// GET api/accounts
        public HolderAccountsViewModel Get()
            // Get Person data model from the data service
            var person = service.GetPersonByUsername(authenticatedUser, new PersonIncludes {
                Accounts = true, Addressses = false, Phones = false, AccountTransactions = true

            // Create a Holder view model and populate data from Person data model
            var holderAccounts = new HolderAccountsViewModel();

            // Get the holder's accounts
            holderAccounts.Accounts = (from a in person.Accounts
                                       select new AccountViewModel
                AccountNumber = a.Account.AccountNumber,
                AccountBalance = a.Account.AccountBalance,
                AccountName = a.Account.AccountName,
                AccountType = a.Account.AccountType.Name

            // Calculate the total
            holderAccounts.Total = (from a in holderAccounts.Accounts select a.AccountBalance).Sum();

            // Ge thte holder's account transactions
            holderAccounts.Transactions = (from a in person.Accounts
                                           from t in a.Account.Transactions
                                           orderby t.Date descending
                                           select new TransactionViewModel
                AccountNumber = a.Account.AccountNumber,
                AccountName = a.Account.AccountName,
                Date = t.Date,
                TransactionType = t.TransactionType.Name,
                Amount = t.Amount

        // GET api/accounts
        public HolderAccountsViewModel Get()
            // Get Person data model from the data service
            var person = service.GetPersonByUsername(authenticatedUser, new PersonIncludes { Accounts = true, Addressses = false, Phones = false, AccountTransactions = true });

            // Create a Holder view model and populate data from Person data model
            var holderAccounts = new HolderAccountsViewModel();

            // Get the holder's accounts
            holderAccounts.Accounts = (from a in person.Accounts
                               select new AccountViewModel
                                   AccountNumber = a.Account.AccountNumber,
                                   AccountBalance = a.Account.AccountBalance,
                                   AccountName = a.Account.AccountName,
                                   AccountType = a.Account.AccountType.Name

            // Calculate the total
            holderAccounts.Total = (from a in holderAccounts.Accounts select a.AccountBalance).Sum();

            // Ge thte holder's account transactions
            holderAccounts.Transactions = (from a in person.Accounts
                                   from t in a.Account.Transactions
                                   orderby t.Date descending
                                   select new TransactionViewModel
                                       AccountNumber = a.Account.AccountNumber,
                                       AccountName = a.Account.AccountName,
                                       Date = t.Date,
                                       TransactionType = t.TransactionType.Name,
                                       Amount = t.Amount

            return holderAccounts;