Exemple #1
        public HeroKitObject SetupSaveMenu(string menuTitle, int menuID)
            // add menu to scene if it doesn't exist
            HeroKitObject targetObject = HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetPrefabFromAssets(HeroKitCommonRuntime.settingsInfo.saveMenu, true);


            // change title
            string     title       = menuTitle;
            GameObject titleObject = HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetChildGameObject(targetObject.gameObject, "SaveMenuTitle", true);
            Text       titleText   = targetObject.GetGameObjectComponent <Text>("Text", false, titleObject);

            titleText.text = title;

            // add save slots
            GameObject parentObject = HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetChildGameObject(targetObject.gameObject, "Save Menu Content", true);

            if (parentObject.transform.childCount == 0)
                HeroKitObject         saveObject = HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetPrefabFromAssets(HeroKitCommonRuntime.settingsInfo.saveSlot, false);
                DuplicateHeroUIObject dup        = new DuplicateHeroUIObject();
                dup.CreateUIObjects(saveObject.gameObject, parentObject, 20, true, saveObject, 1, 4, true);

            // menu type = save
            HeroKitObject[] children = parentObject.transform.GetComponentsInChildren <HeroKitObject>();
            for (int i = 0; i < children.Length; i++)
                children[i].heroList.ints.items[0].value = menuID;

        // Execute the action
        public int Execute(HeroKitObject hko)
            heroKitObject = hko;

            // add menu to scene if it doesn't exist
            HeroKitObject targetObject = HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetPrefabFromAssets(HeroKitCommonRuntime.settingsInfo.inventoryMenu, true);
            HeroObject    item         = null;
            int           count        = 0;
            bool          runThis      = (targetObject != null);

            if (runThis)
                targetObject.gameObject.name = HeroKitCommonRuntime.settingsInfo.inventoryMenu.name;

                // get the container for the inventory slots
                GameObject parent = HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetChildGameObject(targetObject.gameObject, "Inventory Menu Content");
                if (parent != null)
                    // get the item we want to remove
                    item = HeroObjectFieldValue.GetValueC(heroKitObject, 0);
                    if (item != null)
                        // get the number of items to remove
                        bool addMultiple = BoolValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 1);
                        count = (addMultiple) ? IntegerFieldValue.GetValueA(heroKitObject, 2) : 1;

                        // check to see if the inventory slot already exists in the menu
                        GameObject    gameObject = HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetChildGameObject(parent, item.name, false);
                        HeroKitObject heroObject = null;

                        // if the item exists, remove it
                        if (gameObject != null)
                            // get hero kit object
                            if (heroObject == null)
                                heroObject = heroKitObject.GetGameObjectComponent <HeroKitObject>("HeroKitObject", false, gameObject);

                            // add the # of items to add to integer variable list, slot 1
                            heroObject.heroList.ints.items[1].value = count;

                            // play event 2 in the hero kit object attached to this prefab

            // debug message
            if (heroKitObject.debugHeroObject)
                string debugMessage = "Item: " + item + "\n" +
                                      "Count: " + count;
                Debug.Log(HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetActionDebugInfo(heroKitObject, debugMessage));

        // Execute the action
        public int Execute(HeroKitObject hko)
            heroKitObject = hko;

            // add menu to scene if it doesn't exist
            HeroKitObject targetObject = HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetPrefabFromAssets(HeroKitCommonRuntime.settingsInfo.journalMenu, true);
            HeroObject    item         = null;
            bool          runThis      = (targetObject != null);

            if (runThis)
                targetObject.gameObject.name = HeroKitCommonRuntime.settingsInfo.journalMenu.name;

                // get the container for the inventory slots
                GameObject parent = HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetChildGameObject(targetObject.gameObject, "Journal Menu Content");
                if (parent != null)
                    // get the item we want to remove
                    item = HeroObjectFieldValue.GetValueC(heroKitObject, 0);
                    if (item != null)
                        // check to see if the inventory slot already exists in the menu
                        GameObject gameObject = HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetChildGameObject(parent, item.name, false);

                        // if the item exists, remove it
                        if (gameObject != null)
                            HeroKitObject heroObject = heroKitObject.GetGameObjectComponent <HeroKitObject>("HeroKitObject", false, gameObject);

                            // play event 2 in the hero kit object attached to this prefab
                            if (heroObject != null)

            // debug message
            if (heroKitObject.debugHeroObject)
                string debugMessage = "Journal Entry: " + item;
                Debug.Log(HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetActionDebugInfo(heroKitObject, debugMessage));

Exemple #4
        // Execute the action
        public int Execute(HeroKitObject hko)
            heroKitObject = hko;

            // add menu to scene if it doesn't exist
            HeroKitObject targetObject = HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetPrefabFromAssets(HeroKitCommonRuntime.settingsInfo.inventoryMenu, true);
            HeroObject    item         = null;
            int           count        = 0;
            bool          runThis      = (targetObject != null);

            if (runThis)

                // get the container for the inventory slots
                GameObject parent = HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetChildGameObject(targetObject.gameObject, "Inventory Menu Content");
                if (parent != null)
                    // get the item we want to add
                    item = HeroObjectFieldValue.GetValueC(heroKitObject, 0);
                    if (item != null)
                        // get the number of items to add
                        bool addMultiple = BoolValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 1);
                        count = (addMultiple) ? IntegerFieldValue.GetValueA(heroKitObject, 2) : 1;

                        // check to see if the inventory slot already exists in the menu
                        GameObject    gameObject = HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetChildGameObject(parent, item.name, true);
                        HeroKitObject heroObject = null;

                        // add item if it doesn't exist
                        if (gameObject == null)
                            // get the inventory slot
                            GameObject prefab = HeroKitCommonRuntime.settingsInfo.inventorySlot;
                            if (prefab == null)
                                Debug.LogError("Can't add prefab because it can't be found. (Inventory Slot)");

                            // add prefab to parent
                            if (parent != null && prefab != null)
                                // create the game object
                                gameObject = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(prefab, parent.transform);

                                // get the hero kit listener component
                                HeroKitListenerUI heroListener = heroKitObject.GetGameObjectComponent <HeroKitListenerUI>("HeroKitListenerUI", false, gameObject);
                                if (heroListener != null)
                                    // add item
                                    heroListener.item = item;

                                    // setup notifications
                                    HeroKitObject notifications = HeroObjectFieldValue.GetValueA(heroKitObject, 3)[0];
                                    if (notifications != null)
                                        heroListener.sendNotificationsHere = notifications;
                                        heroListener.actionType            = 1;
                                        heroListener.stateID = EventValue.GetStateID(heroKitObject, 4);
                                        heroListener.eventID = EventValue.GetEventID(heroKitObject, 4);

                                    // rename the object
                                    gameObject.name = heroListener.item.name;

                                // get the hero object component
                                heroObject = heroKitObject.GetGameObjectComponent <HeroKitObject>("HeroKitObject", false, gameObject);
                                if (heroObject != null)
                                    heroObject.doNotSave = true;
                                    heroObject.heroGUID  = HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetHeroGUID();

                                // enable the game object

                        // if prefab is not active, make it active
                        if (!gameObject.activeSelf)

                        // get hero kit object
                        if (heroObject == null)
                            heroObject = heroKitObject.GetGameObjectComponent <HeroKitObject>("HeroKitObject", false, gameObject);

                        // add the # of items to add to integer variable list, slot 1
                        heroObject.heroList.ints.items[1].value = count;

                        // play event 1 in the hero kit object attached to this prefab

            // debug message
            if (heroKitObject.debugHeroObject)
                string debugMessage = "Item: " + item + "\n" +
                                      "Count: " + count;
                Debug.Log(HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetActionDebugInfo(heroKitObject, debugMessage));

Exemple #5
        // Execute the action
        public int Execute(HeroKitObject hko)
            heroKitObject = hko;

            // add menu to scene if it doesn't exist
            HeroKitObject targetObject = HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetPrefabFromAssets(HeroKitCommonRuntime.settingsInfo.journalMenu, true);
            HeroObject    item         = null;
            bool          runThis      = (targetObject != null);

            if (runThis)

                // get the container for the inventory slots
                GameObject parent = HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetChildGameObject(targetObject.gameObject, "Journal Menu Content");
                if (parent != null)
                    // get the item we want to add
                    item = HeroObjectFieldValue.GetValueC(heroKitObject, 0);
                    if (item != null)
                        // check to see if the inventory slot already exists in the menu
                        GameObject    gameObject = HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetChildGameObject(parent, item.name, true);
                        HeroKitObject heroObject = null;

                        // add item if it doesn't exist
                        if (gameObject == null)
                            // get the inventory slot
                            GameObject prefab = HeroKitCommonRuntime.settingsInfo.journalSlot;
                            if (prefab == null)
                                Debug.LogError("Prefab for journal slot is missing. (Journal Slot)");

                            // add prefab to parent
                            if (parent != null && prefab != null)
                                // create the game object
                                gameObject = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(prefab, parent.transform);

                                // get the hero kit listener component
                                HeroKitListenerUI heroListener = heroKitObject.GetGameObjectComponent <HeroKitListenerUI>("HeroKitListenerUI", false, gameObject);
                                if (heroListener != null)
                                    // add item
                                    heroListener.item = item;

                                    // rename the object
                                    gameObject.name = heroListener.item.name;

                                // get the hero object component
                                heroObject = heroKitObject.GetGameObjectComponent <HeroKitObject>("HeroKitObject", false, gameObject);
                                if (heroObject != null)
                                    heroObject.doNotSave = true;
                                    heroObject.heroGUID  = HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetHeroGUID();

                                // enable the game object

                            // if prefab is not active, make it active
                            if (!gameObject.activeSelf)

                            // get hero kit object
                            if (heroObject == null)
                                heroObject = heroKitObject.GetGameObjectComponent <HeroKitObject>("HeroKitObject", false, gameObject);

                            // play event 1 in the hero kit object attached to this prefab

            // debug message
            if (heroKitObject.debugHeroObject)
                string debugMessage = "Journal Entry: " + item;
                Debug.Log(HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetActionDebugInfo(heroKitObject, debugMessage));
