public RoundTripTests() {
        // we assume peverify.exe is in the path
        host = new HostEnvironment();

       // Debug.Listeners.Clear();
       // Debug.Listeners.Add(new MyTraceListener());
 public UninstallHost(HostEnvironment environment, HostSettings settings, IEnumerable<Action> preActions,
     IEnumerable<Action> postActions,
     bool sudo)
     _environment = environment;
     _settings = settings;
     _preActions = preActions;
     _postActions = postActions;
     _sudo = sudo;
        public ConsoleRunHost(HostSettings settings, HostEnvironment environment, ServiceHandle serviceHandle)
            if (settings == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("settings");
            if (environment == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("environment");

            _settings = settings;
            _environment = environment;
            _serviceHandle = serviceHandle;
        public WindowsServiceHost(HostEnvironment environment, HostSettings settings, ServiceHandle serviceHandle)
            if (settings == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("settings");
            if (serviceHandle == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("serviceHandle");

            _settings = settings;
            _serviceHandle = serviceHandle;
            _environment = environment;
        public InstallHost(HostEnvironment environment, HostSettings settings, HostStartMode startMode,
            IEnumerable<string> dependencies,
            Credentials credentials, IEnumerable<Action> preActions, IEnumerable<Action> postActions, bool sudo)
            _environment = environment;
            _settings = settings;

            _installSettings = new InstallServiceSettingsImpl(settings, credentials, startMode, dependencies.ToArray());

            _preActions = preActions;
            _postActions = postActions;
            _sudo = sudo;
        public WindowsServiceHost(HostEnvironment environment, HostSettings settings, ServiceHandle serviceHandle)
            if (settings == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("settings");
            if (serviceHandle == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("serviceHandle");

            _settings = settings;
            _serviceHandle = serviceHandle;
            _environment = environment;

            CanPauseAndContinue = settings.CanPauseAndContinue;
            CanShutdown = settings.CanShutdown;
Exemple #7
        private static int Main(string[] args)
            HostEnvironment host = new HostEnvironment();
            host.UnableToResolve += host_UnableToResolve;

            host.UnifyToLibPath = true;
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s_libPath))

            IEnumerable<IAssembly> assemblies = host.LoadAssemblies(HostEnvironment.SplitPaths(s_assembly));

            if (!assemblies.Any())
                Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Failed to load any assemblies from '{0}'", s_assembly);
                return 1;

            string headerText = GetHeaderText();
            bool loopPerAssembly = Directory.Exists(s_out);

            if (loopPerAssembly)
                foreach (var assembly in assemblies)
                    using (TextWriter output = GetOutput(GetFilename(assembly)))
                    using (IStyleSyntaxWriter syntaxWriter = GetSyntaxWriter(output))
                        if (headerText != null)
                        ICciWriter writer = GetWriter(output, syntaxWriter);
                        writer.WriteAssemblies(new IAssembly[] { assembly });
                using (TextWriter output = GetOutput())
                using (IStyleSyntaxWriter syntaxWriter = GetSyntaxWriter(output))
                    if (headerText != null)
                    ICciWriter writer = GetWriter(output, syntaxWriter);

            return 0;
Exemple #8
        public ConsoleRunHost(HostSettings settings, HostEnvironment environment, ServiceHandle serviceHandle)
            if (settings == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("settings");
            if (environment == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("environment");

            _settings = settings;
            _environment = environment;
            _serviceHandle = serviceHandle;

            if (settings.CanSessionChanged)
                SystemEvents.SessionSwitch += OnSessionChanged;
        public WindowsServiceHost(HostEnvironment environment, HostSettings settings, ServiceHandle serviceHandle, HostConfigurator configurator)
            if (settings == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("settings");
            if (serviceHandle == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("serviceHandle");

            _settings = settings;
            _serviceHandle = serviceHandle;
            _environment = environment;
            _configurator = configurator;

            CanPauseAndContinue = settings.CanPauseAndContinue;
            CanShutdown = settings.CanShutdown;
            CanHandleSessionChangeEvent = settings.CanSessionChanged;
            ServiceName = _settings.ServiceName;
        public override IEnumerable<ISourceMappedItem> GetSourceInfo(string assemblyPath, string pdbPath, ReportingResult report)
            using (var host = new HostEnvironment())
            using (var pdbFs = File.OpenRead(pdbPath))
            using (var pdbReader = new PdbReader(pdbFs, host))
                var metadataVisitor = new CciMetadataTraverser(report, pdbReader);
                var traverser = new MetadataTraverser
                    PreorderVisitor = metadataVisitor,
                    TraverseIntoMethodBodies = true

                var cciAssembly = host.LoadAssembly(assemblyPath);

                return metadataVisitor.FoundItems;
Exemple #11
        private static int Main(string[] args)
            HostEnvironment host = new HostEnvironment();
            host.UnableToResolve += host_UnableToResolve;

            host.UnifyToLibPath = true;
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s_libPath))

            IEnumerable<IAssembly> assemblies = host.LoadAssemblies(HostEnvironment.SplitPaths(s_assembly));

            if (!assemblies.Any())
                Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Failed to load any assemblies from '{0}'", s_assembly);
                return 1;

            using (TextWriter output = GetOutput())
            using (IStyleSyntaxWriter syntaxWriter = GetSyntaxWriter(output))
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(s_headerFile))
                    if (!File.Exists(s_headerFile))
                        Console.WriteLine("ERROR: header file '{0}' does not exist", s_headerFile);
                        return 1;

                    using (TextReader headerText = File.OpenText(s_headerFile))

                ICciWriter writer = GetWriter(output, syntaxWriter);

            return 0;
        private HostEnvironment CreateHostEnvironment(NameTable nameTable, NuGetFramework framework)
            void UnableToResolve(object sender, UnresolvedReference <IUnit, AssemblyIdentity> e)
                Trace.TraceError("Unable to resolve assembly '{0}' referenced by the implementation assembly '{1}'.", e.Unresolved, e.Referrer);

            var host = new HostEnvironment(nameTable)
                ResolveAgainstRunningFramework = true,
                UnifyToLibPath     = s_unifyToLibPaths,
                LoadErrorTreatment = ErrorTreatment.TreatAsWarning

            host.UnableToResolve += new EventHandler <UnresolvedReference <IUnit, AssemblyIdentity> >(UnableToResolve);

            foreach (var path in _referenceAssemblyProvider.GetReferenceAssemblyPath(framework.HasProfile ? framework.Profile : framework.GetShortFolderName()))

Exemple #13
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            var host     = new HostEnvironment();
            var services = new ServiceCollection();

            services.AddSingleton <IWebHostEnvironment, HostEnvironment>();
            services.AddSingleton <ILoggerFactory, LoggerFactory>();

            var diagnosticSource = new DiagnosticListener("Microsoft.AspNetCore");

            services.AddSingleton <DiagnosticSource>(diagnosticSource);

            var startup = new Startup(host);


            var serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider();
            var service         = serviceProvider.GetService <ITemplateService>();

            var result = service.Welcome("Hello World!");

        public Host CreateHost()
            Type type = typeof(HostFactory);

            HostLogger.Get <HostConfiguratorImpl>()
            .InfoFormat("{0} v{1}, .NET Framework v{2}", type.Namespace, type.Assembly.GetName().Version,

            EnvironmentBuilder environmentBuilder = _environmentBuilderFactory();

            HostEnvironment environment = environmentBuilder.Build();

            ServiceBuilder serviceBuilder = _serviceBuilderFactory(_settings);

            HostBuilder builder = _hostBuilderFactory(environment, _settings);

            foreach (HostBuilderConfigurator configurator in _configurators)
                builder = configurator.Configure(builder);

        public void CreateHostBuilder_ObserveEnvironmentLayering()
            var reloadFlagConfig = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                { "hostbuilder:reloadConfigOnChange", "false" }
            var guid               = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var ppeEnvName         = $"PPE{guid}";
            var devEnvName         = $"Development{guid}";
            var ppeFileName        = $"appsettings.{ppeEnvName}.json";
            var devFileName        = $"appsettings.{devEnvName}.json";
            var tempPath           = Path.GetTempPath();
            var appSettingsPPEPath = Path.Combine(tempPath, ppeFileName);
            var appSettingsDEVPath = Path.Combine(tempPath, devFileName);

            var ppeEnv = new HostEnvironment(ppeEnvName);
            var devEnv = new HostEnvironment(devEnvName, ppeEnv);

            SaveConfig(appSettingsPPEPath, ppeEnvName);
            SaveConfig(appSettingsDEVPath, devEnvName);

            // PPE setting is used
            var builder = LayeredSettingsHost.CreateHostBuilder(null, new[] { ppeEnv, devEnv })
            var config = builder.Build().Services.GetRequiredService <IConfiguration>();

            Assert.Equal(ppeEnvName, config["FileName"]);

            // Dev setting is used and it overrides PPE
            builder = LayeredSettingsHost.CreateHostBuilder(null, new[] { ppeEnv, devEnv })
            config = builder.Build().Services.GetRequiredService <IConfiguration>();
            Assert.Equal(devEnvName, config["FileName"]);
        public void BaseTest(Dictionary <string, string> envDictionary, ConfigFileDeclaration[] expected)
            var oldEnv = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            foreach (var e in envDictionary)
                oldEnv[e.Key] = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(e.Key);
                Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(e.Key, e.Value);

                var config = new HostEnvironment(
                    new TestHostEnvironmentSource(),
                    new EnvironmentVarialbesConfigurationSource(),
                    new ApplicationInfoSource(
                        new CurrentApplicationInfo("test", Environment.UserName, Dns.GetHostName())));

                var configs = new ConfigurationLocationsParser(_fileSystem, config, config.ApplicationInfo);

                foreach (var pair in configs.ConfigFileDeclarations.Zip(expected, (first, second) => new { first, second }))

                foreach (var e in oldEnv)
                    Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(e.Key, e.Value);
Exemple #17
        private static IEnumerable<IAssembly> LoadAssemblies(HostEnvironment host, string assemblyPaths)
            host.UnifyToLibPath = true;
            string[] splitPaths = HostEnvironment.SplitPaths(assemblyPaths);

            foreach (string path in splitPaths)
                if (Directory.Exists(path))
                else if (File.Exists(path))

            return host.LoadAssemblies(splitPaths);
Exemple #18
 private static void OutputFacadeToFile(string facadePath, HostEnvironment seedHost, Assembly facade, IAssembly contract, string pdbLocation = null)
     // Use the filename (including extension .dll/.winmd) so people can have some control over the output facade file name.
     string facadeFileName = Path.GetFileName(contract.Location);
     string facadeOutputPath = Path.Combine(facadePath, facadeFileName);
     using (Stream peOutStream = File.Create(facadeOutputPath))
         if (pdbLocation != null)
             if (File.Exists(pdbLocation))
                 string pdbOutputPath = Path.Combine(facadePath, contract.Name + ".pdb");
                 using (Stream pdbReadStream = File.OpenRead(pdbLocation))
                 using (PdbReader pdbReader = new PdbReader(pdbReadStream, seedHost))
                 using (PdbWriter pdbWriter = new PdbWriter(pdbOutputPath, pdbReader))
                     PeWriter.WritePeToStream(facade, seedHost, peOutStream, pdbReader, pdbReader, pdbWriter);
                 throw new FacadeGenerationException("Couldn't find the pdb at the given location: " + pdbLocation);
             PeWriter.WritePeToStream(facade, seedHost, peOutStream);
 static HostBuilder DefaultHostBuilderFactory(HostEnvironment environment, HostSettings settings)
     return new RunBuilder(environment, settings);
Exemple #20
 static HostBuilder DefaultHostBuilderFactory(HostEnvironment environment, HostSettings settings)
     return(new RunBuilder(environment, settings));
        public static int Main(string[] args)

            if (s_listRules)
                CompositionHost c = GetCompositionHost();
                ExportCciSettings.StaticSettings = CciComparers.Default.GetEqualityComparer <ITypeReference>();

                var rules = c.GetExports <IDifferenceRule>();

                foreach (var rule in rules.Select(r => r.GetType().Name).OrderBy(r => r, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))


            using (TextWriter output = GetOutput())
                if (DifferenceWriter.ExitCode != 0)

                if (output != Console.Out)
                    Trace.Listeners.Add(new TextWriterTraceListener(output)
                        Filter = new EventTypeFilter(SourceLevels.Error | SourceLevels.Warning)
                    BaselineDifferenceFilter filter = GetBaselineDifferenceFilter();
                    NameTable       sharedNameTable = new NameTable();
                    HostEnvironment contractHost    = new HostEnvironment(sharedNameTable);
                    contractHost.UnableToResolve += new EventHandler <UnresolvedReference <IUnit, AssemblyIdentity> >(contractHost_UnableToResolve);
                    contractHost.ResolveAgainstRunningFramework = s_resolveFx;
                    contractHost.UnifyToLibPath = s_unifyToLibPaths;
                    IEnumerable <IAssembly> contractAssemblies = contractHost.LoadAssemblies(s_contractSet, s_contractCoreAssembly);

                    if (s_ignoreDesignTimeFacades)
                        contractAssemblies = contractAssemblies.Where(a => !a.IsFacade());

                    HostEnvironment implHost = new HostEnvironment(sharedNameTable);
                    implHost.UnableToResolve += new EventHandler <UnresolvedReference <IUnit, AssemblyIdentity> >(implHost_UnableToResolve);
                    implHost.ResolveAgainstRunningFramework = s_resolveFx;
                    implHost.UnifyToLibPath = s_unifyToLibPaths;
                    if (s_warnOnMissingAssemblies)
                        implHost.LoadErrorTreatment = ErrorTreatment.TreatAsWarning;

                    // The list of contractAssemblies already has the core assembly as the first one (if _contractCoreAssembly was specified).
                    IEnumerable <IAssembly> implAssemblies = implHost.LoadAssemblies(contractAssemblies.Select(a => a.AssemblyIdentity), s_warnOnIncorrectVersion);

                    // Exit after loading if the code is set to non-zero
                    if (DifferenceWriter.ExitCode != 0)

                    ICciDifferenceWriter writer = GetDifferenceWriter(output, filter);
                    writer.Write(s_implDirs, implAssemblies, s_contractSet, contractAssemblies);
                catch (FileNotFoundException)
                    // FileNotFoundException will be thrown by GetBaselineDifferenceFilter if it doesn't find the baseline file
                    // OR if GetComparers doesn't find the remap file.
Exemple #22
 public static Tenant WithHost(this Tenant tenant, HostEnvironment environment)
Exemple #23
    public static Assembly PruneAssembly(HostEnvironment host, ISlice<MethodReferenceAdaptor, FieldReferenceAdaptor, TypeReferenceAdaptor, IAssemblyReference> slice) {
      Contract.Requires(host != null);
      Contract.Requires(slice != null);

      var newAssemblyName = slice.Name;
      var originalAssembly = slice.ContainingAssembly.ResolvedAssembly;
      Contract.Assume(!(originalAssembly is Dummy));
      var methodDefsToKeep = new HashSet<uint>();
      foreach (var m in slice.Methods) {

      var copier = new MetadataDeepCopier(host);
      var thingsToKeep = new HashSet<object>();
      var methodHashAttributes = new Dictionary<IMethodDefinition, MethodHashAttribute>();
      var me = new Prune(host, copier, thingsToKeep, methodDefsToKeep, methodHashAttributes);

      // 1. everything that is specified in the slice should definitely be kept.
      foreach (var c in slice.Chains) {

      // 2. everything reachable from the initial set of things to keep should be kept
      Dictionary<IMethodDefinition, uint> contractOffsets;
      FindReachable.Reachable(host, slice, thingsToKeep, methodDefsToKeep, out contractOffsets);
      me.contractOffsets = contractOffsets;

      // 3. copy the original assembly --- entirely!
      var a_prime = copier.Copy(originalAssembly);
      var nameTable = host.NameTable;
      a_prime.ModuleName = nameTable.GetNameFor(newAssemblyName + ".dll");
      a_prime.Name = nameTable.GetNameFor(newAssemblyName);

      var mutableRoot = (RootUnitNamespace)(a_prime.UnitNamespaceRoot);
      var methodHashAttributeType = DefineMethodHashAttributeType(host, mutableRoot);
      me.methodHashAttributeCtor = new Microsoft.Cci.MethodReference(

      // 4. delete all unwanted things from the mutable copy

      var remainingTypes = new List<INamedTypeDefinition>(a_prime.AllTypes.Count); // will only shrink
      remainingTypes.Add(a_prime.AllTypes[0]); // <Module> class is always kept
      for (int i = 1, n = a_prime.AllTypes.Count; i < n; i++) {
        var t = a_prime.AllTypes[i];
        Contract.Assume(t!= null);
        var orig = copier.OriginalFor[t];
        if (thingsToKeep.Contains(orig))
      a_prime.AllTypes = remainingTypes;
      // do this afterwards so it doesn't get visited.

      return a_prime;
 public StartHost(HostEnvironment environment, HostSettings settings, Host parentHost)
     _environment = environment;
     _settings    = settings;
     _parentHost  = parentHost;
Exemple #25
 public StopHost(HostEnvironment environment, HostSettings settings)
     _environment = environment;
     _settings = settings;
Exemple #26
        public static Assembly PruneAssembly(HostEnvironment host, ISlice <MethodReferenceAdaptor, FieldReferenceAdaptor, TypeReferenceAdaptor, IAssemblyReference> slice)
            Contract.Requires(host != null);
            Contract.Requires(slice != null);

            var newAssemblyName  = slice.Name;
            var originalAssembly = slice.ContainingAssembly.ResolvedAssembly;

            Contract.Assume(!(originalAssembly is Dummy));
            var methodDefsToKeep = new HashSet <uint>();

            foreach (var m in slice.Methods)

            var copier               = new MetadataDeepCopier(host);
            var thingsToKeep         = new HashSet <object>();
            var methodHashAttributes = new Dictionary <IMethodDefinition, MethodHashAttribute>();
            var me = new Prune(host, copier, thingsToKeep, methodDefsToKeep, methodHashAttributes);

            // 1. everything that is specified in the slice should definitely be kept.
            foreach (var c in slice.Chains)

            // 2. everything reachable from the initial set of things to keep should be kept
            Dictionary <IMethodDefinition, uint> contractOffsets;

            FindReachable.Reachable(host, slice, thingsToKeep, methodDefsToKeep, out contractOffsets);
            me.contractOffsets = contractOffsets;

            // 3. copy the original assembly --- entirely!
            var a_prime   = copier.Copy(originalAssembly);
            var nameTable = host.NameTable;

            a_prime.ModuleName = nameTable.GetNameFor(newAssemblyName + ".dll");
            a_prime.Name       = nameTable.GetNameFor(newAssemblyName);

            var mutableRoot             = (RootUnitNamespace)(a_prime.UnitNamespaceRoot);
            var methodHashAttributeType = DefineMethodHashAttributeType(host, mutableRoot);

            me.methodHashAttributeCtor = new Microsoft.Cci.MethodReference(

            // 4. delete all unwanted things from the mutable copy

            var remainingTypes = new List <INamedTypeDefinition>(a_prime.AllTypes.Count); // will only shrink

            remainingTypes.Add(a_prime.AllTypes[0]);                                      // <Module> class is always kept
            for (int i = 1, n = a_prime.AllTypes.Count; i < n; i++)
                var t = a_prime.AllTypes[i];
                Contract.Assume(t != null);
                var orig = copier.OriginalFor[t];
                if (thingsToKeep.Contains(orig))
            a_prime.AllTypes = remainingTypes;
            // do this afterwards so it doesn't get visited.

Exemple #27
        private static NamespaceTypeDefinition DefineMethodHashAttributeType(HostEnvironment host, RootUnitNamespace rootUnitNamespace)
            Contract.Requires(host != null);
            var internFactory = host.InternFactory;

            #region Define the type
            var methodHashAttributeType = new NamespaceTypeDefinition()
                BaseClasses = new List <ITypeReference> {
                ContainingUnitNamespace = rootUnitNamespace,
                InternFactory           = internFactory,
                //IsBeforeFieldInit = true,
                IsClass  = true,
                IsPublic = true,
                //IsSealed = true,
                Methods = new List <IMethodDefinition>(1),
                Name    = host.NameTable.GetNameFor("MethodHashAttribute"),
                //Layout = LayoutKind.Auto,
                //StringFormat = StringFormatKind.Ansi,

            #region Define the ctor
            var systemVoidType           = host.PlatformType.SystemVoid;
            List <IStatement> statements = new List <IStatement>();
            SourceMethodBody  body       = new SourceMethodBody(host)
                LocalsAreZeroed = true,
                Block           = new BlockStatement()
                    Statements = statements

            var ctor = new MethodDefinition()
                Body = body,
                CallingConvention        = CallingConvention.HasThis,
                ContainingTypeDefinition = methodHashAttributeType,
                InternFactory            = internFactory,
                IsRuntimeSpecial         = true,
                IsStatic      = false,
                IsSpecialName = true,
                Name          = host.NameTable.Ctor,
                Type          = systemVoidType,
                Visibility    = TypeMemberVisibility.Public,
            var systemStringType = host.PlatformType.SystemString;
            var systemIntType    = host.PlatformType.SystemInt32;
            ctor.Parameters = new List <IParameterDefinition>()
                new ParameterDefinition()
                    ContainingSignature = ctor,
                    Name  = host.NameTable.GetNameFor("a"),
                    Type  = systemStringType,
                    Index = 0,
                new ParameterDefinition()
                    ContainingSignature = ctor,
                    Name  = host.NameTable.GetNameFor("b"),
                    Type  = systemIntType,
                    Index = 1,

            body.MethodDefinition = ctor;
            var thisRef = new ThisReference()
                Type = methodHashAttributeType,
            // base();
            foreach (var baseClass in methodHashAttributeType.BaseClasses)
                var baseCtor = new Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.MethodReference()
                    CallingConvention     = CallingConvention.HasThis,
                    ContainingType        = baseClass,
                    GenericParameterCount = 0,
                    InternFactory         = internFactory,
                    Name = host.NameTable.Ctor,
                    Type = systemVoidType,
                    new ExpressionStatement()
                    Expression = new MethodCall()
                        MethodToCall = baseCtor,
                        IsStaticCall = false, // REVIEW: Is this needed in addition to setting the ThisArgument?
                        ThisArgument = new ThisReference()
                            Type = methodHashAttributeType,
                        Type      = systemVoidType, // REVIEW: Is this the right way to do this?
                        Arguments = new List <IExpression>(),

            // return;
            statements.Add(new ReturnStatement());
            #endregion Define the ctor
Exemple #28
        public static int Main(string[] args)

            if (s_listRules)
                CompositionHost c = GetCompositionHost();
                ExportCciSettings.StaticSettings = CciComparers.Default.GetEqualityComparer<ITypeReference>();

                var rules = c.GetExports<IDifferenceRule>();

                foreach (var rule in rules.Select(r => r.GetType().Name).OrderBy(r => r))

                return 0;

            using (TextWriter output = GetOutput())
                if (DifferenceWriter.ExitCode != 0)
                    return 0;

                if (output != Console.Out)
                    Trace.Listeners.Add(new TextWriterTraceListener(output) { Filter = new EventTypeFilter(SourceLevels.Error | SourceLevels.Warning) });
                    BaselineDifferenceFilter filter = GetBaselineDifferenceFilter();
                    NameTable sharedNameTable = new NameTable();
                    HostEnvironment contractHost = new HostEnvironment(sharedNameTable);
                    contractHost.UnableToResolve += new EventHandler<UnresolvedReference<IUnit, AssemblyIdentity>>(contractHost_UnableToResolve);
                    contractHost.ResolveAgainstRunningFramework = s_resolveFx;
                    contractHost.UnifyToLibPath = s_unifyToLibPaths;
                    IEnumerable<IAssembly> contractAssemblies = contractHost.LoadAssemblies(s_contractSet, s_contractCoreAssembly);

                    if (s_ignoreDesignTimeFacades)
                        contractAssemblies = contractAssemblies.Where(a => !a.IsFacade());

                    HostEnvironment implHost = new HostEnvironment(sharedNameTable);
                    implHost.UnableToResolve += new EventHandler<UnresolvedReference<IUnit, AssemblyIdentity>>(implHost_UnableToResolve);
                    implHost.ResolveAgainstRunningFramework = s_resolveFx;
                    implHost.UnifyToLibPath = s_unifyToLibPaths;
                    if (s_warnOnMissingAssemblies)
                        implHost.LoadErrorTreatment = ErrorTreatment.TreatAsWarning;

                    // The list of contractAssemblies already has the core assembly as the first one (if _contractCoreAssembly was specified).
                    IEnumerable<IAssembly> implAssemblies = implHost.LoadAssemblies(contractAssemblies.Select(a => a.AssemblyIdentity), s_warnOnIncorrectVersion);

                    // Exit after loading if the code is set to non-zero
                    if (DifferenceWriter.ExitCode != 0)
                        return 0;

                    ICciDifferenceWriter writer = GetDifferenceWriter(output, filter);
                    writer.Write(s_implDirs, implAssemblies, s_contractSet, contractAssemblies);
                    return 0;
                catch (FileNotFoundException)
                    // FileNotFoundException will be thrown by GetBaselineDifferenceFilter if it doesn't find the baseline file
                    // OR if GetComparers doesn't find the remap file.
                    return 2;
Exemple #29
    public static void Run(ApiCatalogModel catalog,
                           IReadOnlyCollection <string> filePaths,
                           IReadOnlyList <NuGetFramework> frameworks,
                           bool analyzeObsoletion,
                           IReadOnlyList <string> platforms,
                           Action <AssemblyResult> resultReceiver)
        var apiByGuid           = catalog.GetAllApis().ToDictionary(a => a.Guid);
        var availabilityContext = ApiAvailabilityContext.Create(catalog);

        var platformContexts = frameworks.Select(fx => PlatformAnnotationContext.Create(availabilityContext, fx.GetShortFolderName()))
                               .ToDictionary(pc => pc.Framework);

        foreach (var api in catalog.GetAllApis())
            var forwardedApi = catalog.GetForwardedApi(api);
            if (forwardedApi is not null)
                apiByGuid[api.Guid] = forwardedApi.Value;

        var apiAvailability = new ConcurrentDictionary <ApiModel, ApiAvailability>();

        var resultSink = new BlockingCollection <AssemblyResult>();

        var resultSinkTask = Task.Run(() =>
            foreach (var result in resultSink.GetConsumingEnumerable())

        Parallel.ForEach(filePaths, filePath =>
            using var env    = new HostEnvironment();
            var assembly     = env.LoadAssemblyFrom(filePath);
            var assemblyName = assembly is not null
                                ? assembly.Name.Value
                                : Path.GetFileName(filePath);
            if (assembly is null)
                var result = new AssemblyResult(assemblyName, "Not a valid .NET assembly", Array.Empty <ApiResult>());
                var assemblyTfm       = assembly.GetTargetFrameworkMoniker();
                var assemblyFramework = string.IsNullOrEmpty(assemblyTfm) ? null : NuGetFramework.Parse(assemblyTfm);

                var crawler = new AssemblyCrawler();

                var crawlerResults = crawler.GetResults();

                var apiResults             = new List <ApiResult>();
                var frameworkResultBuilder = new List <FrameworkResult>(frameworks.Count);
                var platformResultBuilder  = new List <PlatformResult?>(platforms.Count);

                foreach (var apiKey in crawlerResults.Data.Keys)
                    if (apiByGuid.TryGetValue(apiKey.Guid, out var api))
                        var availability = apiAvailability.GetOrAdd(api, a => availabilityContext.GetAvailability(a));


                        foreach (var framework in frameworks)
                            // Analyze availability

                            AvailabilityResult availabilityResult;

                            var infos = availability.Frameworks.Where(fx => fx.Framework == framework).ToArray();

                            // NOTE: There are APIs that exist in multiple places in-box, e.g. Microsoft.Windows.Themes.ListBoxChrome.
                            //       It doesn't really matter for our purposes. Either way, we'll pick the first one.
                            var info = infos.FirstOrDefault(i => i.IsInBox) ?? infos.FirstOrDefault(i => !i.IsInBox);

                            if (info is null)
                                availabilityResult = AvailabilityResult.Unavailable;
                            else if (info.IsInBox)
                                availabilityResult = AvailabilityResult.AvailableInBox;
                                availabilityResult = AvailabilityResult.AvailableInPackage(info.Package.Value);

                            // Analyze obsoletion


                            if (!analyzeObsoletion || info?.Declaration.Obsoletion is null)
                                obsoletionResult = null;
                                var compiledAgainstObsoleteApi = false;

                                if (assemblyFramework is not null)
                                    var compiledAvailability = availabilityContext.GetAvailability(api, assemblyFramework);
                                    if (compiledAvailability?.Declaration.Obsoletion is not null)
                                        compiledAgainstObsoleteApi = true;

                                if (compiledAgainstObsoleteApi)
                                    obsoletionResult = null;
                                    var o            = info.Declaration.Obsoletion.Value;
                                    obsoletionResult = new ObsoletionResult(o.Message, o.Url);

                            // Analyze platform support


                            if (info is null)
                                for (var i = 0; i < platforms.Count; i++)
                                var platformContext = platformContexts[framework];
                                foreach (var platform in platforms)
                                    var annotation     = platformContext.GetPlatformAnnotation(api);
                                    var isSupported    = annotation.IsSupported(platform);
                                    var platformResult = isSupported ? PlatformResult.Supported : PlatformResult.Unsupported;

                            var frameworkResult = new FrameworkResult(availabilityResult, obsoletionResult, platformResultBuilder.ToArray());

                        var apiResult = new ApiResult(api, frameworkResultBuilder.ToArray());

                var results = new AssemblyResult(assemblyName, null, apiResults.ToArray());

Exemple #30
        public static void RunBclRewriter(string[] args)
            #region Parse the command-line arguments.
            if (!Parser.ParseArgumentsWithUsage(args, typeof(Program)))
                throw new UsageException();

            #region Figure out paths
            s_assemblyName = Path.GetFullPath(s_assemblyName); // this has to be specified

            string outputBaseName = null;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(s_output))
                s_output       = Path.GetFullPath(s_output);
                outputBaseName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(s_output);
                s_output       = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(s_assemblyName) + ".small" + Path.GetExtension(s_assemblyName));
                outputBaseName = s_assemblyName;

            string pdbSourceFile = Path.ChangeExtension(s_assemblyName, "pdb");
            string outputPdb     = Path.ChangeExtension(s_output, "pdb");
            string outputFolder  = Path.GetDirectoryName(s_output);

            // if the user wants to do an in-place rewrite, we copy the file to a temp file
            if (s_output == s_assemblyName)
                String tempPath    = s_assemblyName + TempExtension;
                String tempPdbPath = pdbSourceFile + TempExtension;

                File.Copy(s_assemblyName, tempPath, true);
                s_assemblyName = tempPath;

                if (File.Exists(pdbSourceFile))
                    File.Copy(pdbSourceFile, tempPdbPath, true);
                    pdbSourceFile = tempPdbPath;

            if (!Directory.Exists(outputFolder))


            #region Load input files
            HostEnvironment host = new HostEnvironment(new NameTable(), s_assemblyDependencyPaths, s_referencedAssemblies);

            IAssembly /*?*/ assembly = host.LoadUnitFrom(s_assemblyName) as IAssembly;
            // TODO: Handle multimodule assemblies
            if (assembly == null || assembly == Dummy.Assembly)
                throw new UsageException(args[0] + " is not a PE file containing a CLR assembly, or an error occurred when loading it.");

            if (!File.Exists(s_includeListFile))
                throw new UsageException(String.Format("ERROR: Can't find code model file '{0}'", s_includeListFile));

            ThinModel model = new ThinModel(new ThinnerOptions(host, new AssemblyIdentity[] { assembly.AssemblyIdentity }));
            model.LoadModel(s_includeListFile, new ModelReaderOptions(s_platform, s_architecture, s_flavor, s_treatFxInternalAsPublic, s_defines));

            #region Calculate api closure.
            ConsoleTimer.StartTimer("Calculating api closure");

            ThinModel apiClosure = model.CalculateApiClosure();
            if (s_keepTempFiles)
                apiClosure.SaveModel(Path.ChangeExtension(s_output, ".apiClosure.xml"));
            ConsoleTimer.EndTimer("Calculating api closure");

            #region Calculate impl closure.
            ConsoleTimer.StartTimer("Calculating implementation closure");

            ThinModel implClosure = apiClosure.CalculateImplementationClosure(true, FieldOptions.KeepAll);

            if (s_keepTempFiles)
                implClosure.SaveModel(Path.ChangeExtension(s_output, ".implClosure.xml"));
            ConsoleTimer.EndTimer("Calculating implementation closure");

            #region Trim.
            ConsoleTimer.StartTimer("Trimming assembly");
            IncludeSet includeSet = new IncludeSet();

            var      copier         = new MetadataDeepCopier(host);
            Assembly copiedAssembly = copier.Copy(assembly);

            Trimmer trimmer = new Trimmer(includeSet, true, false, true, host, s_removeSerializable);
            Assembly mutableAssembly = copiedAssembly;
            assembly = mutableAssembly;

            ConsoleTimer.EndTimer("Trimming assembly");

            #region Update assembly name.
            ConsoleTimer.StartTimer("Updating assembly name");

            // If the output assembly name is different, update the internal assembly name to match.
            AssemblyIdentity originalAssemblyIdentity = mutableAssembly.AssemblyIdentity;
            if (!outputBaseName.Equals(originalAssemblyIdentity.Name.ToString(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                mutableAssembly.Name       = host.NameTable.GetNameFor(outputBaseName);
                mutableAssembly.ModuleName = mutableAssembly.Name;

            // If we changed the assembly identity, update references to it.
            if (!mutableAssembly.AssemblyIdentity.Equals(originalAssemblyIdentity))
                trimmer.UpdateAssemblyReferences(originalAssemblyIdentity, mutableAssembly.AssemblyIdentity);

            ConsoleTimer.EndTimer("Updating assembly name");

            #region Write out the assembly
            ConsoleTimer.StartTimer("Writing assembly");
            PdbReader pdbReader = null;
            PdbWriter pdbWriter = null;
            if (File.Exists(pdbSourceFile))
                Stream pdbStream = File.OpenRead(pdbSourceFile);
                pdbReader = new PdbReader(pdbStream, host);
                pdbWriter = new PdbWriter(outputPdb, pdbReader);
                Console.WriteLine("Writing pdb: {0}", outputPdb);

            Console.WriteLine("Writing assembly: {0}", s_output);
            FileStream file = File.Create(s_output);

                PeWriter.WritePeToStream(assembly, host, file, pdbReader, pdbReader, pdbWriter);
                if (file != null)

                if (pdbWriter != null)

            ConsoleTimer.EndTimer("Writing assembly");
        private IEnumerable <MemberDependency> GetDependencies(string assemblyLocation)
            using (var host = new HostEnvironment())
                host.UnableToResolve += (s, e) =>
                    string callingAssembly = e.Referrer.FullName();

                    // Try to get better information about the referrer. This may throw, but we don't want to crash even if we do.
                        callingAssembly = e.Referrer.GetAssemblyReference().AssemblyIdentity.Format();
                    catch { }

                    HashSet <string> newValue = new HashSet <string>();
                    _unresolvedAssemblies.AddOrUpdate(e.Unresolved.Format(), newValue, (key, existingHashSet) =>
                        lock (existingHashSet)

                host.UnifyToLibPath = true;
                var cciAssembly = host.LoadAssembly(assemblyLocation);

                if (cciAssembly == null)
                    // error.
                    yield break;

                // Extract the fileversion and assembly version from the assembly.
                FileVersionInfo fileInfo     = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(assemblyLocation);
                AssemblyInfo    assemblyInfo = new AssemblyInfo();
                assemblyInfo.AssemblyIdentity       = cciAssembly.AssemblyIdentity.Format();
                assemblyInfo.FileVersion            = fileInfo.FileVersion ?? string.Empty;
                assemblyInfo.TargetFrameworkMoniker = cciAssembly.GetTargetFrameworkMoniker();

                // remember this assembly as a user assembly.

                // Identify references to members (generic and non-generic)
                foreach (var reference in cciAssembly.GetTypeMemberReferences())
                    if (reference.ContainingType.GetAssemblyReference() == null)

                    string definedIn = reference.ContainingType.GetAssemblyReference().ContainingAssembly.AssemblyIdentity.Format();
                    // return the type
                    yield return(new MemberDependency()
                        CallingAssembly = assemblyInfo,
                        MemberDocId = reference.ContainingType.DocId(),
                        DefinedInAssemblyIdentity = definedIn

                    //return the member
                    yield return(new MemberDependency()
                        CallingAssembly = assemblyInfo,
                        MemberDocId = reference.DocId(),
                        TypeDocId = reference.ContainingType.DocId(),
                        DefinedInAssemblyIdentity = definedIn

                // Identify references to types
                foreach (var refence in cciAssembly.GetTypeReferences())
                    string definedIn = refence.GetAssemblyReference().ContainingAssembly.AssemblyIdentity.Format();
                    //return the type
                    yield return(new MemberDependency()
                        CallingAssembly = assemblyInfo,
                        MemberDocId = refence.DocId(),
                        DefinedInAssemblyIdentity = definedIn
Exemple #32
 public BenchMarkType(CloudProvider cloudProvider, HostEnvironment hostEnvironment, Runtime runtime)
     CloudProvider   = cloudProvider;
     HostEnvironment = hostEnvironment;
     Runtime         = runtime;
 public StartHost(HostEnvironment environment, HostSettings settings)
     : this(environment, settings, null)
Exemple #34
    private static NamespaceTypeDefinition DefineMethodHashAttributeType(HostEnvironment host, RootUnitNamespace rootUnitNamespace) {
      Contract.Requires(host != null);
      var internFactory = host.InternFactory;

      #region Define the type
      var methodHashAttributeType = new NamespaceTypeDefinition() {
        BaseClasses = new List<ITypeReference> { host.PlatformType.SystemAttribute, },
        ContainingUnitNamespace = rootUnitNamespace,
        InternFactory = internFactory,
        //IsBeforeFieldInit = true,
        IsClass = true,
        IsPublic = true,
        //IsSealed = true,
        Methods = new List<IMethodDefinition>(1),
        Name = host.NameTable.GetNameFor("MethodHashAttribute"),
        //Layout = LayoutKind.Auto,
        //StringFormat = StringFormatKind.Ansi,

      #region Define the ctor
      var systemVoidType = host.PlatformType.SystemVoid;
      List<IStatement> statements = new List<IStatement>();
      SourceMethodBody body = new SourceMethodBody(host) {
        LocalsAreZeroed = true,
        Block = new BlockStatement() { Statements = statements },

      var ctor = new MethodDefinition() {
        Body = body,
        CallingConvention = CallingConvention.HasThis,
        ContainingTypeDefinition = methodHashAttributeType,
        InternFactory = internFactory,
        IsRuntimeSpecial = true,
        IsStatic = false,
        IsSpecialName = true,
        Name = host.NameTable.Ctor,
        Type = systemVoidType,
        Visibility = TypeMemberVisibility.Public,
      var systemStringType = host.PlatformType.SystemString;
      var systemIntType = host.PlatformType.SystemInt32;
      ctor.Parameters = new List<IParameterDefinition>(){
        new ParameterDefinition() {
          ContainingSignature = ctor,
          Name = host.NameTable.GetNameFor("a"),
          Type = systemStringType,
          Index = 0,
        new ParameterDefinition() {
          ContainingSignature = ctor,
          Name = host.NameTable.GetNameFor("b"),
          Type = systemIntType,
          Index = 1,

      body.MethodDefinition = ctor;
      var thisRef = new ThisReference() { Type = methodHashAttributeType, };
      // base();
      foreach (var baseClass in methodHashAttributeType.BaseClasses) {
        var baseCtor = new Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.MethodReference() {
          CallingConvention = CallingConvention.HasThis,
          ContainingType = baseClass,
          GenericParameterCount = 0,
          InternFactory = internFactory,
          Name = host.NameTable.Ctor,
          Type = systemVoidType,
          new ExpressionStatement() {
            Expression = new MethodCall() {
              MethodToCall = baseCtor,
              IsStaticCall = false, // REVIEW: Is this needed in addition to setting the ThisArgument?
              ThisArgument = new ThisReference() { Type = methodHashAttributeType, },
              Type = systemVoidType, // REVIEW: Is this the right way to do this?
              Arguments = new List<IExpression>(),

      // return;
      statements.Add(new ReturnStatement());
      #endregion Define the ctor
      return methodHashAttributeType;

 public HelpBuilder(HostEnvironment environment, HostSettings settings)
     _settings    = settings;
     _environment = environment;
Exemple #36
 public StopHost(HostEnvironment environment, HostSettings settings)
     _environment = environment;
     _settings    = settings;
Exemple #37
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            string         seeds                          = null;
            string         contracts                      = null;
            string         facadePath                     = null;
            Version        assemblyFileVersion            = null;
            bool           clearBuildAndRevision          = false;
            bool           ignoreMissingTypes             = false;
            bool           ignoreBuildAndRevisionMismatch = false;
            bool           buildDesignTimeFacades         = false;
            string         inclusionContracts             = null;
            ErrorTreatment seedLoadErrorTreatment         = ErrorTreatment.Default;
            ErrorTreatment contractLoadErrorTreatment     = ErrorTreatment.Default;

            string[] seedTypePreferencesUnsplit = null;
            bool     forceZeroVersionSeeds      = false;
            bool     producePdb = true;
            string   partialFacadeAssemblyPath = null;

            bool parsingSucceeded = CommandLineParser.ParseForConsoleApplication((parser) =>
                parser.DefineQualifier("facadePath", ref facadePath, "Path to output the facades.");
                parser.DefineQualifier("seeds", ref seeds, "Path to the seed assemblies. Can contain multiple assemblies or directories delimited by ',' or ';'.");
                parser.DefineQualifier("contracts", ref contracts, "Path to the contract assemblies. Can contain multiple assemblies or directories delimited by ',' or ';'.");
                parser.DefineOptionalQualifier("assemblyFileVersion", ref assemblyFileVersion, "Override the AssemblyFileVersion attribute from the contract with the given version for the generated facade.");
                parser.DefineOptionalQualifier("clearBuildAndRevision", ref clearBuildAndRevision, "Generate facade assembly version x.y.0.0 for contract version x.y.z.w");
                parser.DefineOptionalQualifier("ignoreBuildAndRevisionMismatch", ref ignoreBuildAndRevisionMismatch, "Ignore a mismatch in revision and build for partial facade.");
                parser.DefineOptionalQualifier("ignoreMissingTypes", ref ignoreMissingTypes, "Ignore types that cannot be found in the seed assemblies. This is not recommended but is sometimes helpful while hacking around or trying to produce partial facades.");
                parser.DefineOptionalQualifier("designTime", ref buildDesignTimeFacades, "Enable design-time facade generation (marks facades with reference assembly flag and attribute).");
                parser.DefineOptionalQualifier("include", ref inclusionContracts, "Add types from these contracts to the facades. Can contain multiple assemblies or directories delimited by ',' or ';'.");
                parser.DefineOptionalQualifier("seedError", ref seedLoadErrorTreatment, "Error handling for seed assembly load failure.");
                parser.DefineOptionalQualifier("contractError", ref seedLoadErrorTreatment, "Error handling for contract assembly load failure.");
                parser.DefineOptionalQualifier("preferSeedType", ref seedTypePreferencesUnsplit, "Set which seed assembly to choose for a given type when it is defined in more than one assembly. Format: FullTypeName=PreferredSeedAssemblyName");
                parser.DefineOptionalQualifier("forceZeroVersionSeeds", ref forceZeroVersionSeeds, "Forces all seed assembly versions to, regardless of their true version.");
                parser.DefineOptionalQualifier("partialFacadeAssemblyPath", ref partialFacadeAssemblyPath, "Specifies the path to a single partial facade assembly, into which appropriate type forwards will be added to satisfy the given contract. If this option is specified, only a single partial assembly and a single contract may be given.");
                parser.DefineOptionalQualifier("producePdb", ref producePdb, "Specifices if a PDB file should be produced for the resulting partial facade.");
            }, args);

            if (!parsingSucceeded)


            if (!Directory.Exists(facadePath))

            var nameTable     = new NameTable();
            var internFactory = new InternFactory();

                Dictionary <string, string> seedTypePreferences = ParseSeedTypePreferences(seedTypePreferencesUnsplit);

                using (var contractHost = new HostEnvironment(nameTable, internFactory))
                    using (var seedHost = new HostEnvironment(nameTable, internFactory))
                        contractHost.LoadErrorTreatment = contractLoadErrorTreatment;
                        seedHost.LoadErrorTreatment     = seedLoadErrorTreatment;

                        var contractAssemblies = LoadAssemblies(contractHost, contracts);
                        IReadOnlyDictionary <string, IEnumerable <string> > docIdTable = GenerateDocIdTable(contractAssemblies, inclusionContracts);

                        IAssembly[] seedAssemblies = LoadAssemblies(seedHost, seeds).ToArray();

                        IAssemblyReference seedCoreAssemblyRef = ((Microsoft.Cci.Immutable.PlatformType)seedHost.PlatformType).CoreAssemblyRef;

                        if (forceZeroVersionSeeds)
                            // Create a deep copier, copy the seed assemblies, and zero out their versions.
                            var copier = new MetadataDeepCopier(seedHost);

                            for (int i = 0; i < seedAssemblies.Length; i++)
                                var mutableSeed = copier.Copy(seedAssemblies[i]);
                                mutableSeed.Version = new Version(0, 0, 0, 0);
                                // Copy the modified seed assembly back.
                                seedAssemblies[i] = mutableSeed;

                                if (mutableSeed.Name.UniqueKey == seedCoreAssemblyRef.Name.UniqueKey)
                                    seedCoreAssemblyRef = mutableSeed;

                        var typeTable       = GenerateTypeTable(seedAssemblies);
                        var facadeGenerator = new FacadeGenerator(seedHost, contractHost, docIdTable, typeTable, seedTypePreferences, clearBuildAndRevision, buildDesignTimeFacades, assemblyFileVersion);

                        if (partialFacadeAssemblyPath != null)
                            if (contractAssemblies.Count() != 1)
                                throw new FacadeGenerationException(
                                          "When partialFacadeAssemblyPath is specified, only exactly one corresponding contract assembly can be specified.");

                            IAssembly contractAssembly      = contractAssemblies.First();
                            IAssembly partialFacadeAssembly = seedHost.LoadAssembly(partialFacadeAssemblyPath);
                            if (contractAssembly.Name != partialFacadeAssembly.Name ||
                                contractAssembly.Version.Major != partialFacadeAssembly.Version.Major ||
                                contractAssembly.Version.Minor != partialFacadeAssembly.Version.Minor ||
                                (!ignoreBuildAndRevisionMismatch && contractAssembly.Version.Build != partialFacadeAssembly.Version.Build) ||
                                (!ignoreBuildAndRevisionMismatch && contractAssembly.Version.Revision != partialFacadeAssembly.Version.Revision) ||
                                contractAssembly.GetPublicKeyToken() != partialFacadeAssembly.GetPublicKeyToken())
                                throw new FacadeGenerationException(
                                          string.Format("The partial facade assembly's name, version, and public key token must exactly match the contract to be filled. Contract: {0}, Facade: {1}",

                            Assembly filledPartialFacade = facadeGenerator.GenerateFacade(contractAssembly, seedCoreAssemblyRef, ignoreMissingTypes, overrideContractAssembly: partialFacadeAssembly);

                            string pdbLocation = null;

                            if (producePdb)
                                string pdbFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(partialFacadeAssemblyPath);
                                pdbLocation = Path.Combine(pdbFolder, contractAssembly.Name + ".pdb");
                                if (producePdb && !File.Exists(pdbLocation))
                                    pdbLocation = null;
                                    Trace.TraceWarning("No PDB file present for un-transformed partial facade. No PDB will be generated.");

                            OutputFacadeToFile(facadePath, seedHost, filledPartialFacade, contractAssembly, pdbLocation);
                            foreach (var contract in contractAssemblies)
                                Assembly facade = facadeGenerator.GenerateFacade(contract, seedCoreAssemblyRef, ignoreMissingTypes);
                                if (facade == null)
                                    Debug.Assert(Environment.ExitCode != 0);

                                OutputFacadeToFile(facadePath, seedHost, facade, contract);
            catch (FacadeGenerationException ex)
                Debug.Assert(Environment.ExitCode != 0);
Exemple #38
        private static ICciDifferenceWriter GetDifferenceWriter(TextWriter writer,
                                                                IDifferenceFilter filter,
                                                                bool enforceOptionalRules,
                                                                bool mdil,
                                                                bool excludeNonBrowsable,
                                                                bool includeInternals,
                                                                bool excludeCompilerGenerated,
                                                                string remapFile,
                                                                bool groupByAssembly,
                                                                string leftOperand,
                                                                string rightOperand,
                                                                string excludeAttributes,
                                                                bool allowDefaultInterfaceMethods)
            CompositionHost container = GetCompositionHost();

            bool RuleFilter(IDifferenceRuleMetadata ruleMetadata)
                if (ruleMetadata.OptionalRule && !enforceOptionalRules)

                if (ruleMetadata.MdilServicingRule && !mdil)

            if (mdil && excludeNonBrowsable)
                Trace.TraceWarning("Enforcing MDIL servicing rules and exclusion of non-browsable types are both enabled, but they are not compatible so non-browsable types will not be excluded.");

            if (includeInternals && (mdil || excludeNonBrowsable))
                Trace.TraceWarning("Enforcing MDIL servicing rules or exclusion of non-browsable types are enabled " +
                                   "along with including internals -- an incompatible combination. Internal members will not be included.");

            var cciFilter = GetCciFilter(mdil, excludeNonBrowsable, includeInternals, excludeCompilerGenerated);
            var settings  = new MappingSettings
                Comparers             = GetComparers(remapFile),
                DiffFactory           = new ElementDifferenceFactory(container, RuleFilter),
                DiffFilter            = GetDiffFilter(cciFilter),
                Filter                = cciFilter,
                GroupByAssembly       = groupByAssembly,
                IncludeForwardedTypes = true,

            if (filter == null)
                filter = new DifferenceFilter <IncompatibleDifference>();

            var diffWriter = new DifferenceWriter(writer, settings, filter);

            ExportCciSettings.StaticSettings = settings.TypeComparer;
            ExportCciSettings.StaticOperands = new DifferenceOperands()
                Contract       = leftOperand,
                Implementation = rightOperand
            ExportCciSettings.StaticAttributeFilter = GetAttributeFilter(HostEnvironment.SplitPaths(excludeAttributes));
            ExportCciSettings.StaticRuleSettings    = new RuleSettings {
                AllowDefaultInterfaceMethods = allowDefaultInterfaceMethods

            // Always compose the diff writer to allow it to import or provide exports

Exemple #39
 public StartHost(HostEnvironment environment, HostSettings settings, Host parentHost)
     _environment = environment;
     _settings = settings;
     _parentHost = parentHost;
Exemple #40
 public CommandHost(HostEnvironment environment, HostSettings settings, int command)
     _environment = environment;
     _settings = settings;
     _command = command;
 public IosBuildHostInstance(HostEnvironment hostEnvironment, RootContainerFactory rootState) : base(hostEnvironment, rootState)
     _hostEnvironment = hostEnvironment;
Exemple #42
        public static int Main(string[] args)
            var app = new CommandLineApplication
                Name                 = "ApiCompat",
                FullName             = "A command line tool to verify that two sets of APIs are compatible.",
                ResponseFileHandling = ResponseFileHandling.ParseArgsAsSpaceSeparated

            app.VersionOption("-v|--version", GetAssemblyVersion());

            CommandArgument contracts = app.Argument("contracts", "Comma delimited list of assemblies or directories of assemblies for all the contract assemblies.");

            CommandOption implDirs = app.Option("-i|--impl-dirs", "Comma delimited list of directories to find the implementation assemblies for each contract assembly.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);

            implDirs.IsRequired(allowEmptyStrings: true);
            CommandOption baseline                     = app.Option("-b|--baseline", "Baseline file to skip known diffs.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            CommandOption mdil                         = app.Option("-m|--mdil", "Enforce MDIL servicing rules in addition to IL rules.", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
            CommandOption outFilePath                  = app.Option("-o|--out", "Output file path. Default is the console.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            CommandOption leftOperand                  = app.Option("-l|--left-operand", "Name for left operand in comparison, default is 'contract'.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            CommandOption rightOperand                 = app.Option("-r|--right-operand", "Name for right operand in comparison, default is 'implementation'.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            CommandOption listRules                    = app.Option("--list-rules", "Outputs all the rules. If this options is supplied all other options are ignored.", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
            CommandOption remapFile                    = app.Option("--remap-file", "File with a list of type and/or namespace remappings to consider apply to names while diffing.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            CommandOption skipGroupByAssembly          = app.Option("--skip-group-by-assembly", "Skip grouping the differences by assembly instead of flattening the namespaces.", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
            CommandOption skipUnifyToLibPath           = app.Option("--skip-unify-to-lib-path", "Skip unifying the assembly references to the loaded assemblies and the assemblies found in the given directories (contractDepends and implDirs).", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
            CommandOption resolveFx                    = app.Option("--resolve-fx", "If a contract or implementation dependency cannot be found in the given directories, fallback to try to resolve against the framework directory on the machine.", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
            CommandOption contractDepends              = app.Option("--contract-depends", "Comma delimited list of directories used to resolve the dependencies of the contract assemblies.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            CommandOption contractCoreAssembly         = app.Option("--contract-core-assembly", "Simple name for the core assembly to use.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            CommandOption ignoreDesignTimeFacades      = app.Option("--ignore-design-time-facades", "Ignore design time facades in the contract set while analyzing.", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
            CommandOption warnOnIncorrectVersion       = app.Option("--warn-on-incorrect-version", "Warn if the contract version number doesn't match the found implementation version number.", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
            CommandOption warnOnMissingAssemblies      = app.Option("--warn-on-missing-assemblies", "Warn if the contract assembly cannot be found in the implementation directories. Default is to error and not do analysis.", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
            CommandOption excludeNonBrowsable          = app.Option("--exclude-non-browsable", "When MDIL servicing rules are not being enforced, exclude validation on types that are marked with EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never).", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
            CommandOption excludeAttributes            = app.Option("--exclude-attributes", "Specify a api list in the DocId format of which attributes to exclude.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            CommandOption enforceOptionalRules         = app.Option("--enforce-optional-rules", "Enforce optional rules, in addition to the mandatory set of rules.", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
            CommandOption allowDefaultInterfaceMethods = app.Option("--allow-default-interface-methods", "Allow default interface methods additions to not be considered breaks. This flag should only be used if you know your consumers support DIM", CommandOptionType.NoValue);

            app.OnExecute(() =>
                string leftOperandValue  = leftOperand.HasValue() ? leftOperand.Value() : "contract";
                string rightOperandValue = rightOperand.HasValue() ? rightOperand.Value() : "implementation";

                if (listRules.HasValue())
                    CompositionHost c = GetCompositionHost();
                    ExportCciSettings.StaticSettings = CciComparers.Default.GetEqualityComparer <ITypeReference>();

                    var rules = c.GetExports <IDifferenceRule>();

                    foreach (var rule in rules.OrderBy(r => r.GetType().Name, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        string ruleName = rule.GetType().Name;

                        if (IsOptionalRule(rule))
                            ruleName += " (optional)";



                using (TextWriter output = GetOutput(outFilePath.Value()))
                    if (DifferenceWriter.ExitCode != 0)

                    if (output != Console.Out)
                        Trace.Listeners.Add(new TextWriterTraceListener(output)
                            Filter = new EventTypeFilter(SourceLevels.Error | SourceLevels.Warning)

                        BaselineDifferenceFilter filter             = GetBaselineDifferenceFilter(baseline.Value());
                        NameTable sharedNameTable                   = new NameTable();
                        HostEnvironment contractHost                = new HostEnvironment(sharedNameTable);
                        contractHost.UnableToResolve               += (sender, e) => Trace.TraceError($"Unable to resolve assembly '{e.Unresolved}' referenced by the {leftOperandValue} assembly '{e.Referrer}'.");
                        contractHost.ResolveAgainstRunningFramework = resolveFx.HasValue();
                        contractHost.UnifyToLibPath                 = !skipUnifyToLibPath.HasValue();
                        IEnumerable <IAssembly> contractAssemblies = contractHost.LoadAssemblies(contracts.Value, contractCoreAssembly.Value());

                        if (ignoreDesignTimeFacades.HasValue())
                            contractAssemblies = contractAssemblies.Where(a => !a.IsFacade());

                        HostEnvironment implHost  = new HostEnvironment(sharedNameTable);
                        implHost.UnableToResolve += (sender, e) => Trace.TraceError($"Unable to resolve assembly '{e.Unresolved}' referenced by the {rightOperandValue} assembly '{e.Referrer}'.");
                        implHost.ResolveAgainstRunningFramework = resolveFx.HasValue();
                        implHost.UnifyToLibPath = !skipUnifyToLibPath.HasValue();
                        if (warnOnMissingAssemblies.HasValue())
                            implHost.LoadErrorTreatment = ErrorTreatment.TreatAsWarning;

                        // The list of contractAssemblies already has the core assembly as the first one (if _contractCoreAssembly was specified).
                        IEnumerable <IAssembly> implAssemblies = implHost.LoadAssemblies(contractAssemblies.Select(a => a.AssemblyIdentity), warnOnIncorrectVersion.HasValue());

                        // Exit after loading if the code is set to non-zero
                        if (DifferenceWriter.ExitCode != 0)

                        ICciDifferenceWriter writer = GetDifferenceWriter(output, filter, enforceOptionalRules.HasValue(), mdil.HasValue(),
                                                                          excludeNonBrowsable.HasValue(), remapFile.Value(), !skipGroupByAssembly.HasValue(), leftOperandValue, rightOperandValue, excludeAttributes.Value(), allowDefaultInterfaceMethods.HasValue());
                        writer.Write(implDirs.Value(), implAssemblies, contracts.Value, contractAssemblies);

                    catch (FileNotFoundException)
                        // FileNotFoundException will be thrown by GetBaselineDifferenceFilter if it doesn't find the baseline file
                        // OR if GetComparers doesn't find the remap file.

 public WinformsRunHost(HostEnvironment environment, HostSettings settings, ServiceHandle serviceHandle)
     _environment = environment;
     _settings = settings;
     _serviceHandle = serviceHandle;
Exemple #44
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            string seeds = null;
            string contracts = null;
            string facadePath = null;
            Version assemblyFileVersion = null;
            bool clearBuildAndRevision = false;
            bool ignoreMissingTypes = false;
            bool buildDesignTimeFacades = false;
            string inclusionContracts = null;
            ErrorTreatment seedLoadErrorTreatment = ErrorTreatment.Default;
            ErrorTreatment contractLoadErrorTreatment = ErrorTreatment.Default;
            string[] seedTypePreferencesUnsplit = null;
            bool forceZeroVersionSeeds = false;
            bool producePdb = true;
            string partialFacadeAssemblyPath = null;

            bool parsingSucceeded = CommandLineParser.ParseForConsoleApplication((parser) =>
                parser.DefineQualifier("facadePath", ref facadePath, "Path to output the facades.");
                parser.DefineQualifier("seeds", ref seeds, "Path to the seed assemblies. Can contain multiple assemblies or directories delimited by ',' or ';'.");
                parser.DefineQualifier("contracts", ref contracts, "Path to the contract assemblies. Can contain multiple assemblies or directories delimited by ',' or ';'.");
                parser.DefineOptionalQualifier("assemblyFileVersion", ref assemblyFileVersion, "Override the AssemblyFileVersion attribute from the contract with the given version for the generated facade.");
                parser.DefineOptionalQualifier("clearBuildAndRevision", ref clearBuildAndRevision, "Generate facade assembly version x.y.0.0 for contract version x.y.z.w");
                parser.DefineOptionalQualifier("ignoreMissingTypes", ref ignoreMissingTypes, "Ignore types that cannot be found in the seed assemblies. This is not recommended but is sometimes helpful while hacking around or trying to produce partial facades.");
                parser.DefineOptionalQualifier("designTime", ref buildDesignTimeFacades, "Enable design-time facade generation (marks facades with reference assembly flag and attribute).");
                parser.DefineOptionalQualifier("include", ref inclusionContracts, "Add types from these contracts to the facades. Can contain multiple assemblies or directories delimited by ',' or ';'.");
                parser.DefineOptionalQualifier("seedError", ref seedLoadErrorTreatment, "Error handling for seed assembly load failure.");
                parser.DefineOptionalQualifier("contractError", ref seedLoadErrorTreatment, "Error handling for contract assembly load failure.");
                parser.DefineOptionalQualifier("preferSeedType", ref seedTypePreferencesUnsplit, "Set which seed assembly to choose for a given type when it is defined in more than one assembly. Format: FullTypeName=PreferredSeedAssemblyName");
                parser.DefineOptionalQualifier("forceZeroVersionSeeds", ref forceZeroVersionSeeds, "Forces all seed assembly versions to, regardless of their true version.");
                parser.DefineOptionalQualifier("partialFacadeAssemblyPath", ref partialFacadeAssemblyPath, "Specifies the path to a single partial facade assembly, into which appropriate type forwards will be added to satisfy the given contract. If this option is specified, only a single partial assembly and a single contract may be given.");
                parser.DefineOptionalQualifier("producePdb", ref producePdb, "Specifices if a PDB file should be produced for the resulting partial facade.");
            }, args);

            if (!parsingSucceeded)


            if (!Directory.Exists(facadePath))

            var nameTable = new NameTable();
            var internFactory = new InternFactory();

                Dictionary<string, string> seedTypePreferences = ParseSeedTypePreferences(seedTypePreferencesUnsplit);

                using (var contractHost = new HostEnvironment(nameTable, internFactory))
                using (var seedHost = new HostEnvironment(nameTable, internFactory))
                    contractHost.LoadErrorTreatment = contractLoadErrorTreatment;
                    seedHost.LoadErrorTreatment = seedLoadErrorTreatment;

                    var contractAssemblies = LoadAssemblies(contractHost, contracts);
                    IReadOnlyDictionary<string, IEnumerable<string>> docIdTable = GenerateDocIdTable(contractAssemblies, inclusionContracts);

                    IAssembly[] seedAssemblies = LoadAssemblies(seedHost, seeds).ToArray();

                    IAssemblyReference seedCoreAssemblyRef = ((Microsoft.Cci.Immutable.PlatformType)seedHost.PlatformType).CoreAssemblyRef;

                    if (forceZeroVersionSeeds)
                        // Create a deep copier, copy the seed assemblies, and zero out their versions.
                        var copier = new MetadataDeepCopier(seedHost);

                        for (int i = 0; i < seedAssemblies.Length; i++)
                            var mutableSeed = copier.Copy(seedAssemblies[i]);
                            mutableSeed.Version = new Version(0, 0, 0, 0);
                            // Copy the modified seed assembly back.
                            seedAssemblies[i] = mutableSeed;

                            if (mutableSeed.Name.UniqueKey == seedCoreAssemblyRef.Name.UniqueKey)
                                seedCoreAssemblyRef = mutableSeed;

                    var typeTable = GenerateTypeTable(seedAssemblies);
                    var facadeGenerator = new FacadeGenerator(seedHost, contractHost, docIdTable, typeTable, seedTypePreferences, clearBuildAndRevision, buildDesignTimeFacades, assemblyFileVersion);

                    if (partialFacadeAssemblyPath != null)
                        if (contractAssemblies.Count() != 1)
                            throw new FacadeGenerationException(
                                "When partialFacadeAssemblyPath is specified, only exactly one corresponding contract assembly can be specified.");

                        IAssembly contractAssembly = contractAssemblies.First();
                        IAssembly partialFacadeAssembly = seedHost.LoadAssembly(partialFacadeAssemblyPath);
                        if (contractAssembly.Name != partialFacadeAssembly.Name
                            || contractAssembly.Version != partialFacadeAssembly.Version
                            || contractAssembly.GetPublicKeyToken() != partialFacadeAssembly.GetPublicKeyToken())
                            throw new FacadeGenerationException(
                                string.Format("The partial facade assembly's name, version, and public key token must exactly match the contract to be filled. Contract: {0}, Facade: {1}",

                        Assembly filledPartialFacade = facadeGenerator.GenerateFacade(contractAssembly, seedCoreAssemblyRef, ignoreMissingTypes, overrideContractAssembly: partialFacadeAssembly);

                        string pdbLocation = null;

                        if (producePdb)
                            string pdbFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(partialFacadeAssemblyPath);
                            pdbLocation = Path.Combine(pdbFolder, contractAssembly.Name + ".pdb");
                            if (producePdb && !File.Exists(pdbLocation))
                                pdbLocation = null;
                                Trace.TraceWarning("No PDB file present for un-transformed partial facade. No PDB will be generated.");

                        OutputFacadeToFile(facadePath, seedHost, filledPartialFacade, contractAssembly, pdbLocation);
                        foreach (var contract in contractAssemblies)
                            Assembly facade = facadeGenerator.GenerateFacade(contract, seedCoreAssemblyRef, ignoreMissingTypes);
                            if (facade == null)
                                Debug.Assert(Environment.ExitCode != 0);

                            OutputFacadeToFile(facadePath, seedHost, facade, contract);
            catch (FacadeGenerationException ex)
                Debug.Assert(Environment.ExitCode != 0);
        private IEnumerable<MemberDependency> GetDependencies(string assemblyLocation)
            using (var host = new HostEnvironment())
                host.UnableToResolve += (s, e) =>
                    string callingAssembly = e.Referrer.FullName();

                    // Try to get better information about the referrer. This may throw, but we don't want to crash even if we do.
                        callingAssembly = e.Referrer.GetAssemblyReference().AssemblyIdentity.Format();
                    catch { }

                    HashSet<string> newValue = new HashSet<string>();
                    _unresolvedAssemblies.AddOrUpdate(e.Unresolved.Format(), newValue, (key, existingHashSet) =>
                        lock (existingHashSet)
                        return existingHashSet;

                host.UnifyToLibPath = true;
                var cciAssembly = host.LoadAssembly(assemblyLocation);

                if (cciAssembly == null)
                    // error.
                    yield break;

                // Extract the fileversion and assembly version from the assembly.
                FileVersionInfo fileInfo = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(assemblyLocation);
                AssemblyInfo assemblyInfo = new AssemblyInfo();
                assemblyInfo.AssemblyIdentity = cciAssembly.AssemblyIdentity.Format();
                assemblyInfo.FileVersion = fileInfo.FileVersion ?? string.Empty;
                assemblyInfo.TargetFrameworkMoniker = cciAssembly.GetTargetFrameworkMoniker();

                // remember this assembly as a user assembly.

                // Identify references to members (generic and non-generic)
                foreach (var reference in cciAssembly.GetTypeMemberReferences())
                    if (reference.ContainingType.GetAssemblyReference() == null)

                    string definedIn = reference.ContainingType.GetAssemblyReference().ContainingAssembly.AssemblyIdentity.Format();
                    // return the type
                    yield return new MemberDependency()
                        CallingAssembly = assemblyInfo,
                        MemberDocId = reference.ContainingType.DocId(),
                        DefinedInAssemblyIdentity = definedIn

                    //return the member
                    yield return new MemberDependency()
                        CallingAssembly = assemblyInfo,
                        MemberDocId = reference.DocId(),
                        TypeDocId = reference.ContainingType.DocId(),
                        DefinedInAssemblyIdentity = definedIn

                // Identify references to types
                foreach (var refence in cciAssembly.GetTypeReferences())
                    string definedIn = refence.GetAssemblyReference().ContainingAssembly.AssemblyIdentity.Format();
                    //return the type
                    yield return new MemberDependency()
                        CallingAssembly = assemblyInfo,
                        MemberDocId = refence.DocId(),
                        DefinedInAssemblyIdentity = definedIn
Exemple #46
        private static IReadOnlyDictionary<string, IEnumerable<string>> GenerateDocIdTable(IEnumerable<IAssembly> contractAssemblies, string inclusionContracts)
            Dictionary<string, HashSet<string>> mutableDocIdTable = new Dictionary<string, HashSet<string>>();
            foreach (IAssembly contractAssembly in contractAssemblies)
                string simpleName = contractAssembly.AssemblyIdentity.Name.Value;
                if (mutableDocIdTable.ContainsKey(simpleName))
                    throw new FacadeGenerationException(string.Format("Multiple contracts named \"{0}\" specified on -contracts.", simpleName));
                mutableDocIdTable[simpleName] = new HashSet<string>(EnumerateDocIdsToForward(contractAssembly));

            if (inclusionContracts != null)
                foreach (string inclusionContractPath in HostEnvironment.SplitPaths(inclusionContracts))
                    // Assembly identity conflicts are permitted and normal in the inclusion contract list so load each one in a throwaway host to avoid problems.
                    using (HostEnvironment inclusionHost = new HostEnvironment(new NameTable(), new InternFactory()))
                        IAssembly inclusionAssembly = inclusionHost.LoadAssemblyFrom(inclusionContractPath);
                        if (inclusionAssembly == null || inclusionAssembly is Dummy)
                            throw new FacadeGenerationException(string.Format("Could not load assembly \"{0}\".", inclusionContractPath));
                        string simpleName = inclusionAssembly.Name.Value;
                        HashSet<string> hashset;
                        if (!mutableDocIdTable.TryGetValue(simpleName, out hashset))
                            Trace.TraceWarning("An assembly named \"{0}\" was specified in the -include list but no contract was specified named \"{0}\". Ignoring.", simpleName);
                            foreach (string docId in EnumerateDocIdsToForward(inclusionAssembly))

            Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<string>> docIdTable = new Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<string>>();
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, HashSet<string>> kv in mutableDocIdTable)
                string key = kv.Key;
                IEnumerable<string> sortedDocIds = kv.Value.OrderBy(s => s);
                docIdTable.Add(key, sortedDocIds);
            return docIdTable;
            public static Environment For(GeneralOptions options, Dictionary <string, IMethodAnalysis> methodAnalyzers, Dictionary <string, IClassAnalysis> classAnalyzers, HostEnvironment host)
                var codeProvider    = CciILCodeProvider.CreateCodeProvider(host);
                var codeWriter      = CCI2Slicer.CreateSlicer(host);
                var metadataDecoder = codeProvider.MetaDataDecoder;
                var contractDecoder = codeProvider.ContractDecoder;

                return(new Environment(options, codeWriter, metadataDecoder, contractDecoder, methodAnalyzers, classAnalyzers));
 public CalculatorServiceHost(HostEnvironment environment)
     this.environment = environment;
Exemple #49
        public override bool Execute()
            HostEnvironment host = new();

            host.UnableToResolve += (sender, e) =>
                                    Log.LogWarning("Unable to resolve assembly '{0}' referenced by '{1}'.", e.Unresolved.ToString(), e.Referrer.ToString());

            host.UnifyToLibPath = true;
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(LibPath))

            IEnumerable <IAssembly> assemblies = host.LoadAssemblies(HostEnvironment.SplitPaths(Assembly));

            if (!assemblies.Any())
                Log.LogError("ERROR: Failed to load any assemblies from '{0}'", Assembly);

            string headerText      = GetHeaderText(HeaderFile, WriterType, SyntaxWriterType);
            bool   loopPerAssembly = Directory.Exists(OutputPath);

            if (loopPerAssembly)
                foreach (IAssembly assembly in assemblies)
                    using (TextWriter output = GetOutput(GetFilename(assembly, WriterType, SyntaxWriterType)))
                        using (IStyleSyntaxWriter syntaxWriter = GetSyntaxWriter(output, WriterType, SyntaxWriterType))
                            ICciWriter writer = null;
                                if (headerText != null)

                                bool includeInternals = RespectInternals &&
                                writer = GetWriter(output, syntaxWriter, includeInternals);
                                writer.WriteAssemblies(new IAssembly[] { assembly });
                                if (writer is CSharpWriter csWriter)
                using (TextWriter output = GetOutput(OutputPath))
                    using (IStyleSyntaxWriter syntaxWriter = GetSyntaxWriter(output, WriterType, SyntaxWriterType))
                        ICciWriter writer = null;
                            if (headerText != null)

                            bool includeInternals = RespectInternals &&
                                                    assemblies.Any(assembly => assembly.Attributes.HasAttributeOfType(InternalsVisibleTypeName));
                            writer = GetWriter(output, syntaxWriter, includeInternals);
                            if (writer is CSharpWriter csWriter)

Exemple #50
 public StartHost(HostEnvironment environment, HostSettings settings)
     : this(environment, settings, null)
Exemple #51
 public CommandHost(HostEnvironment environment, HostSettings settings, int command)
     _environment = environment;
     _settings    = settings;
     _command     = command;
Exemple #52
        public static bool Execute(
            string seeds,
            string contracts,
            string facadePath,
            Version assemblyFileVersion               = null,
            bool clearBuildAndRevision                = false,
            bool ignoreMissingTypes                   = false,
            bool ignoreBuildAndRevisionMismatch       = false,
            bool buildDesignTimeFacades               = false,
            string inclusionContracts                 = null,
            ErrorTreatment seedLoadErrorTreatment     = ErrorTreatment.Default,
            ErrorTreatment contractLoadErrorTreatment = ErrorTreatment.Default,
            string[] seedTypePreferencesUnsplit       = null,
            bool forceZeroVersionSeeds                = false,
            bool producePdb = true,
            string partialFacadeAssemblyPath = null)
            if (!Directory.Exists(facadePath))

            var nameTable     = new NameTable();
            var internFactory = new InternFactory();

                Dictionary <string, string> seedTypePreferences = ParseSeedTypePreferences(seedTypePreferencesUnsplit);

                using (var contractHost = new HostEnvironment(nameTable, internFactory))
                    using (var seedHost = new HostEnvironment(nameTable, internFactory))
                        contractHost.LoadErrorTreatment = contractLoadErrorTreatment;
                        seedHost.LoadErrorTreatment     = seedLoadErrorTreatment;

                        var contractAssemblies = LoadAssemblies(contractHost, contracts);
                        IReadOnlyDictionary <string, IEnumerable <string> > docIdTable = GenerateDocIdTable(contractAssemblies, inclusionContracts);

                        IAssembly[] seedAssemblies = LoadAssemblies(seedHost, seeds).ToArray();

                        IAssemblyReference seedCoreAssemblyRef = ((Microsoft.Cci.Immutable.PlatformType)seedHost.PlatformType).CoreAssemblyRef;

                        if (forceZeroVersionSeeds)
                            // Create a deep copier, copy the seed assemblies, and zero out their versions.
                            var copier = new MetadataDeepCopier(seedHost);

                            for (int i = 0; i < seedAssemblies.Length; i++)
                                var mutableSeed = copier.Copy(seedAssemblies[i]);
                                mutableSeed.Version = new Version(0, 0, 0, 0);
                                // Copy the modified seed assembly back.
                                seedAssemblies[i] = mutableSeed;

                                if (mutableSeed.Name.UniqueKey == seedCoreAssemblyRef.Name.UniqueKey)
                                    seedCoreAssemblyRef = mutableSeed;

                        var typeTable       = GenerateTypeTable(seedAssemblies);
                        var facadeGenerator = new FacadeGenerator(seedHost, contractHost, docIdTable, typeTable, seedTypePreferences, clearBuildAndRevision, buildDesignTimeFacades, assemblyFileVersion);

                        if (partialFacadeAssemblyPath != null)
                            if (contractAssemblies.Count() != 1)
                                throw new FacadeGenerationException(
                                          "When partialFacadeAssemblyPath is specified, only exactly one corresponding contract assembly can be specified.");

                            IAssembly contractAssembly      = contractAssemblies.First();
                            IAssembly partialFacadeAssembly = seedHost.LoadAssembly(partialFacadeAssemblyPath);
                            if (contractAssembly.Name != partialFacadeAssembly.Name ||
                                contractAssembly.Version.Major != partialFacadeAssembly.Version.Major ||
                                contractAssembly.Version.Minor != partialFacadeAssembly.Version.Minor ||
                                (!ignoreBuildAndRevisionMismatch && contractAssembly.Version.Build != partialFacadeAssembly.Version.Build) ||
                                (!ignoreBuildAndRevisionMismatch && contractAssembly.Version.Revision != partialFacadeAssembly.Version.Revision) ||
                                contractAssembly.GetPublicKeyToken() != partialFacadeAssembly.GetPublicKeyToken())
                                throw new FacadeGenerationException(
                                          string.Format("The partial facade assembly's name, version, and public key token must exactly match the contract to be filled. Contract: {0}, Facade: {1}",

                            Assembly filledPartialFacade = facadeGenerator.GenerateFacade(contractAssembly, seedCoreAssemblyRef, ignoreMissingTypes, overrideContractAssembly: partialFacadeAssembly);

                            if (filledPartialFacade == null)
                                Trace.TraceError("Errors were encountered while generating the facade.");

                            string pdbLocation = null;

                            if (producePdb)
                                string pdbFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(partialFacadeAssemblyPath);
                                pdbLocation = Path.Combine(pdbFolder, contractAssembly.Name + ".pdb");
                                if (producePdb && !File.Exists(pdbLocation))
                                    pdbLocation = null;
                                    Trace.TraceWarning("No PDB file present for un-transformed partial facade. No PDB will be generated.");

                            OutputFacadeToFile(facadePath, seedHost, filledPartialFacade, contractAssembly, pdbLocation);
                            foreach (var contract in contractAssemblies)
                                Assembly facade = facadeGenerator.GenerateFacade(contract, seedCoreAssemblyRef, ignoreMissingTypes);
                                if (facade == null)
                                    Debug.Assert(Environment.ExitCode != 0);

                                OutputFacadeToFile(facadePath, seedHost, facade, contract);

            catch (FacadeGenerationException ex)
                Debug.Assert(Environment.ExitCode != 0);
 public override void Apply(HostEnvironment settings)
Exemple #54
 public IssueReport(HostEnvironment host)
 => = host ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(host));
Exemple #55
 public static CCI2Slicer CreateSlicer(HostEnvironment host)
     Contract.Requires(host != null);
     // MB: no singleton please
     return(new CCI2Slicer(host));