Exemple #1
 protected Person(string firstName, string lastName, Hometown hometown)
     FirstName = firstName;
     LastName  = lastName;
     Hometown  = hometown;
     _regex    = new Regex(_pattern);
         * Comprehension Queries
         * https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/linq-pocket-reference/9780596519247/ch01s03.html
         * C# provides a syntatic shortcut for writing LINQ queries, called query comprehension syntax,
         * or simply query syntax.
         * A comprehnsion query always starts with a 'from' clause and end with either a 'select or group'
         * clause.  The 'from' clause declares an iteration variable.   The compiler processes comprehension
         * queries by translating them to lambda syntax this is similar to what it does to the 'foreach' statements
         * translating them into calls to GetEnumerator and MoveNext.  This means anything you can write in
         * comprehension syntax you can also write in lambda syntax.

        private static void LQComprehensionQuery()
            var employeeByState = from e in Employ.GetAllEmploy()
                                  join h in Hometown.GetHometown()
                                  on new { City = e.City, State = e.State }
            new { City = h.City, State = h.State }
            select new { e.LastName, h.CityCode };

            foreach (var employee in employeeByState)
                Console.WriteLine(employee.LastName + ", " + employee.CityCode);
        } // End LQComprehensionQuery
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var db = new PersonContext();

            // SELECT * FROM People
            var allPeople = db.People.ToList();

            // CREATE!

            var person = new Person
                FullName      = "Jerry",
                HairColor     = "Bald",
                IsRightHanded = true,
                Height        = 72,
                Age           = 53


            // READ

            var people = db.People.ToList();

            // SELECT * FROM People WHERE Age < 12

            var youngins = db.People.Where(peep => peep.Age < 12);

            // SELECT FullName FROM People
            // WHERE HairColor = "Bald" && IsRightHanded = False

            var baldLefthandedPeopleNames = db.People
                                            .Where(w => !w.IsRightHanded && w.HairColor == "Bald")
                                            .Select(s => s.FullName);

            // UPDATING
            // SELECT TOP(1) * FROM PEOPLE WHERE FullName == "Jerry"
            // IN C#: using the reader, create a Person Object
            var jerry = db.People.First(f => f.FullName == "Jerry");

            // change the desired values
            jerry.HairColor = "Brown";

            // UPDATE PEOPLE SET (HairColor = "Brown") WHERE Id = Jerry.Id

            var cities = db.Cities.ToList();

            var newYork = new Hometown
                Name       = "New York",
                Population = 12000000,
                State      = "NY"


            jerry.HomeTown = newYork;


            var otherJerry = db.People.First(f => f.FullName == "Jerry");

 public Developer(string firstName, string lastName, Hometown hometown, EmployeeClassification classification, Seniority seniorityLevel)
     : base(firstName, lastName, hometown, classification)
     SeniorityLevel = seniorityLevel;
Exemple #5
 protected Employee(string firstName, string lastName, Hometown hometown, EmployeeClassification classification)
     : base(firstName, lastName, hometown)
     Classification = classification;