static bool ConsoleEventHandler(ConsoleCtrlHandlerCode eventCode)
            HookKit.SetParent(hangulClockDesktopHwnd, IntPtr.Zero);

            /* if (hangulClockDesktop != null)
             * {
             *  hangulClockDesktop.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, new Action(delegate
             *  {
             *      hangulClockDesktop.Close();
             *  }));
             * } */

            /* app.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, new Action(delegate
             * {
             *  app.Shutdown();
             * })); */

            // HookKit.SendMessage(hangulClockDesktopHwnd, HookKit.WM_SYSCOMMAND, HookKit.SC_CLOSE, IntPtr.Zero);
            //HookKit.MoveWindow(hangulClockDesktopHwnd, 0, 0, 0, 0, true);

            Console.WriteLine("HangulClockRenderer : Stop!");

Exemple #2
        private void HideWindowFromAltTab()
            WindowInteropHelper wndHelper = new WindowInteropHelper(this);

            int exStyle = HookKit.GetWindowLong(wndHelper.Handle, (int)HookKit.GetWindowLongFields.GWL_EXSTYLE);

            exStyle |= (int)HookKit.ExtendedWindowStyles.WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW;
            HookKit.SetWindowLong(wndHelper.Handle, HookKit.WindowLongFlags.GWL_EXSTYLE, exStyle);
        private static void Main(string[] args)

            if (args != null)
                if (args.Length > 1)
                    if (string.Equals(args[0], "/mindex"))
                        if (Regex.IsMatch(args[1], @"^\d+$"))
                            LogKit.Info("HangulClockRenderer will be displayed at Monitor index : " + args[1]);

                            int isRunningInstance = 0;
                            monitorIndeX = Convert.ToInt32(args[1]);

                            Process[] hangulClockRendererProcesses = Process.GetProcessesByName("HangulClockRenderer");

                            foreach (Process hangulClockRendererProcess in hangulClockRendererProcesses)
                                if (GetCommandLine(hangulClockRendererProcess).Contains($"/mindex {monitorIndeX}"))

                            if (isRunningInstance <= 1)
                                _consoleHandler = new HookKit.ConsoleCtrlHandlerDelegate(ConsoleEventHandler);
                                HookKit.SetConsoleCtrlHandler(_consoleHandler, true);

                                AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += new EventHandler(CurrentDomain_ProcessExit);

                                if (monitorIndeX < System.Windows.Forms.Screen.AllScreens.Count())
                                    LogKit.Error("Monitor index out of range. Exit.");
                                LogKit.Error("Already HangulClockRenderer process running at monitor index " + args[1] + ". Exit.");
 private static void NativeDPIAwareSettings()
     if (Environment.OSVersion.Version >= new Version(6, 3, 0))          // Windows 8.0 이상부터 지원하는 함수를 쓸거야
         if (Environment.OSVersion.Version >= new Version(10, 0, 15063)) // Windows 10 크리에이터 업데이트 부터 방식이 바꼈어..
        private static bool EnumDeviceMonitorDelegate(IntPtr hDesktop, IntPtr hdc, ref HookKit.RECT prect, int d)
            HookKit.MONITORINFOEX monitorInfo = new HookKit.MONITORINFOEX
                Size = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(HookKit.MONITORINFOEX))

            HookKit.GetMonitorInfo(hDesktop, ref monitorInfo);

            ScreenModel model = new ScreenModel
                deviceName = monitorInfo.DeviceName,
                originalX  = monitorInfo.Monitor.Left,
                originalY  = monitorInfo.Monitor.Top,
                x          = monitorInfo.Monitor.Left,
                y          = monitorInfo.Monitor.Top


 static void CurrentDomain_ProcessExit(object sender, EventArgs e)
     HookKit.SetParent(hangulClockDesktopHwnd, IntPtr.Zero);
     Console.WriteLine("HangulClockRenderer : Kill!");
     // Environment.Exit(0);
        private static void start()
            new Thread(() =>
                hu = new DataKit().Realm.All <HangulClockCommonSetting>().First().hu;

            LogKit.Info("Hangul Clock Renderer process started!");
            Console.Write("Hangul Clock Renderer process started!\n\n");

            IntPtr progman = HookKit.FindWindow("Progman", null);

            IntPtr result = IntPtr.Zero;

            HookKit.SendMessageTimeout(progman, 0x052C, new IntPtr(0), IntPtr.Zero, HookKit.SendMessageTimeoutFlags.SMTO_NORMAL, 1000, out result);


            IntPtr workerw = IntPtr.Zero;

            // System.Windows.Forms.Screen currentScreen = System.Windows.Forms.Screen.AllScreens[monitorIndex];
            // Console.WriteLine(currentScreen.Bounds);

                MonitorDeviceName = System.Windows.Forms.Screen.AllScreens[monitorIndeX].DeviceName;
                foreach (var item in System.Windows.Forms.Screen.AllScreens.Select((value, index) => new { Value = value, Index = index }))
                    ScreenModel model = new ScreenModel();


                    model.width  = item.Value.Bounds.Width;
                    model.height = item.Value.Bounds.Height;
                    model.x      = item.Value.Bounds.X;
                    model.y      = item.Value.Bounds.Y;

                    model.monitorIndex = item.Index;
                    model.deviceName   = item.Value.DeviceName;

                    model.isPrimary = item.Value.Primary;

            catch (Exception e)

            hangulClockDesktop = new HangulClockDesktop();

            HookKit.NativeDisplay.DISPLAY_DEVICE d = new HookKit.NativeDisplay.DISPLAY_DEVICE();
            d.cb = Marshal.SizeOf(d);

            var isRequiredZoomFactorFractal = true;

            for (uint id = 0; HookKit.EnumDisplayDevices(null, id, ref d, 0); id++)

                if (d.StateFlags == HookKit.NativeDisplay.DisplayDeviceStateFlags.PrimaryDevice ||
                    d.StateFlags == HookKit.NativeDisplay.DisplayDeviceStateFlags.AttachedToDesktop ||
                    d.StateFlags == (HookKit.NativeDisplay.DisplayDeviceStateFlags.PrimaryDevice | HookKit.NativeDisplay.DisplayDeviceStateFlags.AttachedToDesktop))
                    d.cb = Marshal.SizeOf(d);

                    HookKit.NativeDisplay.DEVMODE dm = HookKit.GetDevMode();

                    if (HookKit.EnumDisplaySettingsEx(d.DeviceName, -1, ref dm, 0) != 0)
                        foreach (var item in screenModels)
                            if (String.Equals(item.deviceName, d.DeviceName))
                                item.zoomFactor = (float)dm.dmPelsWidth / (float)item.width;

                                item.width  = dm.dmPelsWidth;
                                item.height = dm.dmPelsHeight;


                                if (item.zoomFactor <= 1.0)
                                    isRequiredZoomFactorFractal = false;

                        foreach (var item in screenModels)
                            if (String.Equals(item.deviceName, d.DeviceName))
                                if (isRequiredZoomFactorFractal)
                                    // Console.WriteLine("asdfsadfsadfsafdsdfa");
                                    item.x = (int)(item.x * item.zoomFactor);
                                    item.y = (int)(item.y * item.zoomFactor);

            screenModels.Sort((e1, e2) => e2.x.CompareTo(e1.x));
            screenModels.Sort((e1, e2) => e2.y.CompareTo(e1.y));

            int beforeX = 0;
            int beforeY = 0;

            // var primaryScreen = screenModels.Where(screen => (screen.isPrimary)).First();

            bool requiredSort = false;
            bool isNotChange  = false;

            foreach (var item in screenModels)
                if (item.x < 0)
                    requiredSort = true;

                if (requiredSort)
                    if (!isNotChange)
                        beforeX     = Math.Abs(item.x);
                        isNotChange = true;

                    item.x = item.x + beforeX; // 0

            requiredSort = false;
            isNotChange  = false;

            foreach (var item in screenModels)
                if (item.y < 0)
                    requiredSort = true;

                if (requiredSort)
                    if (!isNotChange)
                        beforeY     = Math.Abs(item.y);
                        isNotChange = true;

                    item.y = item.y + beforeY;

            HookKit.EnumWindows(new HookKit.EnumWindowsProc((topHandle, topParamHandle) =>
                IntPtr p = HookKit.FindWindowEx(topHandle, IntPtr.Zero, "SHELLDLL_DefView", IntPtr.Zero);

                if (p != IntPtr.Zero)
                    workerw = HookKit.FindWindowEx(IntPtr.Zero, topHandle, "WorkerW", IntPtr.Zero);

            }), IntPtr.Zero);

            //  IntPtr dc = HookKit.GetDCEx(workerw, IntPtr.Zero, (HookKit.DeviceContextValues)0x403);

            hangulClockDesktop.Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(async(s, e) =>
                // const UInt32 WS_POPUP = 0x80000000;
                // const UInt32 WS_CHILD = 0x40000000;
                // UInt32 style = (UInt32)HookKit.GetWindowLong(hangulClockDesktopHwnd, -16);
                // style = (style & ~(WS_POPUP)) | WS_CHILD; // | 0x00C00000 | 0x10000000 | 0x04000000 | 0x02000000;

                hangulClockDesktopHwnd = new WindowInteropHelper(hangulClockDesktop).Handle;

                HookKit.SetParent(hangulClockDesktopHwnd, workerw);

                // HookKit.SetWindowLong(hangulClockDesktopHwnd, HookKit.WindowLongFlags.GWL_STYLE, (int)style);

                var currentScreen = screenModels.Where(screen => (screen.monitorIndex == monitorIndeX)).First();

                /* hangulClockDesktop.Width = currentScreen.width;
                 * hangulClockDesktop.Height = currentScreen.height;
                 * hangulClockDesktop.Left = currentScreen.x;
                 * hangulClockDesktop.Top = currentScreen.y; */

                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("x : {0}, y : {1} / {2} x {3}", currentScreen.x, currentScreen.y, currentScreen.width, currentScreen.height));
                HookKit.MoveWindow(hangulClockDesktopHwnd, currentScreen.x, currentScreen.y, (int)(currentScreen.width), (int)(currentScreen.height), true);

            // hangulClockDesktop.Show();

            new Thread(MainThread).Start();
        private static void start()
            new Thread(() =>
                hu = new DataKit().Realm.All <HangulClockCommonSetting>().First().hu;

            LogKit.Info("HangulClockRenderer main thread is started.");

            IntPtr progman = HookKit.FindWindow("Progman", null);
            IntPtr result  = IntPtr.Zero;

            HookKit.SendMessageTimeout(progman, 0x052C, new IntPtr(0), IntPtr.Zero, HookKit.SendMessageTimeoutFlags.SMTO_NORMAL, 1000, out result);

            hangulClockDesktop = new HangulClockDesktop();

            HookKit.MonitorEnumDelegate enumDisplayMonitorsCallback = EnumDeviceMonitorDelegate;
            HookKit.EnumDisplayMonitors(IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, enumDisplayMonitorsCallback, 0);

            HookKit.NativeDisplay.DISPLAY_DEVICE d = new HookKit.NativeDisplay.DISPLAY_DEVICE();
            d.cb = Marshal.SizeOf(d);

            int mIdx = 0;

            for (uint id = 0; HookKit.EnumDisplayDevices(null, id, ref d, 0); id++)
                d.cb = Marshal.SizeOf(d);

                HookKit.NativeDisplay.DEVMODE dm = HookKit.GetDevMode();

                if (HookKit.EnumDisplaySettingsEx(d.DeviceName, -1, ref dm, 0) != 0)
                    ScreenModel model = screenModels.Find((m) => m.deviceName == d.DeviceName);
                    System.Windows.Forms.Screen screen = System.Windows.Forms.Screen.AllScreens.Where((s) => s.DeviceName == d.DeviceName).FirstOrDefault();
                    model.deviceName   = d.DeviceName;
                    model.isPrimary    = (d.StateFlags & HookKit.NativeDisplay.DisplayDeviceStateFlags.PrimaryDevice) != 0;
                    model.width        = dm.dmPelsWidth;
                    model.height       = dm.dmPelsHeight;
                    model.zoomFactor   = (double)model.width / screen.Bounds.Width;
                    model.monitorIndex = mIdx;


                    if (model.isPrimary && model.zoomFactor > 1)
                        primaryDisplayZoomFactor = model.zoomFactor;

                    model.x = (int)(model.x * primaryDisplayZoomFactor);
                    model.y = (int)(model.y * primaryDisplayZoomFactor);

                    LogKit.Info(string.Format("{0} : Resolution ({1} x {2}) without DPI / XY({3}, {4}) / IsPrimary({5}) / Scale({6})", model.deviceName, model.width, model.height, model.originalX, model.originalY, model.isPrimary, model.zoomFactor));

            MonitorDeviceName = screenModels[monitorIndeX].deviceName;

            // X 축부터 재정렬
            // X 축에 음수가 있다면, 제일 작은 축을 0으로 변경 해줘야 함
            if (screenModels.FindAll((element) => element.x < 0).Count > 0)
                screenModels.Sort((e1, e2) => e1.x.CompareTo(e2.x));

                int minXValue = 0;

                foreach (var item in screenModels.Select((screen, index) => new { index, screen }))
                    ScreenModel screen = item.screen;
                    int         index  = item.index;

                    if (index == 0)
                        minXValue = Math.Abs(screen.x);

                    screen.x = screen.x + minXValue;

            // Y 축도 재정렬
            // Y 축에 음수가 있다면, 제일 작은 축을 0으로 변경 해줘야 함
            if (screenModels.FindAll((element) => element.y < 0).Count > 0)
                screenModels.Sort((e1, e2) => e1.y.CompareTo(e2.y));

                int minYValue = 0;

                foreach (var item in screenModels.Select((screen, index) => new { index, screen }))
                    ScreenModel screen = item.screen;
                    int         index  = item.index;

                    if (index == 0)
                        minYValue = Math.Abs(screen.y);

                    screen.y = screen.y + minYValue;

            LogKit.Info("Inserting HangulClock to index 1 layer in windows explorer workerw...");

            // 탐색기에 후킹
            HookKit.EnumWindows(new HookKit.EnumWindowsProc((topHandle, topParamHandle) =>
                IntPtr p = HookKit.FindWindowEx(topHandle, IntPtr.Zero, "SHELLDLL_DefView", IntPtr.Zero);

                if (p != IntPtr.Zero)
                    workerw = HookKit.FindWindowEx(IntPtr.Zero, topHandle, "WorkerW", IntPtr.Zero);

            }), IntPtr.Zero);

            hangulClockDesktop.Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(async(s, e) =>
                hangulClockDesktopHwnd = new WindowInteropHelper(hangulClockDesktop).Handle;

                ScreenModel currentScreen = screenModels.Where(screen => (screen.monitorIndex == monitorIndeX)).First();

                hangulClockDesktop.WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.Manual;
                hangulClockDesktop.Left = currentScreen.originalX;
                hangulClockDesktop.Top  = currentScreen.originalY;

                // 만약에 각각의 모니터의 DPI 가 100% 를 넘는게 2개 이상인 경우, {width=0, height=0} 으로는
                // 올바르게 표시되지 않는 문제가 있엉...
                if (screenModels.FindAll((models) => models.zoomFactor > 1).Count <= 1)
                    hangulClockDesktop.Width  = 0;
                    hangulClockDesktop.Height = 0;
                    hangulClockDesktop.Left = -10000;
                    hangulClockDesktop.Top  = -10000;

                HookKit.SetParent(hangulClockDesktopHwnd, workerw);

                await Task.Delay(1000);

                HookKit.SetWindowPos(hangulClockDesktopHwnd, new IntPtr(0x01), (int)(currentScreen.x / primaryDisplayZoomFactor), (int)(currentScreen.y / primaryDisplayZoomFactor), (int)(currentScreen.width / primaryDisplayZoomFactor), (int)(currentScreen.height / primaryDisplayZoomFactor), HookKit.SetWindowPosFlags.NoActivate | HookKit.SetWindowPosFlags.FrameChanged);

            // hangulClockDesktop.Show();

            LogKit.Info("Boot complete!");

            new Thread(MainThread).Start();