/// <summary>
 /// Creates a descriptorfor regular hexagonal tiles with a "flat side up" orientation, and the given additional arrangement details.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="originIsObtuse">Indicates if second tile along the first axis and the second tile along the second axis form an obtuse or acute angle relative to the first tile.</param>
 /// <param name="axisStyle">The styles with which the axes of the hexagonal grid should be arranged.</param>
 /// <returns>A hexagonal tile descriptor.</returns>
 public static HexGridDescriptor CreateSideUp(bool originIsObtuse, HexGridAxisStyles axisStyle)
     return(new HexGridDescriptor(
                new Vector2(0f, 0.5f),
                new Vector2(_oneOverSqrtThree, 0f),
                new Vector2(_halfOverSqrtThree, originIsObtuse ? -0.5f : 0.5f),
                false, axisStyle));
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a descriptorfor regular hexagonal tiles with a "pointy side up" orientation, and the given additional arrangement details.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="originIsObtuse">Indicates if second tile along the first axis and the second tile along the second axis form an obtuse or acute angle relative to the first tile.</param>
 /// <param name="axisStyle">The styles with which the axes of the hexagonal grid should be arranged.</param>
 /// <returns>A hexagonal tile descriptor.</returns>
 public static HexGridDescriptor CreateCornerUp(bool originIsObtuse, HexGridAxisStyles axisStyle)
     return(new HexGridDescriptor(
                new Vector2(0.5f, 0f),
                new Vector2(0f, _oneOverSqrtThree),
                new Vector2(originIsObtuse ? -0.5f : 0.5f, _halfOverSqrtThree),
                true, axisStyle));
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a descriptor of the shape and arrangment of hexagonal tiles.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="midpoint">The vector from the center of each hexagonal tile to the midpoint of one of the edges.</param>
 /// <param name="majorCorner">The vector from the center of each hexagonal tile to the corner one and a half edges away from the defined edge midpoint.</param>
 /// <param name="minorCorner">The vector from the center of each hexagonal tile to one of the major corner's neighboring corners</param>
 /// <param name="midpointIsFirstAxis">Indicates if the midpoint vector is to be used as the first axis, or is instead the second axis.</param>
 /// <param name="axisStyle">The styles with which the axes of the hexagonal grid should be arranged.</param>
 /// <returns>A hexagonal tile descriptor.</returns>
 public HexGridDescriptor(Vector2 midpoint, Vector2 majorCorner, Vector2 minorCorner, bool midpointIsFirstAxis, HexGridAxisStyles axisStyle)
     this.midpoint            = midpoint;
     this.majorCorner         = majorCorner;
     this.minorCorner         = minorCorner;
     this.midpointIsFirstAxis = midpointIsFirstAxis;
     this.axisStyle           = axisStyle;
        /// <summary>
        /// Resets the current grid surface with new values for the tile shape and arrangement, origin, orientation, wrapping behavior, and grid size.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hexDescriptor">The descriptor structure with details about the shape and arrangement of hexagonal tiles.</param>
        /// <param name="origin">The origin of the plane.</param>
        /// <param name="orientation">The orientation of the plane.</param>
        /// <param name="isAxis0Wrapped">Indicates whether the first axis exhibits wrap-around behavior at the grid boundaries.</param>
        /// <param name="isAxis1Wrapped">Indicates whether the second axis exhibits wrap-around behavior at the grid boundaries.</param>
        /// <param name="size">The size of the grid, in terms of the number of tiles along the first and second axes of the surface..</param>
        /// <returns>A reference to the current surface.</returns>
        public RectangularHexGrid Reset(HexGridDescriptor hexDescriptor, Vector3 origin, Quaternion orientation, bool isAxis0Wrapped, bool isAxis1Wrapped, IntVector2 size)
            midpoint    = hexDescriptor.midpoint;
            majorCorner = hexDescriptor.majorCorner;
            minorCorner = hexDescriptor.minorCorner;

            midpointIsFirstAxis = hexDescriptor.midpointIsFirstAxis;
            axisStyle           = hexDescriptor.axisStyle;

            _originIsObtuse = Vector2.Dot(midpoint, minorCorner) < Vector2.Dot(midpoint, majorCorner);

            if (axisStyle == HexGridAxisStyles.Straight)
                _faceAxis0 = midpoint * 2f;
                _faceAxis1 = majorCorner + minorCorner;
                _faceAxis0 = midpoint * 2f;

                if (_originIsObtuse)
                    _faceAxis1 = majorCorner + minorCorner + midpoint;
                    _faceAxis1 = majorCorner + minorCorner - midpoint;

            if (!midpointIsFirstAxis)
                GeneralUtility.Swap(ref _faceAxis0, ref _faceAxis1);

            Reset(new WrappableAxis2(_faceAxis0 * size.x, isAxis0Wrapped), new WrappableAxis2(_faceAxis1 * size.y, isAxis1Wrapped), origin, orientation);

            this.size = size;
            topology  = null;
        protected override void Initialize()
            // Fields
            _version = "1.1";

            tileType = TileTypes.Quadrilateral;
            size     = new IntVector2(64, 64);
            SetHexTileShape(HexTileShapes.RegularPointUp, true);
            SetQuadTileShape(QuadTileShapes.Square, true);

            isAxis0Wrapped = false;
            isAxis1Wrapped = false;

            hexGridAxisStyle = HexGridAxisStyles.Staggered;
            swapAxes         = false;

            origin   = Vector3.zero;
            rotation = Vector3.zero;

            // Outputs
            OutputSlot.CreateOrReset <QuadrilateralSurface>(ref surfaceOutputSlot, this, "Surface");
            OutputSlot.CreateOrReset <Topology>(ref topologyOutputSlot, this, "Topology");
            OutputSlot.CreateOrResetGrouped <IVertexAttribute <Vector3> >(ref vertexPositionsOutputSlot, this, "Vertex Positions", "Attributes");
        private void Updgrade_From_1_0_To_1_1()
            switch (planarTileShape)
            case PlanarTileShapes.Quadrilateral:
                tileType = TileTypes.Quadrilateral;

                Vector3 declaredAxis0;
                switch (quadGridHorizontalAxisOptions)
                case HorizontalAxisOptions.LeftToRight: declaredAxis0 = Vector3.right * horizontalAxisLength; break;

                case HorizontalAxisOptions.RightToLeft: declaredAxis0 = Vector3.left * horizontalAxisLength; break;

                case HorizontalAxisOptions.Custom: declaredAxis0 = horizontalAxis; break;

                default: throw new System.NotImplementedException();

                Vector3 declaredAxis1;
                switch (quadGridVerticalAxisOptions)
                case VerticalAxisOptions.BottomToTop: declaredAxis1 = Vector3.up * verticalAxisLength; break;

                case VerticalAxisOptions.TopToBottom: declaredAxis1 = Vector3.down * verticalAxisLength; break;

                case VerticalAxisOptions.NearToFar: declaredAxis1 = Vector3.forward * verticalAxisLength; break;

                case VerticalAxisOptions.FarToNear: declaredAxis1 = Vector3.back * verticalAxisLength; break;

                case VerticalAxisOptions.Custom: declaredAxis1 = verticalAxis; break;

                default: throw new System.NotImplementedException();

                var computedNormal = Vector3.Cross(declaredAxis1, declaredAxis0);

                Vector3 declaredNormal;
                switch (normalOptions)
                case NormalOptions.Automatic: declaredNormal = computedNormal; break;

                case NormalOptions.Back: declaredNormal = Vector3.back; break;

                case NormalOptions.Forward: declaredNormal = Vector3.forward; break;

                case NormalOptions.Up: declaredNormal = Vector3.up; break;

                case NormalOptions.Down: declaredNormal = Vector3.down; break;

                case NormalOptions.Custom: declaredNormal = normal; break;

                default: throw new System.NotImplementedException();

                bool isInverted = Vector3.Dot(declaredNormal, computedNormal) < 0f;
                if (isInverted)
                    computedNormal = -computedNormal;

                if (quadGridHorizontalAxisOptions != HorizontalAxisOptions.Custom)
                    var axis0Normal         = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.right, computedNormal);
                    var orientation         = Quaternion.LookRotation(-computedNormal, axis0Normal);
                    var invertedOrientation = Quaternion.Inverse(orientation);
                    axis0    = new Vector2(declaredAxis0.x, 0f);
                    axis1    = invertedOrientation * declaredAxis1;
                    rotation = orientation.eulerAngles;
                else if (quadGridVerticalAxisOptions != VerticalAxisOptions.Custom)
                    var orientation         = Quaternion.LookRotation(-computedNormal, declaredAxis1);
                    var invertedOrientation = Quaternion.Inverse(orientation);
                    axis1    = new Vector2(0f, declaredAxis1.y + declaredAxis1.z);
                    axis0    = invertedOrientation * declaredAxis0;
                    rotation = orientation.eulerAngles;
                    var axis0Normal         = Vector3.Cross(declaredAxis0, computedNormal);
                    var orientation         = Quaternion.LookRotation(-computedNormal, axis0Normal);
                    var invertedOrientation = Quaternion.Inverse(orientation);
                    axis0    = new Vector2(declaredAxis0.magnitude, 0f);
                    axis1    = invertedOrientation * declaredAxis1;
                    rotation = orientation.eulerAngles;

                if (axis0 == Vector2.right && axis1 == Vector2.up)
                else if (axis0.x == 1f && Mathf.Approximately(axis0.y, -1f / Mathf.Sqrt(3f)) && axis1.x == 1f && Mathf.Approximately(axis0.y, +1f / Mathf.Sqrt(3f)))
                else if (axis0.x == 1f && axis0.y == -0.5f && axis1.x == 1f && axis1.y == +0.5f)


            case PlanarTileShapes.Hexagonal:
                tileType = TileTypes.Hexagonal;

                bool isObtuse;
                bool isOblique;
                bool pointUp;
                switch (hexGridAxisStyleOptions)
                case HexGridAxisStyleOptions.ObliqueAcute:
                    hexGridAxisStyle = HexGridAxisStyles.Straight;
                    isObtuse         = false;
                    isOblique        = true;
                    pointUp          = hexGridAxisOptions == HexGridAxisOptions.AngledVerticalAxis;

                case HexGridAxisStyleOptions.StaggeredHorizontallyAcute:
                    hexGridAxisStyle = variableRowLength ? HexGridAxisStyles.StaggeredSymmetric : HexGridAxisStyles.Staggered;
                    isObtuse         = false;
                    isOblique        = false;
                    pointUp          = false;

                case HexGridAxisStyleOptions.StaggeredVerticallyAcute:
                    hexGridAxisStyle = variableRowLength ? HexGridAxisStyles.StaggeredSymmetric : HexGridAxisStyles.Staggered;
                    isObtuse         = false;
                    isOblique        = false;
                    pointUp          = true;

                case HexGridAxisStyleOptions.ObliqueObtuse:
                    hexGridAxisStyle = HexGridAxisStyles.Straight;
                    isObtuse         = true;
                    isOblique        = true;
                    pointUp          = hexGridAxisOptions == HexGridAxisOptions.AngledVerticalAxis;

                case HexGridAxisStyleOptions.StaggeredHorizontallyObtuse:
                    hexGridAxisStyle = variableRowLength ? HexGridAxisStyles.StaggeredSymmetric : HexGridAxisStyles.Staggered;
                    isObtuse         = true;
                    isOblique        = false;
                    pointUp          = false;

                case HexGridAxisStyleOptions.StaggeredVerticallyObtuse:
                    hexGridAxisStyle = variableRowLength ? HexGridAxisStyles.StaggeredSymmetric : HexGridAxisStyles.Staggered;
                    isObtuse         = true;
                    isOblique        = false;
                    pointUp          = true;

                default: throw new System.NotImplementedException();

                if (hexGridAxisOptions != HexGridAxisOptions.Custom)
                    bool negateHorizontal = hexGridHorizontalAxisOptions == HorizontalAxisOptions.RightToLeft;
                    bool negateVertical   = hexGridVerticalAxisOptions == VerticalAxisOptions.FarToNear || hexGridVerticalAxisOptions == VerticalAxisOptions.TopToBottom;
                    if (isOblique && hexGridAxisOptions == HexGridAxisOptions.RightAngleAxes)
                        midpoint    = new Vector2(horizontalAxisLength / 2f * (negateHorizontal ? -1f : +1f), 0f);
                        majorCorner = new Vector2(horizontalAxisLength / 3f * (!isObtuse ^ negateHorizontal ? -1f : +1f), verticalAxisLength * 2f / 3f * (negateVertical ? -1f : +1f));
                        minorCorner = new Vector2(horizontalAxisLength / 3f * (isObtuse ^ negateHorizontal ? -1f: +1f), majorCorner.y / 2f);
                    else if (pointUp)
                        midpoint    = new Vector2(horizontalAxisLength / 2f * (negateHorizontal ? -1f : +1f), 0f);
                        majorCorner = new Vector2(0f, verticalAxisLength / Mathf.Sqrt(3f) * (negateVertical ? -1f : +1f));
                        minorCorner = new Vector2(midpoint.x * (isObtuse ? -1f : +1f), majorCorner.y / 2f);
                        midpoint    = new Vector2(0f, verticalAxisLength / 2f * (negateVertical ? -1f : +1f));
                        majorCorner = new Vector2(horizontalAxisLength / Mathf.Sqrt(3f) * (negateHorizontal ? -1f : +1f), 0f);
                        minorCorner = new Vector2(majorCorner.x / 2f, midpoint.y * (isObtuse ? -1f : +1f));

                    Vector3 inferredNormal;
                    switch (hexGridVerticalAxisOptions)
                    case VerticalAxisOptions.NearToFar:
                    case VerticalAxisOptions.FarToNear:
                        rotation = new Vector3(90f, 0f, 0f); inferredNormal = Vector3.up; break;

                    case VerticalAxisOptions.BottomToTop:
                    case VerticalAxisOptions.TopToBottom:
                        rotation = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f); inferredNormal = Vector3.back; break;

                    default: throw new System.NotImplementedException();

                    Vector3 declaredNormal;
                    switch (normalOptions)
                    case NormalOptions.Automatic: declaredNormal = inferredNormal; break;

                    case NormalOptions.Back: declaredNormal = Vector3.back; break;

                    case NormalOptions.Forward: declaredNormal = Vector3.forward; break;

                    case NormalOptions.Up: declaredNormal = Vector3.up; break;

                    case NormalOptions.Down: declaredNormal = Vector3.down; break;

                    case NormalOptions.Custom: declaredNormal = normal; break;

                    default: throw new System.NotImplementedException();

                    bool isInverted = Vector3.Dot(declaredNormal, inferredNormal) < 0f;
                    if (isInverted)
                        rotation.x    = Mathf.Repeat(rotation.x + 180f, 360f);
                        midpoint.y    = -midpoint.y;
                        majorCorner.y = -majorCorner.y;
                        minorCorner.y = -minorCorner.y;
                    var computedNormal = Vector3.Cross(verticalAxis, horizontalAxis);

                    Vector3 declaredNormal;
                    switch (normalOptions)
                    case NormalOptions.Automatic: declaredNormal = computedNormal; break;

                    case NormalOptions.Back: declaredNormal = Vector3.back; break;

                    case NormalOptions.Forward: declaredNormal = Vector3.forward; break;

                    case NormalOptions.Up: declaredNormal = Vector3.up; break;

                    case NormalOptions.Down: declaredNormal = Vector3.down; break;

                    case NormalOptions.Custom: declaredNormal = normal; break;

                    default: throw new System.NotImplementedException();

                    bool isInverted = Vector3.Dot(declaredNormal, computedNormal) < 0f;
                    if (isInverted)
                        computedNormal = -computedNormal;

                    var horizontalNormal    = Vector3.Cross(horizontalAxis, computedNormal);
                    var orientation         = Quaternion.LookRotation(-computedNormal, horizontalNormal);
                    var invertedOrientation = Quaternion.Inverse(orientation);
                    midpoint = new Vector2(horizontalAxis.magnitude / 2f, 0f);
                    var computedVerticalAxis = (Vector2)(invertedOrientation * verticalAxis);
                    majorCorner = (isObtuse ? computedVerticalAxis + midpoint : computedVerticalAxis - midpoint) * 2f / 3f;
                    minorCorner = computedVerticalAxis - majorCorner;
                    rotation    = orientation.eulerAngles;

                if (midpoint.Approximately(0.5f, 0f) && majorCorner.Approximately(0f, 1f / Mathf.Sqrt(3f)) && minorCorner.Approximately(0.5f, 0.5f / Mathf.Sqrt(3f)))
                else if (midpoint.Approximately(0f, 0.5f) && majorCorner.Approximately(1f / Mathf.Sqrt(3f), 0f) && minorCorner.Approximately(0.5f / Mathf.Sqrt(3f), 0.5f))
                else if (midpoint.Approximately(0.5f, 0f) && majorCorner.Approximately(0f, 0.5f) && minorCorner.Approximately(0.5f, 0.25f))
                else if (midpoint.Approximately(0f, 0.5f) && majorCorner.Approximately(0.5f, 0f) && minorCorner.Approximately(0.25f, 0.5f))
                else if (midpoint.Approximately(0.5f, 0f) && majorCorner.Approximately(0f, 0.5f) && minorCorner.Approximately(0.5f, 0.5f))
                else if (midpoint.Approximately(0f, 0.5f) && majorCorner.Approximately(0.5f, 0f) && minorCorner.Approximately(0.5f, 0.5f))
                else if (midpoint.Approximately(0.5f, 0f) && majorCorner.Approximately(0f, 0.125f) && minorCorner.Approximately(0.5f, 0.125f))

            default: throw new System.NotImplementedException();

            switch (wrapOptions)
            case WrapOptions.NoWrap: isAxis0Wrapped = false; isAxis1Wrapped = false; break;

            case WrapOptions.WrapHorizontally: isAxis0Wrapped = true; isAxis1Wrapped = false; break;

            case WrapOptions.WrapVertically: isAxis0Wrapped = false; isAxis1Wrapped = true; break;

            case WrapOptions.WrapBoth: isAxis0Wrapped = true; isAxis1Wrapped = true; break;

            default: throw new System.NotImplementedException();

            _version = "1.1";