Exemple #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds the time types to the alarm model based on the historic alarm passed in.
 /// </summary>
 private void AddTimeTypes(HistoricalAlarm alarm, AlarmModel alarmModel)
     alarmModel.TimeTypes = new List <TimeType>();
     if (alarm.TimeType1 != null)
         var tt = PemsEntities.TimeTypes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.TimeTypeId == alarm.TimeType1);
         if (tt != null)
             alarmModel.TimeTypes.Add(new TimeType {
                 Description = tt.TimeTypeDesc, Id = tt.TimeTypeId
     if (alarm.TimeType2 != null)
         var tt = PemsEntities.TimeTypes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.TimeTypeId == alarm.TimeType2);
         if (tt != null)
             alarmModel.TimeTypes.Add(new TimeType {
                 Description = tt.TimeTypeDesc, Id = tt.TimeTypeId
     if (alarm.TimeType3 != null)
         var tt = PemsEntities.TimeTypes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.TimeTypeId == alarm.TimeType3);
         if (tt != null)
             alarmModel.TimeTypes.Add(new TimeType {
                 Description = tt.TimeTypeDesc, Id = tt.TimeTypeId
     if (alarm.TimeType4 != null)
         var tt = PemsEntities.TimeTypes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.TimeTypeId == alarm.TimeType4);
         if (tt != null)
             alarmModel.TimeTypes.Add(new TimeType {
                 Description = tt.TimeTypeDesc, Id = tt.TimeTypeId
     if (alarm.TimeType5 != null)
         var tt = PemsEntities.TimeTypes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.TimeTypeId == alarm.TimeType5);
         if (tt != null)
             alarmModel.TimeTypes.Add(new TimeType {
                 Description = tt.TimeTypeDesc, Id = tt.TimeTypeId
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Clears an alarm. Creates a historic alarm, maintenance event, and removed the current active alarm from the system.
        /// </summary>
        public void ClearAlarm(AlarmModel model)
            //get the original alarm item
            var alarm =
                    x =>
                    x.CustomerID == model.CustomerId && x.AreaID == model.AreaId && x.MeterId == model.AssetID &&
                    x.EventCode == model.AlarmCode && x.EventSource == model.EventSource &&
                    x.TimeOfOccurrance == model.TimeOccured);

            if (alarm != null)
                //first, we have to check for a work order, and if it doesnt exist, create one so we can link the new historical alarm to the sf maint event.
                if (!alarm.WorkOrderId.HasValue)
                    var wOrder = new WorkOrder
                        AssignedBy   = WebSecurity.CurrentUserId,
                        AssignedTS   = DateTime.Now,
                        CustomerID   = model.CustomerId,
                        TechnicianID = model.TechnicianID

                    //now assign the alarm the newly created work order id
                    alarm.WorkOrderId = wOrder.WorkOrderId;

                //now lets calculate the service designation
                var masterId = GetTsdMasterId(model.TimeCleared, alarm.SLADue);
                //calculate the target  service designnation here as well
                var tds = Tsds.FirstOrDefault(x => x.MasterId == masterId);

                //we will try to update an existing historical alarm if it already exists, otherwise we will insert a new one.
                //there is some old data that has duplicates in the historical and active, so this gracefully takes care of that, since all we want to do if the historical alarm exist is update the record with the active alarm information.
                var ExistinghistoricAlarm =
                        x => x.CustomerID == alarm.CustomerID && x.AreaID == alarm.AreaID && x.MeterId == alarm.MeterId &&
                        x.EventCode == alarm.EventCode && x.EventSource == alarm.EventSource &&
                        x.TimeOfOccurrance == alarm.TimeOfOccurrance && x.EventState == 0);

                //if it was found, we have to delete the historical item and re-create one, since the eventUID is an identity column, we cant change it, but its not part of the primary key, so it might need to change.
                //So, we have to try to get the hsitorical alarm, delete it, then try to create a new one.
                if (ExistinghistoricAlarm != null)
                //Now we need to create a new one
                //we have to insert a historical alarm
                var historicAlarm = new HistoricalAlarm
                    AlarmUID           = alarm.AlarmUID,
                    AreaID             = alarm.AreaID,
                    ClearedByUserId    = model.ClosedBy,
                    ClearingEventUID   = 0,
                    ClosureNote        = model.ClosureNotes,
                    CustomerID         = alarm.CustomerID,
                    EventCode          = alarm.EventCode,
                    EventSource        = alarm.EventSource,
                    EventState         = 0,
                    EventUID           = (int)(alarm.EventUID ?? 0),
                    GlobalMeterId      = alarm.GlobalMeterID,
                    MeterId            = alarm.MeterId,
                    Notes              = alarm.Notes,
                    SLADue             = alarm.SLADue,
                    TimeOfClearance    = model.TimeCleared,
                    TimeOfNotification = alarm.TimeOfNotification,
                    TimeOfOccurrance   = alarm.TimeOfOccurrance,
                    TimeType1          = alarm.TimeType1,
                    TimeType2          = alarm.TimeType2,
                    TimeType3          = alarm.TimeType3,
                    TimeType4          = alarm.TimeType4,
                    TimeType5          = alarm.TimeType5,
                    WorkOrderId        = alarm.WorkOrderId
                //now determine the correct TSD Master
                if (tds != null)
                    historicAlarm.TargetServiceDesignation = tds.Id;


                //we also need ot create a valid SFMeterMAintenanceEvent
                var maintenanceEvent = new SFMeterMaintenanceEvent
                    AreaId          = alarm.AreaID,
                    CustomerId      = alarm.CustomerID,
                    EventDateTime   = model.ClosureNotification,
                    GlobalMeterId   = alarm.GlobalMeterID,
                    MaintenanceCode = model.ResolutionCode,
                    MeterId         = alarm.MeterId,
                    TechnicianId    = model.TechnicianID,
                    WorkOrderID     = alarm.WorkOrderId

                //now we must delete the alarm we jsut cleared
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets details of a historic alarm
        /// </summary>
        private AlarmModel GetHistoricalAlarmDetails(int customerID, HistoricalAlarm alarm)
            var alarmModel = new AlarmModel();

            if (alarm != null)
                //Get the meter map for this alarm
                var metermap =
                    PemsEntities.MeterMaps.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Areaid == alarm.AreaID && x.Customerid == alarm.CustomerID && x.MeterId == alarm.MeterId);
                var alarmEventCode = PemsEntities.EventCodes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.EventCode1 == alarm.EventCode && x.CustomerID == customerID);
                //Asset / Location Information
                alarmModel.Latitude     = alarm.Meter == null ? 0 : alarm.Meter.Latitude ?? 0;
                alarmModel.Longitude    = alarm.Meter == null ? 0 : alarm.Meter.Longitude ?? 0;
                alarmModel.MeterGroupId = alarm.Meter == null ? 0 : alarm.Meter.MeterGroup ?? 0;
                alarmModel.AssetClass   = alarm.Meter == null ? AssetClass.Unknown : AssetFactory.GetAssetClass(alarm.Meter.MeterGroup);
                alarmModel.AssetType    = alarm.Meter == null ? string.Empty : (new AssetFactory(ConnectionStringName)).GetAssetTypeDescription(alarm.Meter.MeterGroup, customerID);

                OperationalStatu opStatus = null;
                //name ans state are based on class
                if (alarmModel.AssetClass == AssetClass.Sensor)
                    alarmModel.AssetName         = PemsEntities.Sensors.FirstOrDefault(x => x.SensorID == metermap.SensorID) == null ? "" : PemsEntities.Sensors.FirstOrDefault(x => x.SensorID == metermap.SensorID).SensorName;
                    opStatus                     = PemsEntities.OperationalStatus.FirstOrDefault(x => x.OperationalStatusId == metermap.Sensor.OperationalStatus);
                    alarmModel.OperationalStatus = opStatus == null ? "" : opStatus.OperationalStatusDesc ?? "";
                else if (alarmModel.AssetClass == AssetClass.Gateway)
                    alarmModel.AssetName         = PemsEntities.Gateways.FirstOrDefault(x => x.GateWayID == metermap.GatewayID) == null ? "" : PemsEntities.Gateways.FirstOrDefault(x => x.GateWayID == metermap.GatewayID).Description;
                    opStatus                     = PemsEntities.OperationalStatus.FirstOrDefault(x => x.OperationalStatusId == metermap.Gateway.OperationalStatus);
                    alarmModel.OperationalStatus = opStatus == null ? "" : opStatus.OperationalStatusDesc ?? "";
                //everything else falls under meter for now
                    alarmModel.AssetName         = alarm.Meter == null ? "" : alarm.Meter.MeterName;
                    opStatus                     = PemsEntities.OperationalStatus.FirstOrDefault(x => x.OperationalStatusId == metermap.Meter.OperationalStatusID);
                    alarmModel.OperationalStatus = opStatus == null ? "" : opStatus.OperationalStatusDesc ?? "";
                alarmModel.AssetID      = alarm.Meter.MeterId;
                alarmModel.Area         = PemsEntities.Areas.FirstOrDefault(x => x.CustomerID == metermap.Customerid && x.AreaID == metermap.AreaId2) == null ? "" : PemsEntities.Areas.FirstOrDefault(x => x.AreaID == metermap.AreaId2 && x.CustomerID == metermap.Customerid).AreaName; //alarm.Meter.Area.AreaName;
                alarmModel.AreaId       = metermap.AreaId2;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                // alarm.Meter.Area.AreaID;
                alarmModel.Zone         = metermap.Zone == null ? string.Empty : PemsEntities.Zones.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ZoneId == metermap.ZoneId && metermap.Customerid == x.customerID) == null ? string.Empty : PemsEntities.Zones.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ZoneId == metermap.ZoneId && metermap.Customerid == x.customerID).ZoneName;
                alarmModel.Suburb       = metermap == null ? string.Empty : metermap.CustomGroup11 == null ? string.Empty : metermap.CustomGroup11.DisplayName;
                alarmModel.Street       = alarm.Meter.Location;
                alarmModel.BaysAffected = alarm.Meter.MaxBaysEnabled ?? 0;

                //Alarm / Meter information
                alarmModel.AlarmID                = alarm.AlarmUID ?? 0;
                alarmModel.AlarmCode              = alarmEventCode == null ? 0 : alarmEventCode.EventCode1;
                alarmModel.AlarmDesription        = alarmEventCode == null ? string.Empty : alarmEventCode.EventDescAbbrev;
                alarmModel.AlarmDesriptionVerbose = alarmEventCode == null ? string.Empty : alarmEventCode.EventDescVerbose;
                alarmModel.ServiceTargetTime      = alarm.SLADue ?? DateTime.MinValue;
                alarmModel.AlarmStatus            = "Closed";
                var alarmStatus = PemsEntities.AlarmStatus.FirstOrDefault(x => x.AlarmStatusId == 3);
                if (alarmStatus != null)
                    alarmModel.AlarmStatus = alarmStatus.AlarmStatusDesc;
                alarmModel.TimeNotified = alarm.TimeOfNotification;
                alarmModel.TimeCleared  = alarm.TimeOfClearance ?? DateTime.MinValue;

                //SLA Values
                //calculation for historical alarm time remaining: Service Target time - Time Cleared. NOTE, this is different for active alarms. using time cleared instead of current local time
                //set the defaults
                alarmModel.TimeRemainingTillTargetTime        = 0;
                alarmModel.TimeRemainingTillTargetTimeDisplay = Constants.TimeFormats.timeFormatToDisplay_HHH_MM;

                if (alarm.SLADue.HasValue)
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(alarm.SLADue.Value.ToString()))
                        TimeSpan diffTime = (alarm.SLADue.Value - alarm.TimeOfClearance.Value);
                        if (diffTime.TotalHours > 0)
                            alarmModel.TimeRemainingTillTargetTimeDisplay = FormatHelper.FormatTimeFromMinutes(Math.Round(diffTime.TotalMinutes, 0), (int)PEMSEnums.PEMSEnumsTimeFormats.timeFormat_HHH_MM);
                    alarmModel.TimeRemainingTillTargetTimeDisplay = FormatHelper.FormatTimeFromMinutes(0, (int)PEMSEnums.PEMSEnumsTimeFormats.timeFormat_HHH_MM);

                //Target Service Designation - note, we are NOT regenerating this, just using what is assigned to the
                alarmModel.ServiceDesignation   = "N/A";
                alarmModel.ServiceDesignationId = -1;
                if (alarm.TargetServiceDesignation1 != null)
                    alarmModel.ServiceDesignation   = alarm.TargetServiceDesignation1.TargetServiceDesignationDesc;
                    alarmModel.ServiceDesignationId = alarm.TargetServiceDesignation1.TargetServiceDesignationId;

                alarmModel.TimeOccured = alarm.TimeOfOccurrance;
                AddTimeTypes(alarm, alarmModel);
                alarmModel.TimeType1     = alarm.TimeType1 ?? 0;
                alarmModel.TimeType2     = alarm.TimeType2 ?? 0;
                alarmModel.TimeType3     = alarm.TimeType3 ?? 0;
                alarmModel.TimeType4     = alarm.TimeType4 ?? 0;
                alarmModel.TimeType5     = alarm.TimeType5 ?? 0;
                alarmModel.AlarmSource   = PemsEntities.EventSources.FirstOrDefault(x => x.EventSourceCode == alarm.EventSource).EventSourceDesc;
                alarmModel.AlarmSeverity = alarmEventCode == null ? string.Empty : alarmEventCode.AlarmTier1 == null ? string.Empty : alarmEventCode.AlarmTier1.TierDesc;
                alarmModel.EntryNotes    = alarm.Notes;
                alarmModel.CustomerId    = customerID;
                //Closure Information
                var maintenanceEvent = PemsEntities.SFMeterMaintenanceEvents.FirstOrDefault(
                    x => x.AreaId == alarm.Meter.AreaID && x.CustomerId == customerID && x.MeterId == alarm.MeterId && x.WorkOrderID == alarm.WorkOrderId);
                alarmModel.ResolutionCode     = maintenanceEvent == null ? 1 : maintenanceEvent.MaintenanceCode;
                alarmModel.ResolutionCodeDesc = maintenanceEvent == null
                                                    ? ""
                                                    : PemsEntities.MaintenanceCodes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.MaintenanceCode1 == maintenanceEvent.MaintenanceCode) == null
                                                          ? ""
                                                          : PemsEntities.MaintenanceCodes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.MaintenanceCode1 == maintenanceEvent.MaintenanceCode).Description;

                //RJH: Set ClosureNotification = TimeCleared if no maintenance event.
                alarmModel.ClosureNotification = maintenanceEvent == null ? alarmModel.TimeCleared : maintenanceEvent.EventDateTime;

                alarmModel.TechnicianID = maintenanceEvent == null ? -1 : maintenanceEvent.TechnicianId;
                if (alarmModel.TechnicianID > 0)
                    alarmModel.TechnicianName =
                        PemsEntities.TechnicianDetails.FirstOrDefault(x => x.TechnicianId == alarmModel.TechnicianID) ==
                            ? ""
                            : PemsEntities.TechnicianDetails.FirstOrDefault(
                            x => x.TechnicianId == alarmModel.TechnicianID).Name;
                alarmModel.ClosureNotes = alarm.ClosureNote;
                alarmModel.ClosedBy     = alarm.ClearedByUserId ?? 0;
                if (alarm.ClearedByUserId != null)
                    var user = (new UserFactory()).GetUserById(alarm.ClearedByUserId.Value);
                    if (user != null)
                        alarmModel.ClosedByName = user.Username;
                alarmModel.IsClosed = true;

            alarmModel.ResolutionCodes = GetResolutionCodes();
            alarmModel.TechnicianIDs   = GetAlarmTechnicians();
