Exemple #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Disable the input field when we´re done typing the name AND save the name to disk
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="otherField"></param>
    public void RemoveInputField(InputField otherField)
        // Save the newly made name to disk at the correct index with the rest of the updated scores
        SaveHighscoreToDisk(scoreFieldToUpdate.scoreNameFront.text, scoreFieldToUpdate.highscoreIndex);
        //PlayerPrefs.SetString(highScoreNamesOnDisk[scoreFieldToUpdate.highscoreIndex], scoreFieldToUpdate.scoreNameFront.text);


        scoreFieldToUpdate = null;

        // Disable the inputField
Exemple #2
    //Når vi har en ny score, så skal vi hente alle de scores (og navne) fra harddisken, og sammenligne med vores nye score
    public void UpdateScoreOnDisk(int myScore, string myName)
        oldScores = new int[10];
        oldNames  = new string[10];

        newScores = new int[10];
        newNames  = new string[10];

        int scoreFieldIndexWeBeat = -1;

        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            oldScores[i] = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(highScoresOnDisk[i]);
            oldNames[i]  = PlayerPrefs.GetString(highScoreNamesOnDisk[i]);
            newScores[i] = oldScores[i];
            newNames[i]  = oldNames[i];

        // 0 is HIGHEST score, so we start looking at the LOWEST score first. If we beat it, then we move up the line.
        for (int i = scoreFields.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            //Both check the score, and if we did NOT beat the score, then stop checking. If we DID beat the score, then keep going down the list
            //NOTE: the array is backwards, so index 0 is the score at the top of the list, and the index at .length-1 is the last one on the highscore
            if (!didWeBeatTheScore(i, myScore))
                scoreFieldIndexWeBeat = i;

        //Remember which highscore place we beat, so we can ask the user for his name
        if (scoreFieldIndexWeBeat != -1)
            scoreFieldToUpdate = scoreFields[scoreFieldIndexWeBeat];    //and I need to keep the index for the newNames[] to store the name on disk
            scoreFieldToUpdate.scoreFront.text     = myScore.ToString();
            scoreFieldToUpdate.scoreNameFront.text = "Enter Name";
            scoreFieldToUpdate.highscoreIndex      = scoreFieldIndexWeBeat; //saving the index to the field´s tag
            Debug.Log("We beat the score. Now give me your name!");
            SaveHighscoreToDisk();  //we didn´t
Exemple #3
    public void ShowFieldWindow()
        Texture2D TempScreenshot = GameManager.Instance.GetSaveManager.LoadScreenshot();

        if (TempScreenshot == null)
            Debug.LogError("Beim Laden des Feldscreenshots ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Das Fenster mit dem Feld Highscore konnte nicht angezeigt werden.");

        HighscoreField HighscoreFieldScript = (HighscoreField)FindObjectOfType(typeof(HighscoreField));

        if (!HighscoreFieldScript)
            Debug.LogError("In der aktuellen Scene konnte kein Script mit dem Namen: HighscoreField gefunden werden! Das Fenster mit dem Feld Highscore konnte nicht angezeigt werden.");

    /// <summary>
    /// Disable the input field when we´re done typing the name AND save the name to disk
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="otherField"></param>
    public void RemoveInputField(InputField otherField)
        // Save the newly made name to disk at the correct index with the rest of the updated scores
        SaveHighscoreToDisk(scoreFieldToUpdate.scoreNameFront.text, scoreFieldToUpdate.highscoreIndex);
        //PlayerPrefs.SetString(highScoreNamesOnDisk[scoreFieldToUpdate.highscoreIndex], scoreFieldToUpdate.scoreNameFront.text);


        scoreFieldToUpdate = null;

        // Fjern det navn fra input-feltet som vi lige har skrevet
        otherField.text = "";

        // Disable the inputField
    //Når vi har en ny score, så skal vi hente alle de scores (og navne) fra harddisken, og sammenligne med vores nye score
    public void UpdateScoreOnDisk(int myScore, string myName)
		oldScores = new int[10];
		oldNames = new string[10];

		newScores = new int[10];
		newNames = new string[10];

        int scoreFieldIndexWeBeat = -1;
		for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) 
			oldScores[i] = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(highScoresOnDisk[i]);
			oldNames[i] = PlayerPrefs.GetString(highScoreNamesOnDisk[i]);
			newScores[i] = oldScores[i];
			newNames[i] = oldNames[i];

        // 0 is HIGHEST score, so we start looking at the LOWEST score first. If we beat it, then we move up the line.
        for (int i = scoreFields.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
			//Both check the score, and if we did NOT beat the score, then stop checking. If we DID beat the score, then keep going down the list
			//NOTE: the array is backwards, so index 0 is the score at the top of the list, and the index at .length-1 is the last one on the highscore
			if( !didWeBeatTheScore(i, myScore))
                scoreFieldIndexWeBeat = i;

        //Remember which highscore place we beat, so we can ask the user for his name
        if (scoreFieldIndexWeBeat != -1)
            scoreFieldToUpdate = scoreFields[scoreFieldIndexWeBeat];    //and I need to keep the index for the newNames[] to store the name on disk
            scoreFieldToUpdate.scoreFront.text = myScore.ToString();
            scoreFieldToUpdate.scoreNameFront.text = "Enter Name";
            scoreFieldToUpdate.highscoreIndex = scoreFieldIndexWeBeat; //saving the index to the field´s tag
            Debug.Log("We beat the score. Now give me your name!");
            SaveHighscoreToDisk();  //we didn´t 
