qskyd_fjrb.lsbh, fjbh_temp, M_Qskyd_fjrb.sktt, DateTime.Parse(czsj), czy, xxzs);
                                        B_Common.ExecuteSql("update Qskyd_fjrb set lzfs=1,czsj='" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "',shsc=0 where lsbh='" + DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["lsbh"].ToString() + "'");
                                        s = common_file.common_app.get_suc;

                    if (s == common_file.common_app.get_suc)
                        s = common_file.common_app.get_failure;
                        int strid = int.Parse(id);
                        //common_file.common_Qskyd_mainrecord.PlInter(int.Parse(id), "删除");
                        B_Qskyd_mainrecord_new.Pladd(strid, czbz, qxyy, czy, czsj, czzt, jzbh);//删除前批量添加到备份表里

                        M_Qskyd_mainrecord = B_Qskyd_mainrecord.GetModel(strid);
                        if (M_Qskyd_mainrecord != null)
                            B_Common.ExecuteSql("delete from Qskyd_mainrecord where lsbh='" + M_Qskyd_mainrecord.lsbh + "' and main_sec='" + common_file.common_app.main_sec_main + "'");

                            B_Common.ExecuteSql("delete from Qskyd_mainrecord where lsbh='" + M_Qskyd_mainrecord.lsbh + "' and main_sec<>'" + common_file.common_app.main_sec_main + "'");

                        //if (B_Qskyd_mainrecord.Delete(strid) == true)
                        s = common_file.common_app.get_suc;

                if (i_temp == 9)
                    s = common_file.common_app.get_suc;

Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// 修改干净、脏房、已洁房、在住脏房、取消在住脏房
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        /// <param name="yydh"></param>
        /// <param name="qymc"></param>
        /// <param name="fjbh"></param>
        /// <param name="xgzt"></param>"干净gj","脏zf","已洁yj","在住脏zzzf","取消在住脏qxzz"
        /// <param name="add_edit_delete"></param>
        /// <param name="xxzs"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string set_gj_zf_yj_zzzf_qxzz(string id, string yydh, string qymc, string fjbh, string xgzt, string czy, DateTime czsj, string xxzs)
            string s = common_file.common_app.get_failure;

            BLL.Common B_Common = new Hotel_app.BLL.Common();
            BLL.Ffjzt  B_Ffjzt  = new Hotel_app.BLL.Ffjzt();
            //common_file.common_czjl common_czjl_new = new Hotel_app.common_file.common_czjl();

            Model.Ffjzt M_Ffjzt  = B_Ffjzt.GetModel(int.Parse(id));
            string      update_s = "";

            switch (xgzt)
            case "gj":
                if (M_Ffjzt.zyzt == common_file.common_fjzt.wxf || M_Ffjzt.zyzt == common_file.common_fjzt.qtf)
                    B_Common.ExecuteSql("delete from Fwx_other where fjbh='" + fjbh + "' and ddsj='" + M_Ffjzt.ddsj.ToString() + "' and lksj='" + M_Ffjzt.lksj.ToString() + "'");
                update_s = "update Ffjzt set zyzt='" + common_file.common_fjzt.gjf + "',lsbh='',krxm='',sktt='',zybz='',zyzt_second='',shlf=0,shts=0,shvip=0,fjbm=0,yd_ddsj='" + common_file.common_app.cssj + "',yd_lksj='" + common_file.common_app.cssj + "',ddsj='" + common_file.common_app.cssj + "',lksj='" + common_file.common_app.cssj + "',czy='" + czy + "',cznr='" + "修改房态-干净房" + "',czsj='" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "' where id='" + id + "' and zyzt_second<>'" + common_file.common_fjzt.ydf + "'";
                if (B_Common.ExecuteSql(update_s) > 0)
                    common_file.common_czjl.add_czjl(yydh, qymc, czy, "修改房间状态" + M_Ffjzt.zyzt + "-" + common_file.common_fjzt.gjf, fjbh, "", czsj);
                    s = common_file.common_app.get_suc;
                update_s = "update Ffjzt set zyzt='" + common_file.common_fjzt.gjf + "',ddsj='" + common_file.common_app.cssj + "',lksj='" + common_file.common_app.cssj + "',czy='" + czy + "',cznr='" + "修改房态-干净房" + "',czsj='" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "' where id='" + id + "' and zyzt_second='" + common_file.common_fjzt.ydf + "'";
                if (B_Common.ExecuteSql(update_s) > 0)
                    common_file.common_czjl.add_czjl(yydh, qymc, czy, "修改房间状态" + M_Ffjzt.zyzt + "-" + common_file.common_fjzt.gjf, fjbh, "", czsj);
                    s = common_file.common_app.get_suc;

            case "zf":
                if (M_Ffjzt.zyzt == common_file.common_fjzt.wxf || M_Ffjzt.zyzt == common_file.common_fjzt.qtf)
                    B_Common.ExecuteSql("delete from Fwx_other where fjbh='" + fjbh + "' and ddsj='" + M_Ffjzt.ddsj.ToString() + "' and lksj='" + M_Ffjzt.lksj.ToString() + "'");
                update_s = "update Ffjzt set zyzt='" + common_file.common_fjzt.zf + "',lsbh='',krxm='',sktt='',zybz='',zyzt_second='',shlf=0,shts=0,shvip=0,fjbm=0,yd_ddsj='" + common_file.common_app.cssj + "',yd_lksj='" + common_file.common_app.cssj + "',ddsj='" + common_file.common_app.cssj + "',lksj='" + common_file.common_app.cssj + "',czy='" + czy + "',cznr='" + "修改房态-脏房" + "',czsj='" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "' where id='" + id + "' and zyzt_second<>'" + common_file.common_fjzt.ydf + "'";
                if (B_Common.ExecuteSql(update_s) > 0)
                    common_file.common_czjl.add_czjl(yydh, qymc, czy, "修改房间状态" + M_Ffjzt.zyzt + "-" + common_file.common_fjzt.zf, fjbh, "", czsj);
                    s = common_file.common_app.get_suc;
                update_s = "update Ffjzt set zyzt='" + common_file.common_fjzt.zf + "',zybz='" + "" + "',ddsj='" + common_file.common_app.cssj + "',lksj='" + common_file.common_app.cssj + "',czy='" + czy + "',cznr='" + "修改房态-脏房" + "',czsj='" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "' where id='" + id + "' and zyzt_second='" + common_file.common_fjzt.ydf + "'";
                if (B_Common.ExecuteSql(update_s) > 0)
                    common_file.common_czjl.add_czjl(yydh, qymc, czy, "修改房间状态" + M_Ffjzt.zyzt + "-" + common_file.common_fjzt.zf, fjbh, "", czsj);
                    s = common_file.common_app.get_suc;

            case "yj":
                update_s = "update Ffjzt set zybz='" + common_file.common_fjzt.yjf + "',czy='" + czy + "',cznr='" + "修改房态-已洁房" + "',czsj='" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "' where id='" + id + "'";
                if (B_Common.ExecuteSql(update_s) > 0)
                    common_file.common_czjl.add_czjl(yydh, qymc, czy, "设置已洁房", fjbh, "", czsj);
                    s = common_file.common_app.get_suc;

            case "zzzf":
                update_s = "update Ffjzt set zybz='" + common_file.common_fjzt.yjf + "',czy='" + czy + "',cznr='" + "修改房态-在住脏房" + "',czsj='" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "' where id='" + id + "'";
                if (B_Common.ExecuteSql(update_s) > 0)
                    common_file.common_czjl.add_czjl(yydh, qymc, czy, "设置在住脏房", fjbh, "", czsj);
                    s = common_file.common_app.get_suc;

            case "qxzz":
                update_s = "update Ffjzt set zybz='" + "" + "',czy='" + czy + "',cznr='" + "修改房态-取消在住脏房" + "',czsj='" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "' where id='" + id + "'";
                if (B_Common.ExecuteSql(update_s) > 0)
                    common_file.common_czjl.add_czjl(yydh, qymc, czy, "取消在住脏房", fjbh, "", czsj);
                    s = common_file.common_app.get_suc;

            case "lszyf":
                update_s = "update Ffjzt set zybz='" + common_file.common_fjzt.lszy + "',czy='" + czy + "',cznr='" + "修改房态-临时占用房" + "',czsj='" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "' where id='" + id + "'";
                if (B_Common.ExecuteSql(update_s) > 0)
                    common_file.common_czjl.add_czjl(yydh, qymc, czy, "设置临时占用房", fjbh, "", czsj);
                    s = common_file.common_app.get_suc;

            case "qxlszyf":
                update_s = "update Ffjzt set zybz='" + "" + "',czy='" + czy + "',cznr='" + "修改房态-取消临时占用房" + "',czsj='" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "' where id='" + id + "'";
                if (B_Common.ExecuteSql(update_s) > 0)
                    common_file.common_czjl.add_czjl(yydh, qymc, czy, "取消临时占用房", fjbh, "", czsj);
                    s = common_file.common_app.get_suc;