Exemple #1
        protected override Composite CreateBehavior()
            return(_root ?? (_root =
                                 new PrioritySelector(

                                     new Decorator(ret => !_waitTimer.IsFinished,
                                                   new Sequence(
                                                       new Action(ret => AntiAfk()),
                                                       new Action(ret => TreeRoot.StatusText = "Waiting for the story to end"),
                                                       new ActionAlwaysSucceed())

                                     new Decorator(ret => HighWarlordDarion != null && HighWarlordDarion.CanGossip,
                                                   new PrioritySelector(
                                                       new Decorator(ret => !HighWarlordDarion.WithinInteractRange,
                                                                     new Sequence(
                                                                         new Action(ret => TreeRoot.StatusText = "Moving to High Warlord Darion"),
                                                                         new Action(ret => Navigator.MoveTo(HighWarlordDarion.Location)))),

                                                       new Sequence(
                                                           new Action(ret => TreeRoot.StatusText = "Talking to High Warlord Darion"),
                                                           new DecoratorContinue(ret => Me.IsMoving,
                                                                                 new Sequence(
                                                                                     new Action(ret => WoWMovement.MoveStop()),
                                                                                     new Action(ret => StyxWoW.SleepForLagDuration())

                                                           new Action(ret => HighWarlordDarion.Interact()),
                                                           new WaitContinue(5, ret => GossipFrame.Instance.IsVisible,
                                                                            new Sequence(
                                                                                new DecoratorContinue(ret => GossipFrame.Instance.GossipOptionEntries == null,
                                                                                                      new Action(ret => _waitTimer.Reset())

                                                                                new DecoratorContinue(ret => GossipFrame.Instance.GossipOptionEntries != null,
                                                                                                      new Sequence(
                                                                                                          new Action(ret => GossipFrame.Instance.SelectGossipOption(0)),
                                                                                                          new Action(ret => StyxWoW.SleepForLagDuration())

                                     new Action(ret => _waitTimer.Reset())
Exemple #2
        private Composite CreateBehavior_CombatMain()
            return(new Decorator(context => !IsDone,
                                 new PrioritySelector(
                                     // Update information for this BT visit...
                                     new Action(context =>
                HighWarlordDarion = ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType <WoWUnit>(false, false).FirstOrDefault(u => u.Entry == 29173);

                if ((HighWarlordDarion != null) && (Me.CurrentTarget != HighWarlordDarion))

                return RunStatus.Failure;

                                     new Switch <StateType_Behavior>(context => State_Behavior,
                                                                     #region State: DEFAULT
                                                                     new Action(context => // default case
                QBCLog.MaintenanceError("State_Behavior({0}) is unhandled", State_Behavior);
                _isBehaviorDone = true;

                                                                     #region State: Wait for Warlord
                                                                     new SwitchArgument <StateType_Behavior>(StateType_Behavior.WaitingForWarlordDarion,
                                                                                                             new PrioritySelector(
                                                                                                                 // Move into position to await Warlord arrival...
                                                                                                                 new Decorator(context => !Navigator.AtLocation(Location_WaitToChatWithDarion),
                                                                                                                               new Action(context =>
                TreeRoot.StatusText = "Moving into position to wait on High Warlord Darion to arrive";

                                                                                                                 // Warlord has arrived, go have a chat..
                                                                                                                 new Decorator(context => HighWarlordDarion != null,
                                                                                                                               new Action(context => { State_Behavior = StateType_Behavior.ChattingToStartBattle; })),

                                                                                                                 // If warlord is not here, go check the battlefield...
                                                                                                                 new Decorator(context => !IsBattlefieldCheckedForDarion,
                                                                                                                               new Action(context => { State_Behavior = StateType_Behavior.CheckingBattlefieldForWarlordDarion; })),

                                                                                                                 new Action(context =>
                TreeRoot.StatusText = "Waiting for High Warlord Darion to arrive";

                                                                     #region State: Check Battlefield for Warlord
                                                                     new SwitchArgument <StateType_Behavior>(StateType_Behavior.CheckingBattlefieldForWarlordDarion,
                                                                                                             new PrioritySelector(
                                                                                                                 // Move into position to await Warlord arrival...
                                                                                                                 new Decorator(context => !Navigator.AtLocation(Location_WaitForBattleToComplete),
                                                                                                                               new Action(context =>
                TreeRoot.StatusText = "Checking battlefield for High Warlord Darion";

                                                                                                                 // If we found Warlord on battlefield, wait for battle to complete...
                                                                                                                 new Decorator(context => HighWarlordDarion != null,
                                                                                                                               new Action(context => { State_Behavior = StateType_Behavior.WaitingForBattleToComplete; })),

                                                                                                                 // If warlord is not here, return to start point and wait...
                                                                                                                 new Decorator(context => HighWarlordDarion == null,
                                                                                                                               new Action(context =>
                IsBattlefieldCheckedForDarion = true;
                State_Behavior = StateType_Behavior.WaitingForWarlordDarion;

                                                                     #region State: Chat with Warlord
                                                                     new SwitchArgument <StateType_Behavior>(StateType_Behavior.ChattingToStartBattle,
                                                                                                             new PrioritySelector(
                                                                                                                 // If the Warlord disappeared, go find him...
                                                                                                                 new Decorator(context => HighWarlordDarion == null,
                                                                                                                               new Action(context =>
                IsBattlefieldCheckedForDarion = false;
                State_Behavior = StateType_Behavior.WaitingForWarlordDarion;

                                                                                                                 // Move close enough to chat with Warlord...
                                                                                                                 new Decorator(context => !HighWarlordDarion.WithinInteractRange,
                                                                                                                               new Action(context =>
                TreeRoot.StatusText = "Moving to " + HighWarlordDarion.SafeName;

                                                                                                                 // Chat with warlord...
                                                                                                                 // When we interact with the warlord, he will present us with either:
                                                                                                                 // 1) a Quest frame (with no gossip options)
                                                                                                                 // 2) a Gossip frame (with gossip options) that we use to kick off the event
                                                                                                                 // Both frames always *exist*, what matters is the one the Warlord presents us with.
                                                                                                                 new Decorator(context => HighWarlordDarion.CanGossip,
                                                                                                                               new PrioritySelector(
                                                                                                                                   new Decorator(context => !(GossipFrame.Instance.IsVisible || QuestFrame.Instance.IsVisible),
                                                                                                                                                 new Action(context => { HighWarlordDarion.Interact(); })),

                                                                                                                                   // Process GossipFrame or QuestFrame, whichever was presented...
                                                                                                                                   new Sequence(
                                                                                                                                       // Simulate reading frame text...
                                                                                                                                       new WaitContinue(VariantTimeSpan(2500, 7000), context => false, new ActionAlwaysSucceed()),
                                                                                                                                       // If gossip frame showing, choose correct gossip option...
                                                                                                                                       new DecoratorContinue(context => GossipFrame.Instance.IsVisible &&
                                                                                                                                                             GossipFrame.Instance.GossipOptionEntries.Count() > 0,
                                                                                                                                                             new Action(context => { GossipFrame.Instance.SelectGossipOption(0); })),
                                                                                                                                       new WaitContinue(VariantTimeSpan(1250, 3500), context => false, new ActionAlwaysSucceed()),
                                                                                                                                       // Close gossip frame if that was showing...
                                                                                                                                       new DecoratorContinue(context => GossipFrame.Instance.IsVisible,
                                                                                                                                                             new Action(context => { GossipFrame.Instance.Close(); })),
                                                                                                                                       // Close quest frame if that was showing...
                                                                                                                                       new DecoratorContinue(context => QuestFrame.Instance.IsVisible,
                                                                                                                                                             new Action(context => { QuestFrame.Instance.Close(); })),
                                                                                                                                       new Action(context => { State_Behavior = StateType_Behavior.WaitingForBattleToStart; })

                                                                                                                 // Warlord doesn't want to chat, wait for battle to start...
                                                                                                                 new Decorator(context => !HighWarlordDarion.CanGossip,
                                                                                                                               new Action(context => { State_Behavior = StateType_Behavior.WaitingForBattleToStart; }))

                                                                     #region State: Wait for Battle to start
                                                                     new SwitchArgument <StateType_Behavior>(StateType_Behavior.WaitingForBattleToStart,
                                                                                                             new PrioritySelector(
                                                                                                                 // If warlord disappeared, start over...
                                                                                                                 new Decorator(context => HighWarlordDarion == null,
                                                                                                                               new Action(context => { State_Behavior = StateType_Behavior.WaitingForWarlordDarion; })),

                                                                                                                 // If Warlord is already on the battlefield, time to go...
                                                                                                                 new Decorator(context => HighWarlordDarion.Location.Distance(Location_Battlefield.Location) <= Location_Battlefield.Radius,
                                                                                                                               new Action(context => { State_Behavior = StateType_Behavior.WaitingForBattleToComplete; })),

                                                                                                                 // If the warlord is not on the battlefield, follow him at a reasonable distance...
                                                                                                                 new Decorator(context => HighWarlordDarion.Distance > DistanceToFollowWarlord,
                                                                                                                               new Action(context =>
                TreeRoot.StatusText = string.Format("Following {0}", HighWarlordDarion.SafeName);

                                                                                                                 // Move into position to await battle start...
                                                                                                                 new Decorator(context => !HighWarlordDarion.IsMoving && !Navigator.AtLocation(Location_WaitToChatWithDarion),
                                                                                                                               new Action(context =>
                TreeRoot.StatusText = "Waiting for Battle to start";

                                                                     #region State: Wait for Battle to complete
                                                                     new SwitchArgument <StateType_Behavior>(StateType_Behavior.WaitingForBattleToComplete,
                                                                                                             new PrioritySelector(
                                                                                                                 // If warlord disappeared, start over...
                                                                                                                 new Decorator(context => HighWarlordDarion == null,
                                                                                                                               new Action(context => { State_Behavior = StateType_Behavior.WaitingForWarlordDarion; })),

                                                                                                                 // If the warlord is on the battlefield, wait at our safespot...
                                                                                                                 new Decorator(context => HighWarlordDarion.Location.Distance(Location_Battlefield.Location) <= Location_Battlefield.Radius,
                                                                                                                               new PrioritySelector(
                                                                                                                                   // Move to our position to wait for battle to be over...
                                                                                                                                   new Decorator(context => !Navigator.AtLocation(Location_WaitForBattleToComplete),
                                                                                                                                                 new Action(context =>
                TreeRoot.StatusText = "Moving to safe spot";

                                                                                                                                   // Wait for battle to be over...
                                                                                                                                   new Action(context =>
                TreeRoot.StatusText = "Waiting for battle to complete.";

                                                                                                                 // If the warlord has returned to his starting position, then start over...
                                                                                                                 new Decorator(context => HighWarlordDarion.Location.Distance(Location_WaitToChatWithDarion) <= DistanceToFollowWarlord,
                                                                                                                               new Action(context => { State_Behavior = StateType_Behavior.WaitingForWarlordDarion; }))