protected internal BodyComposition() { Height = new Height(); Waist = new Waist(); Hips = new Hips(); Weight = new Weight(); }
public void ResetForScene2() { ResetBar(); Hips.GetComponent <SpringJoint>().spring = 1000f; Hips.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().AddForce(Vector3.up * 100f); BlockBar(true); }
/// <summary> /// SetHead sets the player character's head position and rotation relative to the given hip value. /// </summary> public void SetHead(Hips hips, Vector3 forward) { Vector3 perpendicular = (hips.Right - hips.Left).normalized; Vector3 upwards = Vector3.Cross(forward.normalized, perpendicular); transform.position = hips.Position + (Offset.x * forward.normalized) + (Offset.y * upwards); transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(forward, upwards); }
public void Fall(Vector3 direction) { if (!Fallen) { Fall(); Hips.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().velocity = direction; } }
public void SetBody() { Hips hips = hipsManager.Hips; Stance stance = stanceManager.Stance; Head.SetHead(hips, stance.Forward); Left.SetLeg(new Segment(hips.Left, stance.Left.Position, stance.Left.Forward), stepManager.Upwards); Right.SetLeg(new Segment(hips.Right, stance.Right.Position, stance.Right.Forward), stepManager.Upwards); }
internal BodyComposition(Height heightInches, Waist waistInches, Hips hipsInches, Weight weightPounds) : this() { Height = heightInches; Waist = waistInches; Hips = hipsInches; Weight = weightPounds; }
public override BodyComposition BuildWithoutModelValidation() { return(new BodyComposition { Height = Height.Build(_heightInches), Hips = Hips.Build(_hipsInches), Waist = Waist.Build(_waistInches), Weight = Weight.Build(_weightPounds) }); }
public override BodyCompositionExpanded BuildWithoutModelValidation() { return(new BodyCompositionExpanded { Height = Height.Build(_heightInches), Waist = Waist.Build(_waistInches), Hips = Hips.Build(_hipsInches), Weight = Weight.Build(_weightPounds), VisceralFat = _visceralFatCm2, PercentBodyFat = _percentBodyFat }); }
public void RecoverFromFall() { //SOUND GOT UP //AkSoundEngine.PostEvent("GotUp", gameObject); InputController.SetCanAttach(true); InputController.BlockControls(false); ResetBar(); BlockBar(true, 5f); BalanceGUI.SetActive(true); IconImage.SetActive(true); Hips.GetComponent <SpringJoint>().spring = 1000f; Hips.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().AddForce(Vector3.up * 250f); NetworkServerManager.getInstance().ServerStringMessageSender(InputController, "GotUp"); }
public Skeleton ToNetworkModel() { Skeleton s = new Skeleton(); s.UserId = UserId; s.BodyLocation = BodyLocation.ToCoord(); s.BodyRotation = BodyRotation.ToCoord(); s.Head = Head.ToCoord(); s.Neck = Neck.ToCoord(); s.Spine = Spine.ToCoord(); s.Hips = Hips.ToCoord(); s.LeftShoulder = LeftShoulder.ToCoord(); s.LeftArm = LeftArm.ToCoord(); s.LeftHand = LeftHand.ToCoord(); s.RightShoulder = RightShoulder.ToCoord(); s.RightArm = RightArm.ToCoord(); s.RightHand = RightHand.ToCoord(); s.LeftKnee = LeftKnee.ToCoord(); s.LeftFoot = LeftFoot.ToCoord(); s.RightKnee = RightKnee.ToCoord(); s.RightFoot = RightFoot.ToCoord(); return(s); }
public void Fall() { if (!Fallen) { Fallen = true; BlockBar(true); InputController.RandomizeControls(); InputController.Detach(); InputController.BlockControls(true); InputController.SetCanAttach(false); BalanceGUI.SetActive(false); IconImage.SetActive(false); Hips.GetComponent <SpringJoint>().spring = 0f; Hips.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().velocity =; NetworkServerManager.getInstance().ServerStringMessageSender(InputController, "Fallen"); ShootKeys(MatchManager.getInstance().keyCollected[gameObject.layer - 9]); MatchManager.getInstance().keyCollected[gameObject.layer - 9] = 0; } }
private BodyComposition(double heightInches, double waistInches, double hipsInches, double weightPounds) : this(Height.Build(heightInches), Waist.Build(waistInches), Hips.Build(hipsInches), Weight.Build(weightPounds)) { }
public void MergeFrom(Skeleton other) { if (other == null) { return; } if (other.UserId != 0UL) { UserId = other.UserId; } if (other.bodyLocation_ != null) { if (bodyLocation_ == null) { bodyLocation_ = new global::VrLifeShared.Networking.NetworkingModels.Coord(); } BodyLocation.MergeFrom(other.BodyLocation); } if (other.bodyRotation_ != null) { if (bodyRotation_ == null) { bodyRotation_ = new global::VrLifeShared.Networking.NetworkingModels.Coord(); } BodyRotation.MergeFrom(other.BodyRotation); } if (other.head_ != null) { if (head_ == null) { head_ = new global::VrLifeShared.Networking.NetworkingModels.Coord(); } Head.MergeFrom(other.Head); } if (other.neck_ != null) { if (neck_ == null) { neck_ = new global::VrLifeShared.Networking.NetworkingModels.Coord(); } Neck.MergeFrom(other.Neck); } if (other.spine_ != null) { if (spine_ == null) { spine_ = new global::VrLifeShared.Networking.NetworkingModels.Coord(); } Spine.MergeFrom(other.Spine); } if (other.hips_ != null) { if (hips_ == null) { hips_ = new global::VrLifeShared.Networking.NetworkingModels.Coord(); } Hips.MergeFrom(other.Hips); } if (other.leftShoulder_ != null) { if (leftShoulder_ == null) { leftShoulder_ = new global::VrLifeShared.Networking.NetworkingModels.Coord(); } LeftShoulder.MergeFrom(other.LeftShoulder); } if (other.leftArm_ != null) { if (leftArm_ == null) { leftArm_ = new global::VrLifeShared.Networking.NetworkingModels.Coord(); } LeftArm.MergeFrom(other.LeftArm); } if (other.leftHand_ != null) { if (leftHand_ == null) { leftHand_ = new global::VrLifeShared.Networking.NetworkingModels.Coord(); } LeftHand.MergeFrom(other.LeftHand); } if (other.rightShoulder_ != null) { if (rightShoulder_ == null) { rightShoulder_ = new global::VrLifeShared.Networking.NetworkingModels.Coord(); } RightShoulder.MergeFrom(other.RightShoulder); } if (other.rightArm_ != null) { if (rightArm_ == null) { rightArm_ = new global::VrLifeShared.Networking.NetworkingModels.Coord(); } RightArm.MergeFrom(other.RightArm); } if (other.rightHand_ != null) { if (rightHand_ == null) { rightHand_ = new global::VrLifeShared.Networking.NetworkingModels.Coord(); } RightHand.MergeFrom(other.RightHand); } if (other.leftKnee_ != null) { if (leftKnee_ == null) { leftKnee_ = new global::VrLifeShared.Networking.NetworkingModels.Coord(); } LeftKnee.MergeFrom(other.LeftKnee); } if (other.leftFoot_ != null) { if (leftFoot_ == null) { leftFoot_ = new global::VrLifeShared.Networking.NetworkingModels.Coord(); } LeftFoot.MergeFrom(other.LeftFoot); } if (other.rightKnee_ != null) { if (rightKnee_ == null) { rightKnee_ = new global::VrLifeShared.Networking.NetworkingModels.Coord(); } RightKnee.MergeFrom(other.RightKnee); } if (other.rightFoot_ != null) { if (rightFoot_ == null) { rightFoot_ = new global::VrLifeShared.Networking.NetworkingModels.Coord(); } RightFoot.MergeFrom(other.RightFoot); } }
public override int GetHashCode() { int hash = 1; if (UserId != 0UL) { hash ^= UserId.GetHashCode(); } if (bodyLocation_ != null) { hash ^= BodyLocation.GetHashCode(); } if (bodyRotation_ != null) { hash ^= BodyRotation.GetHashCode(); } if (head_ != null) { hash ^= Head.GetHashCode(); } if (neck_ != null) { hash ^= Neck.GetHashCode(); } if (spine_ != null) { hash ^= Spine.GetHashCode(); } if (hips_ != null) { hash ^= Hips.GetHashCode(); } if (leftShoulder_ != null) { hash ^= LeftShoulder.GetHashCode(); } if (leftArm_ != null) { hash ^= LeftArm.GetHashCode(); } if (leftHand_ != null) { hash ^= LeftHand.GetHashCode(); } if (rightShoulder_ != null) { hash ^= RightShoulder.GetHashCode(); } if (rightArm_ != null) { hash ^= RightArm.GetHashCode(); } if (rightHand_ != null) { hash ^= RightHand.GetHashCode(); } if (leftKnee_ != null) { hash ^= LeftKnee.GetHashCode(); } if (leftFoot_ != null) { hash ^= LeftFoot.GetHashCode(); } if (rightKnee_ != null) { hash ^= RightKnee.GetHashCode(); } if (rightFoot_ != null) { hash ^= RightFoot.GetHashCode(); } return(hash); }