public async Task <IActionResult> History(int page = 1)
            int take    = 15;
            int skip    = take * (page - 1);
            var history = await _userService
                          .GetPaginatedUserHistoryAsync(GetActiveUserId(), skip, take);

            PaginateViewModel paginateModel = new PaginateViewModel()
                ItemCount    = history.Count,
                CurrentPage  = page,
                ItemsPerPage = take

            if (paginateModel.MaxPage > 0 && paginateModel.CurrentPage > paginateModel.MaxPage)
                    page = paginateModel.LastPage ?? 1

            User user = await _userService.GetDetails(GetActiveUserId());

            HistoryListViewModel viewModel = new HistoryListViewModel()
                Historys       = new List <HistoryItemViewModel>(),
                PaginateModel  = paginateModel,
                HouseholdCount = await _userService
                                 .FamilyMemberCountAsync(user.HouseholdHeadUserId ?? user.Id),
                HasAccount  = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(user.Username),
                TotalPoints = user.PointsEarned

            foreach (var item in history.Data)
                if (item.ChallengeId != null)
                    var url = Url.Action("Detail", "Challenges", new { id = item.ChallengeId });
                    item.Description = $"<a target='_blank' href='{url}'>{item.Description}</a>";
                HistoryItemViewModel itemModel = new HistoryItemViewModel()
                    CreatedAt    = item.CreatedAt.ToString("d"),
                    Description  = item.Description,
                    PointsEarned = item.PointsEarned,
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.BadgeFilename))
                    itemModel.BadgeFilename = _pathResolver.ResolveContentPath(item.BadgeFilename);
        public ShellWindowViewModel(IConfigurationService configurationService, CreateItemViewModel creator, HistoryListViewModel historyList, SettingsWindowManager settingsManager)
            _settingsManager    = settingsManager;
            _configurationAgent = configurationService.GetConfigurationAgent <ShellConfiguration>(ApplicationConfigurations.ShellConfiguration, this);

            _subscriptions = _configurationAgent.Updated.ObserveOnDispatcher().Do(x => { RefreshConfig(); }).Subscribe();

            Creator     = creator;
            HistoryList = historyList;

            ShowSettingsCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(() => { _settingsManager.ShowSettingsWindow(); });


            PropertyChanged += (sender, e) => { PersistConfig(); };
 public MainPage()
     RateAppCommand = new Command(RateApp);
     BindingContext = this;
     CurrentPurchasesStackLayout   = CurrentStack;
     CompletedPurchasesStackLayout = CompletetCurrentStack;
     HistoryStackLayout            = HistoryStack;
     PlanStackLayout      = PlanStack;
     PhotoStackLayout     = PhotoStack;
     SettingsStackLayout  = SettingsStack;
     GroupStackLayout     = GroupStack;
     NameLabel.FontFamily = Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.Android ? "jakobextractt.ttf#JacobExtraCTT" : "Assets/jakobextractt.ttf#JacobExtraCTT";//убрать в XAML
     activePurchases      = new PurchaseListViewModel(this);
     plan     = new PlanListViewModel(this);
     history  = new HistoryListViewModel(this);
     settings = new SettingsViewModel(this);
     groups   = new GroupListViewModel(this);
        public ClipboardHistoryWindow() : base(null)

            Caption = Resources.ToolWindowTitle;
            // Set the image that will appear on the tab of the window frame when docked with an other window
            // The resource ID correspond to the one defined in the resx file while the Index is the offset
            // in the bitmap strip. Each image in the strip being 16x16.
            BitmapResourceID = 301;
            BitmapIndex      = 1;

            // This is the user control hosted by the tool window; Note that, even if this class implements IDisposable,
            // we are not calling Dispose on this object. This is because ToolWindowPane calls Dispose on
            // the object returned by the Content property.
            var historyListControl = new HistoryListControl();

            var historyListViewModel = new HistoryListViewModel();

            historyListControl.DataContext = historyListViewModel;

            base.Content = historyListControl;
Exemple #5
        public async Task <IActionResult> History(int id, int page = 1)
                int take    = 15;
                int skip    = take * (page - 1);
                var history = await _userService
                              .GetPaginatedUserHistoryAsync(id, skip, take);

                PaginateViewModel paginateModel = new PaginateViewModel()
                    ItemCount    = history.Count,
                    CurrentPage  = page,
                    ItemsPerPage = take
                if (paginateModel.MaxPage > 0 && paginateModel.CurrentPage > paginateModel.MaxPage)
                        page = paginateModel.LastPage ?? 1

                var user = await _userService.GetDetails(id);


                HistoryListViewModel viewModel = new HistoryListViewModel()
                    Historys       = new List <HistoryItemViewModel>(),
                    PaginateModel  = paginateModel,
                    Id             = id,
                    HouseholdCount = await _userService
                                     .FamilyMemberCountAsync(user.HouseholdHeadUserId ?? id),
                    HeadOfHouseholdId = user.HouseholdHeadUserId,
                    HasAccount        = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(user.Username),
                    CanRemoveHistory  = UserHasPermission(Permission.LogActivityForAny),
                    TotalPoints       = user.PointsEarned

                bool editChallenges = UserHasPermission(Permission.EditChallenges);

                foreach (var item in history.Data)
                    if (item.ChallengeId != null)
                        string url = "";
                        if (editChallenges)
                            url = Url.Action("Edit", "Challenges", new { id = item.ChallengeId });
                            url = Url.Action("Detail", "Challenges",
                                             new { area = "", id = item.ChallengeId });
                        item.Description = $"<a target='_blank' href='{url}'>{item.Description}</a>";
                    HistoryItemViewModel itemModel = new HistoryItemViewModel()
                        Id           = item.Id,
                        CreatedAt    = item.CreatedAt.ToString("d"),
                        Description  = item.Description,
                        PointsEarned = item.PointsEarned,
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.BadgeFilename))
                        itemModel.BadgeFilename = _pathResolver.ResolveContentPath(item.BadgeFilename);

            catch (GraException gex)
                ShowAlertWarning("Unable to view participant's history: ", gex);
 public HistoryListPage(HistoryListViewModel vm)
     BindingContext = vm;