private IEnumerator WaitToShoot() { _waiting = true; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1f)); _waiting = false; horseshoeState = HorseshoeState.Firing; }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (rb.velocity == { // StartCoroutine(ChargeUp()); } switch (horseshoeState) { case HorseshoeState.Moving: rb.freezeRotation = false; if (NeedsDestination()) { _destination = GenerateNewDestination(); // Debug.Log(_destination); } //face the goal faceDirection = gameObject.transform.position - goal.transform.position; float angle = Mathf.Atan2(faceDirection.y, faceDirection.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg; rb.rotation = angle + -90f; //MoveToDestination // transform.Translate((_destination - transform.position) * Time.deltaTime); transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, _destination, 0.04f); if (transform.position == _destination) { horseshoeState = HorseshoeState.Charging; //Debug.Log("go to charging"); } break; case HorseshoeState.Charging: // Debug.Log("begingernerating"); animator.SetTrigger("BeginGenerating"); if (_destination != { rb.velocity =; rb.angularVelocity = 0f; } _destination =; //I dont like this, need to make cleaner break; case HorseshoeState.WaitingToShoot: animator.ResetTrigger("BeginGenerating"); animator.SetTrigger("ReadyToShoot"); rb.freezeRotation = true; if (!_waiting) //this is needed or else we will continuously invoke this due to update, want to find a better way to do ai that doesnt involve this { StartCoroutine(WaitToShoot()); } // horseshoeState = HorseshoeState.Firing; break; case HorseshoeState.Firing: GameObject puck = Instantiate(projectile, transform.GetChild(0).position, Quaternion.identity); GameManager.Instance._puckList.Add(puck); puck.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().AddForce((gameObject.transform.position - goal.transform.position) * -0.01f); //Debug.Log("howmuch is this firing"); animator.ResetTrigger("ReadyToShoot"); animator.SetTrigger("ReturnToIdle"); horseshoeState = HorseshoeState.PostFireWait; break; case HorseshoeState.PostFireWait: StartCoroutine(WaitAfterFire()); break; default: break; } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { animator = GetComponent <Animator>(); rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); horseshoeState = HorseshoeState.Moving; }
private IEnumerator WaitAfterFire() { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.5f)); horseshoeState = HorseshoeState.Moving; }
public void DoneCharging() { horseshoeState = HorseshoeState.WaitingToShoot; }