Exemple #1
        public virtual IActionResult UsersIdPermissionsGet([FromRoute] int id)
            bool exists = _context.HetUser.Any(x => x.UserId == id);

            // not found
            if (!exists)
                return(new NotFoundObjectResult(new HetsResponse("HETS-01", ErrorViewModel.GetDescription("HETS-01", _configuration))));

            // get record
            HetUser user = UserHelper.GetRecord(id, _context);

            List <HetPermission> permissions = new List <HetPermission>();

            foreach (HetUserRole item in user.HetUserRole)
                if (item.Role?.HetRolePermission != null)
                    foreach (HetRolePermission permission in item.Role.HetRolePermission)

            return(new ObjectResult(new HetsResponse(permissions)));
Exemple #2
        public virtual IActionResult UsersIdDeletePost([FromRoute] int id)
            bool exists = _context.HetUser.Any(x => x.UserId == id);

            // not found
            if (!exists)
                return(new NotFoundObjectResult(new HetsResponse("HETS-01", ErrorViewModel.GetDescription("HETS-01", _configuration))));

            // get record
            HetUser user = _context.HetUser.AsNoTracking()
                           .Include(x => x.HetUserRole)
                           .Include(x => x.HetUserDistrict)
                           .First(x => x.UserId == id);

            // delete user roles
            foreach (HetUserRole item in user.HetUserRole)

            // delete user districts
            foreach (HetUserDistrict item in user.HetUserDistrict)

            // delete user

            return(new ObjectResult(new HetsResponse(user)));
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a user with smUserId as systemId if not in the database
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dbContext"></param>
        /// <param name="systemId"></param>
        public static void InsertSystemUser(DbAppContext dbContext, string systemId)
                HetUser sysUser = dbContext.HetUser.FirstOrDefault(x => x.SmUserId == systemId);

                if (sysUser == null)
                    sysUser = new HetUser
                        SmUserId               = systemId,
                        Surname                = "System",
                        GivenName              = "HETS",
                        Initials               = "SH",
                        Active                 = true,
                        AppCreateTimestamp     = DateTime.UtcNow,
                        AppLastUpdateTimestamp = DateTime.UtcNow,
                        AppCreateUserid        = systemId,
                        AppLastUpdateUserid    = systemId

                // do nothing
        public virtual IActionResult UserDistrictsIdSwitchPost([FromRoute] int id)
            bool exists = _context.HetUserDistrict.Any(a => a.UserDistrictId == id);

            // not found
            if (!exists)
                return(new NotFoundObjectResult(new HetsResponse("HETS-01", ErrorViewModel.GetDescription("HETS-01", _configuration))));

            // get record
            HetUserDistrict userDistrict = _context.HetUserDistrict.First(a => a.UserDistrictId == id);

            string userId = UserAccountHelper.GetUserId(_httpContext);

            HetUser user = _context.HetUser.First(a => a.SmUserId == userId);

            user.DistrictId = userDistrict.DistrictId;


            // create new district switch cookie
                new CookieOptions
                Path     = "/",
                SameSite = SameSiteMode.None

            return(new ObjectResult(new HetsResponse(user)));
Exemple #5
        public virtual IActionResult UsersPost([FromBody] HetUser item)
            // not found
            if (item == null)
                return(new ObjectResult(new HetsResponse("HETS-01", ErrorViewModel.GetDescription("HETS-01", _configuration))));

            HetUser user = new HetUser
                Active        = item.Active,
                Email         = item.Email,
                GivenName     = item.GivenName,
                Surname       = item.Surname,
                SmUserId      = item.SmUserId,
                DistrictId    = item.District.DistrictId,
                AgreementCity = item.AgreementCity

            HetUserDistrict newUserDistrict = new HetUserDistrict
                DistrictId = item.District.DistrictId,
                IsPrimary  = true



            int id = user.UserId;

            // get updated user record and return to UI
            return(new ObjectResult(new HetsResponse(UserHelper.GetRecord(id, _context))));
        public virtual IActionResult UsersCurrentLogoffPost()
            // get the current user id
            string userId = _context.SmUserId;

            // not found
            if (userId == null)
                return(new ObjectResult(new HetsResponse("HETS-01", ErrorViewModel.GetDescription("HETS-01", _configuration))));

            // get user district
            HetUserDistrict userDistrict = _context.HetUserDistrict.AsNoTracking()
                                           .Include(x => x.User)
                                           .Include(x => x.District)
                                           .FirstOrDefault(x => x.User.SmUserId == userId &&

            // if we don't find a primary - look for the first one in the list
            if (userDistrict == null)
                userDistrict = _context.HetUserDistrict.AsNoTracking()
                               .Include(x => x.User)
                               .Include(x => x.District)
                               .FirstOrDefault(x => x.User.SmUserId == userId);

            // update the current district for the user
            if (userDistrict != null)
                HetUser user = _context.HetUser.First(a => a.SmUserId == userId);
                user.DistrictId = userDistrict.District.DistrictId;


            // get the correct logoff url and return
            string logoffUrl = _configuration.GetSection("Constants:LogoffUrl-Development").Value;

            if (_env.IsProduction())
                logoffUrl = _configuration.GetSection("Constants:LogoffUrl-Production").Value;
            else if (_env.IsStaging())
                logoffUrl = _configuration.GetSection("Constants:LogoffUrl-Test").Value;

            LogoffModel response = new LogoffModel {
                LogoffUrl = logoffUrl

            return(new ObjectResult(new HetsResponse(response)));
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Get user record using the user id from the http context
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="httpContext"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static User GetUser(DbAppContext context, HttpContext httpContext)
            User user = new User();

            // is this a business?
            bool   isBusinessUser = IsBusiness(httpContext);
            string userId         = GetUserId(httpContext);

            if (!isBusinessUser)
                HetUser tmpUser = context.HetUser.AsNoTracking()
                                  .FirstOrDefault(x => x.SmUserId.ToLower().Equals(userId.ToLower()));

                if (tmpUser != null)
                    user.Id                       = tmpUser.UserId;
                    user.SmUserId                 = tmpUser.SmUserId;
                    user.GivenName                = tmpUser.GivenName;
                    user.Surname                  = tmpUser.Surname;
                    user.DisplayName              = tmpUser.GivenName + " " + tmpUser.Surname;
                    user.UserGuid                 = tmpUser.Guid;
                    user.BusinessUser             = false;
                    user.SmAuthorizationDirectory = tmpUser.SmAuthorizationDirectory;
                    user.AgreementCity            = tmpUser.AgreementCity;
                HetBusinessUser tmpUser = context.HetBusinessUser.AsNoTracking()
                                          .FirstOrDefault(x => x.BceidUserId.ToLower().Equals(userId.ToLower()));

                if (tmpUser != null)
                    // get business
                    HetBusiness business = context.HetBusiness.AsNoTracking()
                                           .First(x => x.BusinessId == tmpUser.BusinessId);

                    user.Id                       = tmpUser.BusinessUserId;
                    user.SmUserId                 = tmpUser.BceidUserId;
                    user.GivenName                = tmpUser.BceidFirstName;
                    user.Surname                  = tmpUser.BceidLastName;
                    user.DisplayName              = tmpUser.BceidDisplayName;
                    user.UserGuid                 = tmpUser.BceidGuid;
                    user.BusinessUser             = true;
                    user.BusinessId               = tmpUser.BusinessId;
                    user.BusinessGuid             = business.BceidBusinessGuid;
                    user.SmAuthorizationDirectory = "BCeID";

Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a user based on the guid
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="guid"></param>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static HetUser GetUserByGuid(string guid, DbAppContext context)
            HetUser user = context.HetUser.AsNoTracking()
                           .Where(x => x.Guid != null &&
                           .Include(u => u.HetUserRole)
                           .ThenInclude(r => r.Role)
                           .ThenInclude(rp => rp.HetRolePermission)
                           .ThenInclude(p => p.Permission)

Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a user based on the account name
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="smUserId"></param>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static HetUser GetUserBySmUserId(string smUserId, DbAppContext context)
            HetUser user = context.HetUser.AsNoTracking()
                           .Where(x => x.SmUserId != null &&
                           .Include(u => u.HetUserRole)
                           .ThenInclude(r => r.Role)
                           .ThenInclude(rp => rp.HetRolePermission)
                           .ThenInclude(p => p.Permission)

Exemple #10
        public virtual IActionResult UsersIdRolesPost([FromRoute] int id, [FromBody] HetUserRole item)
            bool exists = _context.HetUser.Any(x => x.UserId == id);

            // not found
            if (!exists)
                return(new NotFoundObjectResult(new HetsResponse("HETS-01", ErrorViewModel.GetDescription("HETS-01", _configuration))));

            // check the role id
            bool roleExists = _context.HetRole.Any(x => x.RoleId == item.RoleId);

            // record not found
            if (!roleExists)
                return(new NotFoundObjectResult(new HetsResponse("HETS-01", ErrorViewModel.GetDescription("HETS-01", _configuration))));

            // check the user exists
            HetUser user = UserHelper.GetRecord(id, _context);

            if (user == null)
                return(new NotFoundObjectResult(new HetsResponse("HETS-01", ErrorViewModel.GetDescription("HETS-01", _configuration))));

            // check if the user has this role - then add
            if (user.HetUserRole.All(x => x.RoleId != item.RoleId))
                // create a new UserRole record
                HetUserRole userRole = new HetUserRole
                    RoleId        = item.RoleId,
                    UserId        = id,
                    EffectiveDate = item.EffectiveDate,
                    ExpiryDate    = item.ExpiryDate



            // return updated roles
            user = UserHelper.GetRecord(id, _context);

            // return user roles
            return(new ObjectResult(new HetsResponse(user.HetUserRole)));
Exemple #11
        public virtual IActionResult UsersPost([FromBody] HetUser item)
            // not found
            if (item == null)
                return(new NotFoundObjectResult(new HetsResponse("HETS-01", ErrorViewModel.GetDescription("HETS-01", _configuration))));

            // validate that user id is unique
            // HETS-1033 - Post Live: Add validation on User ID while adding a new user
            item.SmUserId = item.SmUserId?.Trim().ToLower();

            HetUser existingUser = _context.HetUser.AsNoTracking()
                                   .FirstOrDefault(x => x.SmUserId.ToLower() == item.SmUserId);

            if (existingUser != null)
                return(new BadRequestObjectResult(new HetsResponse("HETS-38", ErrorViewModel.GetDescription("HETS-38", _configuration))));

            // add new user
            HetUser user = new HetUser
                Active        = item.Active,
                Email         = item.Email?.Trim(),
                GivenName     = item.GivenName?.Trim(),
                Surname       = item.Surname?.Trim(),
                SmUserId      = item.SmUserId,
                DistrictId    = item.District.DistrictId,
                AgreementCity = item.AgreementCity

            HetUserDistrict newUserDistrict = new HetUserDistrict
                DistrictId = item.District.DistrictId,
                IsPrimary  = true



            int id = user.UserId;

            // get updated user record and return to UI
            return(new ObjectResult(new HetsResponse(UserHelper.GetRecord(id, _context))));
Exemple #12
        public virtual IActionResult UsersIdRolesGet([FromRoute] int id)
            bool exists = _context.HetUser.Any(x => x.UserId == id);

            // not found
            if (!exists)
                return(new NotFoundObjectResult(new HetsResponse("HETS-01", ErrorViewModel.GetDescription("HETS-01", _configuration))));

            // get record
            HetUser user = UserHelper.GetRecord(id, _context);

            // return user roles
            return(new ObjectResult(new HetsResponse(user.HetUserRole)));
Exemple #13
        public virtual IActionResult UsersIdRolesPut([FromRoute] int id, [FromBody] HetUserRole[] items)
            bool exists = _context.HetUser.Any(x => x.UserId == id);

            // not found
            if (!exists || items == null)
                return(new NotFoundObjectResult(new HetsResponse("HETS-01", ErrorViewModel.GetDescription("HETS-01", _configuration))));

            // get record
            HetUser user = UserHelper.GetRecord(id, _context);

            if (user.HetUserRole == null)
                return(new NotFoundObjectResult(new HetsResponse("HETS-01", ErrorViewModel.GetDescription("HETS-01", _configuration))));

            // iterate the roles and update effective date
            foreach (HetUserRole item in items)
                // check the role id
                bool roleExists = _context.HetUserRole.Any(x => x.RoleId == item.RoleId &&
                                                           x.UserId == id);

                if (roleExists)
                    // check if we need to modify the effective date
                    HetUserRole role = _context.HetUserRole.First(x => x.RoleId == item.RoleId &&
                                                                  x.UserId == id);

                    if (role.ExpiryDate != item.ExpiryDate)
                        role.ExpiryDate = item.ExpiryDate;

            // return updated roles
            user = UserHelper.GetRecord(id, _context);

            // return user roles
            return(new ObjectResult(new HetsResponse(user.HetUserRole)));
Exemple #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a User record
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static HetUser GetRecord(int id, DbAppContext context)
            HetUser user = context.HetUser.AsNoTracking()
                           .Include(x => x.District)
                           .Include(x => x.HetUserDistrict)
                           .Include(x => x.HetUserRole)
                           .ThenInclude(y => y.Role)
                           .ThenInclude(z => z.HetRolePermission)
                           .ThenInclude(z => z.Permission)
                           .FirstOrDefault(x => x.UserId == id);

            if (user != null)
                // remove inactive roles
                user.HetUserRole = user.HetUserRole
                                   .Where(x => x.Role != null &&
                                          x.EffectiveDate <= DateTime.UtcNow &&
                                          (x.ExpiryDate == null || x.ExpiryDate > DateTime.UtcNow))

        /// <summary>
        /// Process Authentication Request
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override Task <AuthenticateResult> HandleAuthenticateAsync()
            // get SiteMinder headers
            _logger.LogDebug("Parsing the HTTP headers for SiteMinder authentication credential");

            SiteMinderAuthOptions options = new SiteMinderAuthOptions();

                HttpContext         context      = Request.HttpContext;
                DbAppContext        dbAppContext = (DbAppContext)context.RequestServices.GetService(typeof(DbAppContext));
                IHostingEnvironment hostingEnv   = (IHostingEnvironment)context.RequestServices.GetService(typeof(IHostingEnvironment));

                UserSettings userSettings   = new UserSettings();
                string       userId         = "";
                string       siteMinderGuid = "";
                string       businessGuid   = "";

                string url = context.Request.GetDisplayUrl().ToLower();
                _logger.LogWarning("Timestamp: {0:dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss.FFFF} | Url: {1} | Remote Ip: {0}",
                                   DateTime.Now, url, context.Connection.RemoteIpAddress.ToString());

                // ********************************************************
                // if this is an Error or Authentication API - Ignore
                // ********************************************************
                if (url.Contains("/authentication/dev") ||
                    url.Contains("/error") ||
                    url.Contains("/hangfire") ||
                    _logger.LogInformation("Bypassing authentication process ({0})", url);

                // **************************************************
                // check if we have a Dev Environment Cookie
                // **************************************************
                string tempToken = context.Request.Cookies[options.DevAuthenticationTokenKey];

                if (hostingEnv.IsDevelopment() && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tempToken))
                    _logger.LogInformation("Dev Authentication token found ({0})", tempToken);
                    userId = tempToken;
                else if ((context.Connection.RemoteIpAddress.ToString().StartsWith("::1") ||
                          context.Connection.RemoteIpAddress.ToString().StartsWith("::ffff:")) &&
                         url.StartsWith("http://*****:*****@"LOCK TABLE ""HET_USER"" IN EXCLUSIVE MODE;");

                                HetUser user = dbAppContext.HetUser.First(x => x.UserId == updUserId);
                                user.DistrictId = districtId;

                                // update user record

                                // commit

                    userSettings.SiteMinderGuid    = siteMinderGuid;
                    userSettings.UserAuthenticated = true;
                    userSettings.BusinessUser      = false;

                // **************************************************
                // validate / check user permissions
                // **************************************************
                _logger.LogInformation("Validating user permissions");

                ClaimsPrincipal userPrincipal;

                if (userSettings.BusinessUser &&
                    userSettings.UserAuthenticated &&
                    userSettings.HetsBusinessUser != null)
                    userPrincipal = userSettings.HetsBusinessUser.ToClaimsPrincipal(options.Scheme);

                    if (!userPrincipal.HasClaim(HetUser.PermissionClaim, HetPermission.BusinessLogin))
                        _logger.LogWarning(options.MissingDbUserIdError + " (" + userId + ")");
                    userPrincipal = userSettings.HetsUser.ToClaimsPrincipal(options.Scheme);

                    if (!userPrincipal.HasClaim(HetUser.PermissionClaim, HetPermission.Login) &&
                        !userPrincipal.HasClaim(HetUser.PermissionClaim, HetPermission.BusinessLogin))
                        _logger.LogWarning(options.MissingDbUserIdError + " (" + userId + ")");

                // **************************************************
                // create authenticated user
                // **************************************************
                _logger.LogInformation("Authentication successful: " + userId);
                _logger.LogInformation("Setting identity and creating session for: " + userId);

                // **************************************************
                // done!
                // **************************************************
                ClaimsPrincipal principal = userPrincipal;
                return(Task.FromResult(AuthenticateResult.Success(new AuthenticationTicket(principal, null, Options.Scheme))));
            catch (Exception exception)
Exemple #16
        public virtual IActionResult UsersIdPut([FromRoute] int id, [FromBody] HetUser item)
            if (item == null || id != item.UserId)
                // not found
                return(new NotFoundObjectResult(new HetsResponse("HETS-01", ErrorViewModel.GetDescription("HETS-01", _configuration))));

            bool exists = _context.HetUser.Any(x => x.UserId == id);

            // not found
            if (!exists)
                return(new NotFoundObjectResult(new HetsResponse("HETS-01", ErrorViewModel.GetDescription("HETS-01", _configuration))));

            // get record
            HetUser user = _context.HetUser
                           .Include(x => x.District)
                           .Include(x => x.HetUserDistrict)
                           .First(x => x.UserId == id);

            // validate that user id is unique
            // HETS-1033 - Post Live: Add validation on User ID while editing a user
            string smUserId = item.SmUserId?.Trim().ToLower();

            HetUser existingUser = _context.HetUser.AsNoTracking()
                                   .FirstOrDefault(x => x.SmUserId.ToLower() == smUserId && x.UserId != user.UserId);

            if (existingUser != null)
                return(new BadRequestObjectResult(new HetsResponse("HETS-38", ErrorViewModel.GetDescription("HETS-38", _configuration))));

            user.ConcurrencyControlNumber = item.ConcurrencyControlNumber;
            user.Active        = item.Active;
            user.Email         = item.Email;
            user.GivenName     = item.GivenName;
            user.Surname       = item.Surname;
            user.SmUserId      = item.SmUserId;
            user.AgreementCity = item.AgreementCity;

            if (item.District != null)
                bool districtExists = _context.HetDistrict.Any(x => x.DistrictId == item.District.DistrictId);

                if (districtExists)
                    HetDistrict district = _context.HetDistrict
                                           .Include(x => x.Region)
                                           .First(x => x.DistrictId == item.District.DistrictId);

                    user.DistrictId = district.DistrictId;

                    // check if we need to add this to the User District List too
                    bool userDistrictExists = false;

                    foreach (HetUserDistrict userDistrict in user.HetUserDistrict)
                        if (userDistrict.DistrictId == item.District.DistrictId)
                            userDistrictExists = true;

                    // if not found - then add it!
                    if (!userDistrictExists)
                        HetUserDistrict newUserDistrict = new HetUserDistrict
                            UserId     = item.UserId,
                            DistrictId = district.DistrictId

                        if (user.HetUserDistrict == null)
                            user.HetUserDistrict      = new List <HetUserDistrict>();
                            newUserDistrict.IsPrimary = true;


            // save changes

            // get updated user record and return to UI
            return(new ObjectResult(new HetsResponse(UserHelper.GetRecord(id, _context))));
Exemple #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Get user record
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="userId"></param>
        /// <param name="guid"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static HetUser GetUser(DbAppContext context, string userId, string guid = null)
            HetUser user = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(guid))
                user = GetUserByGuid(guid, context);

            if (user == null)
                user = GetUserBySmUserId(userId, context);

            if (user == null)

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(guid) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.Guid))
                // self register (write the users Guid to the db)
                int updUserId = user.UserId;

                using (IDbContextTransaction transaction = context.Database.BeginTransaction())
                    // lock the table during this transaction
                    context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(@"LOCK TABLE ""HET_USER"" IN EXCLUSIVE MODE;");

                    HetUser updUser = context.HetUser.First(x => x.UserId == updUserId);

                    updUser.Guid = guid;
                    updUser.AppLastUpdateUserDirectory = user.SmAuthorizationDirectory;
                    updUser.AppLastUpdateUserGuid      = guid;
                    updUser.AppLastUpdateUserid        = userId;
                    updUser.AppLastUpdateTimestamp     = DateTime.UtcNow;


                    // update user record

                    // commit

                // update the user object for the current session
                user.Guid = guid;
                user.AppLastUpdateUserDirectory = user.SmAuthorizationDirectory;
                user.AppLastUpdateUserGuid      = guid;
                user.AppLastUpdateUserid        = userId;
                user.AppLastUpdateTimestamp     = DateTime.UtcNow;
            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.Guid) &&
                     !string.IsNullOrEmpty(guid) &&
                     !user.Guid.Equals(guid, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                // invalid account - guid doesn't match user credential

            // detach user and return
            context.Entry(user).State = EntityState.Detached;
Exemple #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Map data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dbContext"></param>
        /// <param name="oldObject"></param>
        /// <param name="user"></param>
        /// <param name="systemId"></param>
        /// <param name="smUserId"></param>
        /// <param name="firstName"></param>
        /// <param name="lastName"></param>
        /// <param name="maxUserIndex"></param>
        private static void CopyToInstance(DbAppContext dbContext, ImportModels.UserHets oldObject,
                                           ref HetUser user, string systemId, string smUserId, string firstName, string lastName,
                                           ref int maxUserIndex)
                // file contains multiple records per user (1 for each district they can access)
                // we are currently importing 1 only -> where Default_Service_Area = Y
                if (oldObject.Default_Service_Area != "Y")

                // check if this user already exists in the db
                bool userExists = dbContext.HetUser.Any(x => x.SmUserId == smUserId);

                if (userExists)
                    user = dbContext.HetUser.First(x => x.SmUserId == smUserId);

                    // *******************************************************************
                    // check if this is a different district
                    // *******************************************************************
                    int serviceAreaId;

                        serviceAreaId = int.Parse(oldObject.Service_Area_Id);
                        // not mapped correctly
                        throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("User Error - Invalid Service Area (userId: {0}", user.SmUserId));

                    HetServiceArea serviceArea = dbContext.HetServiceArea.AsNoTracking()
                                                 .FirstOrDefault(x => x.MinistryServiceAreaId == serviceAreaId);

                    if (serviceArea == null)
                        // not mapped correctly
                        throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("User Error - Invalid Service Area (userId: {0}", user.SmUserId));

                    int tempUserId     = user.UserId;
                    int?tempDistrictId = serviceArea.DistrictId;

                    if (tempDistrictId != null)
                        HetUserDistrict userDistrict = dbContext.HetUserDistrict.AsNoTracking()
                                                       .FirstOrDefault(x => x.User.UserId == tempUserId &&
                                                                       x.District.DistrictId == tempDistrictId);

                        // ***********************************************
                        // create user district record
                        // ***********************************************
                        if (userDistrict == null)
                            userDistrict = new HetUserDistrict
                                UserId                 = tempUserId,
                                DistrictId             = tempDistrictId,
                                AppCreateTimestamp     = DateTime.UtcNow,
                                AppCreateUserid        = systemId,
                                AppLastUpdateUserid    = systemId,
                                AppLastUpdateTimestamp = DateTime.UtcNow

                    user = new HetUser
                        UserId   = ++maxUserIndex,
                        Active   = true,
                        SmUserId = smUserId,
                        SmAuthorizationDirectory = "IDIR"

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(firstName))
                        user.GivenName = firstName;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastName))
                        user.Surname = lastName;

                    // *******************************************************************
                    // create initials
                    // *******************************************************************
                    string temp = "";
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastName) && lastName.Length > 0)
                        temp = lastName.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper();

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(firstName) && firstName.Length > 0)
                        temp = temp + firstName.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper();

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(temp))
                        user.Initials = temp;

                    // *******************************************************************
                    // map user to the correct service area
                    // *******************************************************************
                    int serviceAreaId;

                        serviceAreaId = int.Parse(oldObject.Service_Area_Id);
                        // not mapped correctly
                        throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("User Error - Invalid Service Area (userId: {0}", user.SmUserId));

                    HetServiceArea serviceArea = dbContext.HetServiceArea.AsNoTracking()
                                                 .FirstOrDefault(x => x.MinistryServiceAreaId == serviceAreaId);

                    if (serviceArea == null)
                        // not mapped correctly
                        throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("User Error - Invalid Service Area (userId: {0}", user.SmUserId));

                    user.DistrictId = serviceArea.DistrictId;

                    // *******************************************************************
                    // set the user's role
                    // ** all new users will be added with basic access only
                    // *******************************************************************
                    HetUserRole userRole = new HetUserRole();

                    HetRole role = dbContext.HetRole.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "HETS District User");

                    int roleId = -1;

                    if (role != null)
                        roleId = role.RoleId;

                    // ***********************************************
                    // create user
                    // ***********************************************
                    user.AppCreateTimestamp     = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    user.AppCreateUserid        = systemId;
                    user.AppLastUpdateUserid    = systemId;
                    user.AppLastUpdateTimestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;

                    userRole.Role          = dbContext.HetRole.First(x => x.RoleId == roleId);
                    userRole.EffectiveDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-1);

                    userRole.AppCreateTimestamp     = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    userRole.AppCreateUserid        = systemId;
                    userRole.AppLastUpdateUserid    = systemId;
                    userRole.AppLastUpdateTimestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;

                    user.HetUserRole = new List <HetUserRole> {

                    // ***********************************************
                    // create user district record
                    // ***********************************************
                    HetUserDistrict userDistrict = new HetUserDistrict
                        UserId                 = user.UserId,
                        DistrictId             = user.DistrictId,
                        IsPrimary              = true,
                        AppCreateTimestamp     = DateTime.UtcNow,
                        AppCreateUserid        = systemId,
                        AppLastUpdateUserid    = systemId,
                        AppLastUpdateTimestamp = DateTime.UtcNow

            catch (Exception ex)
                Debug.WriteLine("***Error*** - Employee Id: " + oldObject.Popt_Id);
                Debug.WriteLine("***Error*** - Master User Index: " + maxUserIndex);
Exemple #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Import Users
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="performContext"></param>
        /// <param name="dbContext"></param>
        /// <param name="fileLocation"></param>
        /// <param name="systemId"></param>
        public static void Import(PerformContext performContext, DbAppContext dbContext, string fileLocation, string systemId)
            // check the start point. If startPoint ==  sigId then it is already completed
            int startPoint = ImportUtility.CheckInterMapForStartPoint(dbContext, OldTableProgress, BcBidImport.SigId, NewTable);

            if (startPoint == BcBidImport.SigId)    // this means the import job it has done today is complete for all the records in the xml file.
                performContext.WriteLine("*** Importing " + XmlFileName + " is complete from the former process ***");

            // manage the id value for new user records
            int maxUserIndex = 0;

            if (dbContext.HetUser.Any())
                maxUserIndex = dbContext.HetUser.Max(x => x.UserId);
                maxUserIndex = maxUserIndex + 1;

                string rootAttr = "ArrayOf" + OldTable;

                // create progress indicator
                performContext.WriteLine("Processing " + OldTable);
                IProgressBar progress = performContext.WriteProgressBar();

                // create serializer and serialize xml file
                XmlSerializer           ser          = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ImportModels.UserHets[]), new XmlRootAttribute(rootAttr));
                MemoryStream            memoryStream = ImportUtility.MemoryStreamGenerator(XmlFileName, OldTable, fileLocation, rootAttr);
                ImportModels.UserHets[] legacyItems  = (ImportModels.UserHets[])ser.Deserialize(memoryStream);

                int ii = startPoint;

                // skip the portion already processed
                if (startPoint > 0)
                    legacyItems = legacyItems.Skip(ii).ToArray();

                // create an array of names using the created by and modified by values in the data
                performContext.WriteLine("Extracting first and last names");

                Dictionary <string, string> firstNames = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                Dictionary <string, string> lastNames  = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                foreach (ImportModels.UserHets item in legacyItems.WithProgress(progress))
                    string name = item.Created_By;
                    GetNameParts(name, ref firstNames, ref lastNames);

                    name = item.Modified_By;
                    GetNameParts(name, ref firstNames, ref lastNames);

                // import the data
                performContext.WriteLine("Importing User Data");

                foreach (ImportModels.UserHets item in legacyItems.WithProgress(progress))
                    string tempId = item.Popt_Id + "-" + item.Service_Area_Id;

                    HetImportMap importMap = dbContext.HetImportMap.AsNoTracking()
                                             .FirstOrDefault(x => x.OldTable == OldTable &&
                                                             x.OldKey == tempId);

                    if (importMap == null)
                        string username  = NormalizeUserCode(item.User_Cd).ToUpper();
                        string firstName = GetNamePart(username, firstNames);
                        string lastName  = GetNamePart(username, lastNames);

                        HetUser user = null;
                        username = username.ToLower();

                        CopyToInstance(dbContext, item, ref user, systemId, username, firstName, lastName, ref maxUserIndex);

                        if (user != null)
                            ImportUtility.AddImportMap(dbContext, OldTable, tempId, NewTable, user.UserId);

                    performContext.WriteLine("*** Importing " + XmlFileName + " is Done ***");
                    ImportUtility.AddImportMapForProgress(dbContext, OldTableProgress, BcBidImport.SigId.ToString(), BcBidImport.SigId, NewTable);
                catch (Exception e)
                    string temp = string.Format("Error saving data (UserIndex: {0}): {1}", maxUserIndex, e.Message);
                    throw new DataException(temp);
            catch (Exception e)
                performContext.WriteLine("*** ERROR ***");
        private IActionResult UpdateFavourite(HetUserFavourite item)
            item.User = null;

            // get the current user id
            string userId = _context.SmUserId;

            // not found
            if (userId == null)
                return(new NotFoundObjectResult(new HetsResponse("HETS-01", ErrorViewModel.GetDescription("HETS-01", _configuration))));

            // get initial results - must be limited to user's district
            int?districtId = UserAccountHelper.GetUsersDistrictId(_context, _httpContext);

            // get user record
            bool userExists = _context.HetUser.Any(a => a.SmUserId == userId);

            if (!userExists)
                return(new NotFoundObjectResult(new HetsResponse("HETS-01", ErrorViewModel.GetDescription("HETS-01", _configuration))));

            HetUser user = _context.HetUser.AsNoTracking()
                           .First(a => a.SmUserId == userId);

            // get favourites
            bool exists = _context.HetUserFavourite.Any(a => a.UserFavouriteId == item.UserFavouriteId);

            HetUserFavourite favourite;

            if (exists)
                favourite = _context.HetUserFavourite
                            .First(a => a.UserFavouriteId == item.UserFavouriteId);

                favourite.ConcurrencyControlNumber = item.ConcurrencyControlNumber;
                favourite.Value     = item.Value;
                favourite.Name      = item.Name;
                favourite.IsDefault = item.IsDefault;

                favourite = new HetUserFavourite
                    UserId     = user.UserId,
                    DistrictId = districtId,
                    Type       = item.Type,
                    Value      = item.Value,
                    Name       = item.Name,
                    IsDefault  = item.IsDefault


            // save the changes

            int favouriteId = favourite.UserFavouriteId;

            // get record and return
            favourite = _context.HetUserFavourite.AsNoTracking()
                        .First(x => x.UserFavouriteId == favouriteId);

            return(new ObjectResult(new HetsResponse(favourite)));
        public virtual IActionResult UsersCurrentGet()
            _logger.LogDebug("Get Current User");

            // get the current user id
            string businessGuid = _context.SmBusinessGuid;
            string userId       = _context.SmUserId;

            _logger.LogDebug("User Id: {0}", userId);
            _logger.LogDebug("Business Guid: {0}", businessGuid);

            // not found - return an HTTP 401 error response
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userId))

            User user = new User();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(businessGuid))
                HetUser currentUser = _context.HetUser
                                      .Include(x => x.District)
                                      .Include(x => x.HetUserRole)
                                      .ThenInclude(y => y.Role)
                                      .ThenInclude(z => z.HetRolePermission)
                                      .ThenInclude(z => z.Permission)
                                      .First(x => x.SmUserId == userId);

                // remove inactive roles
                for (int i = currentUser.HetUserRole.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    if (currentUser.HetUserRole.ElementAt(i).EffectiveDate > DateTime.UtcNow ||
                        (currentUser.HetUserRole.ElementAt(i).ExpiryDate != null &&
                         currentUser.HetUserRole.ElementAt(i).ExpiryDate < DateTime.UtcNow))

                user.Id                       = currentUser.UserId;
                user.SmUserId                 = currentUser.SmUserId;
                user.GivenName                = currentUser.GivenName;
                user.Surname                  = currentUser.Surname;
                user.DisplayName              = currentUser.GivenName + " " + currentUser.Surname;
                user.UserGuid                 = currentUser.Guid;
                user.BusinessUser             = false;
                user.District                 = currentUser.District;
                user.HetUserDistrict          = currentUser.HetUserDistrict;
                user.HetUserRole              = currentUser.HetUserRole;
                user.SmAuthorizationDirectory = currentUser.SmAuthorizationDirectory;

                // set environment
                user.Environment = "Development";

                if (_env.IsProduction())
                    user.Environment = "Production";
                else if (_env.IsStaging())
                    user.Environment = "Test";
                else if (_env.IsEnvironment("Training"))
                    user.Environment = "Training";
                else if (_env.IsEnvironment("UAT"))
                    user.Environment = "UAT";
                HetBusinessUser tmpUser = _context.HetBusinessUser.AsNoTracking()
                                          .Include(x => x.HetBusinessUserRole)
                                          .ThenInclude(y => y.Role)
                                          .ThenInclude(z => z.HetRolePermission)
                                          .ThenInclude(z => z.Permission)
                                          .FirstOrDefault(x => x.BceidUserId.Equals(userId, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));

                if (tmpUser != null)
                    // get business
                    HetBusiness business = _context.HetBusiness.AsNoTracking()
                                           .First(x => x.BusinessId == tmpUser.BusinessId);

                    user.Id                       = tmpUser.BusinessUserId;
                    user.SmUserId                 = tmpUser.BceidUserId;
                    user.GivenName                = tmpUser.BceidFirstName;
                    user.Surname                  = tmpUser.BceidLastName;
                    user.DisplayName              = tmpUser.BceidDisplayName;
                    user.UserGuid                 = tmpUser.BceidGuid;
                    user.BusinessUser             = true;
                    user.BusinessId               = tmpUser.BusinessId;
                    user.BusinessGuid             = business.BceidBusinessGuid;
                    user.SmAuthorizationDirectory = "BCeID";

                    int id = 0;

                    foreach (HetBusinessUserRole role in tmpUser.HetBusinessUserRole)

                        HetUserRole userRole = new HetUserRole
                            UserRoleId = id,
                            UserId     = role.BusinessUserId,
                            RoleId     = role.RoleId,
                            Role       = role.Role

                        if (user.HetUserRole == null)
                            user.HetUserRole = new List <HetUserRole>();


            return(new ObjectResult(new HetsResponse(user)));
Exemple #22
        public virtual IActionResult RentalRequestsHiresGet([FromQuery] string localAreas, [FromQuery] string projects,
                                                            [FromQuery] string owners, [FromQuery] string equipment)
            int?[] localAreasArray = ArrayHelper.ParseIntArray(localAreas);
            int?[] projectArray    = ArrayHelper.ParseIntArray(projects);
            int?[] ownerArray      = ArrayHelper.ParseIntArray(owners);
            int?[] equipmentArray  = ArrayHelper.ParseIntArray(equipment);

            // get initial results - must be limited to user's district
            int?districtId = UserAccountHelper.GetUsersDistrictId(_context, _httpContext);

            // get fiscal year
            HetDistrictStatus district = _context.HetDistrictStatus.AsNoTracking()
                                         .FirstOrDefault(x => x.DistrictId == districtId);

            if (district?.CurrentFiscalYear == null)
                return(new BadRequestObjectResult(new HetsResponse("HETS-30", ErrorViewModel.GetDescription("HETS-30", _configuration))));

            int      fiscalYear  = (int)district.CurrentFiscalYear; // status table uses the start of the year
            DateTime fiscalStart = new DateTime(fiscalYear, 3, 31); // look for all records AFTER the 31st

            IQueryable <HetRentalRequestRotationList> data = _context.HetRentalRequestRotationList.AsNoTracking()
                                                             .Include(x => x.RentalRequest)
                                                             .ThenInclude(y => y.LocalArea)
                                                             .ThenInclude(z => z.ServiceArea)
                                                             .Include(x => x.RentalRequest)
                                                             .ThenInclude(y => y.Project)
                                                             .Include(x => x.Equipment)
                                                             .ThenInclude(y => y.Owner)
                                                             .Where(x => x.RentalRequest.LocalArea.ServiceArea.DistrictId.Equals(districtId) &&
                                                                    x.AskedDateTime > fiscalStart &&
                                                                    (x.IsForceHire == true || x.OfferResponse.ToLower() == "no"));

            if (localAreasArray != null && localAreasArray.Length > 0)
                data = data.Where(x => localAreasArray.Contains(x.RentalRequest.LocalAreaId));

            if (projectArray != null && projectArray.Length > 0)
                data = data.Where(x => projectArray.Contains(x.RentalRequest.ProjectId));

            if (ownerArray != null && ownerArray.Length > 0)
                data = data.Where(x => ownerArray.Contains(x.Equipment.OwnerId));

            if (equipmentArray != null && equipmentArray.Length > 0)
                data = data.Where(x => equipmentArray.Contains(x.EquipmentId));

            // convert Rental Request Model to the "RentalRequestHires" Model
            List <RentalRequestHires> result = new List <RentalRequestHires>();

            foreach (HetRentalRequestRotationList item in data)
                HetUser user = _context.HetUser.AsNoTracking()
                               .FirstOrDefault(x => x.SmUserId == item.AppCreateUserid);

                result.Add(RentalRequestHelper.ToHiresModel(item, user));

            // return to the client
            return(new ObjectResult(new HetsResponse(result)));