public void SimpleTest() { var timer = new HiPerfTimer(); // Initial duration is set to zero Assert.AreEqual(0, timer.Duration); timer.Start(); // If we did not stop the timer, Duration sould be zero Assert.AreEqual(0, timer.Duration); timer.Stop(); // After stop, Duration is > 0 Assert.Less(0, timer.Duration); var lastTime = timer.Duration; // Duration should be the same as before Assert.AreEqual(lastTime, timer.Duration); timer.Stop(); // Now it should be updated Assert.Less(lastTime, timer.Duration); timer.Start(); // Should equals to zero Assert.AreEqual(0, timer.Duration); Assert.AreEqual("0 seconds", timer.ToString()); }
static void Main() { HiPerfTimer timer = new HiPerfTimer(); foreach (Type day in Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetTypes() .Where(x => x.IsInterface is false && typeof(IDay).IsAssignableFrom(x) && !x.Name.EndsWith("99") && x.Namespace.Contains("2021")) .OrderByDescending(x => int.Parse(x.Name.Replace("Day", string.Empty)))) { Console.WriteLine("======================================="); Console.WriteLine(day.Namespace + "." + day.Name); Console.WriteLine("======================================="); IDay puzzle = (IDay)Activator.CreateInstance(day); // Solve part 1 string puzzleInput = "0"; using (var webClient = new WebClient()) { webClient.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.Cookie, "session=" + Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AoC-Session")); var puzzleDay = day.Name.Replace("Day", string.Empty); try { puzzleInput = webClient.DownloadString($"{puzzleDay}/input"); puzzleInput = puzzleInput.Trim(' ', '\r', '\n'); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Could not find puzzle input for " + day.Name); } } Console.WriteLine("Example : " + puzzle.SolvePart1(puzzle.ExampleInput)); timer.Start(); long solutionPart1 = puzzle.SolvePart1(puzzleInput); timer.Stop(); if (solutionPart1 > 0) { TextCopy.ClipboardService.SetText(solutionPart1.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine("Solution: " + solutionPart1); Console.WriteLine("Duration: " + timer.DurationFormatted); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Example : " + puzzle.SolvePart2(puzzle.ExampleInput)); timer.Start(); long solutionPart2 = puzzle.SolvePart2(puzzleInput); timer.Stop(); if (solutionPart2 > 0) { TextCopy.ClipboardService.SetText(solutionPart2.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine("Solution: " + solutionPart2); Console.WriteLine("Duration: " + timer.DurationFormatted); Console.WriteLine(); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine(); } }
// End SetUpMPISubTimers public static void InterimTiming() { PreciseTimer.Stop(); // Todo. revert to HiPerfTimer if necessary // HPDuration += PreciseTimer.Duration; HPDuration += PreciseTimer.Duration * 0.001; PreciseTimer.Start(); }
private static void CleanupRadioList_ThreadFunction() { // create a list to use to store radios to be removed List <Radio> remove_list = new List <Radio>(); while (initialized) { _cleanupTimer.Stop(); double current_time = _cleanupTimer.Duration; remove_list.Clear(); lock (radio_list) { foreach (Radio r in radio_list) { if (r == null) { continue; } // if the radio is updating, don't worry about whether we need to remove it if (r.Updating) { continue; } // if the radio is connected, we will use ping+reply to make this decision if (r.Connected) { continue; } // check when the last time that we received a discovery packet from this radio was, and add it to the remove list // if it hasn't been seen lately if (_radio_list_timed.ContainsKey(r.Serial) && current_time - _radio_list_timed[r.Serial] > RADIOLIST_TIMEOUT_SECONDS) { remove_list.Add(r); // we don't actually remove here since we are iterating through the list } } } // now loop through the remove list and take action foreach (Radio r in remove_list) { RemoveRadio(r); LogDisconnect("API::CleanupRadioList_ThreadFunction(" + r.ToString() + ")--Timeout waiting on Discovery"); } Thread.Sleep(1000); } }
static void Main() { HiPerfTimer timer = new HiPerfTimer(); foreach (Type exercise in Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetTypes() .Where(x => x.Name.StartsWith("Exercise3")) .OrderByDescending(x => Int32.Parse(x.Name.Replace("Exercise", String.Empty)))) { Console.WriteLine("==========================="); Console.WriteLine(exercise.Name); Console.WriteLine("==========================="); // Solve exercise timer.Start(); var solution = exercise.InvokeMember("Solve", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, null, null); timer.Stop(); // Show solution Console.WriteLine("Solution: " + solution); Console.WriteLine("Duration: " + timer.DurationFormatted); Console.WriteLine(); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine(); } }
public static string CheckBoxListBtstsr(string propertyName, int columns, List <int> selectedValues) { HiPerfTimer a = new HiPerfTimer(); HiPerfTimer b = new HiPerfTimer(); int cultureId = Convert.ToInt32(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["___APPCU"].ToString()); a.Start(); b.Start(); List <PropertyItem> l = currentList(propertyName, cultureId, false); b.Stop(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("<table style=\"text-align:left\"><tr>"); for (int i = 0; i < l.Count; i++) { sb.Append("<td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\""); sb.Append(propertyName); sb.Append("\" id=\"cbl"); sb.Append(propertyName); sb.Append("_"); sb.Append(i.ToString()); sb.Append("\" value=\""); sb.Append(l[i].Value); sb.Append("\""); for (int j = 0; j < selectedValues.Count; j++) { if (l[i].Value == selectedValues[j].ToString()) { sb.Append(" checked=\"checked\" "); } } sb.Append(" /> <label class=\"input-sm\" for=\"cbl"); sb.Append(propertyName); sb.Append("_"); sb.Append(i.ToString()); sb.Append("\">"); sb.Append(l[i].Text); sb.Append("</label></td>"); if (Math.IEEERemainder((i + 1), columns) == 0) { sb.Append("</tr><tr>"); } } sb.Append("</tr>"); sb.Append("</table>"); a.Stop(); string a1 = (a.Duration * 1000000).ToString(); string b1 = (b.Duration * 1000000).ToString(); return(sb.ToString()); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //精度 100纳秒 HiPerfTimer pt = new HiPerfTimer(); Console.ReadLine(); pt.Start(); //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); // 需要计时的代码 int count = 5; pt.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("HiPerfTimer duration: {0} sec", pt.Duration); Console.WriteLine("HiPerfTimer duration: {0} ms", pt.Duration * 1000); Console.WriteLine("HiPerfTimer duration: {0} μs", pt.Duration * 1000000); Console.WriteLine("HiPerfTimer duration: {0} ns", pt.Duration * 1000000000); Console.ReadLine(); //精度 100纳秒 // 若要为线程指定处理器关联,请使用 ProcessThread.ProcessorAffinity 方法。 System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch myStopwatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); myStopwatch.Start(); //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); // 需要计时的代码 int count2 = 5; myStopwatch.Stop(); var elspsedSeconds = myStopwatch.ElapsedTicks / (decimal)System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.Frequency; Console.WriteLine("Stopwatch duration: {0} sec", elspsedSeconds); Console.WriteLine("Stopwatch duration: {0} ms", elspsedSeconds * 1000); Console.WriteLine("Stopwatch duration: {0} μs", elspsedSeconds * 1000000); Console.WriteLine("Stopwatch duration: {0} ns", elspsedSeconds * 1000000000); Console.WriteLine("Stopwatch duration: {0} ms", myStopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds); Console.ReadLine(); //精度 秒 var begintime = DateTime.Now.Ticks; //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); // 需要计时的代码 int count3 = 5; var stoptime = DateTime.Now.Ticks; var costTicks = stoptime - begintime; Console.WriteLine("DateTime.Now.Ticks duration: {0} sec", costTicks / (double)10000000); Console.WriteLine("DateTime.Now.Ticks duration: {0} ms", costTicks / (double)10000); Console.WriteLine("DateTime.Now.Ticks duration: {0} μs", costTicks / (double)10); Console.WriteLine("DateTime.Now.Ticks duration: {0} ns", costTicks * (double)100); Console.ReadLine(); }
private Tuple <FrameInfo, Stream> PreloadFile(FrameInfo frameInfo) { // TODO: Consider using CopyStreamToStreamAsync from TPL extensions var timer = new HiPerfTimer(); timer.Start(); var filename = frameInfo.Filename; var bufferSize = frameInfo.BufferSize; var cancellationToken = frameInfo.Token; Stream memoryStream = null; var buffer = FMemoryPool.ManagedPool.GetMemory(bufferSize); try { cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); using (var fileStream = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, bufferSize, FileOptions.SequentialScan)) { var length = fileStream.Length; memoryStream = FMemoryPool.StreamPool.GetStream((int)length); //memoryStream.Position = 0; while (fileStream.Position < length) { cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); int numBytesRead = fileStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); memoryStream.Write(buffer, 0, numBytesRead); } memoryStream.Position = 0; } } catch (OperationCanceledException) { // That's fine } catch (Exception e) { // Log the exception FLogger.Log(e); } finally { // Put the buffer back in the pool so other blocks can use it FMemoryPool.ManagedPool.PutMemory(buffer); } timer.Stop(); frameInfo.DurationIO = timer.Duration; return(Tuple.Create(frameInfo, memoryStream)); }
/// <summary> /// Функция передачи массива байт /// </summary> /// <param name="buf">Массив для пердачи.</param> /// <param name="index">Индекс в массиве, с которого начинаеися передача.</param> /// <param name="count">Количество байт для передачи.</param> /// <param name="result">Ссылка на строку, в которую записывается результат передачи.</param> /// <returns>Возвращает количество переданных байт.</returns> public int Write(byte[] buf, int index, int count, ref string result) { result = ""; // Log("Старт записи..."); if (!IsConnected) { Log("\tОшибка, порт закрыт..."); result = m_spParams.Name + " закрыт."; return(0); } // HiPerfTimer tmr = new HiPerfTimer(); double time = 0; bool err = false; try { lock (m_syncObj) { tmr.Start(); m_serialPort.Write(buf, index, count); m_serialPort.BaseStream.Flush(); tmr.Stop(); time = tmr.Duration * 1000; if (WriteTimeout != System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.InfiniteTimeout) { if ((time + 10) > WriteTimeout) { err = true; throw new TimeoutException("Ошибка: Истекло время передачи ( " + WriteTimeout.ToString() + " мс. )"); } } result = count.ToString() + " bytes written."; m_IsError = false; Log("\tЗаписано " + count.ToString() + " Байт."); Log(buf, index, count); } // return(count); } catch (Exception ex) { result = ex.Message; if (!err) { m_IsError = true; } // Log(ex.Message); return(0); } }
private Frame PreloadFrame(Tuple <FrameInfo, Stream> tuple) { var timer = new HiPerfTimer(); timer.Start(); var frameInfo = tuple.Item1; var stream = tuple.Item2; var cancellationToken = frameInfo.Token; var frame = new Frame( frameInfo, CreateTexture, UpdateTexture, DestroyTexture); var cleanupStream = false; try { cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); frameInfo.Decoder = FrameDecoder.Create(frameInfo.Filename, CreateTextureForDecoder, FMemoryPool, stream); } catch (OperationCanceledException) { // That's fine, just make sure to cleanup cleanupStream = true; } catch (Exception e) { // Log the exception FLogger.Log(e); // And don't forget to cleanup cleanupStream = true; } finally { // We're done with this frame, put used memory stream back in the pool if (stream != null && cleanupStream) { FMemoryPool.StreamPool.PutStream(stream); } } timer.Stop(); frameInfo.DurationTexture = timer.Duration; return(frame); }
public void TestParsing() { HiPerfTimer handRolledTimer = new HiPerfTimer(); handRolledTimer.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < EVALUATION_COUNT; i++) { OPathParser.Parse(EXPRESSION); } handRolledTimer.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Hand-rolled parsing did {0} in {1:0.000} millis", EVALUATION_COUNT, (handRolledTimer.Duration * 1000)); }
public void WhileTrue(Action callable, long timeoutMs) { _task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { var hiPerfTimer = new HiPerfTimer(); while (!this._cts.IsCancellationRequested) { hiPerfTimer.Start(); callable(); hiPerfTimer.Stop(); double remain = timeoutMs - hiPerfTimer.DurationDouble; if (remain > 0) { Thread.Sleep((int)(remain)); } } }, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning); }
public static bool RetryUntilTrueWithTimeout(Func <bool> callable, double timeoutMs) { var hiPerfTimer = new HiPerfTimer(); double remaining; do { hiPerfTimer.Start(); Thread.Sleep(1000); if (callable()) { return(true); } hiPerfTimer.Stop(); remaining = timeoutMs - hiPerfTimer.DurationDouble; } while (remaining > 0); return(false); }
public void Start() { var timer = new HiPerfTimer(); _mapper.Initialize(); _mapper.Map(); timer.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) { _mapper.Map(); } timer.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("{0}: - {1} - Mapping time: \t{2}s", _mapper.Name, _mode, timer.Duration); }
public void TestOPathPerformance() { HiPerfTimer rawTimer = new HiPerfTimer(); rawTimer.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < EVALUATION_COUNT; i++) { OPathExpression opathExpression = OPathExpression.Compile(EXPRESSION); OPathDocument opathDocument = new OPathDocument(); opathDocument.Add("listDictionary", m_ListDictionary); OPathNavigator opathNavigator = OPathNavigator.CreateNavigator(opathDocument); opathNavigator.Evaluate(opathExpression); } rawTimer.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Uncompiled OPath performance {0} evaluations in {1:0.000} millis", EVALUATION_COUNT, (rawTimer.Duration * 1000)); HiPerfTimer cachedTimer = new HiPerfTimer(); cachedTimer.Start(); OPathExpression cachedOPathExpression = OPathExpression.Compile(EXPRESSION); for (int i = 0; i < EVALUATION_COUNT; i++) { OPathDocument opathDocument = new OPathDocument(); opathDocument.Add("listDictionary", m_ListDictionary); OPathNavigator opathNavigator = OPathNavigator.CreateNavigator(opathDocument); opathNavigator.Evaluate(cachedOPathExpression); } cachedTimer.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Compiled OPath performance {0} evaluations in {1:0.000} millis", EVALUATION_COUNT, (cachedTimer.Duration * 1000)); }
public static ResultType RetryUntilTrueWithTimeout(Func <ResultType> callable, double timeoutMs) { var hiPerfTimer = new HiPerfTimer(); double remaining; do { hiPerfTimer.Start(); Thread.Sleep(1000); var callableResultType = callable(); if (callableResultType != ResultType.Continue) { return(callableResultType); } hiPerfTimer.Stop(); remaining = timeoutMs - hiPerfTimer.DurationDouble; } while (remaining > 0); return(ResultType.Timeout); }
//private static void HandleUsersByLastVisit() //{ // CacheItemRemovedCallback removalOrderByLastVisit; // removalOrderByLastVisit = new CacheItemRemovedCallback(UsersByLastVisitRemoved); // SearchListGenerator g = new SearchListGenerator(); // OrderItem[] o = g.UsersByLastVisit; // HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert("ByLastVisit", o, null, DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(OrderTimeInterval), System.Web.Caching.Cache.NoSlidingExpiration, CacheItemPriority.Normal, removalOrderByLastVisit); // HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert("ByLastVisitBackup", o, null, System.Web.Caching.Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, System.Web.Caching.Cache.NoSlidingExpiration); // SearchItem[] elementi = (SearchItem[])HttpRuntime.Cache["SearchItems"]; // OrderItem[] ox = (OrderItem[])HttpRuntime.Cache["ByLastVisit"]; // OrderItem[] ox2 = (OrderItem[])HttpRuntime.Cache["ByLastVisitBackup"]; // var x = from a in elementi join ee in ox on a.userId equals ee.UserId where a.age > 18 && a.age < 99 & a.relationship.Contains(5) && (a.sign == 1) && a.ethnicity == 170 && (a.eyes == 70) orderby ee.Row ascending select a.userId; // var x2 = from a in elementi join ee in ox2 on a.userId equals ee.UserId where a.age > 18 && a.age < 99 & a.relationship.Contains(5) && (a.sign == 1) && a.ethnicity == 170 && (a.eyes == 70) orderby ee.Row ascending select a.userId; // SearchEngine.counter = SearchEngine.counter + 1; //} private static void HandleSearchItems() { HiPerfTimer t = new HiPerfTimer(); CacheItemRemovedCallback removalSearchItems; removalSearchItems = new CacheItemRemovedCallback(SearchItemsRemoved); t.Start(); SearchListGenerator g = new SearchListGenerator(); SimpleSearchItem[][][] o = g.SimpleSearchCache(); t.Stop(); timer = (t.Duration * 1000000).ToString(); HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert("SearchItems", o, null, DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(ReloadTimeInterval), System.Web.Caching.Cache.NoSlidingExpiration, CacheItemPriority.Normal, removalSearchItems); HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert("SearchItemsBackup", o, null, System.Web.Caching.Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, System.Web.Caching.Cache.NoSlidingExpiration); SearchEngine.counter = SearchEngine.counter + 1; }
public void TestNativePerformance() { HiPerfTimer nativeTimer = new HiPerfTimer(); nativeTimer.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < EVALUATION_COUNT; i++) { bool result = //m_ListDictionary.Count > 0; //m_ListDictionary["Key1"] != null; m_ListDictionary["Key1"][0].Length == 6; //(m_ListDictionary["Key1"][0].Trim().Length * 2) // == (m_ListDictionary["Key2"][0].Trim().Length + m_ListDictionary["Key3"][0].Trim().Length); } nativeTimer.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Native performance {0} evaluations in {1:0.000} millis", EVALUATION_COUNT, (nativeTimer.Duration * 1000)); }
public void WhileTrue(Action callable, int retryCount, long timeoutMs, long loopSleepMs = 0) { int currentCount = 0; _task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { var hiPerfTimer = new HiPerfTimer(); while (!this._cts.IsCancellationRequested) { hiPerfTimer.Start(); callable(); currentCount++; Thread.Sleep((int)loopSleepMs); hiPerfTimer.Stop(); double remain = timeoutMs - hiPerfTimer.DurationDouble; if (remain <= 0 || currentCount >= retryCount) { _cts.Cancel(); } } }, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning); }
private void ProcessMessageThread() { ThreadProcessor.Auto(); log.InfoFormat("开始对终端消息进行应答处理 {0}", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId); Tuple <AsyncSocketConnection, TPKGHead> rd = null; HiPerfTimer timer = new HiPerfTimer(); while (_isWorking) { if (ackQueue.TryDequeue(out rd) == false)//开始从对列中取接收到的数据进行处理 { Thread.Sleep(50); continue; } try { //服务端 timer.Start(); FireWaitHandle(rd.Item2); var rs = PacketProcessorManager.DoProcess(rd.Item1, rd.Item2).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); if (rd.Item2.Flags.HasFlag(TPKGHeadFlags.CON)) { PacketProcessorBase.SendCommonResponseMessage(rd.Item1, rd.Item2, rs == true ? 0 : 1); } timer.Stop(); packetCounts.AddOrUpdate(rd.Item2.CommandId, 1, (o, v) => ++ v); packetTime.AddOrUpdate(rd.Item2.CommandId, timer.Duration, (o, v) => v + timer.Duration); packetCounts30s.AddOrUpdate(rd.Item2.CommandId, 1, (o, v) => ++ v); packetTime30s.AddOrUpdate(rd.Item2.CommandId, timer.Duration, (o, v) => v + timer.Duration); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex); } Interlocked.Increment(ref processedMessageCount); } }
public static void RunProfiling() { #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("You are running in DEBUG mode, results are unreliable"); #endif List <Func <T> > funcs = new List <Func <T> >(); funcs.Add(TestDirect); funcs.Add(TestInlineable); funcs.Add(TestStaticLambda); funcs.Add(TestLocalLambda); funcs.Add(TestCompiledLambda); funcs.Add(TestVirtualFunctionCall); funcs.Add(TestStructConstraint); funcs.Add(TestStructConstraintInstance); funcs.Add(TestStructConstraintIndirection); HiPerfTimer timer = new HiPerfTimer(); foreach (Func <T> k in funcs) { Console.WriteLine("Profiling " + k.Method.Name + " with " + typeof(T).FullName + " ..."); double[] times = new double[REPETITIONS]; for (int i = 0; i < REPETITIONS; i++) { timer.Start(); k(); timer.Stop(); times[i] = timer.Duration; } Console.WriteLine("Avg: {0},\tMax: {1}\tMin: {2}", times.Sum() / REPETITIONS, times.Max(), times.Min() ); Console.WriteLine(); } }
private void RefreshDataGrid() { dataGridView.Rows.Clear(); if (textBox.Text.Length > 0) { timer.Start(); searchManager.DoSearch(textBox.Text); timer.Stop(); labelSearchTime.Text = "Search Time: " + String.Format("{0:0.###}", timer.Duration); if (timer.Duration < 0.25) { labelSearchTime.ForeColor = Color.Green; } else if (timer.Duration >= 0.25 && timer.Duration < 0.5) { labelSearchTime.ForeColor = Color.Blue; } else if (timer.Duration >= 0.5 && timer.Duration < 0.8) { labelSearchTime.ForeColor = Color.SaddleBrown; } else { labelSearchTime.ForeColor = Color.Red; } } else { labelSearchTime.Text = "Search Time: ..."; labelSearchTime.ForeColor = Color.Black; } if (dataGridView.Rows.Count > 0) { dataGridView.CurrentCell = dataGridView[0, 0]; } }
public static int[] results(int agemin, int agemax, int relationship, int sign, int ethnicity, int eyes, int page, out string speed) { HiPerfTimer t = new HiPerfTimer(); int startRecord = ((page - 1) * 15); int stopRecord = 15; IEnumerable <int> x = null; int[] xx = new int[16]; SimpleSearchItem[][][] elementi; if (HttpContext.Current.Cache["SearchItems"] == null) { elementi = (SimpleSearchItem[][][])HttpContext.Current.Cache["SearchItemsBackup"]; } else { elementi = (SimpleSearchItem[][][])HttpContext.Current.Cache["SearchItems"]; } t.Start(); //lock (thisLock) //{ //xx = ((from a in elementi where a.age > agemin && a.age < agemax & a.relationship.Contains(relationship) && (sign == 0 || a.sign == sign) && a.ethnicity == ethnicity && (eyes == 0 || a.eyes == eyes) select a.userId).Skip(startRecord).Take(stopRecord)).ToArray(); int foundrecords = 0; int counter = 0; int z = elementi.Count(); int ss = startRecord + stopRecord; for (int i = 0; i < z; i++) { SimpleSearchItem s = elementi[0][1][i]; if (s.age > agemin && s.age < agemax) { if (s.relationship.Contains(relationship) && (sign == 0 || s.sign == sign) && s.ethnicity == ethnicity) { if (foundrecords >= startRecord) { xx[counter] = s.userId; counter = counter + 1; } foundrecords = foundrecords + 1; if (foundrecords > ss) { break; } } } } //} t.Stop(); speed = ((t.Duration) * 1000000).ToString(); return(xx); }
static void Main(string[] args) { HiPerfTimer pt = new HiPerfTimer(); pt.Start(); MultiChartsWrapper multiCharts = new MultiChartsWrapper(); List <string> dateList = new List <string>(); List <string> dataList = new List <string>(); using (var rd = new StreamReader("C:\\Users\\kartik\\Jupyter Notebooks\\MultiCharts\\input\\abc_k.csv")) { while (!rd.EndOfStream) { var splits = rd.ReadLine().Split(','); dateList.Add(splits[0]); dataList.Add(splits[1]); } } dateList.RemoveAt(0); dataList.RemoveAt(0); int resultSize = 2900; // must be greater than rnn window(60) double[] input = Array.ConvertAll(dataList.Take(resultSize).ToArray(), new Converter <string, double>(Double.Parse)); multiCharts.SetTrainingData(input); const int dateWidth = 10; int dateArraySize = resultSize * dateWidth; string[] dateArrayString = dateList.Take(resultSize).ToArray(); long[] unixDateArray = new long[dateArrayString.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < dateArrayString.Length; i++) { unixDateArray[i] = (Int64)(DateTime.Parse(dateArrayString[i]).Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 5, 30, 0))).TotalSeconds; } Console.WriteLine(unixDateArray.Length); Console.WriteLine(unixDateArray[0]); Console.WriteLine(input[1]); Console.WriteLine(input.Length); Console.WriteLine(dateArrayString[0].Length); multiCharts.SetDateArrayUNIX(unixDateArray); String fileName = "modelLSTM"; Console.WriteLine(fileName); multiCharts.SetFileName(fileName); multiCharts.SetEpochs(30); multiCharts.SetLearningRate(0.001); multiCharts.SetScale(100); multiCharts.SetOptimizer(0); multiCharts.SetMomentum(10); Console.WriteLine("TRAIN"); double res = multiCharts.TrainModel(); Console.WriteLine(res); int testSize = 100; // must be greater than rnn window(60) double[] testSet = Array.ConvertAll(dataList.Skip(resultSize).Take(testSize).ToArray(), new Converter <string, double>(double.Parse)); multiCharts.SetTestingData(testSet); int testDateArraySize = testSize * dateWidth; string[] testDateArrayString = dateList.Skip(resultSize).Take(testSize).ToArray(); long[] unixTestDateArray = new long[testDateArrayString.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < testDateArrayString.Length; i++) { unixTestDateArray[i] = (Int64)(DateTime.Parse(testDateArrayString[i]).Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 5, 30, 0))).TotalSeconds; } multiCharts.SetTestDateArrayUNIX(unixTestDateArray); Console.WriteLine("TEST"); Console.WriteLine(multiCharts.TestModel()); int ticks = 5; Console.WriteLine("PREDICT"); double[] forecast = multiCharts.Predict(ticks); if (forecast != null) { for (int i = 0; i < ticks; i++) { Console.WriteLine(forecast[i]); } } pt.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Duration : " + pt.Duration.ToString() + 's'); }
public async Task RunTo(int stopPosition) { lock (this) { if ((this.SimulationTask != null) && !this.SimulationTask.IsCompleted) { return; } this.BreakToken = new CancellationTokenSource(); this.SimulationTask = Task.Run(() => { this.CurrentInstruction = null; AtmelProcessor.StartProfiling(); var timer = new HiPerfTimer(); Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal; var audioEnabled = this.AudioEnabled; const double sliceTime = 1.0 / AudioPlayer.AudioSlices; double fpsDuration = 0; double simDuration = 0; timer.Start(); if (audioEnabled) { AudioPlayer.Start(); } while (!this.BreakToken.IsCancellationRequested) { // simulate cycles for one slice var startCycles = AtmelContext.Clock; var endCycles = startCycles + AtmelProcessor.ClockSpeed / AudioPlayer.AudioSlices; while (AtmelContext.Clock < endCycles) { AtmelProcessor.Step(); if (this.Breakpoints[AtmelContext.PC] || (AtmelContext.PC == stopPosition)) { this.BreakToken.Cancel(); break; } #if PROFILE // only do this once-per-instruction in profile build, it's really slow if (this.BreakToken.IsCancellationRequested) { this.BreakToken.Cancel(); break; } #endif } timer.Stop(); var duration = timer.Duration; timer.Restart(); fpsDuration += duration; simDuration += duration; this.TotalCycles += (endCycles - startCycles); if (fpsDuration >= 1.0) { this.CyclesPerSecond = (int)(this.TotalCycles / fpsDuration); this.TotalCycles = 0; fpsDuration = 0; } // if audio is enabled then submit the buffer and wait until it starts playing if (audioEnabled) { AudioPlayer.NextBuffer(); } // otherwise sleep off any left-over time else { var remaining = sliceTime - simDuration; if (remaining >= 0) { Thread.Sleep((int)(1000 * remaining)); } simDuration -= sliceTime; } } if (audioEnabled) { AudioPlayer.Stop(); } UpdateCurrentInstruction(); AtmelProcessor.ReportProfiling(); }); } await this.SimulationTask; }
public static void InterimTiming() { PreciseTimer.Stop(); HPDuration += PreciseTimer.Duration; PreciseTimer.Start(); } // end InterimTiming
/// <summary> /// Функция чтения /// </summary> /// <param name="dst">Ссылка на массив, в который записываются принятые байты.</param> /// <param name="index">Индекс в массиве, с которого начинается запись в массив.</param> /// <param name="count">Число байт для чтения.</param> /// <param name="result">Ссылка на строку, в которую записывается результат передачи.</param> /// <returns>Возвращает число прочитанных байт.</returns> public int Read(ref byte[] dst, int index, int count, ref string result) { if (!IsConnected) { Log("\tОшибка, порт закрыт..."); result = m_spParams.Name + " закрыт."; return(0); } // result = ""; // int uiTransmitted; // try { lock (m_syncObj) { Log("Старт чтения порта ..."); int available = m_rxBuf.Lehgth; if (available >= count) { // в буфере есть все данные Log("\tВ буфере есть все данные..."); if (dst == null) { dst = new byte[count]; } uiTransmitted = m_rxBuf.GetRange(ref dst, index, count); result = uiTransmitted.ToString() + " bytes read."; Log("Чтение завершено успешно."); Log(dst, index, uiTransmitted); } else { // в буфере либо нет ничего, либо не достаточно данных Log("\tВ буфере не все данные (" + m_rxBuf.Lehgth.ToString() + " Б. ), ждем завершения приема..."); m_rdTimeoutTmr.Stop(); m_rdTimout = 0; int waitCnt = count - m_rxBuf.Lehgth; while (m_rdTimout < ReadTimeout) { m_rdTimeoutTmr.Start(); Thread.Sleep(1); //byte[] rBuf = new byte[waitCnt]; //int rdLen = 0; //try //{ // rdLen = m_serialPort.Read(rBuf, 0, waitCnt); // if (rdLen > 0) // { // m_rxBuf.PutRange(rBuf, 0, rdLen); // } //} //catch { } m_rdTimeoutTmr.Stop(); m_rdTimout += ((m_rdTimeoutTmr.Duration * 1000)); if (m_rxBuf.Lehgth >= waitCnt) { break; } } // if (count > m_rxBuf.Lehgth) { // Истек таймаут и не все данные приняты if (m_rxBuf.Lehgth == 0) { Log("\tИстек таймаут ожидания, устройство не отвечает."); uiTransmitted = 0; } else { Log("\tИстек таймаут ожидания, данные приняты не полностью."); Log("\tПринято < " + m_rxBuf.Lehgth.ToString() + " Байт.>"); Log("\tКопируем то, что пришло."); if (dst == null) { dst = new byte[m_rxBuf.Lehgth]; } uiTransmitted = m_rxBuf.GetRange(ref dst, index, m_rxBuf.Lehgth); Log(dst, index, uiTransmitted); } result = "Таймаут ожидания < " + ReadTimeout.ToString() + "мс. > ( принято :" + uiTransmitted.ToString() + " bytes. )"; } else { // Все данные приняты if (dst == null) { dst = new byte[count]; } uiTransmitted = m_rxBuf.GetRange(ref dst, index, count); result = uiTransmitted.ToString() + " bytes read."; Log("Чтение завершено успешно ( " + count.ToString() + " Б. )"); Log(dst, index, uiTransmitted); } } } // m_IsError = false; return(uiTransmitted); } catch (Exception ex) { m_IsError = true; result = ex.Message; return(0); } }
public static void test() { string[] vx = new string[1000]; List <string> vy = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < vx.Length; i++) { vx[i] = "2"; vy.Add("2"); } HiPerfTimer o1 = new HiPerfTimer(); HiPerfTimer o2 = new HiPerfTimer(); o2.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < vy.Count; i++) { string s = vy[i]; } o2.Stop(); o1.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < vx.Length; i++) { string s = vx[i]; } o1.Stop(); string h1 = (o1.Duration * 1000000).ToString(); string h2 = (o2.Duration * 1000000).ToString(); HiPerfTimer o = new HiPerfTimer(); PropertyItem bb = new PropertyItem(); o.Start(); PropertyItem[] hs = new PropertyItem[10];; //= new PropertyItem[10]; //List<PropertyItem> ea = new List<PropertyItem>(); hs = ia[3]; o.Stop(); // ia = null; for (int i = 0; i < hs.Length; i++) { } string h = (o.Duration * 1000000).ToString(); DatingApp.Models.User.Profile.Properties.Interests a = new DatingApp.Models.User.Profile.Properties.Interests(); a.FreeTimeFavorite = new List <int> { 1, 4, 5, 7 }; a.Hobbies = new List <int> { 11, 14, 15, 17 }; a.Music = new List <int> { 11, 14, 15, 17 }; a.Sport = new List <int> { 11, 14, 15, 17 }; Dictionary <int, DatingApp.Models.User.Profile.Properties.Interests> aaa = new Dictionary <int, DatingApp.Models.User.Profile.Properties.Interests>(); for (int i = 0; i < 500000; i++) { //HttpContext.Current.Cache.Insert(i.ToString(), a, null, System.Web.Caching.Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)); //DatingEngine.InProcessCache.vsid.Add(i, "mucuc je šla na morje in je srečala starga mačkaa mucuc je šla na morje in je srečala starga mačkaa"); } //HttpContext.Current.Cache.Insert("1s", aaa, null, System.Web.Caching.Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, TimeSpan.FromDays(3)); }
/// <summary> /// 获取脚本 /// </summary> /// <param name="userName">用户名</param> /// <param name="tableName">表名</param> private string getInsertScript(string userName, string tableName) { statusString = "共计0条数据"; StringBuilder scriptText = new StringBuilder(); SqlHelper sqlHelper = new OracleHelper(Conn.ConnectionString, userName); string sql = string.Format("SELECT COLUMN_NAME AS COUMNNAME,DATA_TYPE AS TYPE,(CASE WHEN NULLABLE='Y' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS ISN,DATA_LENGTH AS LENGTH FROM USER_TAB_COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME='{0}' ORDER BY COLUMN_ID", tableName); List <TableStruct> tableStructs = new List <TableStruct>(); var dt = sqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dataRow in dt.Rows) { var tableStruct = new TableStruct(); tableStruct.coumnname = dataRow["COUMNNAME"].ToString(); tableStruct.type = dataRow["TYPE"].ToString(); tableStruct.isnullable = Convert.ToInt32(dataRow["ISN"]); tableStruct.length = Convert.ToInt16(dataRow["LENGTH"]); tableStructs.Add(tableStruct); } var insertTmplete = getInsertTemplate(tableStructs, tableName); sql = String.Format("SELECT COUNT(1) AS DtSourceCount FROM {0} {1}", tableName, whereString); //数据行数,显示最多3000行,太多会内存溢出 int dtSourceCount = 0; var dtCount = sqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(sql); if (dtCount.Rows.Count > 0) { int.TryParse(dtCount.Rows[0][0].ToString(), out dtSourceCount); } sql = string.Format("SELECT * FROM {0} {1}", tableName, whereString); var dtSource = sqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(sql); if (dtSource.Rows.Count > 0) { //如果有clob类型字段,则申明变量 var clobStructs = tableStructs.Where(i => lobTypes.Contains(i.type)).ToList(); if (clobStructs.Count > 0) { foreach (TableStruct clobStruct in clobStructs) { scriptText.Append("DECLARE V_" + clobStruct.coumnname + " NCLOB;\r\n"); } } bool hasBegin = false; if (scriptText.Length > 0) { scriptText.Append("BEGIN\r\n"); hasBegin = true; } HiPerfTimer hiperTimer = new HiPerfTimer(); hiperTimer.Start(); //object lockObj = new object(); //Parallel.For(0, dtSource.Rows.Count, i => //{ // var dataRow = dtSource.Rows[i]; // var values = ""; // foreach (TableStruct tableStruct in tableStructs) // { // if (dataTypes.Contains(tableStruct.type)) // { // values += "TO_DATE('" + dataRow[tableStruct.coumnname] + "', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'),"; // } // else if (lobTypes.Contains(tableStruct.type)) // { // var varName = "V_" + tableStruct.coumnname; // values += varName + ","; // var varValue = "'" + dataRow[tableStruct.coumnname] + "'"; // lock (lockObj) // { // scriptText.Append(varName + ":=" + varValue + ";\r\n"); // } // } // else if (numberTypes.Contains(tableStruct.type)) // { // if (DBNull.Value != dataRow[tableStruct.coumnname] && // dataRow[tableStruct.coumnname].ToString() != "") // { // values += "'" + dataRow[tableStruct.coumnname] + "',"; // } // else // { // if (tableStruct.isnullable == 0) // { // values += "0,"; // } // else // { // values += "NULL,"; // } // } // } // else // { // values += "'" + dataRow[tableStruct.coumnname] + "',"; // } // } // values = values.Substring(0, values.Length - 1); // lock (lockObj) // { // scriptText.Append(string.Format(insertTmplete, values) + "\r\n"); // } //}); foreach (DataRow dataRow in dtSource.Rows) { var values = ""; foreach (TableStruct tableStruct in tableStructs) { if (dataTypes.Contains(tableStruct.type)) { values += "TO_DATE('" + dataRow[tableStruct.coumnname] + "', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'),"; } else if (lobTypes.Contains(tableStruct.type)) { var varName = "V_" + tableStruct.coumnname; values += varName + ","; var varValue = "'" + dataRow[tableStruct.coumnname].ToString().Replace("'", "''") + "'"; scriptText.Append(varName + ":=" + varValue + ";\r\n"); } else if (numberTypes.Contains(tableStruct.type)) { if (DBNull.Value != dataRow[tableStruct.coumnname] && dataRow[tableStruct.coumnname].ToString() != "") { values += "'" + dataRow[tableStruct.coumnname] + "',"; } else { if (tableStruct.isnullable == 0) { values += "0,"; } else { values += "NULL,"; } } } else { values += "'" + dataRow[tableStruct.coumnname] + "',"; } } values = values.Substring(0, values.Length - 1); scriptText.Append(String.Format(insertTmplete, values) + "\r\n"); } if (hasBegin) { scriptText.Append("END;"); } hiperTimer.Stop(); statusString = "共计" + dtSourceCount + "条数据,取数" + dtSource.Rows.Count + "条用时:" + hiperTimer.Duration + "秒"; } } return(scriptText.ToString()); }
public void BackPropagationThead() { try { uint compteur = 0; double erreur = 100.0; double eta = 0.90; // learning rate - controls the maginitude of the increase in the change in weights. found by trial and error. double alpha = 0.04; byte Label = 0; double dMSE; NeuroneSortieListe _memorizedNeuronOutputs = new NeuroneSortieListe(); double[] VecteurEntree = new double[841]; double[] VecteurCible = new double[10]; double[] VecteurCourant = new double[10]; //archive.Serialisation(_RNN); //while (erreur > 0.10 * 0.1 && _iEpochsCompleted < 40) while (_iEpochsCompleted < 70) { // initialisation for (int i = 0; i < 841; i++) { VecteurEntree[i] = 0.0; } for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { VecteurCible[i] = 0.0; VecteurCourant[i] = 0.0; } // Boucle if (Definitions.mnistApprentissageDatabase.indexNextPattern == 0) { m_HiPerfTime.Start(); Definitions.mnistApprentissageDatabase.RandomizePatternSequence(); } // Randomize pattern // Pad 28 ==> 29 byte[] padImage = new byte[29 * 29]; //byte[][] padImage = new byte[29][]; //for (int i = 0; i < padImage.Length; ++i) // padImage[i] = new byte[29]; uint iPattern = BaseApprentissage.GetNextPattern(); Definitions.mnistApprentissageDatabase.result[iPattern].pixels.CopyTo(padImage, 0); Label = Definitions.mnistApprentissageDatabase.result[iPattern].label; // Label = BaseApprentissage. for (int i = 0; i < 841; i++) { VecteurEntree[i] = 1.0; // 1 Blanc et 0 noir } for (int hauteur = 0; hauteur < 28; ++hauteur) { for (int largeur = 0; largeur < 28; ++largeur) { VecteurEntree[1 + largeur + 29 * (hauteur + 1)] = (double)((int)(byte)padImage[largeur + 28 * hauteur]) / 128.0 - 1.0; //VecteurEntree[1 + largeur + 29 * (hauteur + 1)] = (double)((int)(byte)padImage[hauteur][largeur]) / 128.0 - 1.0; } } for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { VecteurCible[i] = -1.0; } VecteurCible[Label] = 1.0; VecteurCourant = BackpropagateNeuralNet(VecteurEntree, VecteurCible, _memorizedNeuronOutputs, _form, this.Distorsion); dMSE = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { dMSE += (VecteurCourant[i] - VecteurCible[i]) * (VecteurCourant[i] - VecteurCible[i]); } dMSE /= 2.0; _dMSE += dMSE; _dMSE200 += dMSE; // Calcul seuil d'erreur if (dMSE <= (0.10 * Convert.ToDouble(OCR.Properties.Settings.Default.EstimatedCurrentMSE))) { Backpropagate = false; } else { Backpropagate = true; } _nn++; int iBestIndex = 0; double maxValue = -99.0; for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { if (VecteurCourant[i] > maxValue) { iBestIndex = i; maxValue = VecteurCourant[i]; } } if (iBestIndex != Label) { erreurReconnaissances++; } else { bonneReconnaissances++; } // make step string s = ""; if (_nn >= 200) { _dMSE200 /= 200; erreur = _dMSE200; s = "MSE:" + _dMSE200.ToString(); double partielpourcentage = ((float)erreurReconnaissances * 100) / (float)Definitions.mnistApprentissageDatabase.indexNextPattern; _form.Invoke(_form._DelegateAddObject, new Object[] { 2, partielpourcentage }); _dMSE200 = 0; _nn = 0; } s = String.Format("{0} Miss Number:{1} Bonne reo {2}", Convert.ToString(Definitions.mnistApprentissageDatabase.indexNextPattern), erreurReconnaissances, bonneReconnaissances); if (_form != null) { _form.Invoke(_form._DelegateAddObject, new Object[] { 5, s }); } if (Definitions.mnistApprentissageDatabase.indexNextPattern >= nombre - 1) { m_HiPerfTime.Stop(); _dMSE /= Definitions.mnistApprentissageDatabase.indexNextPattern; Definitions.mnistApprentissageDatabase.indexNextPattern = 0; double pourcentage = ((float)erreurReconnaissances * 100) / (float)Definitions.mnistApprentissageDatabase.imageCount; s = String.Format("Epochs:{0}, Pourcentage:{1}, Temps {2}, erreurs:{3} ", Convert.ToString(_iEpochsCompleted + 1), Convert.ToString(pourcentage), m_HiPerfTime.Duration, erreurReconnaissances.ToString()); if (_form != null) { _form.Invoke(_form._DelegateAddObject, new Object[] { 3, s }); } erreurReconnaissances = 0; bonneReconnaissances = 0; _iEpochsCompleted++; Definitions.mnistApprentissageDatabase.indexNextPattern = 0; _dMSE = 0; } compteur++; if (Backpropagate == true) { Definitions.rnn.Backpropagate(VecteurCourant, VecteurCible, 0, _memorizedNeuronOutputs, nombreBackPropagation); } } archive.Serialisation(Definitions.rnn); } catch (Exception err) { MessageBox.Show(err.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// 获取脚本 /// </summary> /// <param name="dbName">数据库名称</param> /// <param name="tableName">表名</param> private string getInsertScript(string dbName, string tableName) { StringBuilder scriptText = new StringBuilder(); SqlHelper sqlHelper = new SqlServerHelper(CurConn.ConnectionString, dbName); string sql = String.Format("SELECT AS coumnname , AS type,syscolumns.isnullable,syscolumns.length FROM syscolumns,systypes WHERE syscolumns.xusertype = systypes.xusertype AND = OBJECT_ID('{0}') AND COLUMNPROPERTY( OBJECT_ID('[{0}]'),,'IsIdentity') <> 1", tableName); List <TableStruct> tableStructs = new List <TableStruct>(); var dt = sqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { HiPerfTimer hiperTimer = new HiPerfTimer(); hiperTimer.Start(); foreach (DataRow dataRow in dt.Rows) { var tableStruct = new TableStruct(); tableStruct.coumnname = dataRow["coumnname"].ToString(); tableStruct.type = dataRow["type"].ToString(); tableStruct.isnullable = Convert.ToInt32(dataRow["isnullable"]); tableStruct.length = Convert.ToInt16(dataRow["length"]); tableStructs.Add(tableStruct); } var insertTmplete = getInsertTemplate(tableStructs, tableName); sql = String.Format("SELECT COUNT(1) AS DtSourceCount FROM {0} {1}", tableName, whereString); //数据行数,显示最多3000行,太多会内存溢出 int dtSourceCount = 0; var dtCount = sqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(sql); if (dtCount.Rows.Count > 0) { int.TryParse(dtCount.Rows[0][0].ToString(), out dtSourceCount); } sql = String.Format("SELECT TOP 3000 * FROM {0} {1}", tableName, whereString); var dtSource = sqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(sql); if (dtSource.Rows.Count > 0) { //单线程,用于测试 //for (int i = 0; i < dtSource.Rows.Count; i++) //{ // var dataRow = dtSource.Rows[i]; // var values = ""; // foreach (TableStruct tableStruct in tableStructs) // { // if (numberTypes.Contains(tableStruct.type)) //数值类型处理 // { // if (DBNull.Value != dataRow[tableStruct.coumnname] && // dataRow[tableStruct.coumnname].ToString() != "") // values += "'" + dataRow[tableStruct.coumnname] + "',"; // else // { // if (tableStruct.isnullable == 0) // { // values += "'0',"; // } // else // { // values += "null,"; // } // } // } // else if (tableStruct.type.ToUpper() == "UNIQUEIDENTIFIER") //UNIQUEIDENTIFIER类型处理 // { // var valueStr = dataRow[tableStruct.coumnname].ToString(); // if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(valueStr)) // { // values += "CAST(NULL AS UNIQUEIDENTIFIER),"; // } // else // { // values += string.Format("CAST('{0}' AS UNIQUEIDENTIFIER),", dataRow[tableStruct.coumnname].ToString()); // } // } // else if (tableStruct.type.ToUpper() == "TIMESTAMP") // { // values += "DEFAULT,"; // } // else // { // values += "'" + dataRow[tableStruct.coumnname].ToString().Replace("'", "''") + "',"; // } // } // values = values.Substring(0, values.Length - 1); // scriptText.Append(String.Format(insertTmplete, values) + "\r\n"); //} //多线程 object lockObj = new object(); Parallel.For(0, dtSource.Rows.Count, i => { var dataRow = dtSource.Rows[i]; var values = ""; foreach (TableStruct tableStruct in tableStructs) { if (numberTypes.Contains(tableStruct.type)) //数值类型处理 { if (DBNull.Value != dataRow[tableStruct.coumnname] && dataRow[tableStruct.coumnname].ToString() != "") { values += "'" + dataRow[tableStruct.coumnname] + "',"; } else { if (tableStruct.isnullable == 0) { values += "'0',"; } else { values += "null,"; } } } else if (tableStruct.type.ToUpper() == "UNIQUEIDENTIFIER") //UNIQUEIDENTIFIER类型处理 { var valueStr = dataRow[tableStruct.coumnname].ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(valueStr)) { values += "CAST(NULL AS UNIQUEIDENTIFIER),"; } else { values += string.Format("CAST('{0}' AS UNIQUEIDENTIFIER),", dataRow[tableStruct.coumnname].ToString()); } } else if (tableStruct.type.ToUpper() == "TIMESTAMP") //TIMESTAMP类型处理,不能显示的插入值 { values += "DEFAULT,"; } else { values += "'" + dataRow[tableStruct.coumnname].ToString().Replace("'", "''") + "',"; } } values = values.Substring(0, values.Length - 1); lock (lockObj) { scriptText.Append(String.Format(insertTmplete, values) + "\r\n"); } }); } hiperTimer.Stop(); statusString = "共计" + dtSourceCount + "条数据,取数" + dtSource.Rows.Count + "条用时:" + hiperTimer.Duration + "秒"; } return(scriptText.ToString()); }