public static HotelCancelResponse Cancel(string ConfirmNo)
            var UName = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["TBOUserName"];
            var UPass = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["TBOPassword"];

            HotelCancelRequest req = new HotelCancelRequest
                Credentials = new AuthenticationData()
                    UserName = UName,
                    Password = UPass
                //RequestType = "HotelCancel",
                ConfirmationNo = ConfirmNo,
                Remarks        = "test cancel"

            IHotelService proxy = TBOCredentials.CreateProxy();
            var           sid   = new Guid();

            ProviderLogger.LogHotelCancelReq(req, sid.ToString());
            HotelCancelResponse resp = new HotelCancelResponse();

            resp = proxy.HotelCancel(req);
            ProviderLogger.LogHotelCancelResp(resp, sid.ToString());
        public static void LogHotelCancelResp(HotelCancelResponse HotelCancelResp, string SearchId)
            string path = MainPath + @"\TBOLogs\" + DateTime.UtcNow.Date.ToString("dd_MM_yyyy") + @"\" + SearchId + @"\CancelResp\";

            path = path + "HotelCancelResp.txt";
                XmlSerializer xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(HotelCancelResp.GetType());
                using (StreamWriter streamwriter = new StreamWriter(path, append: false))
                    xmlSerializer.Serialize(streamwriter, HotelCancelResp);
            catch (FileNotFoundException Ex)
                throw new LoggerException(LoggerErrorCodes.LoggerFileNotFound, LoggerErrorCodes.LoggerFileNotFound + " -This path (" + path + ") doesn't exist with file name " + Ex.FileName + " .", Ex.Message);
            catch (IOException Ex)
                throw new LoggerException(LoggerErrorCodes.LoggerFileINProcess, LoggerErrorCodes.LoggerFileINProcess + " -This Logger File (" + path + ") in another process you can not access it right now.", Ex.Message);
            catch (Exception Ex)
                throw new LoggerException(LoggerErrorCodes.FailedLogIntoLogger, LoggerErrorCodes.FailedLogIntoLogger + " -Failed Log Into Logger with path (" + path + ").", Ex.Message);